IIS4 Application Variable Removal

Any way to do this from asp page in IIS4? Application.Contents.Remove is IIS 5+. Setting variable to empty string does not remove variable.

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Application Variable

I have created an application variable in global.asa to set the value of ScripTimeout.

Application("scripttimeout") = "1200"

Should the 1200 be in "" marks - I am unsure because obviously it is a numeric value.

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Add Another Variable To An Asp Application

I'm trying to build a page that displays filtered data for a particular year and month.
Page 1 has a form with two drop down menus, the first selects the year, the second, the month.

The problem is that the output page is only filtering the "fldYear" and not the "fldMonth"
Here is the code for the form, as well as the asp for the output page. Code:

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Application Object Or Variable!

The following code exists in a Global.asa file:

Set Application("Thing")=Server.CreateObject("THINGDOER.THINGY")

Will the above code snippet:

create a non-object Application variable named "Thing" & place it in
the Contents collection of the Application object?


create an Application object named "Thing" & place it in the
StaticObjects collection of the Application object?

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Application Variable Interface

I made this little application-variable interface to help me see what application variables/values I currently have on the server and it lets me easily add or remove single variables, remove all the variables, or re-create the variables I declare in an ASP file called "CreateVariables.asp". Code:

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What Can Cause The Value In Application Variable To Disappear?

We have ASP application running on IIS 5.1 and Windows 2000 server. The ASP
application has few Application variables setup in global.asa. Something like


There is no other code in the ASP application to change the value in the
Application variables. It's only set in global.asa and the rest of the
application just read it with code similar to this:

The application had been running fine until we deployed a COM DLL to the web
server few weeks ago. Loos like the ASP application started to loose the
value in application variable few times a day. Restarting the web service,
which means re-initialize the value in Application object, fixes the issue
but the value will be blanked out again after few hours.

The COM DLL is written in .Net C# to handle some task. This COM has "private
static" variables in public class. The purpose for "private static" variables
is that the value will be maintained until IIS is restarted.

Is it possible that the memory space for .Net run-time conflicts with the
memory space of ASP Application object? Can someone help me understand what
can cause this to happen?

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Application Uses A Variable Of The Wrong Type...

I have a ASP and SQL Server website which uses a couple of Stored
Procedures during the Shopping Cart process. 1 inserts the Customer
information into a table and the next inserts the Payment information
into a table.

I don't have access to the code now, but have found that many of our
customers, especially those who use I.E 6 are having problems with a

" -2146824867 Application uses a value of the wrong type for the
current operation"

error message which occurs when the Stored Procedure is executed.

I have looked through the Google archive but can't find anything
specific about this message. Could anyone tell me if there is a known
issue with IE6 and Datatypes with Stored Procedures, and if so how to
resolve it?

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XML Node Removal By Name

I'm trying to remove a node by name. I can access the node by using the selectSingleNode method, but I'm not quite sure how to remove it from there. The only remove method I can see is: removeChild. So assuming I select the node I want, i would have to call ParentNode. But once i have the parent node, I know longer know the exact child that i wanted to delete.

So is there is a deletebyName or something similar that I'm missing? or can i get the position of the node i've selected in the node list? If i know where the child is located in the node list I can then call the parent and use the removechild method from there.

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Removal Of Spacing

Im trying to extract data from a website, however after removing all of what i no longer need, it is somehow, littered with tab'd spaces, like the length of | | sometimes appears as a small box on notepad.

i've tried removing it using replace, but it doesn't like what im doing. Anyone have advice on how to remove said spacing?

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Email Removal Page

I'm trying to create an email removal page, where recipients can go and get their emails off of our list.

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Excel Full Stop Removal

I have just got a datafeed and i'm trying to put it in an actinic website for a customer. I match every record eccept price feed Actinic says imported fields must not contain any decimal points i.e £1000.00 should be 100000 how do i do this in excel ? I can't see anyway of formatting it to match the requirements.

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I migrated a VID6 application from Windows NT 4 to Windows 2003 Server (IIS4
to IIS6) which was developed using ASP and VBScript and I now I am getting an
error message as follows:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro error '80004005'
There is not enough memory to complete this operation.
/hinojosa-web/iPD2.asp, line 377
The line mentioned above refers to the execution of a query to generate a
recordset which will be displayed to the user who is requesting data. This
issue does not always happens, it does only after accesing the web site
several times.

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ASP+IIS4+MSSQL: Unicode Problem

I need to make an ASP page which needs to insert and display multilingual contents like Korean, Chinese, Japanese from a MSSQL DB.

After googling, I know that by the using server-side directive
"Session.Codepage=65001" and charset UTF-8 in HTML,I can do it in IIS 5.0.

But IIS 4.0 seems doesnt support this Codepage.

Is there any solution for IIS 4.0?

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Inconsistent Cookie Issue - IIS4

I'm having an inconsistent problem involving cookies. I have attempted to
duplicate the OS/browser settings for the remote users in question but I
cannot seem to duplicate the problem in any OS (Mac, Linux, Windows). I've
gone over and visited one problem site and I couldn't get it to work by
playing with security and privacy settings in MSIE. Obviously there is a
setting somewhere but I can't find it.

I can duplicate the problem by commenting out the ASP code that sets a
particular cookie. I also didn't see the cookie get set on the problem
system when I was trouble-shooting. I can't have the problem system with me
when I code though. :(

I won't post the entire project, but here are the parts that seem to be
central to the problem...

Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"

response.cookies("epeid") = value '40 characters
response.cookies("epeid").Expires = dateadd("n", 7, date() & " " &
response.redirect redirectURL

It works fine on my systems. It redirects on the problem systems, only they
act like the cookie doesn't exist. When I asked the computer to prompt me
for each cookie I never saw epeid. On my system when I ask for a prompt it
just stalls on that particular cookie.

The above code is executed before any headers are written.

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NT IIS4.0 To 2003IIS6.0 Upgrade Will Not Work

I have upgraded my website from IIS4.0 on an NT Server to IIS6.0 on a 2003
Server now when my asp pages try to load they get a error 500 - Internal
Server Error Any Idea?

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Error When Migrating From IIS4 To IIS5

Let me first apologize for anything that makes me sound stupid. I'm really not a ASP programmer, but i am the one fixing our glitch.

First, let me explain whats going on. We have a company intranet signout board. And under our IIS4 server, it works just fine, but under IIS 5 its works except for one glitch. The board lets the user choose their name from a databse, and enter a date and time of leaving a arriving.

On the old server, if the user just entered a time, it automatically added the current date followed by the time. Now, if the user just enters a time, that all that is displayed, and for some reason the board will only allow one name to be displayed like that.

So if person A signs out with just a time, he is listed, until person B signsout and overwrites person A

I think i have narrowed the problem down to this

If FormatDateTime(Request("txtReturn" & intIndividualPerson),2) <> "12/30/99" Then

rsUDPerson("OutReturning") = Request("txtReturn" & intIndividualPerson)
rsUDPerson("OutReturning") = Date & " " & Request("txtReturn" & intIndividualPerson)
End If

The idea is, if there is a date, it wil be different then 12/30/99 so nothing is changed, but if no date if there it adds the current one. It almost acts like there is no Else statement.

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APS3 / IIS4 Session Wont Persist

Having trouble getting Session to persist. Have checked properties of the Virtual Directory in IIS4 manager and "Enable Session State" is checked, with time out set to 20 Mins. Have also checked the Project Properties in Interdev 6.0 and confirmed that
"Sensionless ASP Pages" is NOT checked.

When moving from one page to another within the application it starts a new session for each page : I've confirmed this both by Writing the SessionID and by adding a Variable into the On_Start of the Global.asa. Only trying to store a single digit in a Session variable.

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Access VB Application From Web Application

We have our web-site developed in classic ASP, and I need to add this additional feature on one of the pages to access a VB application. How can I do that? The VB application basically sends output to the COM3 port and opens a USB-Cash drawer that is attached to it. I am not sure how to go about with this.

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Calling Com + Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

I'm turning my application into a "DLL". Everything worked fine untill I try to do a "While" in my asp code. Then I recieve an error like this:

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

My vb code look like this.....

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Passing Data From Javascript Variable To Asp Variable.

is there any way of passing a javascript variable over to a asp variable so
i can write it to my database.

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Convert ASP Variable To Javascript Variable

How do I convert an ASP variable to a Javascript variable?

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How Do I Put A Variable And A Non Variable In A From Statement?

sql = "SELECT * FROM & console &'news'"

I got that right now but i want the variable, console to be placed along with news so when it selects from the db it selects from gcnnews or whatever variable it's on. How do I do that?

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im trying to subtart one quantity from another then stick the answer in to an update statment, but all i get is an error in syntax message

variable math bit=

sql =
sSQL="Update spares SET spares.location='"&request("location")&_
"',spares.qty='(" & qty & ") "&_
"',spares.updated_by='"&session("name")&"' WHERE(spares.id)=" & form_id

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Variable Name, Dependant On The Value Of Another Variable...

I need to assign a value to a variable, but this variable name is dependant upon another variable!! I am including the code below so you can see it, cos if not I am sure you are thinking whattt?? Code:

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Web Application

Sometime this morning our classic asp web application stopped
authenticating against active directory. This is our only "classic" asp
app that authenticates against ad. Note that this app has been in
production for three years with no problems. All .NET apps are
authenticating fine from the same server. This same classic asp app
authenticates fine from our development server. There have been no code
changes to this app.
We're using the login id and password to bind the necessary ad objects
- we check for err.number - if equal to zero, we're authenticated, if
not equal to zero then authentication failed.
We checked with the network people and they say ad is working fine and
the server is able to authenticate. The app doesn't go through a
firewall -so no hang up there. The guys who manage the web server say
they haven't made any changes to it. They confirmed that the app is in
the correct app pool so it doesn't conflict with 2.0 apps.
I'm stumped.

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Web Application

I remember coming across a MS tool that would allow me to monitor the performance of all aspects of a DNA based application - all the way from the ASP level to MS SQL server. It was part of the NT resource kit. I am trying to locate this tool for Win 2000. Can someone who has come across such a tool help me

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What Is Application()?

I've just been given some code to decipher in classic ASP and have come across this function (Application()) in several instances. I can't seem to figure out what it does?

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Web Application

I am about to create a web application using asp and vbs to build an online
roster for a department of 25 people. The roster covers some 10 shifts a
day, 7 days a week always starting on a Sunday. I will be using an access
database file to hold the information. At this this stage I will hold all
the data for each week based on the date that the week starts.
I am looking for ideas on how to dynamically give the user the option to
choose any given week in any given year, always starting on a sunday. Could
this be created on the fly or would it be easier creating a database table
holding the dates for Sunday for a year or 2 ?
Once a week is chosen a check on the database will determine if that weeks
roster has been created or not. If not a user with the correct permissions
can then create it.The rosters are currently written out by hand. It is a labourious task which must have certain numbers of staff working each shift for a given day. By
creating a web application automating the checking process and making the
roster available online and by email will make life easier for all staff

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ASP Web Application

i am trying to install my ASP web application to my client side server, but 1 thing i am worry is they my stole my source code to sell-over or they might modify my source code... how those software house which develop ASP web application they gonna avoid this?I know Microsoft have a program that can encrypt & encode ASP files and run properly in IIS.... But to bad... i also found the Decode program too
So what is the safety way to deploy my application to client without any worries?
Some might ask me go for .NEt, in this momment not yet toward .NET.

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Application Uses

I am Geting the Error "Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation in one of my asp pages"
VB Method

oCMD.Parameters.Append oCMD.CreateParameter("@CustNo", adDecimal, adParamInput, 9, intCustNo)
oCMD.Parameters("@CustNo").Precision = 9
oCMD.Parameters("@CustNo").NumericScale = 0

For adDecimal Data Type Should i have to set Length as 5 instead of 9.
Is this causing the above or something else ?

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ASP Application

I am trying to develop an ASP.net application
using Visual Studio .Net 2003. When I attempt to create
the project, it gives me an error stating that the IIS on
my hosting server may not be compatible and the active
directory cannot find the web server. The server is
running Windows 2000, IE 5.5. Is there some sort of
patch I can download to allow me to create ASP projects
on that server? Or something I should install?

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Fax Application

I am trying to set up a fax ASP web (or vb 6) application and I want to use the FaxComEx.dll library that comes with winXP fax services. But I cant find documentation about this library.

I found something in msdn but it is very dificult to watch the logic that appeared. It's very confusing. Is there something else that can I rely to learn how to make a fax application?

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Need An Application

I have a client that wants to have ticket system on their web site where people could order a ticket online and after they send their payment to paypal they would be redirected back to the web site and have a unique ticket that they would be able to print out the ticket but they cant be the same ticket to prevent people from printing out the same tickets. Is this possible? Is there a program?

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