Not sure if this is the correct newgroup to ask this, if it is not please direct me to the correct location. I have IIS5.1 on a Windows XP Pro SP2 machine. The extensions for ASP and asa are missing the DLL files. Like "inetsrvasp.dll" how can I get this
back. Would this be on the original CD.

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I have a custom File management ASP application that handles Large File uploads and download from a database (30 - 40 MB files) The application works fine on IIS5 but when I relocate it to IIS6 i get an error when I file not found error when i attempt to download out of the Database. IS there a reg setting or metabase setting that i need to change to handle large blob outputs.? Sorry I can't be more specific about the error msg but that is all it give's me a File not found error. it does however work fine with small files less then 2mb in size

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IIS5 And Windows XP Pro SP2

I am using MS Visual InterDev 6.0 SP5. When I connect up to web servers not
local to my machine, I am able to create the project; however the issue
comes when I am tring to create a new local project. It keeps asking me for
a user name and password. I did not setup a password.

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IIS5.1: 404 Error

Having previously had this working on my XP machine, I've come back after a month to find this error occuring now. In the meantime, I had installed PHP (v4.2.3) which could easily be a factor.

The symptoms are that when I call an ASP page, I get a standard 404 error. However, if I dont specify a page, and a default/index page is found, it renders the page OK. I've uninstalled PHP & rebooted, but this didnt work.

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IIS5 SSL Enable

how to enable SSL in IIS5?

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Db Permissions IIS5.1

Ive recently migrated from dirty ol' PWS on Win98 to IIS 5.1 on XP and Im a little unfamiliar with the IIS snap on. Would any of you be able to help me with permissions so the Db can be updated but without adding security risks.

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Unicode And IIS5

I found this articel that says that Server.HtmlEncode will screw up unicode data. I'm using htmlencode on many pages and cannot see that data are corrupted.

It says in the "This information in this article applies to" section that it is applicable for ASP 2.0 with IIS4 and IIS5. I thought IIS5 only supported ASP 3.0? Is the Server.HtmlEncode OK to use in ASP3.0 on IIS5?

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Caching Problem (ASP/IIS5)

I'm working on an ASP application on my XP m/c.

I've uploaded a copy of the ASP code and accompanying DB onto another server
that is running both IIS5 & SQL Server. This is so that the development can
be demonstrated to key users at particular points.

However, when I access the application [on the server] from my machine, I'm
getting to odd caching behaviour that I dont understand. All the pages are
being cached and I need to refresh each page to get the accurate results.

The server is configured such all content should expire immediately, and
each ASP page has Response.Expires = 0 at the beginning, so AFAIK these
pages shouldn't be cached! Code:

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Difference In IIS5 And IIS6

I have an ASP app that grabs the logon user, and then I use GetObject to query the user's security groups. On a Windows 2000 server running IIS5, this works excellent. I then copied it to a different networks, Windows 2003 server running IIS6, and now I get permission denied on GetObject. How can get around this?

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IIS5 To 6 Migration Trouble

We are poised to migrate about 600 ASP sites from a single IIS5 server to a new pair of IIS6 servers. However, it appears that all files with includes like:

<!-- #include virtual="../../includes/file.asp" -->
will not work on IIS 6, it returns ASP 0126, include file not found.

We have enabled parent paths, but I can't find any documentation that suggests that IIS 6 handles include directives differently than IIS 5. Has this in fact changed in IIS 6? We are trying to avoid a huge and messy "search and replace embedded text" exercise.

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Sending Email Iis5.1(xp) Cdosys

I am trying to send myself an email using cdosys. The error i get is:

CDO.Message.1 (0x80040222)

The pickup directory path is required and was not specified. my code looks like this: Code:

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IIS5 Not Showing ASP Files, Shows Others

Annoying problem on a server with IIS 5. [We have other
IIS 5 that show asp files just fine. I'm at a loss. ]

I can open htm, html, gif, jpg, all files except asp
files. The message when opening an asp file is:

"The page cannot be found...
blah blah blah
HTTP 404 - File not found"

I've looked everywhere. Permissions are okay with IUSR
and security since we can browse other files. The asp
files in question are NOT marked Hidden...

What can I do to make it render the asp files? Ideas?

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ASP Error Messages Not Getting To The Client With IIS5.1 On XP Pro

I just upgraded to Windows XP Pro from Windows 2000 Pro. All my ASP stuff seems to work, except that when an ASP page generates an error, and the Error handling is set to "On
Error Goto 0" the page just stops, as if I typed a response.end, and no
error information is returned to the client. If I set On Error Resume Next,
and write err.desc after the offending line, the error text is written
correctly. For debug purposes of course it is nice to be able to
immediately see the line number, and description though.

Anyway, does anybody know what setting I need to change to fix this? I have
server side, and client side debug set, and I have it set to send detailed
errors to the asp page.

Another interesting thing is if there is a compile-time error, like a syntax
error, or something, the page doesn't load, but I get the error message
until an error happens with the above condition, after that, it will just
return a blank page.

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Problem Setting Up Web Site (iis5) With Asp

I simply create a new web site using Windows 2000, IIS 5.
I use say c:est as a home page, in this folder there is a file

I assign a dedicated ip address to this web site.
If I try to browse to this web site I just get a "You are not
authorized to view this page"

Why ?? I cannot understand where the problem is ! Code:

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Error When Migrating From IIS4 To IIS5

Let me first apologize for anything that makes me sound stupid. I'm really not a ASP programmer, but i am the one fixing our glitch.

First, let me explain whats going on. We have a company intranet signout board. And under our IIS4 server, it works just fine, but under IIS 5 its works except for one glitch. The board lets the user choose their name from a databse, and enter a date and time of leaving a arriving.

On the old server, if the user just entered a time, it automatically added the current date followed by the time. Now, if the user just enters a time, that all that is displayed, and for some reason the board will only allow one name to be displayed like that.

So if person A signs out with just a time, he is listed, until person B signsout and overwrites person A

I think i have narrowed the problem down to this

If FormatDateTime(Request("txtReturn" & intIndividualPerson),2) <> "12/30/99" Then

rsUDPerson("OutReturning") = Request("txtReturn" & intIndividualPerson)
rsUDPerson("OutReturning") = Date & " " & Request("txtReturn" & intIndividualPerson)
End If

The idea is, if there is a date, it wil be different then 12/30/99 so nothing is changed, but if no date if there it adds the current one. It almost acts like there is no Else statement.

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X-Post: Cannot Set Application Object In IIS6.0, But Could In IIS5

We have pretty simple ASP (not ASP.Net) application, which has been running fine on IIS4 and IIS5. It has now been moved to a sever running in the DMZ and managed by a 3rd party. The server is Win2003 and IIS 6.0.

Within the Globe.asa file, have an Application_OnStart SubRoutine (Visual
Basic) and it bombs out on the first line:

Application("cnSecurity_ConnectionString") = "connectionProperties"

With the error:

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject failed
Globe.asa, line 25

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