I am trying to insert a date into a date field through my website. The date
is pre-populated with todays date. I am getting a type mismatch error. The
Access DB is setup as a Date/Time Short Date field. Code:

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Inserting A Date

I have a form that I submit to an oracle database. Along with the info from the form I want to insert the date it was submitted. How should I go about doing this? I am having problems because it is the wrong format?

I am using a 'date' data type for the field. How can I convert the date into the correct format that will allow me to submit it, I have tried using to_char or to_date, but they give me an error?I tried using this to convert it, but it doesn't work, I am getting a syntax error?submit_date=to_date(date,'YYYY-MM-DD')

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Inserting Date

i m reading data from a excel file and inserting its fields into access database, everything is fine but i m getting problem when i m insertin the data string into the date/time field of the aceess database,i have use the CDate function but it is not working.what should i do?

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Inserting Date

i need to insert the date only into date/time field in sql server 2000. i tried this

insql= "insert into news(news_date) values( "&newsdate&" )"

but it always insert the date 01/01/1900. i searched the net and found this.

theloc = SetLocale(ado.Properties("locale identifier" ))
insql= "insert into news(news_date) values( "&newsdate&" )"

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Inserting Date As Null

i found a different way to insert the date or rather not insert the date at all if a certain condition is true. But anyway i have come accross the same problem when i try to update the date field with a blank value. Code:

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Inserting A Date Value Into Sql Server

i have a field which accepts the date as dd/mm/yyyy but when i insert the value it becomes mm/dd/yyyy for some date values like 9 april become 4 august.... the database date format is mm/dd/yyyy and i just take the value out and display it as dd/mm/yyyy.. however ...

my update and inserts can't use the same function, cos the function is just display out the server's date as dd/mm/yyyy... how should i add i in correctly?
here's my insert and update function[img]images/smilies/bawling.gif[/img]
PHP Code:

Dim ddate, ydate, mdateFunction FormatDateDM2MD(sdate) if sdate="" or sdate=" " thenFormatDateDM2MD = "NULL"elseddate=day(sdate)mdate=month(sdate)ydate=year(sdate)sdate= ydate & "/" & mdate & "/" & ddateFormatDateDM2MD = "'"&sdate&"'"end ifEnd Function

i have another problem my date values when its 10 of Nov it comes out as 11/10/2003 instead of 10/11/2003 why? how do i solve it? Code:

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Inserting A Date Value Into Sql Server

i have a field which accepts the date as dd/mm/yyyy but when i insert the value it becomes mm/dd/yyyy for some date values like 9 april become 4 august.... the database date format is mm/dd/yyyy and i just take the value out and display it as dd/mm/yyyy..

however ... my update and inserts can't use the same function, cos the function is just display out the server's date as dd/mm/yyyy... how should i add i in correctly? Code:

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Inserting Date In Csv File

I am trying to insert the date into a *.csv file using the following line

csvBody = csvBody & "" & fix(FormatDateTime(now(), vblongdate) & ""

The fix function is as follows

function fix(strInput)

strInput = replace(strInput, """", "")
strInput = replace(strInput, vbNewLine, " ")

fix = strInput
end function

I would like the Date to appear as Wednesday 16th June 2005 within a single cell (without commas).

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Inserting Date To Mysql Db

this is the code im trying to use to insert a date to mysql db:

dim myquery
dim datew

datew = formatdatetime(date())
myquery = "INSERT INTO article (date) VALUES ('" & datew & "')"

this inserts a date but its always "0000-00-00", i want to get the actual date and add it to the table.

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Problem With Inserting Date Value Into MSSQL

I'm trying to insert a date value into MSSQL, the type of the sql filed
is: "smalldatetime" and i'm trying to insert a text Variable that looks like this:

.... SET update_date='" & Update_Date & "' ...

i get the message:

The conversion of char data type to smalldatetime data type resulted in
an out-of-range smalldatetime value

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Problem Inserting Date Into Access DB

I'm trying to take a date from a form and insert it into an Access 2000 database with ASP

Here's the code:

frmClubId = Request.Form("Names")
frmDate = Request.Form("Date")

sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO testDates(ClubId,Date) VALUES(" & frmClubId & ", #" & frmDate & "#)"

Set rs = conn.Execute(sqlStatement)

I've already Response.Write the sql, so I know that frmClubId is and integer and frmDate is mm/dd/yyyy.

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How To Check The Date Difference Between The Current Date And The Booking Date?

I am developing a simple booking system where I had a booking date. The problem is I want to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced for certain room.

I have tried to use DateDiff but it seems doesn't work. Actually i just 1 to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced from the current date. I am wondering whether there is anything goes wrong in my datediff function. Code:

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Select Statement Comparing Date() & Date Field Of Database

i'm new here and i'd like to ask if there's someone who knows how to compare date() function and date from database with date/time type inside select statement so i don't have to do if..then..else

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Date Problem (wrong Date Inserted When Updating)

sql = "UPDATE Marknad SET" _
& " Typ ='" & Typ & "'" _
& ", Modell ='" & Modell & "'" _
& ", Arsmodell ='" & Arsmodell & "'" _
& ", Beskrivning ='" & Beskrivning & "'" _
& ", Stad ='" & Stad & "'" _
& ", Prisidé ='" & Priside & "'" _
& ", Fornamn ='" & Fornamn & "'" _
& ", Efternamn ='" & Efternamn & "'" _
& ", Telefon ='" & Telefon & "'" _
& ", Epost ='" & Epost & "'" _
& ", Datum ='" & Datum & "'" _
& " WHERE (((Marknad.Annonsnr)=" & Request.QueryString("id") & "))"
DatabaseConnection.Execute sql


Above does work as I want it to do BUT it inserts 1/8/2006 instead of 8/1/2006 as it should!

The best thing would be to exclude the date from updating at all, but when taking away the line:

& ", Datum ='" & Datum & "'" _
It gives an error... how do I solve this?

I forgot, you might want to see this:
Datum = date

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Getting Week Start Date And End Date By Entering Weeknumber

In my page i have two combobox. one for year and one for week numbers.Now my prob is

1.when i select a year from combo box 1, second combox box will display the number of weeks in that if i select 2005 it display me list from 1 to 53 as there are 53 weeks in 2005.

2.when i select a weeknumber from combobox 2 and press submit button it ll display start date and end date of entered week.

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Compare Server Date With Date String

I am trying to compare two dates. My problem is no matter what the value of mydate, it is still fall in the first IF statement condition (even if mydate is 10/10/2004). Any advise for this matter?

mydate = "6/6/"&year(date)
IF date() <= mydate THEN
response.write "first half of the year"
response.write "second half of the year"

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Comapare General Date With Short Date

I am trying to construct an SQL statement that can grab all of the entries out of a table, where the Date field consists of today's date. The Date field is called 'DateTime' - and it is in a General Date format (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS). I obviusly want to use an SQL statement like this:

SELECT * FROM tblExample WHERE (DateTime = Date());

However, that wont work because Date() will only return a short date (DD/MM/YYYY).

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Date Picker - Making The First Date Five Days Away

I would like to modify this so that the first available date that can be selected is five BUSINESS days out. The script only shows Mon-Fri so if the date is Tue Jul 13, 2004, Tue Jul 20, 2004 needs to be displayed. Code:

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Compare A Date In My Database To The Current Date

I am trying to compare a date in my database to the current date. MySQL statement is:

sqltemp5="select * from users where dateclosed <= '" & date & "'"

What I am trying to accomplish is exclude records where the dateclosed field is older than todays date. Such as if dateclosed = 6/30/2004 then today being 08/25/2004 that record should be excluded.

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MS SQL Database Field Date Comparison To Date()

In a connection string, I have the following:

sql3 = "SELECT DISTINCT State FROM Property Where TypeID = '" & srch_cat & "'"

In the database, is a field called expiredDate I am trying to show only records whose expiredDates are greater than todays date, but I am messing up somewhere. The values in the fields are as this: 3/7/03 (or something like time is added to it)

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Comparing A Date Field To A Date In A Form.

"SELECT id, title FROM Businesses WHERE Date_Added >= " &

This SQL string returns all records from the table Businesses and does
not seem to be able to recognise Request.Form("Since_Date") as a valid
date. The Since_Date value is entered into a form field as
"01-Jan-2005" and appears to be treated as a date; when viewing the
SQL statement(with a response.write) it shows the date as 1/1/2005
even if it is entered into the form as 2005/1/1

I've also tried CDate(Request.Form("Since_Date")) with no luck,
although this was the treatment that worked when the SQL statement was
running in an .idc file.

Date_Added is a regular DateTime field in an Access 2000 database

Any suggestions please ?????

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ASP Date: Get Records With Date = Today (SQL Server)

I'm trying to get all records from my SQL Server Database with
"DeadlineDate" = today (not today - 24 hours).

All records has a field called "DeadlineDate", and the date is stored in
this field like this: 13.08.2005 07:00:00

I dont care about the hours (Ex: 07:00:00), just the date (ex: 13.08.2005).
This is the SQL I have made, it gets all the record with the date = today -
24 hours... but that is not what I want.

sql = "select title from tblProject where (deadlineDate BETWEEN DATEADD(d, -

How can I get just the records that has the date = today's date??

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ASP Inserting (')

There i seem to be having a problem when inserting certain characters into my access database using a form, mainly (') characters.

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Inserting Into

I get the following error message

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ee'

Expected ')'

/weblinkup/chat.asp, line 1775

oConn.Execute("INSERT into chat (username,nametext,roomname,type,priv,thetime,msg) VALUES ('" & username & "', '" & username & "', '" & Roomname & "', 'msg', '0', '" & now() & "', '" & username & " has just said " & emotetarget & "." ')")

what the problem is with the code?

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Not Inserting

i have a database Access with Book Table and Author Table. now i have created a form which inserts info submitted into the Book Table, yet it keeps giving me this error "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'Author' " while the names of the authors are all registered.

it works in Access but not in asp it doesn't make much sense. People just enter the names of the books which their authors are in the Author table. it keeps giving me error. how to know why this is so?

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Bulk Inserting

I have an error as follows:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not bulk insert. File 'c:mydata.csv' does not exist.

My mydata.csv file is inside the directory i stated. But why does the server complains that the file is not fould?

My codings:



Response.Write ("test")
Set oRS = conn.Execute(strSQL)

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Inserting Database

I had some Error when i write the update sqlp query

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement
/fyp/Quiz/updateQuiz.asp, line 21, column 77
SQL_query= "update Activity_Status set UserID = '" +Request.Form("username") "'" "where Score = '" +Request.Form("QuizScore" + "'")"

SQL_query= "update Activity_Status set UserID = '" +Request.Form("username") "'" "where Score = '" +Request.Form("QuizScore" + "'")"

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INSERT INTO Not Inserting

I'm using ASP + MS SQL. I wrote a simple insert into command but nothing is happening... it gave no error and no information is stored in the db. When I response.write my SQL, I got the following:

INSERT INTO [blog_entries](title,user,entry,date) VALUES('test','admin','test','Tuesday, December 25, 2007')

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Inserting Data

I'm wondering if it's possible to create an instance of an ADO Recordset and add values to it by ASP ??

Ex :
I have 2 arrays :
arr1 = Array(1,"allo")
arr2 = Array(2,"bonjour")

Is it possible to add these 2 arrays into a Recordset to manipulate de data more easily?
If yes, could you provide me with a little example to see the synthax, because I tried almost everything and it didn't worked at all

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Inserting Smilies

how do i design my site interface such that users can insert smilies along with text in the form field just like it is here on sitepoint...

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Inserting Record

i've tested my code and it seems to send back an error, when i'm trying to insert a record into my db (sql server)
Basically when I udpate one of the records it's fine ( I update at a certain "productID")
But when I insert a new record it sends back an error telling me that my "productID" can't be a null value?Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Inserting Apostrophes Into DB?

When I insert info into a DB from a form, it cuts the string off at the first apostrophe (").

How would I make it insert the data as-is, with the apostrophes? Here is the code used to insert the Data:

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Inserting And Downloading

I am developing web pages , therein doing database
connectivity using ASP with Microsoft Access.I want to

insert a file (.opt/.pmopt) into a field 'OLE Object'. Also

I want to display that file name in tabular form and a link
to download that file.

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