Icon Next To Report

I have an asp page that loads data on the page in a table. The page displays the reports run by the user. The report output can be txt, excel, pdf, rtf or xml depending on what the user selects while running the report.

I want to add the appropriate icon next to the report name so that the users know the report output. For example if the report is in excel it should display excel icon next to it. they have move the mouse on the report name and it displays the reportname with its extension in the status bar. How should this be done?

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Adress Bar Icon ?

how to create an address bar icon. i m using this code for creating an icon but i cann't see the icon in address bar.

<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="http://example.com/Arvind/calendar/favicon.ico">

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Icon In Title

My concern is that I want to add the logo of the company in the title
bar. For more clearification one can have the example of an explorer.
that we see the explorer icon in the most left side then the title is
displayed and after that "-Microsoft Internet Explorer" is written.
so does any body knows the code in ASP that how can i replace the
explorer icon with my company logo.

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Desktop Icon

I have made online radio. but i want to make desktop icon for that small web
application so that everyone can listen radio on double click that icon.so plz tell how can i make that icon.

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Icon Display?

How do I get *my* icon to display in the address bar instead of the
standard browser's icon, like e.g. on the MSDN website? Also, I'd like to
add a link to create a desktop shortcut to my website using said icon.

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Back Icon

when the user logout they can get access the pages by click the icon back at the explorer.how i can avoid it? anyone know what method i should do.when i use session i'll use session.abandon.n what should i do when i not use session.

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To Add An Icon In Title

it can be done in Visual Basic thats why i want the same title in ma web page.

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Icon Instead Of Link

i have created an application which i want certain users to have access to, how do i just make it in such a way that i send them an icon (instead of a link) to where the application is?

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ISS Icon Missing From Taskbar

I am trying to set my windows xp pro system up so that i can write and test . asppages. I have followed the instructions given by www.w3schools.com to install the internet information services components. however, it says that I should then get an icon for ISS on the taskbar that will allow me to press 'start' so that my asp pages will work, but I have no such icon. I have tried reinstalling several times but with no change.

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Resource Editor - Make Icon

How do you access the resource editor for creating an application icon? I went to View/Resource View, but no palette.

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EditColumnCommand EditText-Icon With Dynamic Path

I have the following problem. I need to insert my global image-path to an
icon the EditText Property of my <asp:DataGrid> control. Code:

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Report In CR

Can anyone tell me how to link from ASP to Crystal Report like to create a report in CR when a user key in some requirement to pull out data from database(SQL Server)

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Getting Report.asp

I dont ASP, but I need to get the report.asp in this code top open in new window with the results desired. It works fine the way it is, but I just want the report to open in a new window. I would appreciate any help possible.

case "five"
strSQL="Select * from Query1 where PipeOD="& OD &" and tblpipe.wall_thickness = "& pwt &" and tblpipe.pipe_grade = '"& pg &"' and tblconnectors.wall_thickness = "& cwt &" and tblconnectors.pipe_grade = '"& cpg &"'"
response.redirect("report.asp?myquery="& strSQL &"")

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ASP & SQL Report

I'm new to ASP & wish to use it to create SQL report based on the following query:
SELECT DISTINCTROW Users.LastName, Users.FirstName, Users.JobTitle, Courses.CourseName, Status.Status, Status.Date FROM Users INNER JOIN (Courses INNER JOIN Status ON Courses.CourseID = Status.CourseID) ON Users.LoginName = Status.LoginName WHERE (((Status.Option)="Required")) ORDER BY Users.LastName;

Do I need to break up the SQL query per row and write out the report? I was thinking I could create this query, retrieve the information & create an SQL report.

However, my SQL is very rusty so I don't remember how to make the command (the only nice thing about GUI interfaces, the client thinks I know how to make the report as I can print it from the db.).

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Asp Report

I have made some reports with asp codes. the reports are working correctly. but I want to set the margins, header & footer dynamically using asp codes. is there anyway to do it?

when I print the report, I don't want the header & footer to be printed out. I know that we can set this by going to the printer settings...but then this application will be installed in our server and we can't expect every staff to change them when they want to print.

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Report Formatting

I have users typing in information into a text box. Sometimes this information can be lengthy and contain simple formatting such as spacess between lines and line numbering. For example:

1. List item number one

2. List item number two

I then have a report page that prints out this information. Unfortunately, the line spacing doesn't show up in the report. It's just all jumbled together. I'm just using <%= Notes %> to show the db field. Is there a way that I can show the formatting that was originally entered or do I need to use some kind of word processor like I am using to type this post?

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Graphic Report

how can i create a graphic report based on database information.
I have an asp page where i asked some questions to users on my intranet, and
i have that data on a database, so i want to make a graphical report (i.e. a
pie) where i can see the results.

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Asp File With Report

Can i create a template in Word and just out in all
the information from database using ASP?

I have to do :

1.Collect the information from the ASP froms into database
2.The information what i collected should be inserted into
an word template.

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Crystal Report

i want to connect crystal report with asp .but i don't no how
plz tell me with example and web link where i can see?
is there any more option of reporting with asp other then crystal report?

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Crystal Report

all does any body know??how to run a crystal report in ASP..I found many sites but it is all on ASP.Net

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HTML Report

I am generating a report in HTML, that my users can look over AND if
they want to, store in their own Access dbase.
Thing is, I do not know how to "read" that whole html page into a var
and store same in a field in Access.

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Call Report

This may be in the wrong forum, but I'm going to give it a shot anyways. Here goes.
I have a conference report that has 24 phone lines that are available for booking. Each call can take between 1-24 lines, you can have any number of calls as long as the number of lines they take up does not go over 24.
I graphiclly represent this in a horizontal bar graph that displays the number of lines that are taken up for a particular half hour.
Problem is when a meeting takes more than a half an hour, the meeting bar fills up for that whole time without any information on the meeting.
What I would like to do is have each meeting when assigned in the DB or through an array be assigned a color and then that color appears on the graph under the time the meeting is. If there are multiple meetings (there almost always are), then the meeting that has been active the longest will be the first color bar on the graph.
To make a way too long story short. I want to have a stacked bar chart that moves colors to the front as other's leave every half hour and move new ones to the back.
If you want to look at what we have now visit URL.

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Using Crystal Report In Asp

How can i include crystal report in ASP?

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Crystal Report And ASP

I am new to the world of ASP. Yes, I have created some asp
pages, for our organization. My Server configuration:
Windows NT 4 SP6, IIS Installed. Now, i want to link my
asp pages to one of my crystal report which i have
designed using CR9. I have searched all over for finding a
solution, but I could not. Please help me what are the
steps i should do to call my testreport.rpt through my
test.asp program.

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Report In Access

I have microsoft access 2007 installed and want to make the following:
The user can go to a website and there are a number of drop down lists which are from different tables in a database for example he might select P7-34043 as the project name in one drop down list then select his job in another drop down list
the user would then after filling out all the boxes press submit and the server would generate a report automatically in microsoft access with the values he selected
How would i go about doing this.

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Access Report

I hav created a report in access, when I click submit from fromnt page(HTML, ASP),
It hav to generate a report for the vales entered in the form to the report which I created in access. Is there is anyone to help me.

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DebudDiag Report

I have used one tool called DebugDiag which analyses the Process and generates reports according. It tracks variaous activities like Memory leak, Process crash etc....
I ran the tool on Production server where are live application is running to find if there were any Memory leaks, process crash, hangs etc,....
The tool generated one report which I'm finding hard to analyse.
If anyone could help in anlysing the report that would of great help.
I'm not able to paste the report here. Please suggest as to how could I send the report so that you guys can go through it.

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Crystal Report

I have develop a crystal report in localhost.
But I dun't how to put in to the server.
we only need to Install the crystal report in the server?
and share the folder then it will able to run ??

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Crystal Report

I've got an ASP application on a server. It has some reports , but they're not that nice. They are usually just printing from the form, nothing fancy. I am looking at Crystal reports as an option. Do I have to have Crystal reports installed on the server for this to work? I am assuming I do.I was going to build it locally , then copy it to the server.

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ASP Report Generation

Ok, I currently have an ASP application. In this application, an administrator will need the capacity to print reports of the data stored in a MySQL database.

Let me note now that this is a college project, and I can only basically do what I am allowed to, rather than having full control over the server and making any necessary changes.

The problem is, I don't have permission to write files from my application. How dumb is that? Anyway, I need an alternative way. Are there any ASP PDF converters or any similar that I can query the DB, get the necessary data then present it as a printable document?

A temporary .txt file would have been sufficient, but now that that is ruled out, I need to find another way of doing this.

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Crystal Report 9.0

i need generate reports using data from database.with Crystal report 9.0 and asp.

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Weekly Report

I want to create a weekly report on diciplinary actions taken. I dont
have an idea of how i'm goint to go about doing it. I have done the yearly
reports and the monthly reports without much hasle. I just dont know how
to create a weekly report.

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ASP Crystal Report

Does anyone know how to pass an ADO recordset to Crystal report for subreport?
I was able to pass ADO recordset for main report but have no idea how to do the same for subreport

Here's the code that i used for passing ADO recordset for Main report:
Session("oClientDoc").DatabaseController.setDataSource session("oRs"), Session("oClientDoc").Database.Tables.Item(0).Alias, "ADORecordset"

I tried to use code below but it didn't work
Session("oClientDoc").SubReportController.setDataSource session("oSubRs"), Session("oClientDoc").SubreportController.GetSubreportDatabase.Tables(0).Alias, "ADORecordset"

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