Image Selector Via List Box Populated From Database?

I am hoping a mixed ASP- Javascript programmer could help me with this scenario:

I have a list box populated with randomized records (NewID()) from a Broker (Salesperson) sql server table.

Each time the user selects one of the broker items I need to display a Image of the broker in the table cell next to it.

I have found a number of online js scripts that use the image selector route but I am unable to work out to populate the list item from the database AND at the same time utilize the JS...

Are there any coders who come across a solution like this. Here is an example of my ASP code populating the List box: .....

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Drop Down List Populated

I have a drop down list that is populated by a database, all the items are pure text.

I am using this line of code:

but no matter what item is selected it always returns the very first value. However Identical code works on a different page I have created. Can anyone offer suggestions as to why this might be.

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Extend Image Selector To Also Display Different Href?

Could someone help extend this ChangeImage function to also display a different hyperlink underneath the newly selected image?

<script language="javascript">

/*Combo Box Image Selector:
By JavaScript Kit (
Over 200+ free JavaScript here!

function showimage()

if (!document.images)

<form name="username" method=post action="join_step4.asp" onSubmit="return
<SELECT NAME='u_BrokerID' size='1' onChange='showimage()'><OPTION
VALUE='0'>--Select a Broker--</OPTION><option
value="/catamaranco/images/brokers/john_2.jpg">John Anderson</option><option
Weidman </option>
<input type=submit value=submit>


<a href="Site1.asp">Change this url depending on the value of the image
selected in the dropdown?</a>

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ASP Populated Drop Down List With 'selected'

I have a simple form on my site with a drop down list for users to search for a specific category. The search works fine and populates my results page with the correct responses.

Alongside the results I have included the search form again so that users can modify their search, however I am unable to pre-populate the drop down menu with the previously selected category.

I have tried an IF statement but this only works when I hard code the variables in. Please can you cast your expert eyes over my code, I have a feeling I am suffering from fatigue as I have been trying to solve this for some time now. Code:

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CSS Selector Problem

I have the following html structure

<a href="...">I'm a level 1 link</a>
<a href="...">I'm a level 2 link</a>

I want to have a web application that allows the end user to build up their
style sheet by selecting colours etc and seeing what affect this has on the
above html.

So, someone might want level 1 links to appear one way and level 2 links to
appear another.

How this happens is as follows:

They select a colour for each and these values get sent to the page
containing the above html as parameters within the request object. Code:

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Colour Selector

I am looking for a way to display a colour selector so that a user can choose a colour.
Exactly like the font colour selector in this text editor. Where the user would click the dropdown box
and see the colours. There may be multiple ones on a page, and I want to store the value to use after

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Querystring Populated

I am trying to generate a querystring to a URL from a DB Value. Is this the right way of adding a querystring?Code:

<a href="Organization_UL_Revised2.asp?ID="<%=aTopManagers(c_Owner_Payee, 0)%> class="a_style" onclick="s_Hide('<%=aTopManagers(c_Owner_Payee, 0)%>'); return false;"><%=aTopManagers(c_Mgr_Name, 0)%></a><font size=1>(<%=aTopManagers(c_Mgr_EmpID, 0)%>)</font>

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Dynamic Populated Dropdowns

I don't want to try and reinvent the wheel so I'm looking for an ASP 3 script that will dynamicaly populate a nubmer or dropdown boxes from an access database, read a price from the the database and write both the selection and the price to a form and total all the prices too.

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Addition In Populated Checkboxes

A starting price grabbed from querystring is shown to begin with. Then the options are shown(prices next to them) with checkbox(populated with over 90 options) and the user selects the options and a new total comes up upon submit. So the total of the options is a subtotal and the home and options together is the grand total. Code:

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IsArray Doesn't Work With Array Var Populated With Xxx.GetRows()

I'm using .getRows() with a local var array instead of doing a recursive
loop so that I'm being a good ASP newvbie and closing my object i/o's (the
recordset in this case) as quick as possible.

My problem is that I can't seem to use this to complete good effect because
the IsArray statement doesn't seem to work with a local var array that has
or has not been populated with the .getRows() property.

To explain, I used to do the following recursive loop (simplified to show a
concise example): Code:

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Database In Another List Box

i am selecting a field from a list .i want to show all the list after searching on the basis of that selected field from database in another list box which is on the same page.

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How To List Database In A Dropdown?

I am trying to list a database (SQL) i a dropdown list but I just cant get it to work... I am writing in ASP. This is some of the code:

mySQL="SELECT ras.raser FROM ras ORDER by raser"

<td width="220">Raser</select></td>
<td width="342" height="23">
<select name="idRas">

<%do while not rstemp.eof
pRaser= rstemp("raser")
<option value='??????????' </option>


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Asp And Dropdown List With Database

An HTML page that have two dropdown list whit different values:

1. Dropdown list 1(tblname1) =values with different location's. After user
has selected one value from the dropdown it should show values from
(tblname2) in the dropdown list2.

2. When user select an value from dropdown list2(tblname2) and click on a
button "GO" it should show all the value's from the database that been
selected in dropdown list1 and 2.

Please someone please help me out with this problem!?

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Populating Three List Boxes From The Database

I need to have three list boxes automatically populating each other, (ie
when region is selected from the first listbox, it will populate
automatically the second one which is the TOWNS and when the town is
selected is should populate the third one AREA) all data is in the database
in one table.

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Best Way To Compare Filelist And Database List

I need to compare the files in a folder to ones that are entered into a database (filenames list) and update it to include ones that dont have entities.

Whats the best way to accomplish this ? I'v thought of creating an array out of the physical file entities then rolling through the database and deleting the array entities that already exist; that way I end up with an array of filenames that need to be entered into the DB. that way just a thought (I wouldnt even know how to do it) but I want to think it through more thoroughly before starting the code:

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Inserting Value From List Box Into Database Field

My question is this: how do I get a value from a listbox to assign to a variable (elementary I know)? Code:

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Bullet Pointed List In Database

Is there anyway to store a list of data in an access database.

For example if i have several input text fields for a customer to add descriptions of a particular item, this list should then come together and be stored in one place in the database. This information should then be displayed in a list when retreiving the data from the database.

ive tried to explain what i am trying to achieve, if anyone can advise me on how to do this or for a better way to accomplish this.

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Populate List/menu From A Database

what is code for populating a list menu with data from a database. also the default(first) option in the list should be "ALL".

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Database List Page At A Time

I show information from a database in a table format. I will be showing more and more data and would like to show it one page at a time with a next page back page option.
Can I do this on a web page and does anyone know where I could look to find out how

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How To Show Dropdown List With Selected Value From Database

how to show a drop down list with a selected value that is derived from the database? Is this correct? When I do this, it shows "Mastercard" always, even when its "Visa" in the database.

<select name="ccType">
<option value="Visa" selected="<%=rs("cardtype")%>" >Visa
<option value="Mastercard" selected="<%=rs("cardtype")%>">MasterCard

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Update Selected Dropdown List From/to Database

I am creating one web page which contain a drop down list. It use the data from database. Now my problem is when the user select the drop down list value, I want the current selected value update to the database. How to write the code?

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List All And Field Names Database Contents

I have been provided with a DSN, user name and password for one of my
clients sites.

I'm not an ASP developer and need to view all the contents of this database.
I usually work in PHP but only have ASP available on this server.

I want to open the database and simply output all the contents into a HTML

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Adding A New Entry To A List Menu Based On A Database

Let's say I have a dynamic list/menu, which gets its values from a
database table, for example a list of contact people where the value is
an ID number and the label is the name. However, if the value the user
wants is not in the list I would like to place a hyperlink which

(1) open a small window, with an ASP form to allow the user to add a
new entry

(2) save the entry to the database

(3) add that value to the list/menu in the parent window and make it
the selected option

(4) close the small window and return to the original window.

I can handle the code for 1,2 and 4, but 3 is what I'm not sure about.
I don't like the idea of forcing the user to leave the current screen,
go to some other form, add the entry they need to the lookup table,
then come back; this seems like a logical approach, but just wondering
how to make it work.

This seems like a common enough situation; anyone have any code samples
or suggestions about how to do this?

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Image Name In Database

Currently i have setup a form that takes the users information and drops the info into an access database and displays the info out the way i want it to.

After i take the info, i setup a seperate form to take in the users images of there choice that drops into a directory on my server, which works fine as well. What i am looking for though is a way to take the location of the image and drop that into another database or the same one so i can use it as a link when displaying the information.

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Image FTP To Database

I have two tables. ALPHA; fields
id (a text field, that contains a string)
image (a text field, that contains an url path for a file)

and BETA
id (a text field, that contains a string)
image (a field to insert an image)

I need to insert in BETA the information of field 'id' and the file that the field 'image' is pointing to. The url path of that file may me inside or outside my domain. For example, if the 'image' field says "", even if the ASP file is not in domain.

Is there a way to do that?

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Updating Image In A Database

I would like to be able to update an image I have stored in a database by uploading it through a form. The current pages I have now will only add a new entry to the database. I would like the customer to be able to change the image on their index page through the form. How can I change the following code to do that?

showPicture.asp ....

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Uploading Image In Database

I want to upload my images in the database instead of storing them on the server.

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How To Upload A Image Into Database?

I want 2 upload a image and some text to the sql server database. and in anothere page i will retrieve all the fields . so can anybody help me.i am giving u the html source....

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How To Insert An Image In The Database...

I m trying to set up a form so that a user can isert a gif or jpeg image into a table in the database.

1) Can you please show me how to create a table in the database so that it accepts the images

2) I need to know how to actually browse to an image in hard drive and then insert it in the table

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Querying A Database Through An Image

I'm building a path making tool, that is i have a network of paths for a park and each section of the path is its own image.

What i need to do is, when a certain piece of the path is clicked, it querys my path database and returns the information for that section of the path to a table.

Im designing in ASP VBscript and database is connected n all but im a beginner, is it feasable?

As well as this i need to be able to add to the table each time a piece of path is clicked, and also take away, like a stack.

AND aswell as this i need a seperate table which adds up the length of all the paths selected (length is in the database).

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Populating Image In Database

What is the best method to insert and retrive image to and from the database?

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To Put Image Instead Of Data From Database

i wanna check one cell value from database and then if cell value is 0 than put this image in the dynamic table, if it's 1 than put other image to dynamic table, and so on Code:

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Uploading Image Into Database

I have created a website where users can place advertisements and upload complementing photos. I have elected to place the advertiser's contact details and advertisement in 1 table in an Access database and the corresponding photo and Account ID in a second linked table.

Once the photo is inserted as a BLOB, the advertiser is forwarded to the payments page. The upload page has a form with a file field and a hidden field with the Account ID which as been passed on the previous page by a session variable. The website is hosted on a remote server by my web host.

My problem is that the image and the Account ID are not inserted into the database even though the processing page successfully redirects to the payments page. I am new to web programming so I am unsure where my problem lies. Code:

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