Import Text File Contains Emails Into Access Table

I copy my emails from microsoft inbox and save it into a textfile and try to read the information and save it into access table. But during i read the textfile i am stuck.

Dim fso, fil, ts, sContents
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fil = fso.getfile(server.mappath("myemails.txt"))
Set ts = fil.openastextstream(1)
sContents = ts.readall
aBuild = Split(sContents, "From:", 2)
sFrom = Split(aBuild(1), vbCrLf, 2)(0)
Set ts = nothing
Set fil = nothing
Set fso = nothing

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Import Text File Into MS Access DB Script Error

I have a MS Access DB that is used for a small web-based app. And I have an updated text file exported from the db on our local system.

I have got this import text file to access db asp script But it brings up a HTTP 500 Internal server error. site is running on Windows 2003 Server


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Import Excel File From Asp Page To Listbox/access

Basically, I want to have an asp page that has a button where when you click on it, it opens up a file open dialog box where you can search for any excel file you want to import. Then, once a file is selected, I want to read all the contents of the excel file (from column A) to display into a listbox on the screen (so that each individual row from excel file would be a separate item in the listbox). Also, this data would have to be inserted accordingly into an access database .....

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Import Txt Data In Table

I have a txt file and i would want to import many data fron txt and put in a table fo access...

For example
txt_var1 in table prova filed filed_var1
txt_var2 in table prova filed filed_var2

assuming my txt file is named test.txt and my mdb prova.mdb and table tabella1

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Tab Seperated Text File To Table

I'm trying to pull the contents of a tab seperated text file into a table on my web page. This just seems like something that people must have done before and I don't want to have to reinvent the wheel on this.

Does anybody have or know of an existing script that does this or can anyone help point me in the right direction on how to approach this.

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Export Html Table To Text File

How do I export an HTML table to a text file? tab delimited, comma delimited... just another note, I create the table using ASP.

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Parses And Excel File And Inserts The Data In An Access Table

I have created a script that parses and excel file and inserts the data in an Access table. The script works perfectly fine, however I also need to extract a column comments via my script.Column comment is like a tool tip for any given column and therefore it occurs only on mouse hover, not in the actual column data.

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Import Excel Using ASP And MS Access

i have used this code for importing Excel files to the database but always get this error: >> Syntax error in FROM Clause: Code:

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Import Excel Sheet Into Access

I using ASPupload to upload the file to the sever but what asp code do i then use to import the data in to my table?

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Group Emails To Email List In Table

I would like to send the same email to every email address that I have in a table.Only complication is that some records have an email address and some don't (some people dont have email addresses.

I had a go and made an array and used the len(email)>0 idea, so that if no email address, skip sending and email. Guess just after some standard code, nothing fancy. The site is on a commercial server running win 2000 .

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Import Export Access - > Excel Script

Sorry if this is the wrong place but does anyone have a script which will export data from an access database to an excel spreadsheet allow a user to edit and then import the edited excel spreadsheet into the db?

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Import Excel File

I' m trying to import an Excel file in a SQLServer db. If I specify the spreadsheet name it works correctly. Now I'd like to import the spreadsheet without specify its name. Is there a way to retrieve the spreadsheet names of my Excel file in ASP?

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Import Data From Excel File To Mdb Database Using Asp

I have excel file,from which the all data to store the .mdb database. Any one give an idea.

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VBScript To Access Emails And Extract The Attach

Basically, i'm finding sample ASP or VBScript for accessing emails and downloading attachments....

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How To Import Certificate File Into Windows Certificate Store Under IWAM Account

Due to the nature of our system, we need to dynamically import certificate
files into windows certificates store and access the certificate store from
ASP pages, these ASP pages call a VB dll component, which uses the CAPICOM
component to manipulate windows certficate store.

Because ASP is running under IWAM account, we got "Access is denied" error
when trying to import the certificate files. We registered the VB
components under COM+ to get around this security problem. However,
recently we are experiencing all sorts of problems with COM+ ( eg.
DLLHost.exe hang with 100% CPU after heavy traffic, ActiveX component can
not be created out of sudden), we decided to move this VB component out of
COM+, which means we are facing the same old "Access is denied" problem
again. Code:

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MS Access - Table Access Problem

I'm trying to access a table in a MS Access database using ASP but the name of the table is causing me some trouble. The problem is the table name has a space in it eg, "My Table".

If i try and access it using a query "SELECT * FROM My News", it says i cant find table "My". If i remove the space from the name (to MyTable) it works fine. But the trouble is its a customers database and i cant easily rename it because its linked to other tables and db's.

How can i access a table with a space in its name? I've tried "SELECT * FROM My_News" but that doesnt work either.

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Access An Access Link Table

I have an Access DB which contains couple of link tables. All these tables are from different databases. So each one has it's own database password. Since there is no way to save the password during the DSN creation. Then you need to manually type in the password each first time when open the table.

This causes the problem in ASP code during run a query. Since the table cannot be accessed due to the password protection. Is there any statement than can open a table and meanwhile pass the password in? Does anyone experienced with the similar situation?

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ASP Trying To Access SQL Table..

Trying to access an SQL Table....


I have a form that is set up to search the table and attached is the code that is trying to get data from that table.
Need help please, if anyone has any ideas.

This is the error Im getting:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '2003'.

/pub/property/tpp/SearchRes.asp, line 124

I cant figure it out.

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Retrieve Access Table's

my problem is with a db(that i upload on server every day) which has some "static" tables in it plus a table updated every day.
the website must show the date of last update of that table so i first retrieved that from the access file, but this means that every time i upload db(with that table untouched) the last update changes. i've found something about table's extend properties on the internet but i don't know if this can be useful to me.

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Updating Access Table Through Web

Can anyone direct me to a web page (tutorial) where there is an explanation on how to create a web page that connects to access database and I can enter data and update the table? I can create a page using visual Interdev that displays the table only.

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UPDATEing An Access DB Table

trying to run an UPDATE query on an Access DSN.Done the following.Updated DSN to full access.Given write permission on the IIS directory.still getting error, Operation must use anupdateable query.whats going on?

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Download Table From Access

I have a table in an Access database that I would like to download in an excel spreadsheet. No editing required, I simply want to copy the whole table.

I can connect to the table and, if I wanted, could display the complete data in the table on a web page but importing that data into excel is where I am stuck at.

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Access DB Table Tbl_faults

Access db with a table tbl_faults

id autonumber
firstname text
lastname text
datelogged date
email address text
faultdesc memo

When a user fills the form with these fields the data get saved to the table AND I would like to see a message saying your unique ID (fault number) is xxxxxxx .

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how do you create a table in MS Access from with an asp script? I will be creating the table name from Request.querystring("name"), also needs fields of branchname and branchcode. guess something like CREATE TABLE & Request.querystring("name") branchname. branchcode.

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Data Into A Access Table

I have coded a form which enters data into a access table however I want the same recordset when clicked to go to another table in the same database then when clicked again to go to another table within that this possible?

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Advanced MS Access Table

I need some help with creating an MS Access table using ASP. I'm familiar with "standard" SQL statements, and also with the ASP methodology/syntax for creating a simple MS Access table. However, the table I need to create is a bit complicated, because:

The primary key is a FORMATTED auto number (i.e., if I were to define this field directly in MS Access' "Table Design View", I would put "Acme-"000 in the FORMAT field to create an autonumber that automatically generated a series like Acme-001, Acme-002, Acme-003, etc.)

The first part of this formatted autonumber is a variable. So, with this in mind, how do I write an ASP statement to create a table that has an autonumber field as a PRIMARY KEY, formatted per the above?

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Access Table Creation

I would like to know what the comands/syntax is for creating a table with fields in an Access database using ASP? I've done this a few years ago with visual basic, but haven't been able to find anything for ASP on the internet.

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Uploaded Txt To An Access Table

I am trying to find out if I can take an user uploaded file. comma delimited txt file. and read this information into an access table. I have the file upload working now I want to read it into a table, all using ASP.

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UPDATE Operation On An Access Table

I'm trying to run an UPDATE operation, using a command object. I'm getting the error back, Operation must use an updateable query. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong here.

Would it be the Command object settings you have to set before executing the command? Can someone tell me what those settings should be for an update query?? Is there a lock on the table from somewhere else???

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Displaying Data From Access Table

I am calling the values from a table and displaying them in a table, no biggie, i have not used a for loop to create the Html table, rather i have created it myself using a for loop so i can specify the table values i want.

What i am calling from the table is All of the fixtures for the football games in a season but i want to put a seperator or insert a spece of some sort just to seperate the fixtures by date otherwise it just comes out in a long list of fixtures, no nice on the eyes.

here is the code from selecting the data form the table to displaying it:

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Date Field To MS Access Table

I have more than one date field on my ASP forms (and in the sister MS Access table) I can not write (created the record in Access table) to the table UNLESS there is date data in ALL the date fields on the ASP form.

I need to be able to have the user enter only one date, then do back at a later time and enter the other date.I am using the short date format in Access table (MM/DD/YYYY) When there is only one date field (on ASP form and in Access table) the date is written and the record is created.

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How To Export A Table From Access DB Using ASP VBScript

How to export a table from Access DB using ASP VBScript. I have tried scripts but I need the export in the form of comma delimited or tab delimited format.

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Access Table Links To SQL And Web Connection

I have an access database residing on one server that contains necessary data for this application, have sql database that also contains necessary data and resides on another server.

For two access databases I would just "link" the tables and be done with it, but when attempting to do this with ODBC connection to the SQL server I get

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

ODBC--connection to 'databasename' failed. Code:

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