Importing Excel Cells In ASP

I've seen lots of posts on this and other boards, but nothing seems to work for me. I need to import data from an Excel spreadsheet using ASP. None of the ranges in the spreadsheet are named. I'm using this code:Code:

Set ExcelConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set ExcelRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
ExcelConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
ExcelConn.Properties("Extended Properties").Value = "Excel 8.0"
ExcelConn.Open "c:inetpubwwwrootaspcalendar est.xls"

set ExcelRS = ExcelConn.Execute ("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]")


I've tried every variation on "ExcelRS($A$1)" that I can think of - I've seen "ExcelRS(1,1)" used, but that doesn't work... What is the syntax for accessing Excel data by cell coordinates?

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How To Sum The Cells In Excel

I need to sum the values in different cells of an excel sheet which im getting from data base and which is in a loop and the number of entries depends on the user.

i m adding the code please check it out:...

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Define Excel Cells

I get data out of a database and the user can save this data on his disk in Excel format.
Some cells has a large lenght of numbers (eg. 20060512000000). If I open the excel file, the cell where that number is in shows the following : 2.00605E+13.

I have to go into Format Cell and convert this to 'Number' and no decimal places. Is there a way in ASP to define the cells ?

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Excel Cells To Form Textboxes

if i have an standard excel file and i have data in there in specific cells. Is it possible to have some upload facility that will be able to paste it to specific asp form textboxes?

e.g if the data in the excel file was in cell c4, i would want to paste it into textbox4. Is that possible.


Is it possible to upload an excel file and to put specifc data from different cells directly into an access database.

e.g excel file -c4 i would want to paste it to rs("test4")

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Exporting Datagrid To Excel: Format Cells?

I'm exportin a datagrid to excel, but Excel file is without format colors cells border...
Do you know how format it? Code:

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Excel Help Required - To Find The Color Of Cells

I am developing an application which uses data represented using color codes, in an MS-Excel worksheet. The application has to assign values based on the backgroundcolor of a cell. Like, Black = 0, Red=1, Green=2.

How to determine the background of the cell in ASP?

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Problem With Excel Importing

I am trying to get the all data from my excel document. I almost can.

But there are some colums that I can't get!P1aP2b

because there is no column at the start of them!

the all I can get with asp is just data not data name (field name) Code:

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Importing ASP Page Into Excel

I was having a go at importing a page written using HTML embedded with some ASP and SQL commands into an Excel sheet.

Now I have tried using the command below and no luck. After doing some Google searching I found some people suggesting removing HTML and BODY tags which I did but no luck. Tried using HTML and BODY tags and still no luck and all of a sudden I hit a brick wall. Code:

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Calling An Already Existing Excel Document And Populating Certain Cells

is there a way of calling an already existing excel document and populating certain cells

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Importing Data From Excel Into Access Using ASP

Am tying to build a system where you can browse and upload files into a MS Access database.

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Office Web Components :: Excel :: Unable To Create Merged Cells

One of my programmers is using Office Web Components in classic ASP to create, fill and format an Excel spreadsheet. Everything is fine except when he creates Merged cells the performance drops dramatically. He has investigated the 'Center Across Cells' alternative but cannot get it working
using Office Web Comonents.

Has anyone come across this problem or even better has a solution?

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Importing EXCEL Worksheet Into Existing ACCESS

Importing EXCEL worksheet into existing ACCESS tables is possible.

Is there any way i could import EXCEL worksheet into an existing ACCESS table using ASP code.Something like, i could upload a EXCEL file from a browser and then it can be imported into an existing table And if possible also check for duplicate keys and update those records. If no records exist then insert them.

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Dynamic Table Cells

Depending on a value in a recordset, is it possible to write the table cell background colour. for example:

If "win" is the value, bkgrd will be "green"
If "draw" is the value bkgrd will be "yellow"
If "lose" is the value bkgrd will be "red"

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Store Values In Table Cells

I have created a table that I want to fill with calculated values. I have given ID's to each cell. This must NOT be the way since I can't address these ID's. How do I store values in table cells from my PostBack?

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Importing From Csv

I'm importing from a csv file but got the following error :

If theres a newline field in one of the columns (i.e with a text field) and I want to read that line from code it see everything after the new line as a new line.

If I open the file in notepadeverything's on one line as it should be, but somehow the importing mess it up.

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Importing From SQL To ASP

I am having a problem displaying data into an ASP Listbox , when I import data in random named field names say 1, 3, 5 from SQL
empty records of hypthytical 2,4 are shown inti ASP listbox

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Calendar Events Spanning Table Cells

I've decided after several failed attempts this is too difficult to do
on my own. I know it's been done before and a tutorial or code must
by lying around somewhere.

I have a Weekly Calendar

It's in a table with 7 columns and 22 rows

Across the top I have Monday thru Sunday

Down the side I have half-hour time increments - 8:00am - 10:00pm

I would like to display my events on the table, corresponding to their
day and time. If it spans several hours I would like the event to
span several rows.

Basically look like an Outlook Calendar.

I've tried this myself with five dozen if/then statments and embedded
loops but it's a huge mess.

I'd like to find out how to simply do this in asp (not ready for .net yet), any

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ASP(xlWorksheet.Cells) W/many Text Chars Has #VALUE! Error In XL S

I have an ASP page that loops through a SQL Server 2000 table, then
downloads an Excel sheet the users can save, etc. Works fine, except, I see
that in one particular "comments" field the Excel sheet returns a #VALUE!
error in the cell when there is a large amount of text. I've looked through
the MSKB, MSDN and many ng posts to see if there is a workaround or solution
to this, inclduing looking at the xlWorksheet properties (I've tried
'xlWorksheet.Cells(iRow, 11).WrapText = True), played with Orientation, etc.
But to no avail.

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If Statement To Arrange Big List Into Rows And Cells

I need to come up with an if statement that will basically take a large list of records and place each one into its own table cell, and when the cells reach a max of 5 in a row, start a new row and repeat. How can I go about this?

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Importing Csv Into Access Db Via Asp

I've got a csv file which I will need to import into an access db via asp.
The csv file will be imported every day of each month so there will be
duplicates which will not need to be imported.

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Importing .xls To MSSqlserver

Can anyone tell me how to exactly import excel sheets into sqlserver from the dts?

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Importing .CSV File

I'm trying to import my outlook contacts into my access database using a .csv file. i want to be able to browse for the .csv file and hit an upload button on my site and be able to see them all.

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Importing Data

Is there a way of importing information from an Excel document or a comma delimited file to a database using ASP.

Has anyone tried doing this before? I'd love to know how you did it. At the moment, I'm thinking of uploading a file, opening it with FSO then creating an array (or something similar) from the content of the file. If there's an easier way of doing this (with components etc) please let me know.

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Return Recordset Of Images In Specific Cells In A Table

I have an interesting problem and am looking for some advice. I am
hoping to build an asp whereby records are pulled from SQL Server. These
records will be merely file locations for thumbnail images I hope to display
in a grid.

Rather than having a grid be constructed row-to-row, I was
wondering if it is at all possible to dynamically construct this grid as a
table of thumbnails whereby each cell (perhaps 5-6 columns across)
represents one record? I have no idea how one would construct this loop that
spans columns AND rows rather than just rows.

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Error When Importing Csv File

I have the following code which imports a csv file into the database. but when i run the code i get this error message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E07)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

BUT it's imported all the data Code:

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Importing XML Into Access 2000

I have an XML file that gets updated every 4 hours on a web server. I can check the XML modification time in ASP and compare to the databse. If it is newer, I need some ASP code to then import the XML into Access. Been trawling the net for an answer for a while .

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Importing ACT! And Outlook Addresses

We need to import the contact details from Act! and Outlook/Outlook Express
(Both) to a website (hosted database MSSQL or Access). Is that possible in
any ASP Scripting?

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Importing Files To Database

I have intermediate experience with asp, and sql. I am stumped on how to properly do a project, and hoping that one of you can point me in the right direction instead of playing the trial/error game for 2 weeks!!

Basically, I have a program that exports information into a html file for viewing of results. The file contains event information, user information, and results of each individual user along with statistics of the event. I want to take this generated file, and import it directly into a sql database (point and click upload of sorts to be user friendly) for further data mining. Code:

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Hyper-efficient Text Importing

I am working on a project that involves importing IIS Log files into a SQL
Server database (and these logfiles are big --> Some up to 2GB in size).

Up until now I thought that DTS or the BULK INSERT command was the fastest
method out there, but still proves to be long (taking an average of 45mns to
an hour to process each log file).

Because I have to import the log files from three web heads in my cluster
(therefore 2GB log files per server times three servers), this really throws
off the concept of "real time" or near "real time" reporting.

OUT THERE??? Code:

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Importing Comma Delimited File

I've been asked to develop a semi-automated type situation where we have a
database table (sql server) and periodically, there will be a comma
delimited file from which we need to import the data, replacing the old.

I naurally know that we can use [truncate tablename] to kill the other data,
but does anyone have any examples of importing a comma delimited file into
SQL Server with ASP?

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Problem Importing Text In Access Memo Field

I'm using asp to retrieve data from a server and import that data in a client that uses MSAccess, into a memo field. The text hes line breaks 0D 0A (the usual DOS line breaks). However the client sees these line breaks as two squares!

The strange thing is that when I look at the exported text (yes, I also export text from the client to the server), it also contains the same line breaks. So the exported text from the memo field can look exactly the same as the imported text, and before the export the line breaks are correctly shown als line breaks, but after the import that same line breaks are shown as squares! I would like to see line breaks after the import and NO squares.

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Importing A File And Validating The File

How would I import a file thru an asp page and then validate the fields in
that file - the file would be comma separated file (CSV or Txt extension).

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ASP Excel

I want to give Excel facility into the the Browser for the user and after that I need to insert all the Excel data into the SQL Database table.

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