Include Text File Data In Coding

I'm trying to include a value from a text file for the txRate variable in the code below. I tried using the include function as shown, but the double quotes are of course killing it. I don't want to use a data base to get this value, I just want the info from a text file. Can anyone suggest a solution? Code:

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Include Text File Data In Coding

I'm trying to include the data from a text file for cSalesTaxRate, cStateFullName and cStateAbbreviation values in the code below. I don't want to use a data base to get this value, I just want the info from a text file. Can anyone suggest a solution? ....

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Text Or Include File Vs. Using Database

Question about the performance of using an include file or reading from a text file compared to hitting the database.

I set up a client's web site so they can post a weekly message and also post a "of special interest" message on their home page. Originally these messages were stored in and retrieved from an Access 2000 database. I decided to try writing the messages to a text file then retrieving it through include file and also tried the text streaming object.

I used to gauge the download times for all three methods on a 56K modem. According to the results, using the database was around 4 seconds quicker. Does this sound right? The site is on a shared hosting package using Win2000.

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Coding Plian Text Email Urls

I am sending an email to subscibers of a news letter with the url of the latest newsletter in the email. this is built up in code. how do i encode it to include special characters such as spaces as %20. I have tried a simple replace routine but this gives errors on invalid chars.

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Form Data Not Going Into Text File

I currently am trying to get a form to send its data to a text file. I use the code I have found in tutorial/help sites around the web, but when I try the code out, nothing happens.

When I click the "Submit" button on my form, I am sent to the .asp file and the code in that file is displayed in the browser. There is nothing written to the text file either.

The code I have in my test.asp file is:

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Exporting Data In Text File

I am trying to pull data from a DB an export it to the user in a comma delimited text file.I found this.Do I need to save the actual textfile or is it possible to stream the text file out to the browser? If the answer is yes, how do I stream it after it is saved and delete it once it is saved by the user?

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Write Unicode Data From SQL To Text File

I have a problem

DB:SQL Server

Field type is varchar and some data is unicode like this "•õ" It is a chinese. How do I transfer the data I retrive from DB and then I can write it into an text file with its proper chinese word using FileSystemObject. Or any other way ?

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Write Data From A Database Field Into A Text File On The Server

Is there away to write data from a database field into a text file on the server.

The data would be more than one line.....

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How To Upload File Using Asp Coding

I need some help in uploading file using asp coding.

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Using ASP Coding ,wants To Open .doc File

i'm trying to open document file through ASP coding. but an error "Could not open macro storage" comes. what shall i do ?

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Include More Than 1 Include File

I want to be to call my menu from another file onto my page so that i dont have to add it to every page of my website. The problem is when i try to add it using the include method it says that only one include file is allowed on an ASP. The other include file is my connection string so i cant really take that out of the page because then nothing else will work!

How can i get the menu page included as well as the connecting string?

Have added the code below, i have highlighted the 2 include files that i want to use in blue, i have also left the div tag in for where i currently have the menu which is what i want to take out and have ther include file there instead, if that makes sense. Basically the bit in red i want to be able to remove from all of my pages and add the blue file above the red code in instead, but i dont know how!!!!! Code:

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Vbscript Include File In Jscript File

I have an asp page written entirely in jscript with a vbscript used as an include file which one variable on the page must access.

When the page runs, I run into jscript complilation errors when it tries to access the include file (since it is written in vbscript), and I can't figure out how to get the two to work together. How do you get both scripting languages to work on the same page?

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Not Include Rows With Missing Data??

Say my select is: Select A,B,C from Table Where field = " number". How do I not include the row in the table if B is empty? Example

Table from query:
Row 1= a b c
Row 2= aa cc <---exclude this row
Row 3= aaa bbb ccc

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Drop Down Menu Include Data

I am currently working on a project and i need to have drop down menus on a form which include data from tables in a database. There will be a number of drop down menus on this form as well as text boxes. I'm struggling with the code and need to know how to code a drop down menu that would include all the records from a drop down menu.

Is it possible to use all the values in the form, including the drop down menus to insert the values into a relational database. I'm assuming i would have to use variables to pass the information into the database using an SQL insert, but i am once again unsure how to code this.

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Include File In Another Included File

At my site I have designed a framework with tabs as below:

+----+ +------+ +-------+
| MC | | Cars | | Boats |
+ +-------------------------

then, into tabs_1.asp I include another page


--------+ +--------------
| New | | Used | | Crasched |
+-----+ +------+ +----------+

Works fine so far... Here comes the problem...

The file tabs_1_2.asp has an included page (data.asp) witch doesnt appear...

When I look at the sourcecode from the webbrowser it seems to have been included but nothing is visible.

Is it inpossible to make several includes in the way I described?

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Include Xml (w/ Xsl) In A Asp File?

I'm wondering if there's any way to include a XML file (with a XSL) in a ASP file? I've tried this <!--#include file="publications.xml"--> but the XML-code is included before it is formated according to the XSL and ends up being unformated.

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Include File With Asp

how would i get something like this to work...

<!-- #include file="<%=Request.GetString("view")%>.txt" -->

i know wat i want and all but i can't figure out how to make it work.

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Include File

I want to include files, a header and a footer to my asp page. The files i want to include its on another server, i can reach it with a www-url. Can i use the www-url to include the file to asp page?

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Include A CGI File

How can I include a .cgi file in an .ASP file?
I've tried #include, Server.Transfer, and Server.Execute (yes, I know the last two are
only for ASP, but I tried it anyway).
If I have to, I guess I'll use ASPHTTP to do an http call to the file but first I wanted
to see if there was a more elegant way to do it
Is there an efficient way to include the output of a .cgi file in an ASP file?

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Include File

Is there any way of having an include file as a string, eg:

<!--#include file="<%=strURL%>"-->

This doesn't seem to work, I get an error:

The include file '<%=strURL%>' was not found

Is my syntax wrong or isn't this possible?

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Include File

If rsResult.fields(3).value = "" Then
Response.Write "No File Available</td>"
<!-- #include file="Response.Write rsResult.fields(3).value" -->
End If

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Include Iis Or Asp File

I do almost exclusively ASP on IIS, so I'm stupid when it comes to dealing with flat HTML on Linux/Apache.I have a static site on a Linux box where I want to do an include on an ASP file on an IIS box, and can't make it work.

I've tried <!--#include virtual=""-->
and <!--#include virtual=""-->

The ".txt" extension try was in case it's true what I heard that IIS won't let a remote server execute an ASP in an include file.

Also tried <!--#include file=...", even though I know from experience that Apache requires "virtual," not "file."

And also tried <!--#exec cgi=...".

NOT drawing any errors: the generated output just repeats the "<!--#include..." line instead of outputting results from the ASP file.

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Include File

I want to execute another asp file at the end of my asp file.. How will I do that ?

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Include File

I use include files a lot in ASP, but I was wondering if these files aren't actually part of ASP at all and you can use them in other web-based files.

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Add Include File

how can i add include file that isnt in my directory i need to add a file called:

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Include File

Trying to use a include file in an if statement and it is not working,I have tried it multiple ways and have keep getting errors or blank where it should be.


IF session("sessionID") = "" THEN
Response.write (" <!--#INCLUDE file=""loginHeader.asp""--> ")
Response.write (" <!--#INCLUDE file=""loggedinHeader.asp""--> ")

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How to include file into an ASP program? I was trying with this command:

<!-#include file="INC_file.asp" ->

but unfortunately it does not work but isn't any error message.IIS server shows primary site,but without informations from incuded file.How can I make it works?

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Include In The Asp File

The current html file has to 2 drop down boxes. Depending on the selection chosen, there is a predetermined html file to load.My new asp file will replace the current html that has the 2 drop down boxes and it has its own set of design and graphics. So depending on the selection chosen, instead of loading the predetermined html file, I need to grap a section of the contents in this predetermined html file and add it to the content section of my asp file dynamic.

See, another very customised app. creates this predetermined html file dynamically and I have no access to this. My work around is to get the main content I want from this html and include it in my asp file dynamically.

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Include File

I'm trying to include file using <!-- #include file="abc.asp"--> and it works without any
problem. but the problem is in if file name is in asp variable how should i write?

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Include File

I have a few ASP pages within each ASP pages I have a block of Javascript that is different for each ASP page contained within the Javascript block is 20 lines that is same across the ASP pages. Is there any script I can enter that would include these lines from a text files or another ASP file?

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Include File

Why can't I get the following running?

Dim GetODBCdsn
GetODBCdsn = <!--#include virtual="connectionssqlconnection.txt" -->

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ASP File Include

I have a #Include statement in an Asp page. I want to find the path of the included file at runtime. How can I do that?

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Include Asp File

I need to include an asp file from another server. Code:

<!--#include file="SicurezzaDip.asp"-->

I think that is the normal way to do it. I've also used the code shown below, but it doesn't seem to work..Is it possible to Include asp files from another server ? How can i do it ? Code:

<!--#include file=""--> ..

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