Included Files Paths Chg By Calling Page...

I have a standard Header.asp that I want to include in every other page in
my site. Header.asp is located in the root folder, but the calling pages are
in various folders/levels. Since the relative paths specified in header are
subject to change and are based on the relative path of the calling page,
problems arise. (Strangley, using the IFRAME method of including a header
doesn't react the same way.)

The solution I believe lies in using absolute paths in the Header.asp file
using the "virtual" include qualifier. But this assumes your development
directory structure is the same as your production environment. So I guess
that is the answer. Use absolute paths and set up your development directory
structure to be identical to your production.

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Dynamic Included Files

I want to save space and time by creating a simple .asp or .txt file that is called into a page. That is a simple include code but how do i make it so the same page opens but the included file changes dipending on the linking page.

something like a dinamic included code.

<!--#include virtual=" dynamic field that changes according to link"-->
Do you think you can help me guys?

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Uploading Files Absolute & Relative Paths

I got a problem when I uploaded a file with the input tag of type file "<input type=file.." using the FileSystemObject where The page not opens and there is no any respond, but I tried to see if the folder that is already exists xan I see by that object I discovered that it is not exist.

The main problem I put my files in a folder that I dont know its absolute path , just a relative that always not exist.

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Print Included Page To Pdf

I have a pretty complicated site written in ASP (it's not live yet, so I really do not want to post a url). On one of my pages, I have a header, the top area, and then the middle area which changes when I click on different links, but the url remains the same.

I need to figure out how to print the middle area. When I just do a print page, it doesn't come out formatted correctly at all. I've been playing around with printing/converting to PDF, which works well, except that most pdf components expect a URL to print, and in this case my url is doesn't point to a specific page.

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Database Calling Files

Here's my question/problem:

What is the best route to go to store images and 'news articles' in a database?

Is it best to give each an ID(autonumber) and then another field set in a table in access equal to the url for the said file

For example..:

In my access table I would have file 1234 equal to or html or whatever

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Calling Activex Dll Files In Asp

We have created an ActiveX dll file in VisualBasic .This file is for extracting the the embedded OLE objects through the Access databvase stored as Loing binary formats.The files include .doc files,.tiff files ,.xls etc.We need a sample code call this activex dll files and the also call the functions ,Procedures in the dll file in the asp Can someone please provide me with the code for the activex dll file.

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Calling Include Files

I want to include some asp if statements inside a do until loop, predicated on the recordset going until EOF. I do not have any < % %> delimiters inside the include file. The below doesnt show the character I want to display:

<% do until rs.eof
response.write rs("position")
<!-- #include file="inc_.asp" -->
loop %>

while hard coding the character with another response.write statement will.

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Calling Another Page

How can I call one ASP page from another

Page1.asp returns me some strings in the form of response.write

Page2.asp will call page1.asp and use that long string returned from

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Calling VB Exe In Page

I have one VB exe file. Can it be called and opened in ASP page like as html form is shown. I want to execute the exe file from any machine. Should that machine have vb and sql.

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VB6 DLL From Calling ASP Page

I know that this is easy to do, I've done it before, but I can't find how I did it before.Basically, my ASP page can createObject for a compiled DLL, but it can't do
it for the non-compiled DLL (running in VB6).

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Calling A Page

WE want to call an ASP page that will contain our site navigation html. But call it from pages with .htm extension. Our site is on an NT server. Is this workable? We do not want to rename our existing .htm pages to .asp. This would screw up our page positions on search engines.

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Calling Page

is there a way of getting the page that called the current page? Like, I'd like to add a 'back' button that fills some info and then sends to the previous page, which could be one of many pages that can call this current page.

other than adding a form hidden field and passing it at submit or whatnot, is there something like session('callingpage') or something like that?

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Calling Same Page

I have an ASP page that has over 150 records listed. I would like to have an "Index" (A,B,C,D...) at the very top of the page. Once a letter is clicked, I need to:

1) Call a SQL string like "SELECT * from WoD Where UCASE(WotD) LIKE " & UCASE(strSelected) & "*" & Chr(34)

2) Recall the SAME page (Not another ASP page) withpopulating with the new recordset.

I am having a total brain fart on this and can't figure it out.

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Calling A Dll From Page

I wrote a dll and I want to call it from asp page, but I can't do it. I am using the method: server.CreateObject, but can't interface with the dll. I think that my problem is registering the dll to Windows, and when that I am doing it I receive an error message that telling me that "DllRegisterServer may not be exported". what should I do?

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Calling A VBscript From An ASP Page

I am trying to execute some script on my server that is currently run on an ASP page.

However, I am finding that it can often take up to 5-10 minutes to run and the user is not needed for this execution anyway. What I am attempting to do is write the script into a .vbs file on the server and execute the script when necessary.

I would like this script to run without the user knowing and therefore I do not want the asp page to wait for a return from the script. I am trying to use:

Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ReturnVariable = WshShell.Run("c:connorVBScript1.vbs", 0, FALSE)

The FALSE tells the system to run the code and not wait for a return. The webpage seems to run and returns to the user as it should but the script is not executed.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Detect Calling Page

I have a function in a script file that I use from a couple of different pages. Can I, within the function, detect which page is being viewed (which page called the function)

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Calling An Activex Dll From An Asp Page

i was wondering if i call an activex dll that resides within the same domain, but on a different server from IIS.

there is no problem if its registered on local machine, server.createobject(), i read about MTS and was thinking it could be the solution, but it has a few restrictions or should i say warnings about using components developed without regard to MTS and if the component uses other components...and so on, frankly, im scared to use it.

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Calling A Protected Page?

How do I call a page in a password protected directory? In other words, I had my admin make a directory protected with authentix and now I want to use a page outside that directory to call a page inside that directory. How can I do this

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Calling Aspx Page

I have asp page. In that I want to call a aspx page in the background.That called aspx pages will send and receive mail in the background.The calling of the aspx pages should be hidden from the user.Is it possible.

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Calling Same Page Onselect

In my asp page I have a form with dropdown list,some text boxes and a submit button.When the user selects any value from the dropdown list, I want to retrive the selected value in same page and display it.I know it's not tough,but still Iam unable to get it...ending up with some error.Can anybody help me out in this matter?

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Calling Code Into Page

I am trying to call a field value from my database - which gets open in an included file (all work on database must be done in that included file), if i use response.write(rst("pagename") it would print fine in the page when I call the sub i.e <% call pageNameFind() %>

But i want to get the field value to appear like this <% PageTitle = pagename %> where pagename comes from the included sub pageNameFind pagename = rst("pagename")

It doesn't pick this up however - how would I do this? This value will then be sent on to another included file at later stage. and I must have the <% PageTitle = myvalue %>.

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HTTP Error 404 When Calling Page.

I have 2 sites on my Windows Server 2003/ISA/IIS machine. One of the sites works fine and has 'default.htm' for the default document. The other site returns an 'HTTP error
404' and has a 'default.asp' for the default document. Aside from that they appear to be configured the same.

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Calling A Java Class In An ASP 3.0 Page

I'd like to know whether it's possible to call Java classes compiled with the latest Sun JDK from an ASP page? All the documentation I've been able to find on the net has referred to the ancient MS JVM and SDK, and I don't seem to be able to get any of the examples to work, so I'd like some idea of whether or not what I'm trying to accomplish is, in fact, workable.

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Calling Stored Procedure From An ASP Page

I have a stored procedure named as

usp_CheckLogin with two parameters

as @usID, @Password

also values of these parameters are to be extracted using Request.Form from
the fields in the forms. Now How do I call this stored procedure from an ASP
Page using a Connection object in Server Tags <% %>. Also this stored
procedure returns a Numeric value as "RETURN_VALUE". please give me the
syntax. This stored Procedure is a part of Session Management module.

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Error While Calling Stored Procedure From Asp Page

I am trying to run an example code from a book. However I am getting the following error message:

Number: -2147217900
Description: Syntax error or access violation

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

SQLState: 42000

NativeError: 0

The following is the code that is being used in the asp page:....

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Problem On Calling C# Component Method From Asp Page

I created C# COM+ component. It has two overloaded methods - the method names are same and their signatures are different, one takes two parameters and another takes four. I coded this way: the method with 4 parameters is coded first and then the one with 2 parameters.

I created very simple ASP page to call these two methods. Calling the method with 4 params has no problem. However, calling the method with 2 params I get the error saying:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0005)
Invalid procedure call or argument: 'SetReferenceValues'
/suitevoyager/testLmx.asp, line 16

How can I solve this problem?

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IE Produces 404 Error When Calling Page, But Only On Some Machines...

We are currently facing a strange problem. We wrote an ASP application using some sessions and database-connectivity, nothing special.

On some machines (we are all using IE5.5 / IE6) those applications produce a 404 error.

The pages that are called do exist (I checked it thousands of times and it is only happens on some machines). Most of the machines have no problem with that pages and do not produce any errors which makes me belive that it is no real programmed problem.

The strange thing is that a reinstallation of IE mostly helped and if not we reinstalled the complete computer (as you can guess this is no real suitable way.

Maybe it has something to do with the sessions we use, but they are not so big.

I hope (not for the one who really has) that somebody has also experienced this kind of problem and can point me into the right direction.

I also tried different IE newsgroups but they had no idea, that's why I now try to ask ASP-programmers.

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I had a database driven website running on a free host,i have now changed host and am having problems setting the db path.

the old host was with and my website was Kartsearch.this was the path that worked

Source=d:DZHostsLocalUserkartsearchkartsearch instantads.mdb

my new host is 100 webspace( details are sugster & the root folder is, there is a folder called ads where the db is located.i have tried many paths which i thought would work but to no avail.

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String Included Or Not

I had a variable called "customer_id_list" and the value is "1, 2, 4, 5, 8". I would like to check that if "4" is in the variable. It return "T".

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Paths Problem

I am trying to solve a problem on a production server, that unfortunately is
not repeatable on our development server. It is for a bank, and the site is
being hosted by a different company.

Anyway the problem is this. There is a directory where a number of pdfs are
stored. Here is the structure.

| |_
| bank2004
| |_
| images
| |_
| pdfs

The current pdfs we want to access are in the bank/bank2004/images/pdfs/
directory. The old pdfs with the same names but different content are in the
bank/images/pdfs/ dir.

There are three types of pdfs we retrieve. Personal Applications, Business
Applications and Brochures. Our software writes all three types to that
branch of directories fine using pretty much the same methods for each type.
But when our web pages read them back, the 'brochures' type are pulled from
the old bank/images/pdfs directory instead of the current 2004 one. The
appplication pdfs are fine, they are read from the 2004 branch. The code
used to get the applications is virtually identical to the brochure code,
and it all works like clockwork on the dev box with exactly the same setup,
so it cant be the code.

I'm guessing it's some kind of directory mapping or someting on the iis
server, but I dont have access to the configuration of this server. There
are quick fixes to this problem, such as putting all our new pdf brochures
into the old directory, but my boss wants to know why this is happening.

Has anyone had a similar experience who can at least point me the right way.
I have next to no knowlege of iis, but I'm guessing it has to be server

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Problem With Paths

I have written a program which uses a directory structure upto 4 dirs deep.

I reference the include file

<!--#include file="../../includes/main_page_open.asp"-->

main_page_open.asp contains the line


I get an error saying

Server object error 'ASP 0228 : 80004005'

Server.Execute Error

/ios/includes/main_page_open.asp, line 32 The call to Server.Execute failed while loading the page.

The basis for the error is pretty straight forward - because the file (main_page_open.asp) is being called from a directory, two deep, the file attempting to be executed cant be executed because the system is looking in the wrong directory.

Now, before someone says; change the path; I cant do that because many (about 100) other files reference the same file with no problem.

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Parent Paths

If I've enabled Parent Paths (PP) in IIS, but have installed the URL Filter
and disallowed ".." and "../" within links, am I covered from the
vulnerabilities of PP's?

This allows me to use PP's in #Include statements, but doesn't allow
visitors to use PP's in their links to access directories on my server.

Is this correct?

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Relative Paths

Our web application is currently using relative paths in various places throughout our code. im working on eliminating this, but not sure of the best way to go about
it. i want to avoid hardcoding the path to make migration easier and more manageable. i thought there is a way to user the request object?? request.servervariables or
something -

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