Inline HTML Editor

I need an inline HTML editor for my ASP pages to modify database content because it's for use with people who don't know how to use HTML.Hopefully it's modifyable to a point because when you make links and what not, you'd have to add "class="contentLink"" in order for the site's css coloring to take effect (hopefully the ASP code or Javascript code allows customizing)

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What Is The Best Free Html/inline Editor?

What is the best free html/inline editor which supports IE Netscape and Firefox.

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Html Editor

I need the simplest online html editor available for a content management system I am building for a client. I would normally just use a text area, but they want to add links and have the option to bold/italic text, so need something I little bit more advanced. I don’t want to give them anymore options other than that as this will reduce user error and keep the correct look of the site. The content management system is very simply ASP to MS Access database. Does anyone one know of any freebie html editors I could easily adopt into my system.

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HTML Editor

I have thousands of static html files on remote server and would like to be able to edit these files online . What online HTML editor software in ASP recommended for this purpose?

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HTML Editor For CMS

get a simple HTML editor textarea for a CMS I am building in ASP. All I need the textarea to do is format the text i.e Bold,underline, Italic and more important have the ability to add a hyperlink to words within the textarea. I know I could just use a simple textarea, but ideally I need these extra options as the client has requested them.

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Html Editor Error

I don't know if any of you have come across this problem but i'd appreciate some help in rendering the situation. If i add an unordered list into the window it works well


But when i edit it it comes out as so:


The only the last li tag is closed the est are left open and to be able to render the html "xhtml 1.1 transitional" properly it fails.

Is there some regexp that has been written to fix this?

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I need to add a HTML WYSIWYG Editor to my website,which must be able to edit dreamweaver templates. Which one would you suggest?

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HTML Editor Control

I am looking for a HTML Editor Cntl which I could insert into an asp page - something like the one I am using to create this thread - and ofcourse free !

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ASP Page As Inline Frame In HTML Page

I have a ASP Page[inline frame in an html page] that does login to a database.

When the user visits the site, the first attempt to login will always failed and session is broken. Login name and password are correct though.

Only when the user re-try agian he/sge is then able to login to the site successfully. Can anyone tell me what could had caused the first time login failure?

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Inline Variables

im trying : <asp:TextBox ToolTip="<% Response.Write(; %>" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

why does it not work, it acts like a literal... while putting it inbetween the tags actually does work... <asp:foo><% Response.Write(; %></asp:foo>

weird ?

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Inline Frame

I have a simple web app that consists of an index.asp page that contains in inline frame and several supporting .asp pages. none of the asp pages really include any asp code.

I am trying to set the session.timeout value in my global.asa under the session_onload sub. I am trying to set the timeout value to 1 minute just for testing purposes. In the end I would like the user to be redirected to a timeout page when he/she clicks on any of the links after the 1 minute timeout has been reached.

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Inline If Else Statement

value="<% If request("Starting Date") <> "mm/dd/yyyy" Then Response.Write Request("Starting Date") Else Response.Write "mm/dd/yyyy" %>"

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Dynamic Inline Style

I am storing content in a database, and when a text field is updated I am adding a line "Updated by <username> at <date and time>" inside the text field.

Now what I would like to do is to apply a dynamic style to that line by using a span.

<span style="<%=UpdateStyle%>">Updated by <username> at <date and time></span>
where UpdateStyle would be an ASP variable like "font-weight:bold;color:red" etc, so how that line is displayed is amendable at any time from within an include file.

Well obviously using <%=UpdateStyle%> didn't work ... I also tried defining it as a javascript variable and calling it using document.write, but that didn't work either.

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Cdonts Attachfile As Inline

How to attach a file to an email as an inline element ? Code:

objMail.AttachFile Server.MapPath("./path_to/image.gif")

The result:

Content-Type: image/gif;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode
Content-Disposition: attachment;

I'd like the content-disposition to be inline.

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Passing Info Inline To And From Javascript/ASP

I have a wierd problem. I have a multi-dimensional array. When a user selects a certain item in a drop down box, I need to manipulate certain data in the page. So essentially to find the correct information in the array, I have to know the selectedIndex in my select statement. I error checked the javascript function using an alert, so it works. I just need to know how I can pass the selected index to the array, and then pass the array to the javascript "updatePreviewPane"

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Search Network Folders For Pdf Files Inline

I am wanting to create a search page that will search a folder in the company network (unc path) based on a pdf filename (01223233.pdf etc) and open the file in the browser. acrobat will take care of the rest ....

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Best ASP Editor

I am using NoteTab Light as my ASP editor. Any one can recommand some of the best editors.

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ASP Editor

I work mostly with PHP but occasionally a client can only use ASP on their server. Is there anyway I can develop in ASP for free?
Is there a stand-alone ASP editor, that can execute ASP code withotu a server?
Can ASP work under Apache for free?
Does ISS come with Windows XP Home?
I'm downlaoding Visual Web Developer Express to try.

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i have a table which saves stories written by different students. its a simple problem in it. but what i want is that when a teacher selects the story (ie. when she retrieves the story from the databse which the student has saved), she should have extra rights.

like she should be able to mark corrections of spelling mistakes by strikethorugh, make something in bold, or highlight in red. how can i achieve this. has anyone done something similar to it?

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Best Asp Editor

I would like to know what good editors are there for asp pages?

Dreamweaver MX does not show the asp page correctly, if it was not made using it's templates. Is there a better software for asp?

I would also like the software to debug asp, etc. About what software can you recoomend?

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Editor Do You Use?

At work i'm required to use frontpage and visual interdev 6.0 ....

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I'm using Visual Studio 6 Interdev for my ASP pages, but reading from some posts here and there I've read people don't use it and use other editors. What other editor could be better?

Right now I can do step by step debugging with Interdev, with watches and with an immediate window just like in VB6 where I can see values of variables as the program runs. Are there any better editors that let me do the same thing? (pref. free of course)

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Anyone offer sugestions on a good asp editor im looking at replacing FP with an allrounded comercial asp editor.

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I need to design a website whereby I have to provide an editor where the user can save some content (this gets stored in Access).

But apart from this the requirment is like if I want to check the content then i should be able to highlight the spelling mistakes, strikethrough some words. DO i need to attach some editor to ASP? if yes how can I do that? Code:

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ASP Editor/debugger

I am new to ASP and presently I use a simple text editor (ConText, freeware) to write my ASP code. Is there any good tools outhere to facilitate coding and debugging ASP files?

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ASP Editor Download

Does any one know if there a ASP editor available that I can download as a trial version or free lisence?

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Text Editor

i need to make some text editor like this in the sitepoint which we enter our threads

i saw it in many asp sites with many enhanced features so how can i desig some 1 or get a it from the web

i need to unserstand it's idea how can i format the text into html format and how can i save the formated text into the database and the important point how can i display it as html

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ASP Online CSS Editor

Is anybody aware of an ASP-based online CSS editor? I'd like to be able to manage my site's CSS files online. Ideally, I'd like to be able to change the colors and such online, then have ASP write the changes to the styles.css file. I know I could have dynamic asp tags throughout my site that would pull the styles from a database, but I'd like to just write to the text file. I haven't seen anything in aspin or hotscripts, so I was wondering if anybody has seen something out there.

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Functional ASP Editor

I'm using EDITPLUS now, but this editor really stupid for writing and
testing ASP code, I emphasize "small" is because of I'm using 32K
MODEM, I can't online too long time or I'll pay much money to my ISP,
I'm sorry my english is so poor,
so forgive me if my word had make you uncomfortable.
I'll try my best to express my question correctly

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ASP Editor With Intellisense

is there any ASP Editor which has intellisense capability.

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MS Database Editor

Is anyone familiar with this feature in Front Page 2003?

When editing a record, I want an email sent to an address in one of the fields when I update the record. This is not as simple as some would believe and I don't think it can be solved with the ususal asp mail solutions.

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Text Editor

Is any Text Editor with intellisense except Visual interDev?
Recently I am using FrontPage to develope my Webdesign (presentation layer) and use Visual interDev to do the coding. The reason why I use VID is it has intellisense

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ASP Editor On Windows?

I need a good ASP editor on Windows.

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