Insert Data Into Excel

How do i insert data into an Excel Sheet, Along with the provider to be used.

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Insert And Update Excel Data

I didn't know how to use asp to update or insert the excel data ....

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Insert Data Into Excel Spreadsheet

How to using one excel template to insert data into another excel spreadsheet by using asp programming ?

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Converting Data From Excel And Insert Them In SQL Server

I need to know how can i insert the data that is saved in an excel file into my SQL Server database.. I've seen some websites.. but i dun quite understand them. I would be great of you can explain to me the steps in doing tat etc...

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Insert Excel Header

I am currently working with an Active Server Page (ASP) that is set to redirect its output to Excel using Response.ContentType = "application/". It works great, but I need to find a way to insert a header and/or footer into the resulting worksheet.

Does Excel recognize any meta tags or CSS attributes that can be used to insert a header or footer?

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Insert Image Into Excel Using ASP(OWC )

I am using OWC to insert data into Excel I am using OWC since using this making multiple worksheet is easier Here is the code:

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Insert Data In My Db

I've been choosing to insert data ni my db using a recordset with methods AddNew and Update. I would like some advices to make my coding opractice better. For example: am I doing it right? Is there a better to do what I'm doing and so on...:

set rsExample = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rsExample.Open "example", MyConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

rsExample("firstName") = firstName
rsExample("lastName") = firstName
rsExample("subject") = subject
rsExample("message") = message
rsExample("new") = 1
rsExample("date") = now

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Insert Data

I have a form form.asp to insert data into the table1 of the db.mdb file. In db.mdb file I have two tables one is table1 and other is table2 now the fields in both table are as


ID (AutoNumber)
Name (Text)
Roll No. (Number)
Class (Text)
Address (Text)
Result (Text)

ID (AutoNumber)
Roll No. (Text)
Result (Text)

Now I want that whenever that data is posted into table1 then table2 should autoupdate the corresponding data. how this is possible?

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Checkbox To Insert Data

Is it possible to insert values in a Database with a
checkbox? Say I have a recordset and if the check box is checked I
want to insert the value of the of the field in the DB.


That is a persons initials, i want to insert those initials in a column
if it is checked, if it isnt checked nothing is inserted..

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Insert Data Into Table

I have created an empty table(.mdb) with 2 columns
Order(AutoNumber) and BuildingID(text)

and i use :

cn.execute "Insert into [Temp](BuildingID) values ("&Buildingid&") "
to insert buildingID into the table

however all buildingid start with 0 with be omitted,
eg. buildingid = "00003333" after insert into the table become "3333"

i have checked that response.write len(buildingid) = 8

What is the problems?

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Insert Data Problem

i have 2 web pages where in the first page, the user is allowed to make a series of selections from combo boxes (one of which is position eg programmer) and when the user clicks next(next1 button), a 2nd page appears with a table in it in the format below (the user is being rated on the different duties he performs in this page and the duties are retrieved dynamically based on the position the user selected in page 1):

userid duty score

user1 duty1 score1
user2 duty2 score2
user3 duty3 score3

when the user has filled in the scores, he clicks next (next2 function) to save the data in a table in the db. i am able to retrive all data except the duty. can anybody help me out. Code:

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Insert Data Into DB For New Sign Up

i wanted to do a sign up page using vbsript for new pple to register as member, but therr is also error: too few parameters, expected 2. Code:

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Cannot Insert Data And Email Results

I have a form that I created via DW that inserts data into a db. I also have code that I want to use which will email the results of the form. However, I have no idea how to combine the two functions (insert and email) into one page of code. Is there a way to merge the two? Where would I put teh email code? Code:

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Insert Data Into Mysql Fields

I'm writing ASP/mysql apps, and I'm almost clueless about mysql. Can someone tell me how to insert data into fields using ASP? Code:

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How To Insert Binary Data In An Sql String?

I'm using conn as ADODB.Connection object. when I write:

conn.execute "insert into table (binarydata) values ('" & binarydatastringvariable & "')"
it returns the error:

Unclosed quotation mark before the character string '(here is some string given)'.
How can I insert binary data to a ms sql server 2000 table without using adodb.recordset?

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(Multiple) Insert If Data Is Not Empty

I have 6 textboxes where user can input data (or can leave it blank). I need to insert all the data (if not blank) into the database. How should be SQL query be like? ...

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ADO Data Into Web Excel?

Is it possible to write out the contents of a database into an exel-type
spreadsheet within an asp page?

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Data From Sql To Excel Using Asp

I'm trying to use Activer Server Pages (ASP) to get Data from SQL database to Excel. Do you need to have any ActiveX installed to achieve this and has anyone has experience in doing this?

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Data To Excel

is there anyway to extract the data out of an asp table and write it into a seperate database that can be read by access or excel?

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How Can Insert The Image In Access Data Base In ASP

how can i insert the images in any format in MS Access database using the ASP plz give me a simplest and easy code which i can use in ASP

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Export Data -> Excel

I have two questions on exporting data to Excel using ASP (w/o converting
formatted excel file into web page and then plug in the dynamic data):

1. Can we export data into different sheets at Excel?
2. Can we do graph at export?

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Reading Data From Excel

I know the basic way of doing this when you have a static set of
spreadsheets but I need to be able to process different spreadsheets
every day. These spreadsheets are sent to us by an outside auditing
firm without named ranges. They have a consistent format. Is there a
way to read a specific set of cells without having a named range? Or
is there a way to name a range with ASP? I am open to any options
here. Going through and creating named ranges is the only thing that
wont work sicnce it would take more work than processing the files by

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Excel Data To Oracle

Need your help in uploading excel data to a table in oracle db.We cannot install any server component so pls give some suggestions.

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Extract Excel Data &

I currently have an excel flat database, it contains a computerName and it has a list of parts associated with it next to the cell value of computerName.There values that are offsetted to the right are the parts associated with the computer name. I was wondering through ASP could i have a dropdown of the computerName, when clicking submit it will find the offsetted values to the right.

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Extract Data From Excel

i want to import data from excel and save it in sql server data problem is how open excel file and read it cols by cols or rows by rows.

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Asp Display Excel Data

I try to find the best small exemple to display data from excel to asp (connection & code). But only exemples in

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Access Data To Excel Using Asp

I have an intranet application written in asp using access as the backend database. My users have requested they be able to download certain data into an excel spreadsheet. I have limited asp experience and could use some help.

Ideally, the user would be prompted to save and name the file (save as dialogue) and then the data would be selected and saved into that file. I know I can use a select statement to select data directly into an excelspreadsheet using:

SELECT * INTO [Excel 8.0;Database=" & lcPathFile & "].[Sheet1] FROM myTable

But I'm not sure that is the right approach.

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Export Data To Excel

I retrieve data from the database and display on ASP, then I export these data to a file, like Excel (the best) or text file. Is it possible? I think it is possible, but how can I do that?

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Show Excel Data

how to show excel data in asp?

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How To Get Data From An Excel File

If there are any tutorials out there or websites that can explain more about this? How to get data from an excel file(or any other file like a .txt) and inserting them into a database using asp? can this be done in asp?

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Using ASP To Generate Excel From SQL Data

I am using a SQL database, and Classic ASP and trying to generate an Excel file with my results, but the table is displaying as HTML in the browser instead of prompting the user to download/open the file. below is my code (edited data table for length). Anyone know why I am not being prompted, but shown the data via the webpage?

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How To Reset Input Data On Detailsview, After Error On Insert

I'm using the detailsview to perform edit and insert of new records via an
object datasource.

If an error occurs on the insert, I want to preserve the data the operator
tried to input, along with my error messages. Currently, it appears that the
detailsview is trying to rebind after the error, to the empty/null detail
item(on insert it is null), and thus I lose all the operator's input. Can
someone suggest the proper way for me to achieve the persistence I'm looking

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How To Insert The Data Into The MS Access Database Using Visual Basic

I want to insert the data into the MS Access Database using Visual Basic 6.0. Anybody please heplp me to tell the steps to insert the data into the database.

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