Insert Flash Movie Within An ASP Page

got some problems inserting a simple flash movie within an ASP page. Actually i am working with Dreamweaver and when I test my page from PWS directory, the flash movie keeps on loading..can't get the flash movie, but when I test the movie outside PWS, it does play the movie.. Should I include any file within the PWS root directory?

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Flash Movie Wont Play On A Secure Page

I have been working with ASP classic on this current project im involved in. Well the problem im facing now is there is a page where a flash movie should play in a particular section on the page but it wont play on the secure pages, on the unsecure pages it plays fine. I had added an Active X work in accordance with the Lawsuit issue but it still wont play.

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Get Value From Flash Movie And Pass To ASP

I have a movie clip having a few buttons inside that Movie clip. User can click on each part and fill a color.

I used getRGB() function to extract the filled color value of that button. I have used trace to see what the value is. Now I want that value to transfer into a database using ASP.

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Embedded Flash Movie Controls

I have embedded a flash movie (.swf) in my web page - but I don't know how to put the "play,pause,stop,volume" controls to the video.I need the movie to share with my colleagues at work using our local web server.

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I have been working with ASP classic on this current project im involved in. Well the problem im facing now is there is a page where a flash movie should play in a particular section on the page but it wont play on the secure pages, on the unsecure pages it plays fine. I had added an Active X work in accordance with the Lawsuit issue but it still wont play. Has any body faced this problem.

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Flash Load Asp Page

i have a ASP website and a flash on it. on a page, i have a button that links me to this page "pacientes.asp?id=<%=session("adm")%>", so, it returns me the page "pacientes.asp?id=#"... however, i want to control this link through can i make flash get the "adm" variable and attach to the end of the url?

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Flash Image Value To Asp Page

I have a flash image in my asp page. In the left navigation i have some names say limestone,clay,granite etc. My problem is that when i click the limestone i should get some identity value in my asp page for suppose id=limestone for limestone, similarly for clay and granite. i.e, for clay i should get id=clay in my asp page.

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Movie Displaying

I done Internet presentation for my client and presentation is placed on Brinkster...

Displaying movies is a part of presentation...

Those are .mov files...

As movie container I use Quicktime...

My problem is:

I have to wait to full movie loading...

Wait and wait...

When the movie is loaded then display starts...

Sometimes, it can take a long time...

I want to achieve effect with movie slider in my Quicktime container...

In other words, I want that movie begins to play before the end of full loading...

How can I achieve this?

My code is here:.....

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Upload Movie Clips

I am handling a module using ASP3.0 which has to upload an movie clips of size 1 mb or 2 mb. i have a code which upload only files or images....

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Passing Variable From ShockWave Movie

On the Shockwave movie (in a browser) I have:

on mouseUp me
postNetText("address/page.asp", myVariable)
goToNetPage "address/page.asp", "_blank"

and in the ASP page I have:

<% passedvariable = request.form("myVariable")%>

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Opening Movie Based On Checkbox

I want to load a particular movie in my active x control but I want it based on whcih checkbox the user selects.

How easy is this to do as I have no real ASP experience but someone here said this would be an ASP thing. I will paste some of the codes below that I have. I have no real ideal as to what I am doing with ASP so the code is probably a bit screwed up.

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Dynamic Movie Times Based On Zipcode?

Does anyone know how to display movie times from a particular zipcode stored in a DB? I need to find a website out there has a data feed that can be accessed with movie times. Anyone have any ideas?

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How To :insert Page Breaks......

Preparing a report form in word file using ASP.

How to insert page breaks in word file through ASP to perform a
client side report.

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Upload And Insert Page

We're working on an online application system - I've got a form that allows an applicant to upload a resume, references and supplemental material: Code:

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Problem With Handling Table Insert From ASP Page

I am gathering the input values to a form using Request.form method from the processing page. After all the data is captured, I am building sql statement out of it.

Using a response.write statement, I am generating the output of the sql statement which I can ran against the table to insert the row.

However, when I am trying to programmatically use the sql statement for the insert, I am having the following error:

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Can't Insert Records From Page With Request.form

I'm trying to insert records into an SQL database coming from a page using the request
..form method. The table "general" has a primary key 'geid .' I get the following error:

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'geid', table 'general';

column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

....not sure how to include the 'geid' field into the scheme.

strSql = "insert into general (firstname,surname,company) values ('"
strSql = StrSql & Request.Form("firstname") & "', '"
strSql = StrSql & Request.Form("surname") & "', '"
strSql = StrSql & Request.Form("company") & "')"
myconn.Execute (StrSql) ....

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How Can I Insert The Content From An HTML Or ASP Page Into A DataBase

what I want to make actually is to take the results of a search engine that I use, which are in form of HTML or ASP and transport that results in a DataBase. For example, I wont to place as registrations in the DataBase the equivalents URLs and their descriptions from the results of search. I use MS Access, code asp, HTML , Javascript .

QUESTION! How can I insert the content from an HTML or ASP page into a dataBase? How can I determine from what point to what point a string it will be entered in the first cell of table and afterwards in the next and next ....

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Dreamweaver MX Asp Page Won't Insert Master Detail

I have defined a recordset in Dreamweaver to retreive information from an Access Database Table, but everytime I try to insert a master detail page, a dialog box asks me to first create a recordset, which I already did. Any thoughts on why it keeps doing this?

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Insert Statement Executing Repeateadly On The Page Refresh

i have a form that action is set to itself, on the same page i m having the insert statement, executed when i submit that form, but when the user refresh that page the query is executed and submit the null values in the table.

<form name=form1 action=form1.asp method=post>
<input type........
<input type.......

<input type=submit value....>
<input type=hidden name='insert' value=1>

if request.form("insert") = 1 then

Execute the insert query

End If


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How To Insert A 301 Redirect On An HTML Page On A Windows Server

My website is currently made up of HTML pages and residing on a Windows server.

Currently converting them all to ASP, that is going from .html extensions to .asp (besides adding funking asp functions)

My pages have all being indexed by Google, so wouldn't risk loosing good ranking with Javascript redirects, so I tought using this would solve the issue, for example, on a file named thatpage.html

Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location", ""

Wherever where I insert it, in the head, in the body, before the DOC, it's not working, will have to resort to javascript? Will I have to put a link in the html page leading to the asp page? Wouldn't like to have user click agin to be led to the .asp version?

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How Can I Insert A Picture That Exist In My Server Into My Home Page?

I allow my users to upload a picture from their machine to my website on the server. I know the exact name and the path of the uploaded picture in my server, is something like:

Then, I would like to insert this picture into my home page. How can I do that without manually download the picture from server to my machine? How can I insert a picture that exist in my server into my page?

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ASP And Flash

Does anyone know how can I load an ASP file with variable query like:

loadVariablesNum("Member_details.asp?MemberID= ???", 0, "GET");

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Flash MX

I have created a Contact Form in Flash MX, However i want it to be able to send the message using ASP. Does anyone know where i can download or find information on how to do this?

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ASP/Flash And XML

I have been struggling with this issue for several days now. I have a flash movie that I am using the geturl call.

getURL((((("javascript:apripop('mypage.asp?theimg=" + this.myimage) +
"&title=") + this.title) + "')"));

This is what the xml page has.

<image myimage="images/flashme.jpg" title="Basic Movie"/>

The problem I am having is that when I click on a thumbnail from the flash
movie, it pops up the asp page and then it is suppose to display the image and
title. It is displaying the title only and not the image. I can view the
properties and the image string is being passed through, it's just not showing
the image. Is there some other code that has to be included in the asp page to
display an image? I hope I explained it enough for someone to assist me.

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Flash And Asp

Anyone ever work between Flash and ASP before? I'm trying to send a variable from a Flash movie to an ASP page and get the page to display the variable. I have a variable, test, in the root of the Flash movie. I've set up a button that has this script attached to it:

getURL ("newpage.asp","","post");

Then, I've written a simple ASP script as follows:

name = Request.Form("test")
Response.Write (name)

This is just to test out the concept. According to a tutorial I read, this should work, but it doesn't seem to be.

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Flash Possible

I am working on creating a login script in my flash file but wanted it to access my Microsoft Access DB. Would anyone know if flash can handle asp ?

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can anybody give me link for debug flash error in google

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Run Flash

I am looking for a way to put Flash files into HTML without the location of my flash file being shown in the HTML. I have seen this done before using ASP. Where the flash would be embedded, instead there is a line of code that runs a ASP file. Then the ASP file runs the flash from it's location on the HTML page where the ASP file is ran.

I'm not an ASP guy at all. I'm a flash guy. But I just don't want to put the location of my flash file where people can see it on that pages source code. This OR any other way of doing it is fine.

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Flash And Asp

Anyone ever work between Flash and ASP before? I'm trying to send a variable from a Flash movie to an ASP page and get the page to display the variable. I have a variable, test, in the root of the Flash movie. I've set up a button that has this script attached to it:

getURL ("newpage.asp","","post");

Then, I've written a simple ASP script as follows:

name = Request.Form("test")
Response.Write (name)

This is just to test out the concept. According to a tutorial I read, this should work, but it doesn't seem to be. I'm wondering if I'm missing a step.

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Flash Var > Asp

we would like to import a flash var with asp language from a SWF application. The var is a global one: Code:

_global.myVar = value .

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Detecting Flash With ASP

I have a Javascript to detect whether a client's browser has flash installed, but as so many people are putting me off relying on Javascript, could you please let me know if you know how to detect whether a browser has flash installed using ASP.

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ASP-Flash Chat

i am looking for asp-flash based chat source codes please send me link if you find any one. Code:

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ASP & Flash Movies

I am trying to figure out how to pull random flash movies from a designated folder and display them. I have a script that works great for one instance, but I cannot seem to figure out how to make it work for 5 different instances.

Meaning I am trying to place this 5 times on a side bar, so I wanted to have 5 places it places flash files at random, 1 file per slot.

Here is the code I am working with. Any ideas how to modify it so I can use it 5 times on the same page? It works great for one spot, but I need it to work for 5 spots and cannot figure out how to make it work. Code:

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