Insert >> Null Into Date/Time (Access2000)

I need to deposit and empty dummy value into a date/time field within Access
using INSERT. However, I pick up a data type error if I attempt to insert
a NULL value for this particular date time field....

What are my options here.....I need the date to come up empty.....what can I

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Insert Date And Time...

how to insert current date and time in an insert command into SQl.

insert statement as it sits..

SQL = "INSERT INTO adLogins (adLogins) "
SQL = SQL & "VALUES ('"&user&"')"
objCn.Execute SQL

i have another column, date/time format and would simply like to also shove the date in.. column named dateLogin.

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A Insert Null

Imagine This Case

*** Id_down Numeric(2) Can Be Null ***

Which One Is Ok ?

Op1) '"& Null &"'
Op2) "& Nul &"
Op3) Just Nothing

So ?

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Insert Null Value

I have a form where the user inserts data. The DB is access and the table is made up of 15 columns.

5 of them are not text. The columns that aren't text if the user leaves them blank it won't insert. 2 are dates, 2 are currency, and 1 is a number. All these columns are defined as NOT required this doesn't make and sense to me. This is part of the code. Code:

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Insert Value To Null Field

I have a field called w. The data type of the field is number. I use Access database. I cannot update a null value in the field.


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Null Date

I am new to using the filter property. When I try publishDate = '' I
get a type mismatch error

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Inserting Date As Null

i found a different way to insert the date or rather not insert the date at all if a certain condition is true. But anyway i have come accross the same problem when i try to update the date field with a blank value. Code:

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Comapring Database Time And Computer Date/time

there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time.
for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something

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Time/Date Format And Changing Time To GMT

Currently working on a ASP for a friend, which requires the date and
time on it. It pulls in entries from an Access Database with dates and
times in the format of:

"Fri Oct 17 18:02:46 2003"
However my date and time on the ASP page is displayed as:
"Friday, October 17, 2003 18:02:46"
using the script:
"<%Session.LCID = 1033%>
<%=FormatDateTime(Date(), vbLongDate)%>
<%Session.LCID = 2057%>

Anyone know how to change this script, fully or partly to produce the
date and time on the format that's in the access database i.e. "Fri Oct 17
18:02:46 2003" Code:

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Problems Connecting To MS SQL Via Access2000

For the past several projects, I have been using an Access 2000 .adp file to
create and manage the database on the remote SQL Server. It has worked very
well for me and is a very fast, simple way to take care of minor updates.

A new project is not going so well, though. No matter what I try, I can not
get a connection established. This project is on a server I do not control,
so I am having to work only with the information provided to me by the
admin. Code:

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Data Access Vista/IIS&/Access2000

Have just installed IIS7 on Vista and am trying to access a .mdb file
through ASP. Getting server error.

I think the problem is in the file permission. Under XP Pro/IIS6 is used to
have to set the .mdb file security via windows explorer to give
IUSR_machinename full permissions on this file for anonymous web access.

Cant seem to do this with Vista explorer - says object cannot be found.

Also, getting conflicting statements from IIS Help - it tells me firstly

a. By default, IIS 7.0 uses IUSR as the account for anonymous access.
This account is created when you install IIS 7.0.

and then

b. Similarly, a new Windows built-in account named IUSRS replaces the
local IUSR_MachineName anonymous account from IIS 6.0.

Anyway, whatever syntax I use, I cant seem to add anonymous web user
permission to daters.mdb via the security tab in Windown Explorer.

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Time Insert

I've got a site with multiple sections (jobs, clubs, motor, property etc), and have banner adverts displaying. Banner adverts have defined start and finish dates to allow advertisers to have period campaigns. They can also choose which section to display in, as well as location of advert (banner, side, base) on page.

But I would also like to break it down further for them to have an option of starting at 01/06/2004 06:00pm to 31/06/2004 09:45pm as an example.

Firstly, I need to find a time selector to enter the times into 'form field'. any help there? I have a date selector, but no time facility...

Secondly, I need to develop the correct select statement.
here is the date part of it:

strSQL = strSQL & " AND START_DATE >= DATE()"
strSQL = strSQL & " AND FINISH_DATE <= DATE()"

The problem I know if I simply put the time being greater than and less than, then the advert will only be seen between those times on those days in database, but I need them to be seen between the time on start day to the time on finish time, and all inclusive.

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Insert Time Into Access DB

I tried to insert time using now() and failed,

time= date();
conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");
conn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" +
Server.MapPath("generator.mdb") + ";");
sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO table1 ([time]) VALUES (" +
time + ")";

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Insert And Update The Same Time

I want to insert the element selected by the user from the drop down box in the DB(Access).Once the user hits submit i want it to insert this in the DB + i want to update one of the fields from True to False . how can i perform both these at the same time?

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Data From Date/time By Date

How do i select all records from a table that has a datetime field in it by date.
so i want all the records that was created today.

if i put only the date it doesn't work. this is what i have:

strsql = "select cnum from [topline data] where cnum = '" & cnum & "' and activerecord = "& activerecord & " and timestamp <> '12/10/2007'"

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How Do You Insert Multiple Records At The Same Time?

I need help to solve this situation....

House 1 (1 photo)
House 2 (4 photos)



I need insert multiple records into a single field of the Table2 and
insert the idHouse too. How do I do this?

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Insert Multiple Records Into The One Table At The Same Time

Does anyone know how to insert multiple records in the same table at the same time. This is what I have. I have a form with 6 fields and they are name prod1 through to prod 6. The table is called related products.

Basically this table is related to the main table called prod_parent. tried looking on google and couldn't find anything.

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Insert Atleast 10000 Records At A Time

I need to insert atleast 10000 records at a time but if the user stops the process i need to rollback the transaction.

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RecordSet (and GetRows) Is Retrieving Null Values When They Aren't Null

I have an interesting situation that needs to be addressed ASAP.

I am running a standard SQL Query in ASP to retrieve some rows/columns from a table that's on a SQL Server 2000 database. I put the results of that query into a RecordSet, and then use the GetRows function to push the results that are in the recordset into an array variable. In the query that I am running, 39 columns and 2 rows are returned.

The GetRows function appears to be working - the array variable is being created with the proper dimensions. However, the values of the different "cells" of the array are not showing up correctly. The first and the last column values for each row are correct, yet everything else in between is blank, empty, NULL, or whatever.

In other words: ArrayVariable(0,0) shows up correctly, ArrayVariable(38,0) shows up correctly, but everything in between is null.

I did a test on the RecordSet and discovered that it was the culprit - it wasn't being filled in properly. This is strange, though, because the select query that I run in the ASP code to create the recordset returns perfect results when I run it on the SQL Server 2K database.

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Insert Date

SQL_query = "insert into Activity_Status(UserID, TotalTime, Score, Activity_Name, Status) Values('" + Request.Form("username") +"'," + Request.Form("time") + "," + Request.Form("QuizScore") + ",'"+ Request.Form("QuizType") + "'," + "'" + Request.Form("status") + "')"

How shld I insert a date to this statement?

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Insert Calculated Date

I have this code for a textfield

<input name="date" type="text" id="date" value="<%=Date+365%> ">

I want to insert the calculated date function into Access database

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Date Insert Error

I am writing a insert query in which there is date field if there is value for date field then there is no error but of date value is blank it gives error #& #
I am using MSACCESS 2003

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Insert And Date Formatting

i am having with my classifieds ads site, i am using Access. I little info first: every ad that is posted automatically includes the date it was placed, and on the actual ad page it shows when the user posted the ad and when it will expire.

the script always displays all date formats as so: mm/dd/yy however after using the following code in my asp files: session.lcid = 2057 it formats all prevouis ads like this: dd/mm/yy and that is what i wanted. Now here comes to the problem after inserting the above code every new ad that is posted on the site still shows the mm/dd/yy (us format) and i do not understand why.

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Insert Date Into Sql Server

I hae a date column "datetime" 8 i want to insert the date and time via my insert statement is Now() suitable for this?

I tried it and it worked but i'm hesitant that it might not work correctly or i'm using the wrong syntax.

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I have a simple asp script that pulls data from an ingres database and
displays it on screen.

It all works fine except for date/time fields where the date >=
24/10/2004 and <= 31/10/2004 where it takes 1 hour off the time ie

in the database I have 24/10/2004 08:00

the asp displays 24/10/2004 07:00

The same thing happens for the same date next year.

Any thoughts?

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Time Of Date

I want to print only the time of the date. the date is in format "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM"

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Date And Time

I've had a little search, including here

but can't find anything about GMT and Local time.

what time does now() read? GMT time or local depending on where the server is? How do I get the time differences? I don't want to display GMT time for people living in Australia!!

I had a quick search, but it's almost 4 in the morning ( GMT )

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Date And Time

the code below fills a select drop down box with dates. There are rules for what the first date is displayed, like, if its a friday today then show monday first etc. There are two problems, one is that sometimes the date goes into the database when sent as DD/MM/CCCC and sometimes it goes in as MM/DD/CCCC.

I need it to go in as DD/MM/YYYY. Also on some occasions when displayed on the page it is shows as 23/MM/200, not showing a valid month which creates errors when put into the database. Code:

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SQL - Date/time

Using SQL server I have a table that needs to be automatically filled with a date and time
How is this done?

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Get The Time Different From Two Date


tis is the code to get the date differnt between date now with the date from the DB. becoz the interval is Date(d), how can i get the time different between the time? and the PM and AM too.

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I am trying to get this date/time field right, but couldn't find any solution to it.I have a field DateApply, set to Date/Time data type, and the format is dd/mm/yyyy. In my asp page, I set the Session.LCID to 2057, which is the same format as the one I set for the DateApply field (dd/mm/yyyy).

However, when I try to insert the date into this field, the date is different from the one I inserted. For example, I insert 25/07/2005, but when I look into the table, the date becomes 05/07/2025.I have tried to use FormatDateTime before inserting the date into the table, but no luck.Can someone give me a hand on this? I have did some googling on this matter,as well.

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Date And Time

I have written asp code to insert current date and time. my database is in sql server 2000. this is the sql query that i m using.

sql = "INSERT INTO tblDailyVisitLog
(UserID,DailyDate,DailyTime) VALUES

But when I checked in the database in date and time field it shows "1/1/1900" in both fields.

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Date Time

I am programming in VB Script in my ASP page and i am looking to grab the Data and Time from the systems internal clock.

What I am going to want to do is pre-populate a couple input boxes. So I have to set them to a variable and then get the syntax correct to set the value of the input box. Code:

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