Insert Record Goto Last Record

I have an insert record form that posts fine to a db which automatically creates an ID how could I get the next page to do a preview using the ID just created by the DB to go to the right record?

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Insert Record

Is it possible to, whilst inserting a new record, use a session variable from a previous page for one of the fields?

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Insert Record

am trying to get my ASP page to write session variables into an Access database. However I'm getting error messages. I'm not sure if I used the right syntax (using double " for example) Can anyone see a problem:

'Command1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tbl_quotewedding (coverllevel, weddingdate, marqueecover, publicliability, quote) VALUES ('"" & session(""svCoverLevel"") & ""','"" & session(""svWeddingDate"") & ""','"" & session(""svMarqueeCover"") & ""','"" & session(""svPubLiab"") & ""','"" & session(""svTotalCost"") & ')"

I know that the code below works OK so it must be something to do with how I've included the session variables

Command1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tbl_quotewedding (coverllevel, weddingdate, marqueecover, publicliability, quote) VALUES ('silver', '30/11/2004', 'No', 'No', '55')"

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Insert A Record

ive created a database using access, and ive successfully created a ole db connection to a webpage using dreamweaver. i can view records without any problems but when i try to add a record tothe database from a webpage form i get the following error msg

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
/guitarguide/guestbook.asp, line 115,

the field names in the database table start with txt_ e.g. txt_name, txt_email etc.

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Insert Record

need to retrieve a record from a table (tblBookingForm) in one database and insert it into a table (tblNetServ) in another database on the same server,leaving the original record in place.Cant get my head round it though, doesn't seem to want to connect to 2 databases at the same time.

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Insert Record

I want to submit a record to my db via a simple form but return the user to the same page upon submission ie place a form on index.asp and the form action="index.asp".

My logic isn't quite right, can someone guide me in the right direction? This is what I have, upon submitting the details the page just reloads and the record is not inserted.

<form method="post" action="index.asp">Name<br><input type="text" name="Name" id="name"><br>Email<br><input type="text" name="Email" id="email"><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"></form>
If Request.Form("submit") = "submit" then
call MailList
End If

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Insert A Record

I am inserting a record into a table to hold information about photos and what to create a folder with the same name as the primary key value of the inserted record. Eg if I have a table (tblAlbum) with two fields (albumID, albumName) and run an insert statement 'INSERT INTO tblAlbum (albumName) VALUES ('test album')`.

I want to then create a folder with the new value for albumID. How do I retrieve this new value just created?

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Insert Record

I am using Dreamweaver to create the insert record code for an access database. When it adds the code, I can not see the page on the website. If I remove the code the page works fine. I'm not sure what is going on?

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Insert Record

i have an access database that has an autonumber as the keyfield. how do i add a record with the autonumber left out so it is put in automatically by the database. i have this at present as my sql statement but dont know what to put in for the autonumber:


sqlstr = "INSERT INTO Jobs VALUES (" & " " & ",'" & JobName & "','" & Company & "','" & JobField & "','" & Contact & "','" & Website & "','" & Desc & "','" & Salary & "','" & Picture & "')"

the autonumber is the first record in the table

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Insert Record

i am trying to insert a new record in access using vb language in asp it just insert the id which is a auto number here is my code:

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Waiting For Db To Insert Record?

Just a quick question more about the flow of an asp page. IF I have code as
below: -

MyDBConnection.Execute "Insert Record Into A Table"
MyRecordset.Open "Retreive the same record from the table"

Is there any chance that the connection process (Inserting the record) will
not have completed by the time I try to retrieve the record. I.E. will the
asp page wait for the insert to complete before continuing to open it (the
next command in the page).

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Multiple Insert Record

i want to insert some records to Access Database using the checkbox.i've try all the example i've found but it does't's like checking our yahoomail.but i want all the tick checkbox insert to database

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Recalling A Record Insert

I want to insert a record into a DB and then immediately recall what
the ID is. I have heard that there is a way to do this with SQL Server
(although I haven't done it yet). Unfortunately this is for Access.

I've done some workarounds for this in the past but want to know if
there are better ways. What I've done in the past is to recall the
file name or something from the FORM collection against the DB
(assuming this file is unique).

Using aspupload, if the overwrite
attribute is set for FALSE I can use that as a way to better ensure the
file name is unique as it renames the file if it is not unique. The
problem is I need to to this without aspupload now.

I had thought of recalling the last record ID from the DB on the FORM
side and putting it in a hidden field but this seems risky. Any

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Insert/update Record

I have to compare 2 tables: orderA and orderB, if the record exists in both table orderB and orderA, just do a update to the quantity field in orderB (add orderA.quantity to orderB.quantity). Otherwise a new record has to be insert into orderB.

Do I have to loop through the recordset of orderB, then use select statement to see whether the record exists in orderA or not, and determine whether to update/insert record? I am using Access database. I just afraid that looping through each record in recordset (maybe >=30 record each time) would make the transaction getting slow (or even hang??). Can I do this in one SQL statement?

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Error On Second Record Insert

Working on a order sys for a client. I go to create an order, no problem IF There are no other records in a specific table. It is working like this:

create order #1...creates "order" in order table and adds 1st item in orderdetail table...add items to order in orderdetail error.

create order #2...creates "order" and gives an "HTTP 500 - Internal server error".

this involves one ASP page, two tables and one SP. Here they are: Code:

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Multiple Record Insert

I am trying to insert multiple records into Access DB from a form. Code:

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Insert Record With Constant Text

I have a quick question regarding a text field for inserting record, I have a page which inserts various fields including area code an phone number for a new record, however I am curious if there is a way that I can either make the area code appear with brackets around it in the text field which is sent so that the user does not have to type it in each time.

I was thinking I could concantenate the value i send in each time with brackets but am not sure what the syntax would b for this. or perhaps there is another way of doing this?

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Restrict Insert If Record Exsists

Can someone point me in the right direction on this? There are 3
fields in the DB: model, rma, bagqty. If the values on a certain row
are I530, 1108, 50 and a user goes to input the same data I dont want
the insert to be allowed and force a new insert.

I dont need someone to do this for nor do I want that, just need a push
in the right direction.

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INSERT INTO :: Check If Record Already Exists

I have a database in which I have to on a daily basis enter the information for that day. I would like to update this on a bi-hourly basis to prevent any possible data loss.

Using INSERT INTO, I create a new table line. Using UPDATE, I get an error on the inital creation of the table line.I am really unsure how to check to see if that line exists or if there is an easier way around this.

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INSERT Record To Database AND CDONTS

Is it possible to use CDONTS to send an email and INSERT a record to a database, once a form has been submitted. They work individually but I cant get the scripts to work together.

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Insert Database Record Problem!

I'm having a trouble to insert data into the database. I can't understand what do I do wrong. I've got 2 pages , one is html with user registration form and another one is asp with the following code:

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Insert Checkbox Values From Dynamic Record Set

A page displays the Product literature that a customer can request to receive by postal mail by clicking a check box. The literature selections are created by a dynamic record set based upon what the company enters into the Literature table (currently 10 selections). The checkbox form tags are:

<input type="checkbox" name="LiteratureID" value="<%= rs("LiteratureID")%>">

LiteratureID is the Access autonumber primary key field. I can use the LiteratureName in the "name" attribute if it is easier.

The form processing page needs to Insert each selection into its own record in another table. This "requested" table also inserts the database ID for the customer that is created after first inserting the customer contact info. In other words the "requested" table needs to record the customer autonumbered db ID and each selected checkbox value.

Here is my current code:

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Unable To Insert Record To My MSaccess Database

I am trying insert a record to my database from my webpage customeradd2.asp Code:

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0x80004005 Error, Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is...

I'm getting this error message: Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)

You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'employees'. Code:

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Record Numbers Against Record Problem...

I have a .asp page which lists a date, then a bunch of record lines for data that falls within that date, then the next date and it's bunch of data record lines. e.g.

Ship Date: 04/06/04

Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ship Date: 11/07/04

Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What I want is:

Ship Date: 04/06/04

1: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ship Date: 11/07/04

1: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

How can I get these numbers printed againsts the records ?

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Insert The Same Record Using Two Different "submit" Buttons

I'm using DreamWeaver MX 2004. I'm wondering is there a way to have 2 (or 3) submit buttons in the one form, each one to insert the record & then redirect to different pages, depending on which button is clicked?

I'm thinking about submitting all forms to one page & have that redirect based on a URL/ Form parameter. Just curious as to other methods.

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Record Set

I want to download record set from my SQL database as csv format but in ZIP file .I can download as a csv file now ..But i can't put that in zip file and download.

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how to deal with multiple recordsets on the same page?
It's gotta be something small and clear so I could understand.
Somewhere I've read that multiple recordsets are not allowed when using Microsoft Access Database?

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Set Record

I am looking to
have some sort of SQL Trigger maybe? I have a field called 'dateActivated' and 'isActive'I'm looking to somehow say when dateActivated + 6 months then set isActive = false. I want this to
be automatic. I am using ASP/VBScript if this somehow matters.

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Add More Than 1 Record At Once ?

I have a form on an asp page which is used to add additional users to
the DB, i.e. adding a UserID (PK on table), Password & Email.

The companies are allowed a max of 3 users. If the company only has
the default 1 user and wishes to add another 1 or 2, then the form
displays the current user details, not in text boxes as this is not an
adit data form. The additional user/s can be entered into 1/2 rows of
text boxes, user 2 & 3.

If they decide to add 2 new users, how do I add the additional 2
records to my db table on submit ? Code:

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Record Set

i am tryin to run a search on a db and am using a like statement which works fine but i want to select what it finds and also the next 9 records any idea on how to do this

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Second Last Record?

Is there any way to change the following code so that when it's the second last record in the set it doesn't put UNION ALL at the end? Basically, is there a way of saying:

if SecondLastRecord then

I don't know how many records there will be, so I can't count down from 7 or anything.


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Add New Record From Asp To Sql

Every time I try to ADD a new record from my asp page to SQL table, I got this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E2F)
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Cancelled_Classes'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'Cancelled_Classes'

Here is the Insert statement:

Sql="INSERT INTO Cancelled_Classes (yrtr, cou_id, cancell_date, Message)" sql=sql & " VALUES " sql=sql & "('" & Request.Form("yrtr") & "'," sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("cou_id") & "'," sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("cancell_date") & "'," sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("note") & "')" '

conData.Execute sql

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