Inserting Data Into A Database :: Page Cannot Be Displayed Error

I'm having a probelm with inserting data into a database using asp but I can't see what i'm doing wrong. I get the page cannot be displayed error ....

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Error Inserting Form Data Into Database

I am trying to insert data from a form into a database and i am getting the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'
Operation must use an updateable query.

The code that i used can be seen below: Code:

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Page Cannot Be Displayed Error

I had a problem which will cause the user to get an error page cannot be displayed. But this error only happened on one of my users, the rest are able to login to my site.

what might had caused the user to get "page cannot be displayed error"? Is that due to internet security settings? Or error with my code?

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404 Error: Page Cannot Be Displayed; Suggestions For Resolving?

I currently have a few asp pages linking together. On one page (postNew1.asp) it has a form that allows administrative users to enter a new form.

When creating a new form, there is also a file input box for the user to upload a filename.

If the user does not enter a correct filename, I have an alert box showing "invalid filename" when ever the user presses the "OK". It will not allow him to go anywhere until he enters a valid filename. Code:

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Inserting Data Into Bit Field In An Sql Database

I have an ASP variable called IRNvar:

If IRNvar(0,num) = "True" then
IRNvar(0,num) = 1
IRNvar(0,num) = 0
end if

In my sql database I have a True/False field called VariantFlag which is a bit data type. The IRNvar value is numeric. I am trying to insert the 1 or 0 into the database so that the field shows true or false accordingly but I get a 'Type Mismatch' error. Here's the insert statement:

SQL = "INSERT INTO Documents (CNID, DocumentPrefix, DocCategory, DocumentName, VariantFlag, PartNo, PartDesc, NewIssue, StatusID) VALUES ('" & CNID & "', '" & IRNprefix & "', '" & IRNcat & "', '" & IRNnumber & "', " & IRNvar & ", '" & PartNum & "', '" & IRNDesc(0,num) & "', 'A', '5')"

Is there a way to convert the number to the right data type? Am I doing something wrong? I'm quite new to all this so it's probably something silly.

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Inserting Data Into A Database Table

i am trying to use the 'Insert into' sql query to insert data in an asp file but having some errors...this is the eror i got from the browser..

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement
/AddConfirm.asp, line 46, column 36
sql="INSERT INTO tblMembers VALUES("8"," & DateJoined & "",""& Title& "",""& LastName& "",""&FirstName& "",""& DOB & "",""& AddressUnit&"""

this is the code i have in my asp file....


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Error While Inserting Data

I'm currently tring to insert data into an access db using asp. I have a form which is found in a popup window and which contains the fields Name and Comment. When I click on the Submit button,I call a javascript function in order to redirect the user to the page that will save the name and comment.

However,I am having an error like this:Field 'VoicesComment.Name' cannot be a zero-length string. The problem is that the value from the previous page in the popup window is not retrieved. I have tried retrieving the name entered and the page does not return anything.
The code for the page that is supposed to save data is as follows: Code:

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How To Get Data From An Excel File And Inserting Them Into A Database Using Asp?

I would like to know if there are any tutorials out there or websites that can explain more about this? can this be done in asp?

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Inserting Arabic Data Into Access Database

I am trying to save arabic data from asp and it's not being saved with right encoding. i tried with both code pages 1252 and 1256. each time i am getting different set of characters in db, but not as i am entering in asp page.

when i retrieve arabic data from database and display in web pages it's showing correct text.

i am using following code in asp side: ....

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Inserting Dynamic Text Box Data Into A Database

Does anyone know how I can insert daynamic text box data into a SQL Server database? I have text boxes that are being generated dynamically and I want each of those values inserted into the database that hold the results. I'm not sure how to write my loop statement.

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Inserting Data To SQL Database And Sending Email At The Same Time?

I’m attempting to insert some basic information (name, address, details) to the sql database and send a notification email (at the same time).

Right now, I can insert the information to the DB after I click submit, but how can I also receive an email? Please give some ideas how to do it.

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Validating An Uploaded File Before Inserting Data In To Database

I am uploading a file using ASP code. After the user uploads the file, I would like to be able to open the file and check if the data is in a given format (comma separated) and also has all the data elements needed (i.e. all fields are there).

Is there a parse routine in asp that would allow me to do this. The user can upload any type of file as long as I am able to parse it and determine if the data is of the aforemention type.

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Data Displayed As ASP/HTML Chart?

I have a site on which the visitor completes a form. When submitted, the form field details (email address, business, etc) are stored in an MS Access database.

I have to log-in to my server at the moment to see how many forms have been submitted.

Is there a way - I am sure there must be - of linking this MS Access database, that is, the number of forms submitted to it (which is not the same as counter 'hits', because people can visit the site without submitting the form), to an ASP/HTML page which displayes the figure in chart form month by month?

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Form SELECT OPTION Displayed Data

Is there a way to retrieve the DESCRIPTION in the following code from within the process.asp page without adding additional fields to the form?

<form name="myForm" method="post" action="process.asp">
<select name="Options">
<option value="1">DESCRIPTION</option>

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HTML From Database Not Displayed

I have done search on the board (and google too) to find a way to display properly my HTML code that are already inside the text in my database like < br > and < i > and so on. but when I see the result in my browser (using ASP) I see the HTML coding and not the result of the code.

I have found here in the Funky Functions in ASP thread probably something useful but I cant make it work (second post, the one made by aspapp).

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Page Cannot Be Displayed In ASP

I'm using classic ASP. I made a change to a page and I got a Page Cannot Be Displayed error. I changed the code back and now I get the same thing. Other pages can run and access the db server.

I tried taking out includes and bypassing some code. I've also checked both the Application and Event logs on the server and there doesn't seem to be anything obvious there. I'm not using any components. Can anybody give me an idea as to the types of
things that cause this problem?

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Page Can't Displayed

I have a form from html called "rcf" and it suppose to get the data from users and send it to the database.but from my form to my add_rcf.asp page I get a "The " message.I uploaded the files.

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Page Cannot Be Displayed

i am tryint to access this ASP website, but it keeps giving me the msg PAGE CANNOT DISPLAY. when i send the url to my friend, it load for them just fine. can someone tell me if ther are any option i have to chang or any way of solving this problem?

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Page Can Not Be Displayed

We have two websites:

1. On Internet

Anyone with any internet account can access to the first site, but to enter to the 2nd, u need to have a special internet account (say, a certain supplier).

The general menu is on the Internet website, but one of the items in the sub-menu, links to a page On the INTRANET. If u r not authorized (=did not use the certain internet account), then u get the page "The page can not be displayed".

How do I redirect the "page can not be displayed" to the help page, and of course, redirect it ONLY when the "page can not be displayed" page is there b/c of linking from this sub-menu, or b/c of trying to reach directly to the Intranet certain URL that this sub menu links to.

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Be Displayed Error

I've got an asp page that allows users to input quantities of certain items. When they click the "Total" button, the page is submitted to itself and a total for their selected items is displayed, similar to any online shopping cart.

When all items have been selected, the form is submitted, and their taken to the next page. If they choose the browser's "Back" button, or a "Cancel" button on the asp page, they get the Page Cannot Be Displayed Error. However, if they never update the total, and instead enter all the quantities and then submit the form, withing submitting back to itself, the browser's "Back" button and the asp "Cancel" button work fine.

It appears the back button doesn't work when the previous page has been submitted to itself. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is it a bug in my code or possibly an IIS issue?

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Page Cannot Be Displayed Problem

I know this is a simple problem,what are all the causes of this problem? This occurs to only when I don't login to the web server.

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Page Not Completely Displayed

I have a dynamically populated page, and for one of the records the page is not completely displayed. When I click view source, the code is complete but about half of the code isn't shown on the page.

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How Does One Update All Records Displayed In A Asp Page

I got a test asp page which connects to Northwind.mdb database. This page
pulls all the rows from the Customers table. One column i.e. GoodStatus has
been added to the customers table. The following is the code to display all
records of the customers table with some customization. Code:

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Page Cannot Be Displayed In Release Mode

I am pretty new to, and have recently taken over a project. I have
gotten to the point where I am about to release my changes, but for some
reason when i build the project in release mode and launch in in IE I always
get a "The Page cannot be displayed" page instead of my login form.

Anyone have any ideas? The applciation works fine in debug mode, its just in
release mode that this happens.

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How To Send Request To IIS Server After The Page Displayed

Is that possible that I can send request to IIS Server after a .ASP page is
displayed? My Requirement is:

Clinet will Fill the Details in one Request Form after the details are
filled then the Request Files will be shown to the user as Link in Another
page. (Currently before Sending the Link Page to Customer I am updating DB
in Different Servers Located Different Palces - So It takes Time).

So What is My Requrement is After the user gives his details - I will
directly display the Link Page and After the Link Page is Sent to Browser
then I will Execute / Update the DB.

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When Refreshing The Page Data Goes To The Database

how to stop sending data to the database when refreshing the page,i use access database with asp,all the time that i refresh the page same data goes to the database again and again

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Data Type Mismatch :: Microsoft JET Database Engine Error '80040e07'

Option Explicit
Dim oConn, sConnection, SelectValues, ItemData
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
sConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=c:sitesSingle16aoawebdatabase b;" & _
"Persist Security Info=False"
SelectValues = "SELECT * FROM agents WHERE aid = '" & Request("aid") & "'"
set ItemData = oConn.Execute(SelectValues)

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e07'

Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

/admin/viewfullnotary.asp, line 10

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Error '80040e37' - Page Can't Find The Appropriate Database?

I have a bunch of .dbf files stored in a folder called dbf. My index.asp page is one level above that (let's call it the root). My asp page uses the following function to retrieve all of the .dbf files: ....

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Inserting Data

I'm wondering if it's possible to create an instance of an ADO Recordset and add values to it by ASP ??

Ex :
I have 2 arrays :
arr1 = Array(1,"allo")
arr2 = Array(2,"bonjour")

Is it possible to add these 2 arrays into a Recordset to manipulate de data more easily?
If yes, could you provide me with a little example to see the synthax, because I tried almost everything and it didn't worked at all

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Before Inserting Data

I am trying to make a web-based front-end for one of our programs. I'm running into a problem. Here's a sample of one of our tables:

CaseNo ChargeCount ArrestCharge FiledCharge
123 1 13 13
123 2 14 14
199 1 03 03

The ChageCount column cannot have nulls and must be unique. is there a way when I'm adding a new charge, i can check to see if a chargecount exists? For example, if inserting a new record, it will first check if there is a chargecount, if there is not, it will make it 1. if there is a charge count, it will +1 to the existing chargecount

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Data Inserting Issue

I have a website written in ASP with an MSSQL2000 backend. Recently I moved off of Windows 2000 Server running IIS5 to a Windows2003 Server running IIS6 with SP3.

I transfered my sites data over an all is peachy except I cannot add any new data through the gui. I can edit existing data and delete existing data, but adding is a no go.

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Inserting Data :: The_connection_cannot_be_used_to_perform_this_operation

The code below is suppose to check to see if an order for a particular user already exist for that day. If it doesn't then it creates a new order number in the webordernum table and inserts the items requested into the weborderlist table. It the ordernum however does exist, it just adds the item to the list....

it gives me an error that reads:

The_connection_cannot_be_used_to_perform_this_oper ation._It_is_either_closed_or_invalid_in_this_cont ext Line 14 (the line)

Code: ....

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Inserting Into DB When Data Contains Quotes

I have a form that inserts data into a, big surprise there, huh? Anywho, my problem is when a user types a word like can't or won't etc.. The single quote obviously throws off the SQL string.

I looked through the forums to see if anyone else had similar problems and I found one. It was suggested to use a replace method upon inserting and then reversing that when reading data from the database. Code:

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