Inserting Into Multiple Rows

if i have an online invoice and i want to insert all the items of the form into different rows of a table.
is it possible and can get the code ?

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Add Multiple Rows

I want a way to be able to add up to 99 new items into a table. I've search around but haven't found much. I think I am using the wrong word or function?

Entry page would look like:

1. var1, var2, var3,... var10
2. var1, var2, var3,... var10
3. var1, var2, var3,... var10
4. var1, var2, var3,... var10
5. var1, var2, var3,... var10
99. var1, var2, var3,... var10

I can't do a "INSERT INTO table_blah Values()" . Should I look towards an Array? I suck at those.

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Update Multiple Rows

Visually, the page will look somewhat like a spreadsheet. It could have
hundreds of records (rows) displayed. I want to enable the user to edit any
one or any number of records and any fields, then click a save button to
UPDATE the SQL table. I'd like to use stored procedures if possible. How is
this done? Where do I start?

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Multiple Rows Of Data

I need to have a table with 3 fields whereby the user can input the data and insert into my database using this website. However, I need this table to be dynamic so that after the user input the info for the first row, the user can click on add another row button and another blank row comes out. then the user can input the info for the second row and so on.

I am using ASP in the end to insert the data. I need some advice on how to create this kind of table where the user can click on one button to add another row and then able to insert all data in the entire table into database using asp.

number filename filesize
1 aaa.asp 123MB

add more data

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Multiple Group Rows

How do you group multiple rows from a sql recordset on a unique id in ASP? (ie: I get 5 rows for id=9, but just want to display the top row based on my Order By).

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Insert Multiple Rows

I use Access Data Base 2000 and ASP configuration. My case is that I constructed a Editable Grid with 5 columnar labels so that I derive many rows from database for the client to choose from by the help of check boxes that I externally added for each row. What I have to do is after client chooses the rows by clicking the check boxes and then clicking on the submit button.

I would like to insert the marked rows with labels(4 or 5 labels)into a differant database table from the one where the data was first drived. BTW, within the editable grid I have 4 submit buttons and each button should insert checked rows into differant data base tables.

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Writing To Multiple Rows

I am try to insert data from a form in to an access db When a store is added this asp page writes to two tables in the database But the product data need to be add to 5 individual row but I get this Error Identity cannot be determined for newly inserted rows.

I think I am writing The data into the same row every time. What can I do to make sure I a creating a new row every time I update rsproduct Code:

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ASP: Update Multiple Dbase Rows?

I've got a little user poll system and I'm trying to create an 'edit' form. The form relates to 2 database tables, one holds the poll details (title, start date, end date, etc) and the other holds the answers/options (answer_id, answer, etc). I've successfully setup the form so it updates the poll details but I can't work out how to update the answers? Code:

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Choosing The Highest From Multiple Fields Not Rows.

I have multiple fields (BLM, WHM, RNG, MNK) each with a numeric value. How can I search across these fields for each record and find the highest number.


Jason 19 52 33 18

What I want it to do is return and display Jason WHM 52

And I want to do this for every record in the table.

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How To Trigger OnChange Or OnClick Events For Multiple Rows In Table??

I can trigger these events successfully if table only has one row:

Sub InputField_OnChange()
End Sub

But, these events cannot be fired if table has more than one row, why?

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Inserting Multiple Row Through Sql

How do you insert multiple row in 1 sql statment?

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Inserting Multiple Records

Im having a hared time with this, im trying to update multiple records in a database from a form.

The form display all records from a search query and then the user selects whether to post the record of put the record on hold (two fields in the database).

Now everywhere I have looked I only see examples which update the records by using counts but I could end up with any number of records. I thought that using a loop would be an idea to get passed this.

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Inserting Multiple Records

Does anyone know how to upload or insert multiple records into a MS Database. I've been trying to figure this out all day with little success. It seems that their should be a way to upload a txt file or csv file and have all the records go into the dbase.

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Inserting Multiple Records

i've created a page that displays a list of records with a checkbox next to each.

I'd like to give my users the option of selecting multiple checkboxes then clicking submit which will insert a new record for each of the checked option.

for example: Code:

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Inserting Multiple Names

if its possible in dreamweaver ultradev4 to create a pop-up box where i can select multiple names which can then be added to another field on a sepearte page. This popup page needs to be dynamic as new users are added to the database daily.

Basically its the way that hotmail handles the address book. The user clicks a button to view the address book, they select the people they want to send it to, then click ok & all of those names appear in the 'to' box.

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Uploading & Inserting Multiple Images

How can I upload & insert 2 images to the server using asp, I used this code for one single image....I need to know for 2 images in order to insert them in database

The following is the code :

Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
Upload.IgnoreNoPost = True
Upload.LogonUser "","maf","fam@dmin"
Upload.Save server.mappath("/uaeagricent/AgriNews/Newsimg/")

For Each File in Upload.Files

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Inserting Into Multiple Tables From ASP Page.

I've been building an ASP app that sits on top of a relational database (MS Access). The problem is that the data from some web forms need to be stored in different tables. Currently I am using multiple SQL Insert statements.

The problem with this approach is that it is possible that several inserts would succeed and then one would fail. This would ruin my database. Is there some way to synchronize the Insert commands or to "flush" the commands at the same time? I need the Insert statements to either all succeed or all fail.

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Multiple Radio Buttons/textboxes – Inserting Into The SQL DB?

I’ve a few radio buttons; few of them have input textboxes and dropdown list.
I use Select case to insert values (depend on which radio button that you've selected) into the sql db but it doesn’t work. Then I use if, elseif and else…the value of radio still doesn’t insert into the DB. In this case how can we insert the value(s) into the DB? Code:

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SQL Server - Update/Insert Multiple Cols Into Multiple Tables

Just as the title says I am trying to do something impossible with a single SQL statement. I am doing an ASP webpage for internal use at the company I work for.

I want to know if there is a way to insert/update data into multiple tables in 1 SQL statement.

If it requires functions | views or anything else that is fine but I don't want to have 3-4 different SQL statements to update 2-3 different columns in different tables.

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Searching Multiple Memo Fields In Multiple Tables In Access

I have a search option on my website, which should perform a search on 4 fields, as follows:



It only needs to return matches which are an exact match of their search criteria. For instance, searching for "I am here" would return a record which contained "I am here", but not just "I" or "I am" etc.

I need to return all these records as part of one recordset preferably, as I want to be able to order them etc., though I imagine you may suggest I use an array somehow to merge two recordets etc., then reorder them?

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Max Rows

Does any one know a good site where I can go to learn how to let the user determine how many rows they want to display?

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[ASP] Sequence Rows

In the table MYSQL I have this sequence of rows:


I like to see:


and query that counts for all rows like ASSI ...

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Add Rows On Form

My idea is to have a web form that a user can add extra fields if needed.
Example would be a form that a user would add ComputerName, IP, and at least
one row of data say Application, Vendor, Contact. Then they need to add two
more rows of the same data (App,Ven,Cont). So I guess some sort of
dynamically adding more fields for more data entry. The point being you
don't have an idea how may there really are to add. Then on the database
side I would guess one table to hold the IdentNumber,ComputerName, IP and
another table for the IdentNumber, App,Ven,Cont.

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Combining Rows

I have a database used by another application, i want to be able to manipulate the data stored in the database, the problem is that the way the information is stored its awkward(assume this is purposely so), but i cannot change the db structure at all, so heres my problem: Each Person in this database will have multiple comments stored against them:

ID | CommentCode | LineNum | ValueData
1234 COMM1 1 Something about thi
1234 COMM1 2 s person seperated ov
1234 COMM1 3 er multiple lines
1234 COMM2 1 Something else about
1234 COMM2 2 them

What i want to do is circle through the recordset and combine the multiple lines of the same comment, any ideas/examples?

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How Many Rows Returned?

When I do a query that I know has 2 rows, I get rs.recordcount equals -1. Same thing when it's just one row. I need something that gives me the number of rows.

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Returning Only 100 Rows

I was wondering if anybody could advise me how to return just 100 rows from a database query. In Cold Fusion I'd use the maxrows function, but not sure how to do in ASP (or can I do it in just SQL?). My code is thus :

' Retrieve last 100 records. Query then run through the query building a string
Set objRetrieve = objConn.Execute("SELECT Players_ID, Players_Name, Players_Score FROM Players ORDER BY Players_Score DESC")

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Editing Many Rows At Once

We've been asked to upgrade the system and one of the common complaints is that they often have to edit just one field, but for all the students. Currently you have a list of students and you have to click each one and go to their summary page before you can edit anything.

So they've asked if there is there any way of creating a 'spreadsheet like' view of my data and allowing the user to edit and either save everything, or save each row as they go (without causing a page refresh).

I managed to get a basic idea up and running, involving lots of wee forms or one big form... but my ASP ended up creating 266 SQL queries to do the saving (one for each pupil) ... and the script would just take forever. Code:

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Flashing Rows

Does anyone know how to make a table row flash in a certain colour,
depending on a DB value?

I have a helpdesk application listing statuses of Agents and the calls
queued on the system.

When a call is queued, I wish to make that Agent's Table row, flash.

Or even a cell flash.

Any ideas?

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Counting DB Rows

For example:
If I had a table with the headings
ID Colour Car
1 Blue Volvo
2 Red Fiesta
3 Green Mondeo
4 Red Volvo
5 Red Fiesta
6 Blue Fiesta

How could I use asp to count how many times say the colour red appeared in the table displayed in a numeric value, i.e There are 4 red cars in the able

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Counting Rows

i know that in sql you can output the amount of rows with COUNT(col_name), but what asp do i need to output this

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Get Total Rows

I have a list of data in a database(access). How can I get the total rows in the database?

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Put All Rows Into A String

I have a column called state with 50 rows as 50 US states. I want to display the rows as one string like TX, NY,How can I do this easily?

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Add Rows To Dimensioned

Is the following assumption correct?If I setup an array with 5 rows and 8 columns.

Private invoiceItemsArray
ReDim invoiceItemsArray(4,7)

Am I stuffed if I want to add a fifth row? From what I've read I will only be able to add more columns in this instance.Is this correct? And if so is there a work-a-round. Would I need to create a new array with one extra row, use the old one to populate it and then add my new row data?

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