Inserting Multiple Row Through Sql

How do you insert multiple row in 1 sql statment?

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Inserting Multiple Records

Im having a hared time with this, im trying to update multiple records in a database from a form.

The form display all records from a search query and then the user selects whether to post the record of put the record on hold (two fields in the database).

Now everywhere I have looked I only see examples which update the records by using counts but I could end up with any number of records. I thought that using a loop would be an idea to get passed this.

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Inserting Multiple Records

Does anyone know how to upload or insert multiple records into a MS Database. I've been trying to figure this out all day with little success. It seems that their should be a way to upload a txt file or csv file and have all the records go into the dbase.

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Inserting Into Multiple Rows

if i have an online invoice and i want to insert all the items of the form into different rows of a table.
is it possible and can get the code ?

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Inserting Multiple Records

i've created a page that displays a list of records with a checkbox next to each.

I'd like to give my users the option of selecting multiple checkboxes then clicking submit which will insert a new record for each of the checked option.

for example: Code:

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Inserting Multiple Names

if its possible in dreamweaver ultradev4 to create a pop-up box where i can select multiple names which can then be added to another field on a sepearte page. This popup page needs to be dynamic as new users are added to the database daily.

Basically its the way that hotmail handles the address book. The user clicks a button to view the address book, they select the people they want to send it to, then click ok & all of those names appear in the 'to' box.

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Uploading & Inserting Multiple Images

How can I upload & insert 2 images to the server using asp, I used this code for one single image....I need to know for 2 images in order to insert them in database

The following is the code :

Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
Upload.IgnoreNoPost = True
Upload.LogonUser "","maf","fam@dmin"
Upload.Save server.mappath("/uaeagricent/AgriNews/Newsimg/")

For Each File in Upload.Files

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Inserting Into Multiple Tables From ASP Page.

I've been building an ASP app that sits on top of a relational database (MS Access). The problem is that the data from some web forms need to be stored in different tables. Currently I am using multiple SQL Insert statements.

The problem with this approach is that it is possible that several inserts would succeed and then one would fail. This would ruin my database. Is there some way to synchronize the Insert commands or to "flush" the commands at the same time? I need the Insert statements to either all succeed or all fail.

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Multiple Radio Buttons/textboxes – Inserting Into The SQL DB?

I’ve a few radio buttons; few of them have input textboxes and dropdown list.
I use Select case to insert values (depend on which radio button that you've selected) into the sql db but it doesn’t work. Then I use if, elseif and else…the value of radio still doesn’t insert into the DB. In this case how can we insert the value(s) into the DB? Code:

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SQL Server - Update/Insert Multiple Cols Into Multiple Tables

Just as the title says I am trying to do something impossible with a single SQL statement. I am doing an ASP webpage for internal use at the company I work for.

I want to know if there is a way to insert/update data into multiple tables in 1 SQL statement.

If it requires functions | views or anything else that is fine but I don't want to have 3-4 different SQL statements to update 2-3 different columns in different tables.

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Searching Multiple Memo Fields In Multiple Tables In Access

I have a search option on my website, which should perform a search on 4 fields, as follows:



It only needs to return matches which are an exact match of their search criteria. For instance, searching for "I am here" would return a record which contained "I am here", but not just "I" or "I am" etc.

I need to return all these records as part of one recordset preferably, as I want to be able to order them etc., though I imagine you may suggest I use an array somehow to merge two recordets etc., then reorder them?

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How To Update Multiple Records With Different Multiple Value

i hav problem with updating the data. In the asp page i hav displayed records based on search criteria. in display mode im displaying the to be updated field in combo box for each similar contract_no. each contract_no will hav different no of rows and to be updated combo box.

based on the selected value in the combo boxes of different contract_nos i hav to update the combo value with old value. user select multiple combo values at a time I need anybody's help with detailed programming logic.

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ASP Inserting (')

There i seem to be having a problem when inserting certain characters into my access database using a form, mainly (') characters.

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Inserting Into

I get the following error message

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ee'

Expected ')'

/weblinkup/chat.asp, line 1775

oConn.Execute("INSERT into chat (username,nametext,roomname,type,priv,thetime,msg) VALUES ('" & username & "', '" & username & "', '" & Roomname & "', 'msg', '0', '" & now() & "', '" & username & " has just said " & emotetarget & "." ')")

what the problem is with the code?

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Not Inserting

i have a database Access with Book Table and Author Table. now i have created a form which inserts info submitted into the Book Table, yet it keeps giving me this error "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'Author' " while the names of the authors are all registered.

it works in Access but not in asp it doesn't make much sense. People just enter the names of the books which their authors are in the Author table. it keeps giving me error. how to know why this is so?

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Bulk Inserting

I have an error as follows:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not bulk insert. File 'c:mydata.csv' does not exist.

My mydata.csv file is inside the directory i stated. But why does the server complains that the file is not fould?

My codings:



Response.Write ("test")
Set oRS = conn.Execute(strSQL)

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Inserting Database

I had some Error when i write the update sqlp query

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement
/fyp/Quiz/updateQuiz.asp, line 21, column 77
SQL_query= "update Activity_Status set UserID = '" +Request.Form("username") "'" "where Score = '" +Request.Form("QuizScore" + "'")"

SQL_query= "update Activity_Status set UserID = '" +Request.Form("username") "'" "where Score = '" +Request.Form("QuizScore" + "'")"

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INSERT INTO Not Inserting

I'm using ASP + MS SQL. I wrote a simple insert into command but nothing is happening... it gave no error and no information is stored in the db. When I response.write my SQL, I got the following:

INSERT INTO [blog_entries](title,user,entry,date) VALUES('test','admin','test','Tuesday, December 25, 2007')

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Inserting Data

I'm wondering if it's possible to create an instance of an ADO Recordset and add values to it by ASP ??

Ex :
I have 2 arrays :
arr1 = Array(1,"allo")
arr2 = Array(2,"bonjour")

Is it possible to add these 2 arrays into a Recordset to manipulate de data more easily?
If yes, could you provide me with a little example to see the synthax, because I tried almost everything and it didn't worked at all

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Inserting Smilies

how do i design my site interface such that users can insert smilies along with text in the form field just like it is here on sitepoint...

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Inserting Record

i've tested my code and it seems to send back an error, when i'm trying to insert a record into my db (sql server)
Basically when I udpate one of the records it's fine ( I update at a certain "productID")
But when I insert a new record it sends back an error telling me that my "productID" can't be a null value?Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Inserting Apostrophes Into DB?

When I insert info into a DB from a form, it cuts the string off at the first apostrophe (").

How would I make it insert the data as-is, with the apostrophes? Here is the code used to insert the Data:

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Inserting And Downloading

I am developing web pages , therein doing database
connectivity using ASP with Microsoft Access.I want to

insert a file (.opt/.pmopt) into a field 'OLE Object'. Also

I want to display that file name in tabular form and a link
to download that file.

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Before Inserting Data

I am trying to make a web-based front-end for one of our programs. I'm running into a problem. Here's a sample of one of our tables:

CaseNo ChargeCount ArrestCharge FiledCharge
123 1 13 13
123 2 14 14
199 1 03 03

The ChageCount column cannot have nulls and must be unique. is there a way when I'm adding a new charge, i can check to see if a chargecount exists? For example, if inserting a new record, it will first check if there is a chargecount, if there is not, it will make it 1. if there is a charge count, it will +1 to the existing chargecount

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Inserting Characters

Im doing a update page and noticed this error, whenever you want to write for example "can't, i've" it errors on submit, but characters like "." are okay. Why doesn't it like these characters and how can i make it like them? I need some extra code?

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Inserting Into A Database

I have the folllowing page where a user can add a review to the website. So far the page works fine, but on the review rating section I know that the rating is between 0 - 5.

But its posible for a user to enter 1000 if they wished, which still means the page works but the answer is too high.

Also if they write text in the field it errors the page. How do i code this so that they can only enter a number between 0 and 5 and only a number and not text.

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Inserting Link

I want to make a button just like here (when posting new thread) to insert hyperlink into text.
For example when user is typing text into textarea I would like to have also a button that can enable users to post different links to other intenet pages.
And I would also like to have button that makes the text bold
(Actually those are buttons that appear on most forums when posting a new thread)

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Problem In Inserting

I got a webpage in which I am cheking various checkbox values.Actually the problem that I am facing is that,I am not able to insert the contents in to the database.

But no error is coming.What I am doing is that,when the user submits the form,using a retrun querystring,i am storing all the checked values in to an array.I am able to print this array with correct output.But whn i am trying to insert in to the database,it is not getting inserted.

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Inserting Into A Table

I'm having problems inserting into a table in an oracle database. I am reading in variables from a ASP form and trying to enter these into the database. however only numbers will insert, even though I can print out the string variables on the ASP page. IF I inclose a string value in the insert statement it works ok so there is nothing wrong with my SQL code. Code:

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Inserting A Zero In A Table

I am right now calculating distance between 2 zip codes and storing them in a table along with extra information like a persons name and address and stuff like that.

For some reason for distance "0" ..doesnt get inserted in my table..? What do i need to do in my code so that "0" distance + information gets in the table since i need that info to be displayed later for people to make calls to those people with 0 distances.

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Inserting New Records To DB

I have created an online database for a school project, and everything WAS going fine until today. I created the add record page and for some reason, whenever i try to add the records to the database THIS error message comes up: Code:

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Inserting Into A Databse

I have successfully pulled data from an LDAP server and now what I want
to do is drop the data into a database table. The following is my code
that will insert the data but that has problems.

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Inserting A Date

I have a form that I submit to an oracle database. Along with the info from the form I want to insert the date it was submitted. How should I go about doing this? I am having problems because it is the wrong format?

I am using a 'date' data type for the field. How can I convert the date into the correct format that will allow me to submit it, I have tried using to_char or to_date, but they give me an error?I tried using this to convert it, but it doesn't work, I am getting a syntax error?submit_date=to_date(date,'YYYY-MM-DD')

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