Internet / Intranet With A Laptop

I have an ASP application that has been running fine for years. I can access the application from my laptop via the Internet without problem. I brought my laptop into the office today and plugged it into the intranet. I did not join the computer to the domain.

From inside the office I cannot run my application. I can bring up the login page and try and login, but it appear to have no session variable on the redirected page during login. I tried to set the cookies secruity to allow all, still no good.

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Intranet And Internet

I'm dowing a web site on my intranet in a ASP page I have to made save option, on the intranet everything is working fine, but when I upload my website in the internet I have this message:

The page cannot be displayed
There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach
and it cannot be displayed.

What is the probleme my page is in ASP and on intranet it's working fine.

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Intranet And Internet

How can I programmatically in ASP detect the difference between being on an Intranet (ie no outside www access) and the Internet (where can can get www access) ?

I have a program, which has a registration module being built. The module automatically skips across a couple of servers and checks the registration codes, and skips back to the program and informs it the registration code is authentic;

the program there after continues as normal; one of my users wants to install the program on an intranet in their office - I have no problems with that except the registration system will keep stalling and requesting a valid user registration code:

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Intranet & Internet Application

Is the developement process of intranet & internet application is the same....Can the internet application that I build using asp be used in a intranet enviroment....

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User On Internet Or Intranet?

I'd like to check if the user accessing my site is from the internet or from the intranet, based on which I display different messages in a page. I propose to check the REMOTE_ADDR server variable to determine the user.

But I'm not sure if checking if the REMOTE_ADDR = 127.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x would suffice. Thus if the first hex part of the ip address is 10 then he's from a lan, or if t's 127, it's the local machine. Otherwise he's from internet. Would this be a foolproof way of determining where the user is from? Just forgot my TCP/IP lessons .

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Need To Transfer Recordset From One Script To Another (Intranet > Internet)

Due to security concerns I am not allowed to directly interact with our internal database on our local network from the internet website. However I need to pull some information from that db to regularly update the Internet database (outside of the local network).

So basically what I need to do is hand off a recordset from one ASP script to another ASP script.

The way I thought about doing this was with the server.execute method, I can share variables this way right?

So it would be like this:

- open recordset and retrieve records (first script,internal)
- execute second asp script(external) on internet site and pass off recordset to that script
- finish execution of second script and return to first
- close recordset and finish execution of first script

Is there a better or faster way to do this? We are ultimately going to be updating 10s of thousands of records at night.

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Ideal Laptop For Web Dev And Graphic/Video Dev?

I was wondering if the seasoned pros on the asp and db forums including
(Bob, Ray, Aaron, Curt and others) would mind offering advice on ideal
laptop requrements for web development requirements.

I currently use an IBM Thinkpad G40 with 2.99 Ghz processor Pentium IV and 1
Gig of Ram.

I currently work withing these technologies:

1. Asp 3.0
2. Sql server
3. Dreamweaver MX
4. Flash MX
5. Photoshop 7.0

However, I am increasingly finding that I am being sucked intot he broadband
arena with the release of Studio 8 and increasing calls for video related

Would anyone be able to offer their thoughts on which manufacturer, version,
OS, Graphic Card and other system ratios I should aim for.

Addtiionally, have any of you perhaps experimented with these new split
screen montiors designed for what appears createive packages like adobe

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SSL On Intranet

I am developing a system that needs really security,but on INTRANET.Do I need SSL??
If yes how will I use SSL in ASP??

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Intranet Example?

Please recommand any intranet examples with the good navigation and interface design?

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Intranet And ASP

I have got a little experience with web design, and have produced a basic website for a local charity run advice centre.They have a variety of forms, some in PDF format, some hard copies, which at present they fill in by hand then post out. We have been talking about moving towards a paperless office for them and a way to automated form filling. My best shot was to look into creating an Intranet for them and using ASP we could be able to fill the forms in on the PC then print out.
Are there any specific things that need doing to the server to run an Intranet, and as I said earlier, I'm new to ASP so I wanted to know if anybody has any Ideas or templates that would be useful to help me with this project?

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Asp Intranet

There are 3 pcs on a network in the office and I am designing some stuff using an access db and asp pages. Instead of everyone using my pc, they want to be able to logon and work off it from their pc. I just type in http://localhost/mysystem and I can access it but I don't know what url they need to type in to access the pages?

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I have a comments form on Intranet.And I want the information written by users on this page send to my e-mail address,and the user doesn't have to write his/her mail address on this form.We are on same domain.The free scripts use smtp but no need while sending mails over Intranet

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Building An Intranet With ASP.NET

My work has decided to give me the job of building them an intranet. Being pretty new to .NET and ASP in general I was wondering if anyone knew of books or sites I should take a look at that might help me get started.

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Client Intranet

I'm currently working on an Intranet for one of our clients. I'm developing a user directory for them using a SQL Server database.
My client has provided me with the information to connect to the server remotely via windows remote desktop connection. I would like to know how I go about getting Dreamweaver to connect to the database?
Will I have to create a database locally and then publish the local database onto their server or, can I create the database on their server and using DW to connect to it?

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Intranet Search

I have developed a company Intranet page,and have the requirement of adding a search function to it. My question is,i need a simple search solution, that will search through my site which has include files.What tool do you recommend to run that will index my pages?

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My Intranet Website

I have an Intranet website that our corporate users and customers access to pull up information on various things. I now have to publish content that should only be available to corporate users. I do not want to create another website or use host headers... there is no login page or anything today within the ASP pages.

What is the best way for me to host content that only internal users can see? I thought about removing all NTFS permissions to the "private" directory where I plan on having web pages... thinking that IIS would prompt users when trying to access pages within this directory. For some reason, IIS still displays the page. I'm not sure what I'm missing.

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Intranet Development

I am currently preparing my final year university project and dissertation, for which I am developed an Intranet system for a local company.

The company requires an online calendar similar to functionality of the one in Outlook. However, they would also like to integrate an appointment reservation booking system into the calendar, so meeting rooms/employees can't be double booked etc.

I will be developing the Intranet system in ASP because of the company's hosting package.

I have looked about on the Internet for free scripts or applications but all the ones I have seen are no good and don't contain the functionality I am trying to achieve.

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Useful Softwares In ASP Like Forums, Intranet And CRM

Can I get the list or names of forums which is as good as PHPBB or Invision in ASP....

And also Can I have the names of good CRM and Intranet in ASP as well. Basically I need CRM for my client who want to manage theirs Link Building Management Process.

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Error Reporting In Intranet

I am trying to setup an error reporting system for our Intranet. We have a
Windows 2000 Server with SQL Server and we have an Exchange Server 5.5. I
need to set it up so I can use CDO mail. I have used CDO before, but have
never set it up to work. I built a small little page with some CDO code on
it, but I get an error when I try to run it. How can I set this up to send
mail from the webserver to people in our facility?

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ServerHTTPRequest Failure On Intranet

I am trying to do a very simple piece of asp on a w2k3 server on the company intranet where i work (using IIS 6) the code is simply trying to get an xml stream via a ServerHTTPRequest.

The code I have works absolutely fine, I have tested it on a free asp friendly server on the net and it does exactly what i want it to! however when I run the code on the company intranet I get hit with the following problem.... Code:

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Intranet Site Connecting

We have an intranet site which does not allow for anonymous logins so we
hate the NT user name of every visitor passed to us by the system. Is there
also away to access Active Directory and find out what network security
groups have been assigned to each visitor?

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Opening Files Via Intranet

Done something with php and C/C++ sometimes. Problem:

I'm making intranet to my office and would like to open files from intranet (shared ms-net) directly to excel.

if I use a-tag those files open to IE and are read-only. I asked some ppl and they adviced to use header (theverychap from phpfreaks did this with php and it worked fine) but I can't get IIS to work right. Code:

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Simple Intranet Login

can someone tell me how i can create a simple intranet login using ASP.

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Windows Authentication Pop-up In Intranet

We're trying to setup an Intranet site with one portion of the site restricted using Windows Integrated Authentication. The rest of the site is accessed using anonymous access. Here are the details of the site

1) The restricted portion of the site is protected using NTFS permissions for authorized users
2) ONLY Anonymous user has NTFS permissions to the rest of the Intranet (all files / folders EXCEPT the restricted portion)
3) The IIS setting throughout the site has both anonymous access and Windows Integrated Authentication enabled
4) The restricted portion of the site is also the application start-point (in IIS) for an ASP application
5) The restricted portion of the site launches in a new browser window (using target="_blank")

Authorized users are able to access the restricted portion of the site. The problem is that when they try to get back to any of the anonymous access pages, they are prompted with the Windows Authentication dialog.

Is there any solution to this? Are there any web server settings that I need to look for?

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Security Suggestions For Intranet

reworking some security for an intranet. need to know if this will do it. user logs in and a session variable is set to true. also a time snapshot is take when they login. if the time has been over 10 minutes without visiting another page its set to false. aslo if they log out its set to false. are there any holes that i should be aware of?

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How To Make File Available Only On INTRANET

I want one particular file to show only on INTRANET not on Internet. Purpose for this is, user can update their profile and view few companies rules only inside campus. Because these informations only belongs to companies's user so I do not want to show on the Internet.

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Intranet Performance Apparently

I've developed an Intranet app that among other things creates form letters using a VB dll, via a cab file, to access Word functions. It works perfectly and performs well when asked to create the Word documents.

However my problem is that it takes >30 seconds for the initial page to display. If I comment out the "<OBJECT>" definition and as a consequence all lines/function referencing that object, the page displays <3 seconds.

The object is defined as:

<OBJECT ID="docobject" CLASSID="CLSID:9735B64A-792C-8167-5912-18A4B729BBA36"
CODEBASE="DOCCAB.CAB#version=-1,-1,-1,-1" HEIGHT="0" WIDTH="0"></OBJECT>

All machines inc IIS are XP Pro,unfortunately,they are also SP2. I believe the security settings are fine as it allows the download of the cab file without pop up and the execution of the dll. The site is set up globally as a trusted site. Should I move to Intranet site?

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Asp Mail Using CDO.Message . Not Able To Relay Outside The Intranet

I am sending mails using CDO.Message . It is sending mails successfully
only if the destination addresses are within the intranet. If you try to
send a mail outside the intranet say Join Bytes! it gives an error.

Error No : -2147220977
Error Desc : The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server
response was: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for Join Bytes!

Is there any configurations i have left.

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Network Login In An Intranet Environment.

The goal is to retreive the network login in order to validate users. Right now when I try to get Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER"), it returns a null value. Currenly in IIS, anonlymous access is checked. Is there any way for me to get the LOGON USER?

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Open A File Over An Intranet Don't Download It

I'm developing an application on an intranet. I need help opening a word document a powerpoint presentation and a .avi file. All of these files are quite large (1 -2 gig) and so I can't download them.

How can I just open a file over an intranet and not download it? I have tried the word.application activeXobject, but I get all sorts of errors.

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Intranet Site Stats Packages

The teachers each have their own sites - there are around 45 sites in all, each site contained within a folder, one for each subject. Eg. History/ politics/ maths, etc. I need a site stats package that can read stats data from each folder. So that when they return in Sept, they have nice bar-graph stats for each page within their folder/ course.

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PWS Keeps Trying To Connect To Internet

I have just installed PWS on my Win98 SE machine. Even though i change my internet connections to "Never dial a connection" it still tries to connect when i try to view my asp pages.

Presumably there is some simple option i need to change which will allow me to run my scripts without connecting to the internet.

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Printing Over The Internet

I am developing an ASP.Net application where I need to direct a
rendered print job to a print device (private) situated behind a router with
a firewall enabled. I hope that I can explain this properly, the details are
as follows...

PC with internal IP address of
Print device with the internal IP address of

PC sends a request to my remote ASP.Net web site for a print job (report) to
be sent back to the internal networks local printer. Is this possible to
redirect the output to the print device rather than the internal client that
made the request. code:

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