Invalid Use Of Null "replace"

I am building a string for a db insert statement. I have a recordset and when I try to include a value from rs I get an error as mentioned in the title of this post?


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Invalid Use Of Null: 'Replace'

I'm getting an "Invalid use of Null: 'Replace'" when rsDsp("comments") is NULL


Set rsDsp = DataConn.Execute("select * from comments2 where id = " & id & "")

displayText = Replace(rsDsp("comments"), vbCrLf, "<BR>")
Thought it would be easy enough to use an if statement, but I'm having no luck.

Here's what I've butchered:

Set rsDsp = DataConn.Execute("select * from comments2 where id = " & id & "")

if IsNull(rsDsp("comments").value) then

displayText = " "


displayText = Replace(rsDsp("comments"), vbCrLf, "<BR>")

end if
Could someone point me in the right direction?

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Invalid Use Of Null Using SUM

Is there anything wrong with this query. Sometime it works sometime it doesn't.


Most of the time when it don't, this will be the error:

"Invalid use of Null"

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Invalid Use Of Null: 'round'

cart_calc_shipping_cost = (Rs.Fields("InitialCost")+(round((Weight/1000)+0.5)-1) * Rs.Fields("AdditionalCost"))

Seems to give me this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e'

Invalid use of Null: 'round'

I think it is to do with the value of weight, however weight does have to be sometimes 0 so how can i fix this?

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Null: 'replace'

Can someone help with an error? It's a StoreFront store. right after the credit card screen is gives me the error. I get the following:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e'

Invalid use of Null: 'replace' /ssl/SFLib/incGeneral.asp, line 85

84 Function makeInputSafe(str)
85 makeInputSafe=replace(str, "'", "''")
86 End Function

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RecordSet (and GetRows) Is Retrieving Null Values When They Aren't Null

I have an interesting situation that needs to be addressed ASAP.

I am running a standard SQL Query in ASP to retrieve some rows/columns from a table that's on a SQL Server 2000 database. I put the results of that query into a RecordSet, and then use the GetRows function to push the results that are in the recordset into an array variable. In the query that I am running, 39 columns and 2 rows are returned.

The GetRows function appears to be working - the array variable is being created with the proper dimensions. However, the values of the different "cells" of the array are not showing up correctly. The first and the last column values for each row are correct, yet everything else in between is blank, empty, NULL, or whatever.

In other words: ArrayVariable(0,0) shows up correctly, ArrayVariable(38,0) shows up correctly, but everything in between is null.

I did a test on the RecordSet and discovered that it was the culprit - it wasn't being filled in properly. This is strange, though, because the select query that I run in the ASP code to create the recordset returns perfect results when I run it on the SQL Server 2K database.

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Replace Function Not Replacing What I Tell It To Replace

If I replace "a" with "b", and then I replace "b" with "a", shouldn't I get the same result? That is what I am trying to encode and decode with Replace() function, but it is giving me different things when I replace and replace again. Here is what I am talking about: Code:

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Invalid URL

I have a ASP page on my web Site that has the following code in it.

Response.Redirect ("Validation.asp?BookingNo=45656756")

This code works fine most of the time. I have found cases when the browser drops the file extension of of the file leaving the Url as something like "Validation?BookingNo=45656756" and of course the browser then fails to find the correct web page. I have noted that the problem has occured you a user that is using Safari on a late Version Mac.

other people that have had the problem have also used Macs but I'm not sure what browser they used. Is there something wrong with my code or are these people just using shit browsers that are not worth me worring about. Is there a better way to redirect the user with some other code.

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Invalid FieldName

What I have is the database looking up a fieldname by an "Action" statement. I would like to be able to redirect the page if that fieldname does not exist. Code:

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ASP Says Returning XML Invalid

I am passing a XML to SP, and SP in return send XML back. When I comment out sp_xml_preparedocument (XML reading block) in SP, ASP is taking returning XML as valid, but, if I uncomment input XML reading block, ASP is giving following error: Code:

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Table ID Is Invalid

I'm trying to create a table in a new Access database, but the line in the code that says

catDB.Tables.Append tblNew

provokes this error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e3c'
Table ID is invalid.

Could this be a permissions problem? It's a brand-new hosting account, brand-new directories, etc. The DDL code that created the database ran successfully, but now I can't create a table in that database.

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Getting An Invalid MID() Error?

parsing a large .txt file, using a user entered string to find all matches within... Code:

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Invalid At The Top Level

It has been said that When attempting to load an XML file saved as UTF-7 (a transfer encoding format for Unicode), the XML parser in Internet Explorer generates the following error message: Invalid at the top level of the document. The same error also occurs when using the MSXML parser from server-side or client-side script.
I am getting this error when I use MSXML 3.0 as reference in a VB DLL function called by a ASP file.

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Invalid Column Name

I am trying to access a table in a SQL server using ADO in ASP. It works fine in the rest of the site. Here is the code:

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FSO: Invalid Path - Why??

I am trying to use the FSO to do some file work. I have a little bit of code:

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Invalid Character?

IF trim(request(location))="" AND trim(request(FileType))="" AND trim(request(DateMonth)) = "" AND trim(request(DateYear))="" THEN
Response.Redirect plmsearch.asp?ac=error

why is the "?" causing the invalid character? everything is coded correctly on the plmsearch.asp page.

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The Precision Is Invalid

I am trying to pass parameter to a stored procedure on a SQL Server 2000 DB and one of the columns I think I am having a problem with is a float data type. Right now my append statement looks like this:

cmdpay.Parameters.Append (cmdpay.CreateParameter("@Amount", adDecimal,
adParamInput,15, Request.Form("txtPaymentAmount"))).

When I execute the stored proc, it returns a precision is invalid error, but I cannot find a adFloat parameter sample anywhere - am I missing something here? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I asked our DBA to make the data type for the column a decimal, but NOOOOO he wants it to be a float instead.

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Invalid SQL Statement;

This is the error that I am getting.

Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.
/SeniorP/Alert5/ConfirmMember.asp, line 45 (which has this - cmd.Execute)

I have read may pages and Faq's but still no answer. All help would be appreciated.

I will try to attach the form (Member.asp) and the receiving page (ConfirmMember.asp).

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Invalid Character

the error that results from this snippet of code? Code:

if Session("message") <> "" Then Server.Transfer("palm-springs-guestbook.asp?action=sign") Else Server.Transfer("gb_entry.asp") End If

I am sure it is in the ?action=sign Can I escape those characters?

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Invalid Object Name

I am fairly new to ASP from PHP for a few months now, and I am writing an application to do some basic reporting. On the development server this page worked fine, but when it was moved the tot production server it now gives me this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e37'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'IDLearningAdmin.ems_log'.

/admin/comment.asp, line 116

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Invalid Character

What is wrong with this Statement?


<% @Language = JScript %>
var db=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
db.Open("Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=IAS4;User Id=test;Password=test;");

var query1 = "SELECT PARID FROM ADDN WHERE AREA = 1215;";
Cust = db.Execute(query1);



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Invalid String

All the while my program is working fine then yesterday when i do the testing it tell me invalid class string. Do anyone know hwo it cause the problem. This is strange cause I didnt touch the code at all and suddenly tell me this error.

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Is Not Null

I have created a table. How do I limit the result of that table to only show the entries that have the "address" filled in. In Access here is the sql coding to acheive the results.

SELECT Dropoffs.City, Dropoffs.StateInitials, Dropoffs.AcceptedItems, Dropoffs.MoreInfo, zipcodes.Address
FROM zipcodes, Dropoffs
WHERE (((zipcodes.Address) Is Not Null));

How do I set this up in my VBSCRIPT page?
Here is my working page so that you can see what I am trying to acheive. When the page comes up you can type 45255 for the zipcode.

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Not Null Value

I try to select the not null value from the database in column comment.

select s.ques_no, s.task_no, s.goal_no, g.comment from step_tab s, gen_tab g where = and g.comment is not null

But it still return all the null value.

Can anyone please tell me why?

Besides that, why i can't increase the number that i selected from the database.
id_no = rs("id_no")
id_no = cint(id_no") + 1

Why the id_no never increase even i had "+1"?

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NULL Value?

I might be doing this wrong but I am modifying the body tag depending on what a recordset tells me.

It works fine if the value exist, but if it is returned null then I can't get it to work ...

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NULL Vs. No Value

I had set up the following 'trouble-shooting' code to determine how a certain value was being 'evaluated' for lack of a better term. The field "status" in this example has no value in it.

status = RS("status")
If isnull(status) Then
response.write("status is null")
end if
if status = "" Then
response.write("status has no value")
end if

The database field 'status' has no value in it. If I run the above trouble-shooting code, the first statement "status is null" will print out. If I remove the first if statement and use the second if statement 'if status = "" ...', the statement will NOT print indicating that the value <> "".

Questions: What is the difference between something not having a value and NULL?

Most importantly, what is the PROPER way to check for a field not having a value in it? In the past I have always checked for a 'no value' using double quotes.

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I'm using the following code to, firstly erase any old logins the user has. Then to check whether the page has been idle for longer than 30 minutes or not. If it has been idle for longer than 30 mins then the user will be required to input their password again. However it's not working! Code:

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Jmail :: Invalid ProgID

I want to use Jmail in an asp page but not sure how. I did the codes but when i run it give me Error Type:

Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid ProgID.

What should I do?

Code: .....

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Invalid Column Name Error?

I am altering an existing asp page,just by adding a new check box, I am going through the code making sure I cover every aspect of the change (there are many check boxes) and situation is exactly the same.'

When I load the page this is the error I get and I don't know why is this appearing,why wouldn't it like a new column, it has been added in the table on the server.
This occurs in my select statement.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'Invoicing'.

Has anybody come across that?

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Invalid Use Of Group Function ??

The query works fine without ordering. But when I try to put ORDER BY that error message appears.

My query is working when it looks like that:

"Select TAB1.WCUST,, sum(TAB1.qty) AS SUMQty, sum(TAB1.wamt) AS SUMWamt from TAB1 LEFT JOIN TAB2 ON Where TAB1.WMNID=10 GROUP BY TAB1.WCUST,;"

But after I add ORDER:

"Select TAB1.WCUST,, sum(TAB1.qty) AS SUMQty, sum(TAB1.wamt) AS SUMWamt from TAB1 LEFT JOIN TAB2 ON Where TAB1.WMNID=10 GROUP BY TAB1.WCUST, ORDER BY sum(TAB1.wamt) DESC;" it gives me the error message:Invalid use of group function.

I tried to order the query by WAMT and it was OK.

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Invalid Or Unqualified Reference

I�m getting the error with the code below [ line 179 is just after the �then�]. The code is supposed to complete an�a href to an image if it exists. Code:

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Detecting Invalid Dates

I'm writing a script to add documents to a database, that can be sorted via date. As the date doesn't necessarily corrospond with the day the document is being added (i.e. it could have been orignally published in 1999) I have created a series of dropdown menus that allow the user to choose day, month and year. However, they could potentially choose, for exmple, 31st of February, which will generate a database error.

How can my code intelligently detect an invalid date before it generates a database error? Every system I can think of is overcomplicated for such a seemingly simple problem.

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Invalid Progid Error

I am getting the following error:

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/updatedoc.asp, line 15 Invalid ProgID. For additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at:

This is my code where the error points too: Code:

Set ObjReference = Server.CreateObject("PostTools.GetPostInfo")

I am a newbie with these types of errors so can anybody give any suggestions as to what it means?

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