Invoice Calulating Problems

The first page I`m calculating all the units fields and add them
to the second page as total without VAT and works fine, Code:

<input type="hidden" name="tphtva" value="<%=tfp1+tfp2+tfp3+tfp4+tfp5+tfp6+tfp7+tfp8+tfp9+tfp 10%>">

but the 3th page I want to calculate the VAT Code:


and I get the error anitel/verify_invoice_2.asp, line 254 where the ]<%=Request.Form("tphtva")%> is.... where I`m wrong...

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Invoice Number

i am doing an shopping cart project and i am stuck at generating an unique cart id which will also be the invoice number. and that it should not be random but should start from 1000 and then go on. so, guyz if u can give me the code or help me with this let me know at the earliest.

is this a good way to generate or should generate cart id with session.sessionid and should generate invoice no starting from 1000 and so on. if this is also ok. then plz let me know how to generate invoice no.

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Producing An Invoice

I have just finished writing my site in ASP with Access I thought it would be useful to continue using this technology to create this invoice. Basically the details will be added to the invoice by retrieveing records from a database or creating new ones.

What I am looking for advice is regarding the end product, i.e. the printed invoice. I should be able to format the page correctly so that it prints to A4, but my concern is what about the header and footer information that the user controls.

I don't want any of this information to appear on the print out therefore I'm wondering if there are any other options that I can look at for producing this invoice. for example is it possible to create a properly laid out word document or pdf from the data?

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How Create Invoice Number

how do i create an invoice no with addition.. sample of my code.. which is not working...

if rs.EOF then
lastinvoiceno=rs("Invoice Number")
invoiceno="fm1193-01" & invoiceval
end if
rs("Invoice Number")=invoiceno

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Generate An Invoice From Data

I need to be able to generate an invoice from an ASP page. Currently, the invoice is drawn in a web page and my client prints the page from their browser. This doesn't work too well in terms of graphics resolution and also requires endless positioning tweaking on my part.

Is there a way to use Word or Excel on the client, and send the invoice data down so that some sort of invoice template could be used? This needs to work on a Mac and ideally on a PC as well. The client machines have Office installed. I'm thinking this would be the best way to eliminate the positioning and resolution problems.

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Assigning An Invoice Number To An Order

I am trying to assign an invoice number to orders that are made on my website so that i can combine multiple order numbers into one invoice number. Here is the code i am using to insert the invoice number into the orders table.

It works if there is only one order in the table but if you try and order again it multiplies the orders by the number of invoice rows for example if there was 3 invoice fields it would add the same order 3 times into the order table. Its got stuck in some sort of loop. Code:

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Invoice Number In Shopping Cart

I have a ASP shopping cart web site with Access db. I need to assign an invoice number (1,2,3,4 etc.) to orders which have status "completed" ("invoice number" used only to count completed orders and different from OrderID, which is unique).

Also, if i change status from completed to something else (in case if it was completed by mistake) then the invoice number from that order will be available for the next completed order. I am not sure if it's possible. I need it for tax dep. they don't except a list with missing invoice numbers.

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