Is It Possible To Copy A Table Dynamically?

I am trying to create a blank table based on an existing table. I have tried using CREATE TABLE but unfortunately it doesn't appear to be flexible enough in that it didn't allow me to set some of the field properties such as input mask on a date field. Now if I can dynamically copy a table that will solve my problem.

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Add A Row To Table Dynamically

this form I need to create, I have very little experience in ASP. I will basically need to have a form that collects hours for a specific Week End Date.Also a running total for hours.

Dropdown with week end dates
Dropdown of Task, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Default 5 rows

Add Row Submit

Since I will need to dynamically add a row of data, I am not sure how to submit. What would you do in this scenario? Im so new to this and of course this is due ASAP.

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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How To Open A Recordset For A Table Has Space In The Table NAME?

I am trying to display the content of a Table called

'Order Detail' directly from the database (e.g., Northwind.mdb). I have the following commands:

Set tableSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

tableSet.Open table_name, DB_name, adOpenForwardOnly, _
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

where, table_name = ''Order Detail" Or
table_name = 'Order Detail' Or different variations.

I always get error on the second command with the following message:
Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause

which I believe because of space in the Table Name. How can I resolve this issue? (working with file or table name with space)?

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How To Copy And Get The Id.

i have 3 table.

table 1
table 2
table 3

table 1 is a cart
table 2 is customer details
table 3 is customer item buy item details

table 1 is let the customer buy their thing in here.
after he check out all the table 1 data will go to table 2 and table 3.

now my problem is how did it doing.
i using The SELECT INTO Statement but got error

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'a From cart where cus_id='2'' at line 1
/admin/order_details.asp, line 5 Code:

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Copy URL

Is there a way to copy the current URL address into the a variable?

Like I want:


I posted it this way because new users can't post urls:

dim currentURL='the current url

Is there a way to do this?

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Table Inside A Table Update To DB

I have a table with many txt boxes which i have inside a form with a submit button to an update page which adds all the details to a db. The problem is i have a another table inside the first e.g. table 2. i want to be able to update table2 by clicking a second submit button that would update it. Is it possible to have a form within a form or how can i do it??

Also i need to update the entire table in one go. For exampple if i have 3 records in table2 i want to be able to update them all by clicking the one update button. Code:

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Copying From Table 1 Inserting In Table 2

I have the following code but this is inserting manually. I want to make a query from table 1 and automatically enter the records into table 2. What needs to be modified? Code:

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Bookmarking A Position In A Table <table>

Have an app which dynamically creates table rows depending on records, these can be several hundred (don't ask). Hence a very long page at time. Each row includes a hyper link to a new page, and a link back to the original page.

Is there any method (maybe via js) where on leaving the second page l can redirect the browser to the table row the end user clicked on? Hence the bookmarking. Can do this via Visual Basic on the desktop app, but can't work it out on the web app.

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How To Get Data From A Table Into A Table Form?

I have a table produced with names across the top and services down the left hand side with boxes for numbers for people who recieve services then the info is written into a table in an access db. That works fine and here is that code:

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Best Method Of Updating Table From 2nd Table

I have two tables. Table A has 20,000 records, Table B has 2,000 records. Table A is what needs to be updated from the data in Table B. Only some fields will be updated and of course, only some records - both tables have the same field as a ClientID so matching up records should be easy.

Anyways, been a while since I have used ASP to work on things like this but would like to work through this one. I understand the process I believe, it is just how to make it go on to the next record once it has finished updating the first.

Basically, I was thinking of having it set up to reaad the top record from Table B, update applicable data in Table A. Delete that record in Table B. Move on to the next.

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Copy Function

is there a vb function that I can use to copy chars 1, 3, 5, and 7 from a string of 7 chars?

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File Copy Using ASP

I have an ASP script running on the server that generated a PDF file for me on my server. Now, before I return to the client, I want the script to copy the file to a different location (on a different server). Can someone tell me how to code the file copy in ASP?

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Copy A File From URL

i m dealing with a problem i want to copy a FILE from some SPECIFIC URL to my server through my ASP code....can any1 help me in this regard ..i ve no idea doing this...FILESYSTEM OBJECT just support the physical files

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Copy Value From Fields

is it possible to copy the value from fields in form1 to fields in form2 without submit the form??form1 and form2 are in the same page. if it's possible hoe to do that??

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Copy Recordset

Anyone know a way to copy the contents of a recordset to a disconnected recordset and add a new column? The new column will be used to order the disconnected recordset.

I am using asp (vbscript) with an Access 2000 DB

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Copy Pasting

My website users are copy pasting text from ms word docs and some of the characters are stored in the database differently. for example the characters look like • .
my first doubt is > Is this allowed to do
if yes, how can we get this appl is asp and vbscript

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Copy From A Word Doc

i want to know that is it possible to copy from a word document and
paste it on to a textarea on a asp page.
when i do it normally bullets are not paste as it is .
it is changed into different symbol( inverted ?)

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Copy All Recods

i need to copy all the records in a database to a totally new and empty database n i try my code in sql analyser it runs perfectly but when i move to an asp page the process cannot perform...
here is my code
INSERT INTO attandence
(company_code, data_serial_no, sign_in1, date_stamp, serial_no)
FROM employee_att)
is it syntax error or logic error???
the table structure for both is the same

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Copy Records

i want to copy all records on table1 and append it to table2 , so how can i do thi throw asp? , by the way the 2 tables is not the same data , for example i want to add balanceid column into accountid column from the other table , and like this....
so whatz the asp code for this move
i hope u can put for me a good explaination for the code cause am still a begginer on the asp

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Copy From A Word Doc

i want to know that is it possible to copy from a word document and
paste it on to a textarea on a asp page.
when i do it normally bullets are not paste as it is .
it is changed into different symbol( inverted ?).

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File Copy

I am writing a web app that will copy large files (250-3,000 MB) and wanted
to know the easiest way to implement some sort of progress bar? Each copy
will only have one file, but I would like a way for the user to see how far
the copy is.

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Copy Image

I need to disable the right click "copy" option on an ASP page and add a Copy button that will do the same thing.I was able to disable the Copy when a user right clicks, but I need help copying the image to the clipboard when they click a button.

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Copy From A Database

i need to copy all data from a database to another database, can anyone give me an idea how to do it?? besides that after i copy all the data i need to clear all the data in the old database

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FSO Copy Inefficiencies

I need to deploy large numbers of small files via as ASP script. A task that takes an app likc XCOPY or whatever underpins NT a matter of seconds, takes the FSO .Copy action ages to complete. It's almost like FSO uses the old DOS COPY on a file-by-file basis, it takes so long.

Needless to say, this often ends in a script time-out for larger operations.

Anyone know of an easier/better way to do this? Perhaps .Net (with which I'm not yet massively familiar) offers a better copy object? Failing that, perhaps there's a server component someone could recommend that handles copying of large numbers of files better than the native FSO?

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Copy Protection

I have a locally hosted (via an executable) asp application. Does anyone know what would be the best (cheapest) way to add copy protection in it?

The application is an exe web server with the asp pages embedded in the executable.
No one can copy the asp pages, but they can copy the executable and distribute it that way. I don't want them to do that.

If there is some sort of wrapper or asp code I could add to it for licensing or registration, please let me know.

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Copy From A Word Doc

i want to know that is it possible to copy from a word document and paste it on to a textarea on a asp page.when i do it normally bullets are not paste as it is .it is changed into different symbol( inverted ?). how can i overcome this problem.

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Copy Tables, Etc.

How do I copy a mysql DB table in ASP?How about renaming a table?Is there a way to retrieve the names of all the tables in a mysql DB?

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Copy Webpage

I am currently accessing information in an access database using ASP and displaying it on some WebPages (both the access database and the website are on a standalone machine). I have a problem that the website needs to be moved onto another standalone machine and the database is not on it.

However I plan to run ASP and HTML to create the WebPages and then make a copy of the WebPages and then move the copys across? This machine will not have the database but because it has already retrieved the information (from the first time using ASP) it does not need the database. Is this true?

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Copy A File From URL

i want to copy a FILE from some SPECIFIC URL to my server through my ASP code....can any1 help me in this regard ..i ve no idea doing this. FILESYSTEM OBJECT just support the physical files.

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Copy The Address

help me make a secure web page that does not allow users to copy the address and paset it back into the address bar . and also if someone can help me make a sign up page and a database where users can sign up and login all in .asp .

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Copy Progress Bar Possible

I m in the completion of a "backup script" from remote to local folder. However, i m using the fsobject to make this copy. Of course, when i run this on my local intranet, it s so quick that i don t have the time to realise what s going on and it s already copied on my local folder.

BUT, if i run the script on the Internet (since the file is something like 5Mb and up) i don t have any indication that the file has been copied on my local hard drive.
Is there a way that i could display some "waiting signs" (ierogress bar or else) while the copy takes place ?

srcfile = (Server.Mappath("../db/db.mdb"))
desfile = "c:01db.mdb"
fso.CopyFile srcfile,desfile,true

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