Is It Possible To Determine The Client's Time Zone On The Server?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to determine how to determine the
client's time zone from within an ASP page?

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Time Zone

I know this is probably simple, but I'll ask anyway.
I have a form which when submitted to the database the field in the database
automatically adds date and time which is fine. My only problem is that my
site is for the GMT UK time zone, but the database resides on a American
server, IE the database records the local American time (-5 hours

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One Time Zone

New to ASP,JScript,VBScript.I have a server in one time zone and a client in another. The ASP reads time from the server.I need capture the time on the client and use that in the server code.

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Convert Time Zone

Is there an asp component anywhere which will convert a GMT time in the past
to a different time zone e.g. EST?
You can't just take the hours off as there is often daylight saving hours to
take into consideration.

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Time Zone Conversion

I got a problem solving on how to convert the following time zone all into EST. My server is currently in EST but i need to convert the following time zone [PST,MST,CST] all into EST given all the exact time. eg 09:00 AM PST, 1:00 PM MST, 2:00 PM CST etc etc.


I've been working for this a week now and i hope somebody will give me sample code

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Time Zone Help (GMT Offset?)

I have run into a bit of a time zone problem. Basically, I am using ASP and Javascript to handle dates and guess what... you got it, the client could be in any time zone but the server will always be in the same one (UK actually).

I have figured the best method would be to use Javascript to determine the GMT offset (.getTimeZoneOffset), then pass that to my ASP script (I am already doing Javascript->ASP work, I am just appending this to the end of the querystring). ASP will have two dates then, the server date and the client date, and then the client GMT offset. Once I get this offset in ASP, how can I use that with the dates/times I am working with?

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Changing Time Zone

I'm using brinkster, and am trying to change the Time Zone, 5 hours forward to London UK time, and also, reduce the rime by 7 minutes, as their server is off by that many minutes - I asked them to change it, the said no, it's correct, but I synchronse time with and the time was 7 minutes behind from brinkster.

You may think I'm being a pain, but on my site, the products I add are time dependent and people need to know the exact time. the code is below, of course, with everything I try, I get an error, can someone please figure out my mistake. Many thanks + Happy new year every1



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Determining Client's Time Zone

I am attempting to solve a date/time formatting issue is
VBScript ASP pages. The ASP pages needs to determine what
time zone the client browser is in and tell a COM object.

The COM object then reads information from a proprietary
file and formats the date/time into the appropriate time
zone and returns the information to the ASP in an XML

My question is how do I determine the client's time Zone
using VBScript in ASP pages?

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Change Time Zone On Date Entered

how to either change the time zone or add three hours to the following?

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Changing Time Zone + Affecting The Date...

i can use this to change the time on my site by +2 hours:

thetime=dateadd("n", offsetminutes, time())

but, say it's 11pm.. the script above will make it 1am, but will the date in " date() " go ahead one day too?

the other thing i could do is this:

thetime=dateadd("n", offsetminutes, now())

using now() instead of time(). but then when i want to print " thetime " onto a page, ill get something like "7/11/2005, 5:10:13 PM". how could i then separate the new date from the new time and print them to a page separately?

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Server Not Serving ASP To Some Clients? Including Server Itself!

I have a server that we installed a Web Application (ASP) and It works with
a few clients that we tested, IE 5.5, and it does not work on the server
machine itself. So we've tested a few thing.

Created a simple file with the contents of <html> <body> Hello World </body>
</html> Made one with .HTM extension and one with .ASP.

I can see the HTM file from all machines. I can only see the .ASP file on the machine running IE 5.5 The server itself cannot see the .ASP page. We places the files in the root of the server web and in the Application folder with the same results.

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How To Determine If Time Slot Is Available

I built a simple scheduling application using an access db.

The relevent fields are eventRoom, startDate, startTime and endTime.

When I go to add a new event, what method can I use to make sure the
eventRoom is available for the selected date and time slot? Id like to just
display an alert with the conflicting times and suggest the next available

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Determine Script Execution Time

Is there an easy way to determine how long it took a particular page to execute?

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How To Download A Complete Folder From Server To Clients Machine

I am facing a strange problem. I want to give a functionality to the client where he can download a complete folder from the server. but how to give this functionality is the main problem.

I have one ASP page where I am creating various files of vcf extension dynamically and now I want that client should be able to download all those files. Those files are present in one folder and so I want to give that whole folder to the now I want some trickes/code or URL from you guys to achive this .

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Server Time Local Time Convert

I'm trying to do a very simple code that converts the server time into a time zone of your choice.

dim h 'Current Hour
dim i ' Time Zone Increase - add or subtract hours
dim r 'Result Here
h = Hour(Now)
i = + 2
r = h + i

but obvisouly i'm having trouble with the time zone convert.

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Add Trusted Zone From ASP?

Is it possible to add a domain name to trusted zones from an ASP page?

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Clients Country

How can i obtain Clients Country

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Getting Clients Country

what is the easiest way to get the clients country, wthout asking them for it is there a HTTP request?

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Communicating Two Clients

I have to develop the game in which is played by two player (TIC TAC TOE GAME ) sitting on two different pc.

the problem that i am facing is that how i can refresh the page second player page when i recieve the request from first player and vice versa.

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Parameter And Value Of Clients

myGetImage.asp is suppose to create a temporary file in the client side, and display in on the client web browser. myGetImage.asp needs to know the clients web browser temporary system path, in order to create the temp file. How do I get the parameter and value of clients web browser temporary system path?

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Time() Value For Sql Server

I'm porting an access to sql. In a few tables i have a Time field whic is set to Time() when the data was inserted. It doesn't get modified.

In sql the time now displays as 1/1/1900 23:45:03.

The Default value is set to (convert(datetime,convert(varchar,getdate(),14),14 )).

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SQL Server Time Out

I have a time out error from my asp application thought my connection timeout is 6000 sec but when i execute my page it gives me error after 30 sec.Is there any mothod to fix it

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Server Time Out

I am updating a value in DB by the following command.

strSQL3 = "Update Click_Count Set Click='1'"

The data type for click in DB is nvarchar. I've also tried int and numeric but none of them works. The web page processes for a while and then says "time out".

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Server Time

I have the date displaying at the top of a page using this code: Code:

<% Response.write(WeekDayName(DatePart("w", Date())) & " " & DatePart("d", Date()) & " " & MonthName(DatePart("m", Date())) & " " & DatePart("yyyy", Date())) %>

Unfortunately there is a big time difference (about 18 hours) between the server and the site and I need to make it display the local time.

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Getting Server Time With Asp

i want to get the server time with asp code. i'm getting only the local machine time with

<%response.write time()%>

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Number Of Clients On A Web Site

does anyone know how to get all the sessionID that are active on a web site. I want to know how many people are on my web site and what their sessionID would be if I do response.write(Session.SessionID)

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Using A Clients Images In Website

I have web application that pulls in an image from a web users machine to include it in a preview

<input type="image" name="adimage" alt="user image" border="0" height="100" width="75" src="file://localhost/<%=strFullGraphicsPath%>" disabled>

is there anyway to extend this to be able to include images on a network share on the user's network?

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Clients Updating Database

i am trying to build a page that my client can log onto with a password and update information daily, if there is someone who can point me in the right direction or tell me how to do this it will save me days of research trying to find it myself.

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Get Date And Time On The Server

How can I get date and time on the server. I want to log the date and time on the server when the ASP page is accessed.

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Server Time And Date

I'm looking for a script that will call up the date and time on the server. The scripts I've gotten so far seem to use my computers time and date If I change them on my pc they will change to call up the servers time and date, if possible.

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Redirect On Server Time

I want to be able to redirect clients based on the server time. This is to direct clients from different parts of the world to different pages. Have seen a Javascript thta does this based on the clients time but can't find anything that does it using the server time.

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Return Server Time

In ASP, how can I quickly return the server time + 2 hours, using VBScript?

With TIME(), I've found functions for date arithmetic, but I can't find anything for
time arithmetic.

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Get Info From File On A Clients Computer

I´ve made a program and now i would like the users of the program to be able to download updates from my website.

I want the user to show where the EXE-file on their computer is, so i can check version number, size and name of the file.

Do i need the user to upload the file to the server first before i can check version number, size and name?

Can i do this without some kind of component? Code:

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