IsArray Doesn't Work With Array Var Populated With Xxx.GetRows()

I'm using .getRows() with a local var array instead of doing a recursive
loop so that I'm being a good ASP newvbie and closing my object i/o's (the
recordset in this case) as quick as possible.

My problem is that I can't seem to use this to complete good effect because
the IsArray statement doesn't seem to work with a local var array that has
or has not been populated with the .getRows() property.

To explain, I used to do the following recursive loop (simplified to show a
concise example): Code:

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CDONTS Doesnt Work Always

I am using CDONTS to send mail to the user from my ASP application.
However, the code doenst works all the time. I am able to get mails but
nothing happnes most of the time. The code works maybe once in 20 tries.
What could be the reason?

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CDONTS Doesnt Seem To Work

i posted earlier, and the response seemed to be there is
another dll i need to use the cdonts object, i used it
fine for awhile on my old setup, i upgraded to 2k3 and it
errors up as if cdonts isnt an object. So is there a dll
i need to have to use the cdonts object in iis 6 or do i
need to rewrite my code to use cdo? (if so, please provide
asp 3 example on how to send an email with recepient,
sender, body and subject)

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Why FileSystem Doesnt Work Wit My IIS 5.01 On XP

I have got a problem wit da FILESYSTEM in ASP coding. Before I use window 98 installing PWS. Everything works fine....

And now, I use Window XP professional ( Laplop ), everything is updated ( Service Pack, .NET component, stuff...

All my ASP code with FileSystem which used to be properly ran cant be executed on my XP server.

There is no message error on da page, but the browser icon keeps spinning and da content is blank, it means u dont see anything happens. I wanna ensure dat all da code is right, cos it work properly with PSW and other servers. I even tested with a simple code, but It still doesnt work..... Code:

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Ntext Doesnt Work With ASP

I'm using SQL Server and I decided to convert one of the fields from nvarchar to ntext. The transition in the manager was all right, but my ASP pages wouldn't display the ntext and there is no error message. I use Code:


to display the ntext...and there is nothing.

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GetRow Doesnt Work

I have a database table with several records. Now I am filtering some data based on the "where" statement. If I run the query in analyzer then I get 20 rows. If I run the same query in asp and assign GetRows() to an array, then the array returns only 4. I am not sure if I am using the GetRows wrong. Here is a snipp of my code:

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How To Work With Byte Array In ASP?

I am getting byte array from COM to ASP page like this, This array is having DOCUMENT Image from Database.

set objData = CreateObject("MemoService.FileAttachement")

bRet = objData.GetAttachedDocument(strClipID)

Here, bRet contains byte array. When I try to open that document using

response.BinaryWrite bRet

I am not able to open the file in the browser. It is writing only the file name (for ex. c: emp.doc)

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Querystring Populated

I am trying to generate a querystring to a URL from a DB Value. Is this the right way of adding a querystring?Code:

<a href="Organization_UL_Revised2.asp?ID="<%=aTopManagers(c_Owner_Payee, 0)%> class="a_style" onclick="s_Hide('<%=aTopManagers(c_Owner_Payee, 0)%>'); return false;"><%=aTopManagers(c_Mgr_Name, 0)%></a><font size=1>(<%=aTopManagers(c_Mgr_EmpID, 0)%>)</font>

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Dynamic Populated Dropdowns

I don't want to try and reinvent the wheel so I'm looking for an ASP 3 script that will dynamicaly populate a nubmer or dropdown boxes from an access database, read a price from the the database and write both the selection and the price to a form and total all the prices too.

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Drop Down List Populated

I have a drop down list that is populated by a database, all the items are pure text.

I am using this line of code:

but no matter what item is selected it always returns the very first value. However Identical code works on a different page I have created. Can anyone offer suggestions as to why this might be.

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Addition In Populated Checkboxes

A starting price grabbed from querystring is shown to begin with. Then the options are shown(prices next to them) with checkbox(populated with over 90 options) and the user selects the options and a new total comes up upon submit. So the total of the options is a subtotal and the home and options together is the grand total. Code:

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ASP Populated Drop Down List With 'selected'

I have a simple form on my site with a drop down list for users to search for a specific category. The search works fine and populates my results page with the correct responses.

Alongside the results I have included the search form again so that users can modify their search, however I am unable to pre-populate the drop down menu with the previously selected category.

I have tried an IF statement but this only works when I hard code the variables in. Please can you cast your expert eyes over my code, I have a feeling I am suffering from fatigue as I have been trying to solve this for some time now. Code:

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Image Selector Via List Box Populated From Database?

I am hoping a mixed ASP- Javascript programmer could help me with this scenario:

I have a list box populated with randomized records (NewID()) from a Broker (Salesperson) sql server table.

Each time the user selects one of the broker items I need to display a Image of the broker in the table cell next to it.

I have found a number of online js scripts that use the image selector route but I am unable to work out to populate the list item from the database AND at the same time utilize the JS...

Are there any coders who come across a solution like this. Here is an example of my ASP code populating the List box: .....

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Doesnt Retun All Columns

I have a query in ASP that does a select * from table
It doesnt retun all columns!
When i use objRS("columnname") I get blank. This only effects some colums and I fix it by using

select *,missingcolumn1,missingcolumn2 from table

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SQL Db Doesnt Support The Cookie

I wrote the code for Members of Register. and i use cookie in this code, My database is SQL server. SQL server dosent support the cookies in my codes i dont know why this cause but my codes are working without any cause .

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Assignment Doesnt Assign

My ASP page contains the following VBScript code:

zipCode = Request.Form("zip")
%> <br>zip: <%= zipCode %>, rf: <%= Request.Form("zip") %>

When I enter "abc" into the "zip" field on the form, I get the
following output:

zip: , rf: abc

Why doesn't the first statement assign the "abc" string to the
variable "zipCode"? What am I not seeing?

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PWS On NT Doesnt Display Asp/ And Installation

My friedn is using PWS on NT4 machine, its a local machine, whenever he directs to an .asp page, visual interdev starts.

How can we over ocme this.I had solved this problem long time ago. Now i dont remember. Also to install IIS4.0 do we need to install MTS? if yes, where can we get

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CDONTS Object Doesnt Recognize Simplified Chinese Characters

When we send a mail using the code below,we do not get simplified chinese characters if they are present in the body but we get junk in the mail and we need to change the mails encoding to simplified chinese to see the Chinese characters.

'CDONTS object
set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.MailFormat = 0
objMail.From = sFromEmail
objMail.To = sToEmail
objMail.Subject = sSubject
objMail.Body = sMessage
set objMail = Nothing

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Doesnt Display Char Type Data Field Length 1

I have one field char type data length 1.. It has data either 1 or 2 in all the field tht I have checked through enterprise manager.

I'm running query:

"select * from table" and fetching all the records and displaying...

It display all the data except data from this field..Doesnt display anything..

I had put Response.write rs("fieldname")

What could be the problem?

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GetRows + GetRows?

I'm using getRows in two different SELECT stataments and want to know if it's possible to place the data in the two getRows into one array? Lets's say I have something like this:

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "Select test FROM Table WHERE id = "&id&""
rs.Open strSQL, Conn
contentFirst = rs.GetRows

Set rs2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL2 = "Select id FROM Table WHERE id = "&id2&""
rs2.Open strSQL2, Conn
contentSecond = rs2.GetRows

Now what I want is a variable that holds the content of contentFirst and contentSecond like this: content = contentFirst + contentSecond

Can this be done in some way with arrayas? How?

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Can GetRows() Do...

I was reading a sample on ASP101 (i love them), and it was, I think, saying u could specify the record u want to start that true? If so, I think EVERYONE should use would be very cool.

Because, if u need the 6th record, u can just get it, but, using a recordset, it would be, i believe, impossible...right?, or is that wat bookmarks are for?

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I tried to get the data in array by using getrows. Data will be display in the drop down list in the future. i call a function to get the data. It should be return 8 rows of the data. But it return 0 row of data ....

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I'm using getrows to return the values from two columns in a MSSQL sql

database. Looping through them like so:
dim irowloop, icolloop, i
for irowloop = 0 to ubound(instances, 2)
for icolloop = 0 to ubound(instances, 1)
response.write("<option value=""VAL"">") 'get 2nd col val
response.write(i(icolloop, irowloop))

How can I get the value of the second column into the VALUE=""attribute in the drop down?

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Using GetRows()

I am getting information out of a table to place into to an Array.


At this point I place it into the array


But how do I handle things if the rs came back blank? What happens is that the loop encounters an error?

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Rs.GetRows Issue

Since I never user .GetRow, (because arrays drive me crazy) I thought I'd give it a shot with something I had to do, unfortunately I get several errors. Code:

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Pages And GetRows

I built a recursive forum (tree) with ASP (VBS) and getRows and the DB Microsoft Access.
When I tried to add a pages division (with ADO) it destroyed everything
The relevant code:

The ADO pages devision:

rs.PageSize = MessagesNum
rs.CacheSize = MessagesNum
If Not rs.EOF Then
PagesCount = rs.PageCount
rs.AbsolutePage = Page
arr = rs.getRows
End If


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GetRows() & Arrays

I have the following:

dim app_ids, irowloop, icolloop
app_ids = get_app_logins(session("stremail"))
for irowloop = 0 to ubound(app_ids, 2)
for icolloop = 0 to ubound(app_ids, 1)
response.write(app_ids(icolloop, irowloop) & ",")
next 'icolloop
next 'irowloop

That returns:

0,0,bobsmith,pAssWord,|0,71,tom,tom,|0,71,tomf,pAs sWord,|1,5,tom,a1,|
Is it possible to remove the final ',' before the '|' ??

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ASP Getrows And SHAPES

I recently learned about the wonders of the getrows statement on a recordset (IE alldata=rstemp.getrows). It dumps a recordset into an array, that I get. Sounds great! My question is: Is there a way to support a SQL shape statement using the getrows statement? I'm guessing that if I try to throw that into a variable it may not like it.

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Getstring / Getrows

I know that getstring or getrows increase performance but my question when to use this method. This is because what I know is this method will output all fields in a table and not just certain few.

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GetRows() And Hyperlinks

' Loop through the array holding the result set and display the data
For iCounter= varC1Begin to varC1End
Response.Write("<a href=prices.asp?manuf=" & arrResultSet(0,iCounter) & ">"
& arrResultSet(0,iCounter) & "</a><br>")

In the above Response.Write statement arrResultSet(0,iCounter) displays the
manufacturer just like it should.

However, within the hyperlink, if a manufacturer has 2,3, or more words, it
will only show the first word. Anything after the first space is ignored.

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Difference Between Getrows

What is the difference, and when to use one over the other?

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GetRows Method

When querying a database, I know I can fix the no. of returned rows/results to 20 (for example) using the GetString method:

myVar = objRs.GetString(, 20, , ,)

What syntax do I need to use to do the same with the GetRows method:

myVar = objRs.GetRows ?

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JScript & GetRows

I currently thinking of converting from my little knowledge of
VBscript to jScript ASP.

With this in mind I'm looking at my current code to see how it will
convert over to Jscript.

One thing I have spotted that I can't think of a way round is the ADO
recordset.GetRows command.

I have a VBscript class that handles my DB connections so in short I
can do things like

MyArray = clsDB.GetRecordsInArray("Stored Proc Name/SQL", other

and this would return the rows into a 2 dimension array.

Problem is I've read that Jscript only has one dimension. So how is
the "getRows" solved for Jscript.

Also is there any good "Jscript" code learning sites?

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