JavaScript Where It Runs When Embedded In Asp Page

I want to know when we embed javascript or vbscript in asp pages where the script runs whether on client's browser or web server? also is there any possibilities like in we have "runat" wherein we can specify sever or client option available when we are programing in asp.

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Embedded Code Within JavaScript

I have a checkbox in a form and i want it to create a session if clicked. If it is not checked the session is deleted. I have tried the code below but it always creates the session even if the check box isnt clicked.

<input type="checkbox" id="txtValidate" onClick="<%session("checked")= "true"%>" />

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Logon Field Embedded In Web Page

I have a logon field including user name and password, which is stored to an access DB. Many websites have a logon and password field integrated into the page. I want the field to always be there.

When successfully logged on, the user will have access to other pages that I designate.

I have a complete web page and I want to stick the code from the working logon field, etc in the page w/o redesigning it around the existing logon.asp page.

I am asking if this is something I can do with the skills that I currently possess? Remember, I'm a novice .asp programmer, but an experienced web designed. We're working on the "dynamic" in web page design.

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Query Runs Once

I have a form that is used for a search, works great. I added two tables to the database for keeping track of words used in the search, and created a stored procedure for inserting/updating these tables.
When I run the stored procedure in Query Analyzer or from within FireFox, all is well. But when I use IE and enter a word into the field and click "GO", the tables for keeping track get two insert/update data results.
Has anyone run across this, before? Any clue as to what is happening? Any suggestion on preventing IE from running the query twice?

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Application_OnStart Runs Twice

IIS 6 on 2003 Server. Application_OnStart runs when the first page is accessed (as it should). The next page is a frameset with 3 frames (2 ASP, 1 HTML). One of the ASPs properly accesses the existing Application object, the other ASP causes Application_OnStart to run again. Any idea why this is happening / how to prevent it?

I am only encountering this on one server, which leads me to think it is related to IIS settings.

More info: The site is set up as a virtual directory. The frameset and content pages reside in a sub-directory (also virtual, but no separate application object defined).

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Certain Script Runs Only When Directed From A Certain URL

I have 3 pages. Page 1 contains a form which a user enters in information. Page 2 contains a table which is populated by a database (it is looking up personal information about users which is populated from a database).

There is no input but values are still there. On this page, it will populate and the user can then click on a button to select a person and then go to the Page 3.

First, I need to know how to get these values from Page2 to carry over to Page3. Also, I want to know how to write a script that allows Page3 to determine from what page the user just came from.

The reason for this is because I want one thing to happen it if came from Page1 but something else to happen if the user came from Page2. I hope this makes sense. if it doesn't, I will try to re-phrase it.

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Aspx Runs Outside Of Application

whether a web application needs to be defined in IIS as an "application" to run. We have a client who has a medium sized web site (~2,000 pages), including some ASP and some aspx pages. These were developed by different developers over the past several years.

What I don't understand is that some of the aspx pages compile and run fine, but they are not in a virtual directory or in a folder that's conifgured as an "application." They do read from a global.asax file in the web site's web-doc root folder. But the site at its root is not configured as a .net 'application' either (and the .asp pages throughout the site would all fail if it were, I think.)

Is there a 'global' web application for If so, are there restrictions on it? For example, can I create a /Bin folder and have it work? (I've tried, and it hasn't but I'm not sure what I'm doing.) If not, how else could the site be configured so it runs the .aspx pages?

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Open Application That Runs On Server...

i want to run an application...from the intranet site a client presses a button and the application opens in the can i do this ? any ideas ???

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Name Of Arabic Font Which Can Be Embedded

my problem is that i want to convert my web pages into Arabic. and for
this I have already install Arabic font in my pc but the problem is that
once i select that specific Arabic font the text is still written in
English . Can u please suggest me some embedded Arabic fonts which are
when selected will write Arabic rather than English.

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Cdonts Embedded Image

My readers that are lotus note user receive the mails I send using cdonts with image displayed as attachement in place of inline.

I read
that say "for displaying image inline in lotus you must set correct
mime header as content disposition : inline"

however I can't achieve it with cdonts : my mime header is stuck to
"content disposition : attachemnt" and I can't see how to change it.

I read somewhere that using attachurl instead of attachfile will fix
it but my test did not achieve this way.Any of you experienced sending inline image to lotus note users with cdonts ?

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Open A New Window OnClick Which Runs An Additional Query

my objective is to click on an image and use the file path of the image as the variable in the next query, hence re running the same query but with "WHERE imageb " and not "WHERE imagea " with the value of imageb replacing min_vsim on the next query. this query can be excecuted preferebaly by a mouse click on the url of the image. Code:

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500 Error Running On A Virtual Directory That Runs With No Errors

I do not understand why. I am running perfectly well on a virtual directory, but if I put a simple asp file such as this, and named it foo.asp, and try to run it from this virtual directory, I get the 500 error:



Any ideas why? I check the Properties of this virtual directory, and under The Virtual Directory tab, Configuration button, App Mappings tab, I can see .asp listed pointing to
C:WINNTSystem32inetsrvasp.dll . If I look at this folder the dll exists.

I'm running windows 2000 professional. But I found the same problem in another computer running Windows 2003 server, IIS 6.0

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Embedded Flash Movie Controls

I have embedded a flash movie (.swf) in my web page - but I don't know how to put the "play,pause,stop,volume" controls to the video.I need the movie to share with my colleagues at work using our local web server.

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Javascript And Asp Page

I have a javascript code which was helped by someone in this forum. Here is the code:

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JavaScript & FSO In One Page

I am just a beginner in ASP and need your experiences. I want to display a popup menu written in JavaScript on some links in a page.This popup menu will be multileveled.And when the mouse comes over an item in the menu File System Objects code will execute.Here is an example: Code:

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Send Html With Embedded Image Email In Asp

I want to send email in html format with containing more images added dynamically using cdo.message method. can you pls explain any body one how to do this. i alredy done this, but it send only one picture with that email. here i posted my code also. pls any one tell me what is the problem in this code.

Set cdoConfig = server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(theSchema & "sendusing")= 2
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(theSchema & "smtpserver")= "smtp server"

Set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")

html = "<html>"
html = html & "<head>"
html = html & "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"""
html = html & "content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"">"
html = html & "</head>"
html = html & "<body>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial"" ><b>Name: " & name & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>Company Name: " & cname & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>Country: " & ctry & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>E-mail: " & email & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>Details: " & remarks & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p>&nbsp;</p>"

for i = 0 to ubound(iid)
html = html & "<img border=""0"" src=""" & "" & fnme(i) & """></td>"

html = html & "</body>"
html = html & "</html>"

mail.From= emailFrom
mail.To = emailTo
mail.Subject = emailSubject
mail.HTMLBody = html
set mail = nothing
set cdoConfig = nothing

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Exporting To Word Using ASP - Need Linked Images To Be Embedded

I have an application in ASP that exports to Word using the Response.ContentType method.

The application references another ASP page through the img tag that uses a Response.BinaryWrite (of an img content type) for its output.

In other words:

App A.ASP contains the code: [...] <%Response.ContentType =
"application/vnd-msword"%> [...] <img src="B.ASP">

Then B.ASP contains the code: [...] <%Response.ContentType = "image/png"%>
[...] <%Response.BinaryWrite BinaryObject%> [...]

When Word opens and the document is saved, it references the images as links. I need to have these images be embedded as the file will need to be emailed outside of the network.

I can go in and manually break the links and save them as embedded files, but this process needs to be automated as users will not know how to do this.

Is there a way to force these images to be embedded instead of referenced as links when the Word doc is intially created?

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Searching Access Databases And Their Embedded Documents.

I've had a look and found a few items on searching a database but I need something a bit more complicated.

I want to store documents in a database, I also want to have a web page view and pdf download of the documents available (easy enough if I just embed the URL of the locations). The problem is I want to also be able to provide a search page that allows the user to search the documents and the database (for authors, date etc) using the same page.

So the question is what's the best way to start with the database and pdf docs and end up with a web view and search engine for it. The database is Access btw.

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Ca;ll Javascript In Page Load

I'm having some fits with getting this to work but I'm near the end and I'm
hoping this one obstacle is not a huge one to get past.
Here's my scenario:
I have a page where when someone clicks on a dropdown and selects an item,
it will hide 2 other dropdown boxes that are related as the input in those
are applicable. When I save those items, everything gets into the db fine.
The problem is when the page refreshes, those 2 related dropdown boxes that
should be not visible are still visible. Is there a way in VBScript to
hide/show those controls based on the data in dropdown A? Javascript is
handling the actions but I don't think I can call Javascript on page load.

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Print Page With Javascript

I display an HTML Report on the screen and have a print button on the page. The print button uses the following JavaScript code.


Works great except it displayed the print dialog box and the user must hit the print button on the diaglog box to print the report. Is there any way to print the Web Page directly without displaying the Print Dialog Box?

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JAVASCRIPT Validation In An ASP Page

I created an upload page.. using ASP. It works fine but there seems to be a problem with the javascript field validations I wrote. There is a Paper title and upload extension validation in the page... when people use netscape and submit it... nothing is happening...

but the paper is being uploaded... doesn't go to the confimation page... and if they use Explorer and try to submit the paper again... it gives a 'File already Exists' error as they already submitted using Netscape.. Can any one help me fix this problem so that it works fine with both browsers... or is there a way I can write a server side validation? HERE IS MY CODE:

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Javascript Confirm In ASP Page

I'm trying to make a confirm window for my site, the confirmation ask user a question with yes or no answer then if the response is yes redirects the user to a page and if its no redirects to another page.The problem is that i need the two pages to carry a different querystring; also i need this to act as a link and not as a form.

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VBScript And JavaScript On Same Page

I want to pull data from a number of tables, Categories, SubCategroies
and then place into JavaScript drop downs and have the options in the
second drop down change upon the selection from the 1st drop down. Is
this possible.? How is it done..? Arrays..?

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How Do I Call A JavaScript Function From An ASP Page?

I have created a JavaScript function to validate values of a parameter. Let's say validate(parm). I have saved the entire file as and included in my ASP page as:
<!--#include virtual="/"-->

Now from an ASP page I want to call JavaScript validate function and pass on a parameter, X, to validate. How do I call a JavaScript function from an ASP page?

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How To Call Asp Page With A Javascript Command

How to call asp page with a javascript command.

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ASP, CDO For Windows 2000 & Embedded / In-line Images Showing As Attachments

I have been using the CDONTS.Newmail object for a number of years to send
nicely formatted HTML Emails with inline images.

I am now trying to switch over to using CDO and I cannot reproduce this
functionality. I am using the AddAttachment method instead of the old
AttachURL method but the attached images just show as separately attached
files rather than in line in the HTML.

According to MSDN:

"If you populate the HTMLBody property before calling the AddAttachment
method, any inline images are displayed as part of the message."

Well, I am doing that but it is not working. The images show up as if I had
attached them using the old AttachFile method.

Code follows....

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Pass A Javascript Variable To Another Page But Vbscript

I have an input box when the user clicks on the button.

var number=prompt("enter journal number");

How is it possible to pass this variable forward but to vbscript? So i could use that variable in an sql procedure?

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ASP Page As Remote Function Call From Javascript

I've been playing with the idea of just how to use an ASP page to provide a
remote function call. In an ideal world this would be a web service but how
can you do it if restricted to ASP 3.0 ?

Idea 1 was to write an ASP page that accepted arguments using the classic
?X=1&Y=2 type of strings and have the page return an ADO disconnected record
set containing the results of the action. This is call very well, and works,
but you do have to allow the browser to create an ADODB.RecordSet in which
to place the results which goes against some security principles. Code:

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Printing Web Page Without Using Javascript Command Window.print()

I want to print a complete asp page without using Javascript command window.print(). I want to print current web page in backgroud withot displaying printer dialog. Can you give me some information.

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Shop Cart List Page With Several Remove Buttons, No Javascript

how would I go doing it without javascript and using 'POST'?

Having a page with a variable list of items in a shopcart, each item
with its own 'remove' button. How could I do this without a javascript
and using POST as the form type? (so having <a href="page.htm?remove=2>
is not possible)

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Javascript Form Validation - Form Action To Another Page

In my prototype asp page (with no javascript and no password validation, I have a registration form with the following action:

<form name="form" method="post" action="RegDetails.asp">

This works fine, the form details are collected by RegDetails.asp

I am attempting to include javascript server side validation for the pasword, which obviously requires password and password2 fields (to be verified). I have used the script available at:

It works fine in a new blank page with the form action:

<form name=myForm onSubmit="return validatePwd()">

The final stage in this javascript demo form displays an alert box:

else {
alert('Nice job.');
return true;

When I change the first line of my original form to:

<form name=myForm onSubmit="return validatePwd()">

how do I get my original action of - action="RegDetails.asp" instead of this alert box?

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I have a dll coded in vb that has a method X with the follwing signature

function X(a as string, optional b as string, optional c as string)

now i need to call this method from asp using javascript.

var dl = Server.CreateObject("dll");

I need to pass only 2 parameters 'a' and 'c'. Had it been vbscript I could have done dl.X(a,,c) but javascript doesn't accept that.

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JavaScript Value

I'm having a customer submit an order. When they submit it, it posts to a
page that processes the order and inserts into our database, while
displaying a summary of their order. I have a javascript function that will
cause a "confirm" box to show up if an order seems like it might be a
duplicate. However, I can't seem to get the code to "wait" for the response
from that box, which I guess makes some sense. Am I stuck with having an
interim page or doing something with posts or is there an easy way to get
the record to not insert until the user responds to the confirm box?

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