I am making a dynmanic form that goes to a question depended on the answer. Is there a way that I can make it remember what the person selected (radio button) in the question so that I don't have to write something like,
"<input type = 'radio' name='Question3' value='Yes' checked <% if Question3 = "Yes" then response.write "SELECTED" end if%>>Yes<BR>" + ????
I'm having a customer submit an order. When they submit it, it posts to a page that processes the order and inserts into our database, while displaying a summary of their order. I have a javascript function that will cause a "confirm" box to show up if an order seems like it might be a duplicate. However, I can't seem to get the code to "wait" for the response from that box, which I guess makes some sense. Am I stuck with having an interim page or doing something with posts or is there an easy way to get the record to not insert until the user responds to the confirm box?
Im sure it exists but i am having some difficulty finding it. I need come code to take out any SPACES in a textbox when text is entered OR submitted. Example
i have a text box where people can enter there car registration.
To keep consistency thoughout my site, i want L736 VAF to be entered into the database as L736VAF.
so that when it is recalled via a search form, L736VAF wont be returned as "no record found" because some one has put a space init!
update some long commOn first page I display all the records from database (working well). Then first column has href which opens a popup (i am passing rownum from database to popup). I was hoping to run ASP code on load of the page so the comments which is already there for that row in the databse automatically comes in a textarea. And then you can edit and hit update. And this will update the database. Also I was thinking of using session variables for the rownum. But bcos I have href which opens a popup, I am not sure how i can set the session variable. I dont want to pass the "comments" itself to the next page bcos it can be really long comment and QueryString has some limitations.
i have an asp page which shows a list of articles which are pulled from the database. I have a variable as below which defines number of records to show on each page
numRows = 5 %>
Now i also have a drop down list from which you can choose 'display 5 records per page', display 10 records per page' and so on.What i want is when a new value is chosen from the list, the page refreshes and the ASP variable numRows is set to this new value.
I'd like to put some SQL values in my Javascript which is defined in de Head section If I put it in there like <%objrs=("field")%>, the script does not seem to run ?
I have a page that opens a javascript modal window and passes a variable. I then have that variable in Javascript. Is there anyway for me to get the value of that variable in asp. I am passing an id and want to check what the id is and open my recordset accordingly.
Is there a way that I can refresh a combo box using javascript after I select data from a another combo box? I can't seem to find the answer to this question. I'm guessing after I select the item in the first combo I could requery the database and display the correct informtion based off of it. I just don't know where to start. I've searched all over the internet.
Will JavaScript function in ASP? or are there specific functions in ASP which replace JavaScript?
I'm running JavaScript to compress down a menu and want to use an #include statement to port the menu to multiple pages. If I have to sacrifice the JavaScript I'd need a way to compress the menu in ASP.
basically I call a javascript refresh function, but I need to pass a url to it too to indicate what this should refresh to. The problem is the function I call, then calls another function and I need to pass the url info down, as it is this second function that needs it.
It seems to work from passing it from the link to the first function, but I think it must loose it passing it from the first function to the second.. Code:
I have searched for some examples, but to no real avail, for a JS function that displays a user Yes/No dialog box.
Basically, i have an ASP application that displays a SQL table on an ASP page.
I have created a "Remove" hyperlink (in a loop) by each record and i need to use an OnClick event so when the user clicks this hyperlink it displays this Yes/No dialog.
At the moment the hyperlink simply removes the relevant record.
I need an OnClick event that displays a Yes/No box that when the user clicks Yes - it goes to remove.asp, and when No is clicked it does nothing.
User Clicks Remove next to record > Yes/No dialog> Yes = remove.asp No = End. Code:
I'm putting together a site to allow someone to add content to a DB through a text area form, and then display it on the web. Pretty basic.
The problem I'm having is that they need to add snippets of javascript, but by the time its displayed on the page, there have been extra linebreaks added, breaking the javascript code.
Replace(string, vbCrLf,"") won't work because that removes all linebreaks. Is there a way to preserve the original linebreaks as submitted to the DB in the first place
i am trying to call a javascript function in asp code.But i need the return value of javascript function to use in asp code. how can i do this?
the name of the javascript function is get_textvalue() and it returns a text value. i have a variable which is named volume in asp code.actually the thing that i want is volume = get_textvalue() but in asp code how can i do this ?
The code JavaScript is not executed in the pages ASP in a server IIS 6.0 in Windows 2003 but if makes it in a IIS 5.1 in Windows XP, like I can configure it so that it is executed.
I have news heading to be posted on the website the main news would be shown in one line and when the user clicks on it the rest of the news will be shown in a pop up window or a small window below the news headline i dont want to use javascript the reason is if someone has disabled javascript they wont see the news so i am trying to do it with stylesheet or with ASP can someone give me an idea how to proceed with it.
Can javascript and asp use together? I mean if I Dim n=10; can I use that nin javascript functions?
I need to create dropdown boxes using javascript (I don't think asp is capable of that) and then read from a text file using asp(again, javascript can't do that) and display the lines I read in the text file into the options in the dropdown box. Is that possible to achieve? Or the two language just can't be mixed together.
I want that when my form loads,one of the text box should get filled. e.g,I have one field URL and on load of form, text box of form should display http://
I now have my VB and VI debugging setup correctly, but when stepping though the ASP it steps over the JAVAScripts. How do I correct this so I can step into the JAVAScript like I do with VBScript using VI?
In VI Under Tools>Options>Debugger I have all the checkboxes checked except Hexadecimal display. Under Debug>Processes> then Properties in the Machine section, I have ALL checkboxes checked for the Machine I'm debugging from that has PWS where my ASP is.
I am getting Javascript errors saying "Unterminated String Constant". I know that this is because I have double quotes in the ASP function: RS.Fields("MessageID"). How can I make the ASP function work, but stop the Javascript from giving an error?
I am trying to pass a variable into a Javascript function. Everytime I get to this code, I get an unterminated string error. Here is the following code. Code:
I have created msgbox using javascript that ask user to make selection before deleting record. when they press yes, I want to transfer them to next page with username and id.
Is there a way to filter typed inputs right upon typing the characters using Javascript? i plan on using Javascript's "Onkeypress" command to accept only "numeric, i.e., 1,2,3...", ". (dot)", and ", (comma)" command.
I need to dynamicaly create my javascript as the page loads because as persons add items I need to increase my layers based upon the number of records returned from a recordset. Code: