Join Tables In Access

how do i join tables in access and how do i get asp to output information from two separate tables that have the same primary key?

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SQL JOIN 3 Tables

I've got three tables:

Id (PK) | Event_Name

Id (PK) | Delegate_Name

Id (PK) | Event_Id (FK) | Delegate_Id (FK)

I need to retrieve a recordset with the following information:

Booking Id | Event_Name | Delegate_Name

Can anyone see how to do a SELECT statement to do this?

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How Do I Inner Join 3 Tables?

strSQL = "SELECT x.CountryId, x.CountryName, y.SiteId, y.SiteName, z.LocationId, z.Level FROM TableCountry AS x"
strSQL = strSQL & " INNER JOIN TableSite AS y ON (x.CountryId = y.CountryId)"
strSQL = strSQL & " INNER JOIN TableLocation AS z ON (y.SiteId = z.SiteId)"

Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(x.CountryId = y.CountryId) INNER JOIN TableLocation AS z ON (y.SiteId = z.SiteId)'.
/system1.asp, line 21

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Inner Join 2 Tables?

how do i do this?

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How To Inner Join Tables

I have a MSAccess 2000 mdb where 2 tables must be connected with a fieldname "book_spoke".
This is what I have so far. Is it right? The purpose is to find within the search result all the book_spoke s and link with the proper url for each book_spoke. Code:

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Join The Tables In Database

I have an access database called employment.mdb The fields that I have in this database are:

Company, Location, Dates, Position, Signing, and Duties.

The problem I am having, I can go in and create a Drop Down pulling information from the Company field, but I can not get the information from the rest of the fields to
populate. I want the Database column values to change when I select a different company.
I will be honest, my only experience with it has been thru Frontpage, I can go in and create a drop down, but get errors if I try to add other database connections into that query. I have enough experience at working with html, but not the asp side of it. I would really appreciate some help with this.

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How To Update Join Tables?

I have a question about JOIN'ed table in Access. I have 2 tables in my database with one being tbl_Events and the other tbl_VolunteerSchedule. tbl_Events contains information regarding upcoming Events. tbl_VolunteerSchedule contains the names of Volunteers plus information from tbl_Events pertaining to the event the volunteer is volunteering for.

What I need is for tbl_Volunteer to Update when I make changes to the Events in tbl_Events. I thought that it was working correctly when I used a LEFT JOIN. However if I make updates to tbl_Events it adding additional record to tbl_Volunteer. It should only Update tbl_VolunteerSchedule when the fields EventID match. Does this make sense? Code:

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Need To Join Two Tables And Use A Session Variable

Currently have

'Initialise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database
strSQL = "SELECT [firstname], [lastname], [homepage], [aim], [location], [interests], [email] FROM tblUsers WHERE ID =" & userID

need to use session variable but need to select records form another table based on the logged in user (session variable) Code:

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How To Write Sql Statement That Join 3 Tables

i have this code that join 2 tables, Reservation and Customer. Next, i wanted to add another table, Staf to get the name of staf that responsibled on a particular reservation. there is a field name staffCode (FK at Reservation table, PK at Staf table) at the Reservation table. Code:

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Rewrite My Code To Join Tables In My DB

I have some code I need modified and I can't seem to figure it out. Here's the section of code I need to change: ....

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Join Two Tables In This Complicated Query

I've two tables:

First Table Player
tbl_player (fld_id, fld_dor, fld_tname, fld_tpass, fld_name, fld_email, fld_mobile)

Second Table Attempt
tbl_attempt (fld_attempt_id, fld_dop, fld_tname, fld_pid, fld_pscore)

Relation of First Table with Second Table is fld_tname and fld_pid of tbl_attempt with fld_id of tbl_player

Basically this is a 2-player game in which tbl_player contains both player a and player b details (they are identified by same Team Name). Table Attempt (tbl_attempt) holds individual scores which again can be grouped as a team score by the field fld_tname. Code:

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INNER JOIN Statement MS Access

What am I doing wrong in this statement?Code:

SELECT * FROM hebbooktable INNER JOIN hebrewbibletable ON = WHERE text_data LIKE '%bra%' ORDER BY id ASC

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

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Access And Join Data From 2 Sources

I need to use data from multiple tables that are located in 2 different databases. Most of the tables are in SQL Server 2000 but 1 one the tables I need to include in my query resides in an Access2002 mdb file. I need to do this via ASP/ADO on IIS5.

How do I combine (join in a query) tables from different databases? they are each opened from a different connection object? I have only had to access tables from one source before and I used the recordset.Open "sql statement", connectionObjectVariable syntax. Can I this even be done?

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2 Access Tables

are you able to open two Access tables at the same time or is this bad coding practice?

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Access Tables

Is there anyway to get the names of the tables in an .mdb using asp? Our DB lives on the server(duh), but I do my thing on a diffrent PC that doesn't have access. I hate running back and forth to see the names of the tables and all that, and would like to make a dummy page that lists the tables and the fields in those tables.

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ASP Using Access Tables

I have a site that is working well after first build. All the tables in the Access database are standalone, if you like, but I wanted to try and incorporate lookup columns within the database to try and reduce possible input mistakes. The only problem now is one of these columns is is used as a URL parameter on the site and It's not bringing in the relevant info that corresponds to that entry, if that makes any sense whatsoever.

If I change it back to not having looup columns it works fine, but I want to crack this as it will mean less trouble in the future I suspect. The column in question refers to a list of counties so I want the user to pick that entry from a list, which of course refers to another table.

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Comparing Tables In Access

I have a two tables in my database with a username column in both of them, i am trying to build an SQL query to return only the usernames that are not listed in both of the tables.
Any ideas?

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Can We Add Colums In Access Tables From Asp

i want to add columns dynamically from asp......say for eg. i have a drop down and from that if a user selects 10 as the value it creates 10 textboxes and then when saved it should generate that much columns in access table for saving............hope u guyz got what i am saying... i want to create fields dynamically in access database.

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Log In Feature Using Two Access Tables

I have a login feature but i want to be able to let users from different tables to log in. The data base is Access and the code is from DreamWeaver MX.

The computer recognises that there are two tables. However i get the message:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

The specified field 'userID' could refer to more than one table listed in the FROM clause of your SQL statement.

/members/loginform.asp, line 21

This is the code:

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Search All Tables In An Access Db

how do you search all the tables in an access db with different field names? i would like to place a textfield and a dropdown of the different tables of the db. i cant figure it out. im using asp and dreamweaver.

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Selecting 2 Access Tables

Select data from 2 tables at the same time but there is no relationship between them. This is what i want but i dont know how to join them.Here is what i was trying.Code:

sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM persinfo,positions WHERE personid.personid = '"& session("personid") &"'"
rs.Open sqlstr,conn,0,2

sqlstr1 = "SELECT * FROM positions WHERE jobidid = '"& session("jobid") &"'"
rs.Open sqlstr1,conn,0,2

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Creating Access Tables

if its possible to create a database from an asp script? My task is to make user surveys where a user selects elements such as text boxes,drop down menues etc from a form, I then have to to make the corresponding table in Microsoft Access.

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Updating Multiple Tables In Ms Access And Asp

I have an query that gets value from two tables lets say tb1 and tb2. First i m tryin to insert values into tb1 and based on those values i have to update some already existing values in tb2. it gives me following error:

Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only

i know my cursur types are correct as i can update without any error with a single table. This leads me to wonder if updating multiple tables in access is possible?

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Linking Tables From Another Access Database Using ASP

I was just wondering if there is anyway to link tables from another Access database using ASP. Just like the function in Access where we can go File->Get External Data->Link Tables.

I have implemented some e-modules and they all have individual database as a backend. But, my boss would like to allow all these e-modules to share data. Therefore I am thinking of linking all the tables in those databases through a 'gateway' database (gateway.mdb). This 'gateway' database would have link tables from all other databases.

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Access Tables Not Showing Up In Dreamweaver

I have the following connection string:

"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("../_database/MOO_ACCESS.mdb") & ";"

Which tests successfully.

When I try to view the tables within Dreamweaver of the access database though, it shows none. There are definitely 2 tables built in the database.

anyone have any ideas?

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Display Data From 3 Tables (MS Access)

I have 3 tables (MS Access) and I would like to display the content of all three tables alphabetically on a .asp page I have no problem displaying a list from each of the individual tables, but I am stumped when I try to display a combined listing..

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Inserting Data Using A Form Into Two Access Tables

I have two tables Property & Landlord. I have a form and when it is filled in and submitted the information should be sent to the two tables, but i cant seem to get my head around this problem.

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Alter/create Tables Through Web? Access 2000?

does anyone know of a free utility that allows you to alter/create tables through the web for access 2000. I'm talking about the table/db structure, not creating records.

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Export Ms-access Tables Information To Excel

how to export ms-access tables information to excel sheet using ASP....

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Copy Tables Across Diff. Access Files

I was trying to integrate a forum software to an existing site. The site is having a different database file already. What i want to do is, copy the forum tables from forum database file to the existing site database. How can I copy the tables from FileA to FileB using ASP?

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Linked 'tables' (access) Local - To -remote

Is it actually possible for a local access 2000 database to link to a remote database online via linked tables. I just wanted to know how feasible a LINKED TABLE scenario would be.

If this was possible it would solve so many administration problems and save development time when it comes to building asp-admin pages to manage the backend.

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Display Records From MS Access Tables As A Total In A Table In A ASP Page

I'm trying to display records from an MS Access DB (*.mdb) in an ASP page (table).. I don't want to display all the records though, I just want to display the total of these records..i.e in my table I would like to show how many calls someone has closed this year..(number)

Joe Bloggs ---> 100 Closed

Is this possible? I was thinking that I need to write an ADO that includes COUNT but I'm not too sure how to write this.. Here's what I have so far: Code:

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Searching Multiple Memo Fields In Multiple Tables In Access

I have a search option on my website, which should perform a search on 4 fields, as follows:



It only needs to return matches which are an exact match of their search criteria. For instance, searching for "I am here" would return a record which contained "I am here", but not just "I" or "I am" etc.

I need to return all these records as part of one recordset preferably, as I want to be able to order them etc., though I imagine you may suggest I use an array somehow to merge two recordets etc., then reorder them?

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