Languages For Programming ASP In

Just started learning ASP, seems like lots of people use VBScript to program with. Though, I have spent the last year learning Java. Just wondering if I can use this to program with? along with its API's ?

Also, is it worth while to learn VBScript ? Is it industry standard or needed? Im guessing it is from the way its the language used in most ASP books. Any insight would be great.

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Programming Languages

Can any one tell me how many programming languages are there in the world? I tried to google it but could not really get an exact or complete list of them all.cheers.

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ASP Scripting Languages?

I was reading up on ASP for a report and it talked about scripting languages. It also talked about using VBScript or Javascript as a scripting language? What exaclty is a scripting language and why do you have to use it?

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ASP, Dates & Languages

We have a few English websites running on a single server and are in the process of adding a Spanish website to the same server. I am trying to determine how one would set the language for a particular website. For example, instead of ASP generating a date like "Monday, July 19, 2004" .

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VS2005 Languages Available

Can C++/CLR be used for web development? Among C++/VB/C# does any language have an advantage over another for Web/ASP.NET development?

I use C++ for native devlopment and I am considering using VB for all .NET develpment whether it be Windows or Web. I like VB's syntax.

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ASP-to-RTF - Mixed Languages

I've been fighting this for a couple of weeks:

My ASP/Access app'n uses UTF-8 data in mixed languages/scripts successfully. That is, it takes input, stores and retrieves stuff OK browser-wise. The app also writes an RTF file and downloads that to the client (for display by Word) fine, but ONLY English; Cyrillic and the CJK group gets the trash display - and it's not a font pblm, cuz the browser display is good.

I've tried a number of charset directives in the RTF-writer, including CP-1251, UTF-8, Unicode, etc. None works. I don't know whether I need an explicit code-set translator or not, and am working with ChilKat's Charset product without any improvement so far.

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Coding For Different Languages

I am now creating a website which have 3 languages (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese). The server has installed English version Window 2000 (Server Version, Default Codepage is Traditional Chinese) and MSSQL 2000 (English). I have created a database which use the codepage "chinese_PRC".

However, when I created an testing asp pages ( 1 textbox and it will insert the content into the table), it cannot store the chars in correct coding. I would like to know whether asp or MSSQL has something wrong in my setting?

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ACCESS & Different Languages

This is a first for all help much appreciated.

I am trying to create a survey form which retrieves all its questions form
an ACCESS database.. (I know ACCESS isn't the best option, it just not my

This database is to be multi lingual and my current survey is to be in THAI...

So in creating the survey, I copy the thai text into the ACCESS table from a
WORD document and all looks good. ACCESS seems to understand the THAI.

When I retrieve these Questions from the Database, loading them into a
recordset however, I get '????'s' in the output instead of the thai text .

I have set the charset of the HTML document as charset=TIS-620..

Can anyone tell me what i am missing? What needs to be done to display thai text in my ASP App?

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Unicode For Multiple Languages

I have an ASP page that I want to support multiple languages. If I set the
<%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001%>

and adds a
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

meta tag it seems to work OK. Now instead of setting the codepage in every
page I tried adding a global.asa (Session_onStart) file and add
session.codepage=65001 and also tried to add response.charset="utf-8" (I was
not allowed to set <%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001%> inside
global.asa). This does not seems to work though.
Is it possible to set a codepage in some event in a global.asa to make it
global for the entire application? Is it possible to add a directive in
global.asa that works like setting a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=utf-8">. If this is possible I don't have to
recomplie my business logic that creates the html.

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Support Multiple Languages

how ASP (not ASP.Net) to do the following things:
1) Get real-time information from other web site such as tracking via
2) Real-time credit card charging via a payment gateway such as WorldPay;
3) How to support multiple languages.

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Advice For Adding Languages

Ive done quite a few sites now that involve different languages using different strategies and I would like to hear some different opinions on which is the most efficient.

The previous sites with languages that I have done have not been majorly big or would involve vast amounts of traffic so using included language file have been ok. I am about to do a site in 4 - 6 different languages that will have quite a lot of traffic. I have also used application variables in some cases but not sure if that is the best way.

So if anyone has any ideas on a better way and also one that is easy on server resources I'd love to hear them (and maybe a link to some code would be koool)..

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Multiple Languages In A Site

I want to create some pages using .net, and have others using regular asp with vb. Just wondering? I know you can have Java within the same pages, but didn't know if using asp, and then wanted to do some .net things if the site would have problems.

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SSI And ASP Programming

i need some help to find a way to pas a asp variable in to the ssi include file commend

i have tryde to pass the varible like this:

<!--#include file="sets/<%=a1%>.asp" -->

that didn work for me so i tryed this way instead

a2 = "<!--#include file="sets/cenarion.asp" -->"


that didn want to wark either

im little lost how to get this to work im not sure if its even possible .

what im trying to do is pass the A1 varible to the include fille command couse A1 contains the name of the file. A1 gets its info from a request.querystring

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what software do I have to use for doing programming in asp and php. Atleast I want to learn basics.

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Game Programming

I am developing a blackjack game which is multiplayer, multitable game in which 4 users playing on each table.
There are 8 tables like this.
I am generating random cards through my random card function. Main problem is that I want to track cards for avoiding repitition. I can use application veriable for one table . But how to do for multitable ? We can't track it on session side as well as application side as all tables are in one application.

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Word Programming

I think following code makes just one page Landscape. It restricts the range of document. But I can run this code in asp. How can I convert this macro code to asp code?

ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Selection.Start, End:=ActiveDocument. _
..Orientation = wdOrientLandscape

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Flow / Programming

I am building a site that offers the purchase of information. Clients can view a limited amount of info then they are able to view each recset in further detail once they purchase it. I am running into difficulties of how to facilitate this. I am using dbquicksite3 to build the ASP (I could do it on my own but it would take much longer). I am using Access 2000 for the DB and this also seems to be limiting me somewhat). I want to keep it simple because it is not a broad reaching website (probably several hundred recsets of purchase info and hopefully several thousand customers). Anyway, the problem is that I have a search for the basic results, I have a basic results page but I cannot figure out how to allow users to access only the pages that they purchase right after they purchase rather than watching my email account and sending the query results back via email. I suppose I could built a 'watcher' app that could parse the email from paypal for the order number and query my DB for the paidinfo/basic info results, combine them and send out an email in response....

Is this the best way? I have a log in but 9 levels does not help considering I have hundereds of recsets of info that can be purchased and if I give access by levels they would be able to view all in that tier.

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Table Via Programming?

I have an Access Database consisting of 10 Tables 1,table10. I need to add a new column to an existing table (e.g., table 1) without affecting the existing data in other columns.

How can I add a new column to an existing Table via ASP programming.

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Programming During Day Vs. Night

Why doesn't anyone ever have problems during the night when i'm not working and can post then? Why do karsh and vlince get to answer every question? And if they have jobs where they can post all day why can't i have their job?

Does no one out there feel like answering? Doesn't anyone program during the night? I know plenty of people that work the 2-10 shift, why don't they post at night? or do we need to wait for college kids to ask how to do their homework again.....It's getting to be that time of year.

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Best Software For Programming ASP

What is the best or most used software for programming in ASP and/or ASP.NET? I will mostly use to program web pages. I like to know if Visual Studio .NET will allow me to program web pages using ASP and ASP.NET.

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Excel Programming?

I have 60,000 records and each row/record has one cell that contains additional 100-200 lines of data (tab delimited i believe) .. weird format. So what I need to do is extract those data in that one cell into separate records, duplicating the fields with it.

Lets say i have one record and the record has about 10 columns of data. Column C would contain about 200 additional lines of data. I need to extract that and insert new rows to insert these data into individual records.

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Programming Tips

guide me to start asp programming and shortest tips.

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Error '8004020f' ASP Programming

My page sends an email using CDO to a username pulled from a database as follows:

With cdoMessage
Set .Configuration = cdoConfig
.From = "Admin <>"
.To = rs("USERName") & ""
.Subject = "Notification #" & rs("subject_Num")
.TextBody = txtVar
End With

this works great so long as USERName isn't garbage. If there are bad characters in it that IIS doesn't like, it get an error '8004020f' at the .send line.

I was wondering if there was an easy and / or publicly available code snippet that could check the user name for special chars. Ideally, it would email me if there was a problem with the USERName rather than just strip the bad chars out and send it to whatever is left.

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Excel Programming Challenge

Formulae exist in an Excel spreadsheet, linked to a Word document (a standard letter that extracts the results from the Excel cells). We want user online to fill in a web-based form, these data to be processed according to formulae in Excel sheet and then a standard document (Word or similarly formatted) is emailed to the person containing just the results from the Excel cells. At no point will the person have access to original Excel or Word files.

The Excel and Word documents will change frequently.

It is desirable if there is a way to simply upload the Excel and Word docs and the online form and all other aspects of the system will change automatically to reflect these changes.

1. Person fills in form
2. Server processes data from that form and generated answers 3. Person is emailed a standard document with the answers in place

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Word Programming With Landcape

I have a problem with landscape pages in word document. I am creating a word document using asp programming. I want to set n. page as a landscape. But I can not do it.

for example I want to set first 3 page as a portrait then 4th pag landscape and then 5th page as a portrait again.

There is a code like ....

objWord.Application.Selection.PageSetup.Orientatio n = 1

But it set all pages as a landscape.

I just want to set only the active page as a landscape.

There is a macro option like makes landscape this point forward not all document. But I can not do this in asp programming.

How can I solve the problem?

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Object Oriented Programming

i ask you to explain what is object oriented programmind and how to use it in ASP. what is its advantages?can i take some documents of you suggest.

i want to learn object oriented programming. i am already using functions in asp alot. i thinkobject oriented programming means Class for ASP. but what are differences betweenfunction and class.

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Object Oriented Programming

is it possible for me to create my own classes and use them in web pages? Is this common with ASP. are there any ASP OOP tutorials you know of?

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Word Programming Problem With Landcape

I will save the word document in file system of server.
following macro code makes just first page landscape.
"wdSectionBreakNextPage" starts new section but I dont know How I ca
convert this macro code to asp?

I try to make just page landscape others are portrait in as
programming. I can do this by word macro but not by asp...

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Information On User Login Programming

if anyone knew of a good book or website that explained in detail how to program a good username and password protection script for a website. It doesn't have to be anything great, just something that is a little secure and works.

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Fill Data In PDF File Through Programming

I have a pdf editor software which opens pdf files in edit mode. I am opening a pdf file through this software in my code. The code is as follows:

Process.Start(Application.StartupPath.Substring(0, Application.StartupPath.ToString().IndexOf("Eviction")) + "PDF Editor 2PDFEdit.exe", "F:Covenant.pdf");

But, I want to pass some data to be displayed in the pdf file. This software allows to insert some textboxes(with name given to each textbox) in the pdf file and save them.
So, when I open this pdf file through my code, I want some values to be displayed in these textboxes.

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Multi-programming-language ASP Scripts

For the past couple of months we've been developing a fair number of sites and sub-sites for an intranet site using a mix of JScript and VBScript.

Personally I disklike ASP and consider it an inferior scripting environment compared to Perl, PHP or Java, and the only reason I consented to work on this project was that I could use JScript (hello!.. real hashtables, exception handling etc.).

The problem we're having at the moment, is that one developer only does VBScript, and I will only write large amounts of code if I use JScript. But various aspects of the sites are merging, and we're having problems passing varbles two and from VBScript and JScript. One hacked up solution i've used is as follows: Code:

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Database Driven Programming Model

I always heard the term "data/database driven programming" model in ASP database, SQL programming, and web programming circles. But I don't quite sure what does it mean? Does it mean the web software's responds are based on data request from the user? Just like in Windows, we call it "event-driven programming" model because the windows program's responds based on user's responses? That's why we call "data driven programming" ?

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