Launch Application Link

I want to add an 'edit' link next to certain images that appears in my ASP application. When this link is clicked I want it to open an editor such as PhotoShop or MS Office Picture Manager with the picture. The only thing i can get it to do is to display the picture in the browser or ask me to download or execute the program.

I did some searching but couldn't find anything to help. It looks like other users with similar questions just gave up.

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Launch SP

I'm using Javascript for my site, using Dreamweaver to create the pages. On my SQL Server I have created a DTS package that first recreates a table and then imports an Excel file.

I have created a Stored Procedure to launch this package. This part works great if launched from Query Analyzer. I want a user to be able to push a button which will launch the Stored Procedure and then return the results of how many records were imported.

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Launch Pop-Up

From an asp page, i'm trying to auto-open a pop-up page if something exists. I can do this within access via vba using below code.

Anyone know how I could modify the below js to auto-lauch from asp?

sPage = "javascript:
resizeTo(478,500);moveTo(130,150);document.locatio n.href='http://myserver/myweb/mypopup.asp"
sApp = "c:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe"

sCommand = sApp & " " & sPage & "'"

Call Shell(sCommand, 1)

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I work on an existing application in ASP, which requires an access to DBAccess. I work on Win2K Professional and launch ISS. I have created both an administrator and a user count. The fact is that I can't launch ASP file in a browser. It results in asking me whether I want to register the file or whether I want to open it with an application on the hard disk.

I use FrontPage to edit ASP files. Using this software allows me to see the result of html but not the results of query (using DBAccess). I have yet declared an ODBC source refering to my Access database. I have also nstalled IIS.

But I can launch it only when Administrator!?? I have declared a virtual path to my web pages. But impossible to attain them in Netscape or IE.

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Launch Executable

I'd like to launch an executable file from a web page. Basically, the user
enters seven parameters and then clicks a button to generate a graph. The
input is written to a file and then read by the exe. The exe then generates
a graph based upon the input parameters.

I am reading about the Process class and wondering if that is the best
approach to this. Can you recommend a KB article?

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Need To Launch An .asp Page Automatically

I would like to run an ASP page each day at the same time automatically. it reads from my product data and ftps the data to another server.

I am running on a windows system with IIS I have no idea where to begin. Is there anything else I can do? it is not my own server so I don't have access to server. I can just ftp.

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Vbscript To Launch Exe File

I'm writing an intranet-only browser based application. I need to launch either a SETUP.EXE that is on a network drive or a shortcut on a local drive that points to the exe on the network drive
I already know how to launch a local exe, for example:
Set objApp = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objApp.Run "cmd /C CD C: & Program Files & SomeFolder & SETUP"

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Launch Sqlcmd In VBScript And Save Results To Variable

I want to use vbscript to run a script multiple times and save its results to a text file. I have practically wrote this script before but only using a sql command wrote in to the script. However, this is a lengthy sql file so can not be directly entered in to the vbs script,s o I would like to run it using sqlcmd.

"SQLCMD -S "&WScript.Arguments(0)&" -i "&WScript.Arguments(1)

I have tried Googling this problem but found very little information about it. Any discussions online that I have found show no code and assume you already know how to do it.

I have found this so far:

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objScriptExec = objShell.Exec("sqlcmd -S "&WScript.Arguments(0)&" -i "&WScript.Arguments(1))

But how do I get hold of the results in to some kind of variable?

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Access VB Application From Web Application

We have our web-site developed in classic ASP, and I need to add this additional feature on one of the pages to access a VB application. How can I do that? The VB application basically sends output to the COM3 port and opens a USB-Cash drawer that is attached to it. I am not sure how to go about with this.

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Link In Asp

Does anyone know how to hide and show a link depending on the level of the user. Like I want the link to show if the person loging in is an admin, but if the person is a user than I dont want the link to show?

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Link / Url In A Var

How to get a link / url in a var ? This is what I need to do :

newmsg = " <a href=""?pa=<%=userid%>> Click here </a> "

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Link To Exe

Clicking url that points to an exe pops up Open/Save dialog box. But I want
only the Open option to be enabled

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Css Link

How display a link like a plain text (not underlined) with css code.

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.asp Url Link

Having a problem getting my asp url to work. Im trying to pass a var and some of them have the & in them. This is breaking my url since it looks for another var with the &. If i put the %26 instead of the & manually it works fine. How do I get that to encode that on the link ?

I know the problem is the data that is in the heading field has & in them. I can not fix that part. Is there a way to force the & in the url to go to %26 ? Code:

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Dynamic Link

I would like to build a dynamic link based upon a value returned from a db

There is data in the db because objRS("Description") returns a value.

something like


if objRS.EOF then
<a href="/somepage.asp?id="<% objRS("Id") %> "><%response.write(objRS("Description"))%></a>
end if

I get


Nothing else at the end.

What am i doing wrong?

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Link Alias

To secure files on a site with authentication we have put the
attachments in a folder outside the IIS web site like this:


where ItemID is a number which we use to check permissions inside our

In order to download the file from the site we have made a binary
reader component (we could probably use SAFileUp or something instead,
but this works) to send the file through an ASP-file:


This works well.

So to my problem:
If I right click the link to save the file on my local computer (Save
target as), it will save the file properly, but the filename in the
Save As-dialog is ShowDoc.asp. I want it to be filename.doc instead.
Is it possible?

I've heard that on a Apache web server you can write the link like


but then the server knows that it's
http://mysite/Docs/ShowDoc.asp?ID=<ItemID> it should load. If this is
possible in IIS, the Save As-problem will be solved.

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Email To Link

I am using this code

<table border="1">
Do While Not rstSimple.EOF
<td><%= rstSimple.Fields("username").Value %></td>
<td><%= rstSimple.Fields("password").Value %></td>
<td><%= rstSimple.Fields("email").Value %></td>

How can I make the email field a hyper link?

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ASP Link Query...

I have the following link:

<A HREF=""Schedule.asp?JobNumber=" & RS("JobNumber") & "&PONumber=" &
RS("PONumber") & """>" & RS("JobNumber") ONCLICK= popup() & "</a>

I want the link to reference a function in the <Script> tag as


function popup() { "Schedule.asp" , ""
,"top=40,left=40,width=200,height=100" ) ;


I am not sure where to place the ONCLICK code in the hyperlink as this
link is written out via response.write......Its all the " " & ' ' that
get me ...

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Search For Link

I have a database of literature and I've created a search page that pulls up the records matching the search criteria. However, I'd like to create a link to the article in pdf format, if it exists. I have a field in the database that contains the file name (and path), but not all records have a corresponding pdf file.

<td><a href="<%=(rs.Fields.Item("Article").Value)%>"><%=(rs.Fields.Item("Title").Value)%></a></td>

How do I check whether there is a corresponding pdf file before displaying the title with a link?

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Href (link)

I would like to have a link that when clicked, sends info to an ASP page to process, but does not submit the entire page. This way, the user will
click on a link and will not be taken to another page, but precessing will occur.
This is mainly for a 'Rating' Application. does this and I want to know how they do it. Here is the link to the amazon page (you may need to be logged in)

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Pdf Link Prob

(1)I posted this in general but didnt get anywhere. Then I recalled seeing something recently on the web on an ASP site but cannot recall where.

(2)I have a list of pdf files avaiable for the user to view. When they click the pdf link, the pdf file opens. How can I make the link be a 'save' link? ie, when they click the link, windows treats it as a file to 'save as' etc...

What I vaguely recall on the ASP site was: 'How to hide the path of a download file by using an ASP redirect page'. I was wondering if anyone knows this method, and if they do, would it solve my problem in (2)

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Image Link

I would like to put a picture on may page and I would like to use this picture as a button to execute an sql query, so when you clik on the picture you will hace displayed in the next page the product in the data base and other info like price for example.
I have this code to access the data base but I do not know how to use a picture s a buton to use it. Code:

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Link Transfer

anyone in here got an idea on how i could transfer a value of a form text to another asp page just by using <a href="">

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Link Read

My hidden field is

<input type=hidden name="action" value="login">
<input type=hidden name="ret_page" value="<% =request("ret_page") %>">

and my link is
<A href='register.asp?ret_page=<% =request("ret_page") %>

But the ret_page appears as /vfolder/Content.asp?ContentID=700.
How would I get rid of the /vfolder/ and just have the content.asp?contentID=700 alone.

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Link To File

I am trying to create a link that takes a record ID and opens up a PDF file that is associated with the record ID in the database. The following code works

Response.Write "<a href=""file.asp?ID=" & rs("ID") & """>"
Response.Write rs("File Name") & "</a></td><td>"

I'm trying to rework this code to work a little more easier with Dreamweaver. I would like it to look a little more like this:

"<a href=""file.asp?ID=" & <%=(rsNews.Fields.Item("ID").Value)%> & """>" <%=(rsNews.Fields.Item("File Name").Value) & %>" </a>

I'm receiving a syntax error when I try and run it.

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How Do I Do A Redirect From An .exe Link?

one of my downloadable programs is redundant but there are still a bunch of
links out there that point to the .exe directly ...

how do I redirect the browser to another url when someone requests the .exe

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Link Out Of A Frame?

If you have a webpage with frames, say a footer frame that contains links,
how can you get out of the frame if you click on a link in the footer. The
it works now, is if I click on a link, the page loads inside the small
footer frame. I'd like it to just get rid of the frames completely when I
clickon the link. Any clue?

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Variable In Link

i wrote this:


response.write "<a href=" & "picture.htm?movie=" & movie & """>"

my variable is
movie="few words like this"
but when i start the page it links only to



and i just dont know why ...

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Link Problem

I got a problem on how to link my page.

Firstly go to,
Select Products button...
Choose "Apparels & Towels, Caps & Hats"...
then choose "5 & 7panel caps & winter caps"...
when you scroll down, you will see the Back link button..
when u click on actually link you back to the previous page...
however i will like to link it back to the page where the
list of products under "Apparels & Towels, Caps & Hats" is...

this is my current coding for the Back link
<td width="766" valign="middle" align="right">
<a href="#" onClick=javascript:history.back(1)>
<p align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Back</font></a>

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Create A Link

How would you go about creating a link on a desktop through an asp page.
You know the old trick click here to bookmark this page?. I need to take that a step further, i need a link that when clicked it creates a link on the desktop to that page.

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Inserting Link

I want to make a button just like here (when posting new thread) to insert hyperlink into text.
For example when user is typing text into textarea I would like to have also a button that can enable users to post different links to other intenet pages.
And I would also like to have button that makes the text bold
(Actually those are buttons that appear on most forums when posting a new thread)

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Make Link

when you click on it to go to the off site the user name and password will be automaticly inserted to where the offsite is asking for the name and password.
My company deals with insurance companies and we would like to make it to where when our employees go to our intranet and click on a link to one of our carriers it will have the name and password in place for them. i heard its possible and old company did it but I am having so much trouble trying to figure this out.

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Link With Page

why does this 'file download' box pop up when I click a button on my html page? Saying
do I want to open or save the asp file? if I click open it opens it in development.

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