Ldap Asp Current User

how do i collect current user using ldap and asp, i want to know who's doing what, so when a page loads can i check who's logged in to the domain?

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Authenticating User Against LDAP Using ASP

Following code works fine, except that I have to hard-code the user's
fullpath (2nd parameter of the OpenDSObject() method). Code:

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Getting Current User In ASP

How can I query the current user logged on to the local machine and store the username, the first name of the person, and the last name of the person in variables?

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Get Current Windows User

Is it possible to get the current user that is logged on to the computer? I
want to use this as the basis of my validation on the site instead of asking
them to login in again. I know it could be a security issue if they keep the
computer unattended.

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Fullname Of Current User

I have my webpage (ASP) in domain (IIS 6.0).I need to make a popup with fullname of current user.How can I do this?Maybe someone have any examples?

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ObjEmail.From = (current User?)

Does anyone have a link for me of how to set up the obj.From address in a CDOSYS asp to be from the currently logged in user's email account, instead of having a field (Request.Form) capture that information?

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Indentify The Current User

i use the comparison to know the current user but still dont get it.. how can i get the info by enter their name and then by comparing the their id with the other table id ..
and i want to ask how we know the user id and how to call user id because i assign user id with autoincrement number. and is it we can use the application statement to compare?

'Open all records
id2 = "SELECT pelajar.noic FROM pelajar WHERE pelajar.noic <>0"
Set rs = connect.Execute(id2)

if Session("noic")<>rs then
//fill page

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Current Windows User Handle

is it possibile to retrieve the current Windows User Handle from ASP code?

I would like to retrieve the correspondent in ASP for thi piece of ASP.NET

WindowsIdentity id = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity as WindowsIdentity;
if (id != null)
IntPtr handle = id.Token;

I need to pass "handle" variable to a .NET method (using interop).

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Current User That Send A Form

how can Identify a domain user that send a form made with ASP. I have see that exist a variable called currentuser, but what does it mean?

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Windows Current Logged User

How to get the Windows current logged user name using Classic ASP. If no direct way are there any work arounds.

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Retrieve Current Windows User


i have tried the above and get no output.

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Check Is Current User Is Member Of A Group

I need to check to see if the Current logged in user on the system
is a member of a group called CustAdmin on CustNT Domain.

If the user is, I need to allow them to have access to the following:

<input type=Button value = "Click To View Credit Report"

This is a Windows 2000 network.

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Active Directory :: Get The Current Logon (to AD) User Name

I need to get the current logon (to AD) user name on ASP level. Is there any ActiveX (ocx,dll) object in windows directory, which I can use? I used the nwdir.dll file to get this name from novell directory with ndap....

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Querying Active Directory For Current User's Info

I'm working on a logon script that needs to query AD for the current user's information. Phone numbers, email address, etc. One thing that makes it a little bit more difficult is that I don't have the full dn for the user; I only have the base dc and cn.

Microsoft's documentation on all of this is lacking greatly, so I've been racking my brains quite a bit.

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Recordset To Only Contain Current Items (i.e. If Date Of Item Is Past Current Date)

I have a noticeboard that the user inputs items into. One of those is the date of an event. Once that event has passed I want it to disappear from the page.

So I need to do a comparison with current date to the date in the "datestarted" field. My table is called "notices." Using Access and ASP VBscript.

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Ldap And ASP

I am trying to use windows (nt/xp) authenication for a website which can be accessed from internet as well as intranet. Our windows authentication uses active directory(win 2kservers). On login page for website, I have get username from windows and then ask for entering the password again. Send this information to active directory and query active directory if user is employee or contractor. if Employee, then user can access the contents on web site other wise user gets a messge saying insuffcient priviledges. I would appreciate if some one could send me code snippets.

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Im trying to run an LDAP script from an ASP page. I know very little about LDAP, and just based on some sample code I found on the internet, I got the following:

Set Conn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open("ADs Provider")
Set rs=Conn.Execute("ldifde -f UsersFile.ldf -p Subtree -r
"(&(objectClass=user)(showinaddressbook=CN=Global Address
List,OU=Microsoft Exchange,OU=CMC,OU=D-corp,OU=Organizations,DC=d-corp,DC=corp))"")
Do While Not rs.EOF
Response.Write ReturnValue&"<BR>"

Obviously, it does not work !! If someone can help me with what direction I should be proceeding in to change the code so that it works?

Is it because I havent specified the server name or something, or is it because I cant execute an LDAP command like ldifde in such a straightforward manner and I need to change that?

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LDAP Query

The users on my network, log in using a novell login box when they boot up their pc.
When they open their browser, they have to enter the same username and password to log into our intranet.
Is there anyway I can get rid of the login prompt for the browser, and log them in automatically using the initial windows login they entered.
I would like to authenticate users using an LDAP query also.

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LDAP Query

Can anyone direct me to some simple ASP code samples to do the following?
I'd like to, given a UID, check to see if an individual in a public
directory is part of a given OU.
I've noticed that for a given person there can be several OU's, so I don't
think it'd be possible to select an OU. However, can I select cn where UID
= xxx and OU = xxx and then check to see if it's not null? didn't know whether to put this in here or an LDAP group

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LDAP Problems

I am encountering an issue attempting to log into the LDAP. Here is the code:

Dim objBase, objContainer, objUser, strLDAPPath, strErrNum, iCounter

strLDAPPath = "LDAP://xxxx.xxxxxx.xxx.com:389/ou=Ebenefits, o=xxxxxx.xxx.com"

Set objBase = GetObject("LDAP:")
Set objContainer = objBase.OpenDSObject(strLDAPPath, "uid=HRISAdmin,ou=Directory Administrators,o=xxxxxx.xxx.com", "password", 0)
Set objUser = objContainer.GetObject("user", "uid=" & strUID)

The Set objUser line of code returns the following error:
Error -2147463164 An unknown directory object was requested

Any thoughts?

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Accessing LDAP With ASP

I am trying to access ldap with standard ASP. The code works on the web server where I am developing but any other PC on network gets the following error:

Providererror '80040e37'

Table does not exist. /training/index.asp, line 41

Does anyone have any experience with this??

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Query LDAP

I'm trying to get user details using ASP under IIS (Win2000) with the following code:

Set User = GetObject("WinNT://domainname/" & mid(strNTUser,8) & ",user")
strNTUserFullName= User.Fullname

The website this is running under uses Windows Authentication only no anonymous logins and this presumably is why I get the error 'General access denied error' from AD as the logged in user's credentials are not passed to the AD domain controller that is being queried for the users details.

how to I get this to work whilst keeping Windows Authentication?I only need the most basic details about the user so writing LDAP queries and creating recordsets etc seems like overkill and presumably the same problem will occur?

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LDAP Field Name

I have a page which grabs data from Active Users which was working great last week. All of a sudden my code doesn't like some of the field names. For the purpose of keeping this short let's just say it's one field 'Department' Code:

Dim department
MyFullName = "FRED BLOGGS"
SQLStmt = "SELECT name,physicaldeliveryofficename,department " & _
"FROM 'LDAP://lvp-ad.myserver.wan' " & _
"WHERE objectClass = 'user' AND name='" & MyFullName &"'"
Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
Conn.Open "ADs Provider"
Set rs = Conn.Execute(SQLStmt)
So, if i remove department all works fine. Any help appreciated.

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Can LDAP API Be Used Either From VB Or VBScript ?

We need to use LDAP in conjunction with our ASP pages. Are there LDAP API
that can be used either from VB or VBScript ? Where can I find sample codes
for it ?

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Intergrating ADSI And LDAP Using ASP

how to add, remove,update user from ADS using ASP..all web has loaded with ASP.NET but i need help in just ASP.

I need full help what settings i need to make on my webserver as i wana remove user from ADS. How to write code in ASP to interact with ADS.

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Get Real Name After LDAP Authentication

I'm using the function copied below to authenticate users in LDAP before allowing them onto our intranet site. This works great! But what I'd like to do now is use the LDAP connection it creates to retreieve the users actual name.

I dont know how to do this so I've been looking for examples I can learn from on the net. I have found snipits of other people code but I've been tying myself in knots trying to fit them into my function and failing miserably.

Could anyone tell me what I need in the function below to get this information. From what I've seen I think I need to use some kind of filter on the LDAP object, but I dont know how to implement it. Code:

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LDAP Query Order

I have a page in my Intranet with the contacts of the Active Directory.

My problem is when i want to sort contents. I only can order one field. In the example it is ordring by "Department". but those in same department came sorted by Object USN.
I want them ordered by name after ordered by Department. I tried "order by Department and order by name" but it do not work. Code:

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LDAP Problem With Firefox

I have a number of applications that use a particular technique to
authenticate users using IWA and LDAP.

These are for intranet application where the users all use IE6, however I'm
trying to debug some javascript code and I find that easier to do with FF.
However my applications that use this authentication technique have problems
when running through FF.

I get an 'error '80072020' authuser.asp, line 20', which point to an LDAP
call: Code:

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LDAP Validation Error

Could someone please tell me what is going on here. If I hard code a username and password, the script works fine, but when I set the user name and password with a reqeust.form, I always get the invalid user notice. Then after getting that a couple of times, even hard coding the user name and password will cause the script to fail.

The error number it gives is 424.

<%@ Language = VBScript %>
<% option explicit %>
dim UserName, Pswd, oADsObject, strADsPath, oADsNamespace
on error resume next

UserName = "test.acct"
Pswd = "access1"

strADsPath = "LDAP://cn=Users,dc=corp,dc=company,dc=com"

Set oADsObject = GetObject(strADsPath)

strADsNamespace = left(strADsPath, instr(strADsPath, ":"))

set oADsNamespace = GetObject(strADsNamespace)

Set oADsObject = oADsNamespace.OpenDSObject(strADsPath, UserName, Pswd, 1)

if not (Err.number = 0) then
response.write "Invalid Username or Password!"
response.write "Access Granted."
end if
set oADsObject = nothing
set oADsNamespace = nothing


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Accessing LDAP Server

I am trying to access a LDAP server with ASP with no sucess. I can do it with ColdFusion but not ASP. All the examples I have seen so far do not use passwords or userid's. My LDAP server requires password and user credentials. Can anyone point me in the right direction.

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Non-Microsoft LDAP-server

How I can connect to non-Microsoft LDAP-server and select record from him ? With best regards, Aleksandre Skornitchenko.
IT Dept., Togliatti Branch
E-mail: Join Bytes!
ICQ: 7829547

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Retrieving Info From LDAP

I'm trying to build a page that looks up users based on CN or SN and returns specific information - IE fullname, phone, email etc - I can get the look up to work, but so far the only information I can spit out is:


some information and sample code that will allow me to display this info?

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LDAP Version Of Winnt

I'm porting some code over to use ADS for user data lookup, but can't find a clear reference anywhere to the old windows 2000 userid (the network login). Does it still exist within LDAP, or will I have to match to sn & givenName?

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