Leading Space Being Inserted Into Db Field?

I'm UPDATING a value into an Access text field from a page but I can't get it to do the UPDATE without adding a leading space to the value??

This is a problem because I have another page where a user can search the entries, but when they do a search by this particular criteria, it returns no entries (ie. Search good_bad by "Positive" returns no results, but Search good_bad by " Positive" will return the proper results).

The value is coming from a option select box. It seems to only be a problem doing an UPDATE using a value from a select box as I'm using the EXACT same code to do an INSERT where the value comes from an INPUT box and it inserts with no leading space?? Code:

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ASP Statement Drops Leading Zero In Int Field

I have a form that pulls a zip code and insterts it into a access database via ADO/ASP. When the data is inserted with a 0 in the front (ex: 03490) the leading zero is dropped.

Anyone know a quick solution for this problem, without having to add validation to the database (zerofill, etc) ie; some ASP function...

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Leading Zero

I need to display the leading zero on dates and times for all dates and times e.g 02/02 for February 2. I only get 2/2 or 08:00 for 8 o'clock in the morning.The code I'm using Code:


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Leading Zeros

I need to display the time in military form. I came up with the following:Code:

<%= (hour(now)) & ":" & Minute(now()) & ":" & Second(now()) %>

And this works pretty well, except I get things like this:

8:5:2 for 08:05:02
14:2:17 for 14:02:17 (2:02:17 PM)

How do I get the leading zeros before the number if it is less than 10?

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Trim Leading

I have a textarea, that when you insert your cursor into it anywhere except for in the very first line, the cursor falls into the second line. When the form is submitted there is a carriage return at the beginning of the text that I'm having trouble getting rid of.

I tried to Trim() the string both before inserting it into the database and when writing it to the page, but apparently that doesn't strip off carriage returns (even though I've read it does.)

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Leading 0 Being Removed

I am inserting a telephone number into an Access db. The field is set to a number, with no input mask or formatting. Whenever I insert a number beginning with a 0 as most telephone numbers do, it removes the leading 0.

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Leading Zeros Being Chopped

im inserting some data into a number field but when i have something like 0000006 it chops it to 6 in the database. and not always are the same number of zeros present. why im not sure just what i have to work with.

I understand that i could make the db value varchar and just validate it by doing something like Isnumeric. But is there a way to keep my zeros but leave it a number field.

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Leading Zero Is Removed Upon Insert

How do I go about inserting a number into a varchar column without it being stripped of the leading zero? IE. I'm trying to insert 012345 into a varchar column, but what gets inserted is 12345.

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ASP Access Stored Procedure Doesn't Accept Leading Zero

I'm pasing a zip code as a prameter to an Access stored procedure. In
Access the parameter is a text data type. It works for non-leading zero
zip codes but, apparently access (or ASP) is converting it to a value
first (dropping the zero) then sending that to my SP.

Even if I use cStr() to be sure the parameter is sent a string it still seems to drop
the leading zero. Any thoughts? Note: It needs to be a string for canadian zip

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Last Inserted Value

I have an oracle database that I am submitting a form to. In the database I have setup a trigger to insert a casenumber everytime a form is inserted into the database. After they submit the form I then want to display to them the casenumber so they can check the status later. My problem is returning the correct casenumber to the user. Currently I am returning the max value from the casnumber column, but I think that may cause problems.It is working right now and gives me the correct value, but will I run into problems if 2 people submit a form at the same time? If you don't think this will work, what would you suggest I do? Is there anyway to return the value from my trigger?

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Just Inserted Row

Im using a ASP and MS Access 2000 database. What im trying to do is: I insert a row into a table, in that table is a field that auto increments. after I insert this row I want to immediately after that be able to retrieve the value of the column containing the auto increment and hold it in a variable so i can use it for other things.

can anyone help me with this? I have been messing around with SQl cursors but cant seem to get it to work right.

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User Inserted

I have a form where people from around the world will enter their address. As you know, addresses from around the globe vary so darn much. I thought that instead of a form with text boxes for such things as city, zip, street 1, street 2, etc., I could use a text-area. That being said, if someone entered in an address in a text box such as this:

Joe User
121 E 209th
Euclid Ohio
United States

Could I take that and on the insertion into a database insert a <br /> where appropriate?

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Last Inserted Record ID

The problem is that all the tuts I find on hits do the insert and connection so differently I am lost!

My code so far:

Dim rsBOR, inBOR, insSQL, newID
Set inBOR = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rsBOR = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
inBOR.Open Application("strConn")
insSQL = "insert into Main (EventName, .., RegionID) values ('"& strEventName & "',..,'" & RegionID & "')"
inBOR.Execute insSQL
' Retrive the ID
newID = inBOR("EventID")
Response.Write "The Event has been added to the database"
But it just doesn't like it!

Any ideas on how I should go about this?

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Last Inserted Record ID

I'm using mySQL and wanted to get the ID of the record that I have just inserted in to the table (sentmessages). There is a function in mySQL that appears to be able to perform this task but I am not having any luck in getting it to work.

Anybody else tried, successfully or not, to use this ? The function is called LAST_INSERT_ID() and I have tried to implement it as follows :

strLastID = objConn.Execute("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM sentmessages") .

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Inserted Sql5

That error is this:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/noticias/indexnot.asp, line 45

In line 45 I have this stretch of the complete code below.

RS5_Tema(Aux) = RS5("auxcategorias")

The problems in codigo had started later that I added this code more. Code:

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How Do I Retrieve The Key Of An Inserted Record

I have to tables related to eachother,

like for example

an Emlpoyee table which has an Auto Number as primary key and as the ID of the employee.

And Employee_Phones which has 2 fields the Employee's ID and the phone number field.

when I insert a new record in the Employee table, I want to insert multiple records related to it in the Employee_Phones table.

After inserting a record in Employee table I want to retrieve the ID, then use that ID to insert other records in Employee_Phones table.

Is there a command of function to return the ID of the inserted record, Or do I have to query the database again? I've loked for a function or a method but I didn't find any?

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Commas Getting Inserted Into Database

I don't know if anyone has encountered this before. I've written ASP code to insert, update and delete records from Access and SQL Server tables before but this is the first time I face this issue -

I have a form that inserts data into an Access table. For a few of the fields, commas are getting inserted into the table. If the field is left blank, there is a comma inserted. If we enter data in the field, the comma is appended to the field value (eg: smith, )

The only thing different that i'm doing here from what I've done before is I'm inserting a larger number of fields into the table - 117 fields!!

Do you think the insert statement hasn't been written correctly?

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Show New Inserted Record

iwana code with aspwho can help me?think that i make a interface which with sql sttement lsted all the records in the one table.another one at that time inserted a new record.so iwanna have a cod that listedrecords (when that record was inserted) and i see all the record(cotain the new record) again.plz help me and show me a code.my mail is kianoosh_ardavan@yahoo.com

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How To Retrive Just Inserted Data

When I insert a record into my database, I don't insert the ID field because it's an autonumber and I want the database to generate it right?

Here's my question: Is there a way to have the recordset return that ID, or some other way of getting it with out making another recordset to grab the ID of the record that I just inserted?

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How To Get Last Inserted Record Value In SQL Server

I am using ASP and SQL server 2000.

I insert reocrd using Insert query.

I want to get value of last inserted record in ASP for SQL server.

How i can get it?

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Retrieve Inserted Record

I have a form to submit a record to a database and immediately after it's submitted I want to send an email with a link to that record. How can I retrieve it's ID (which is an autonumber) from the db to write it into the querystring of the link?

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Letter Be Is Inserted Into Numbers

when I ourput data from Access, numbers bigger than 999 are shown with letter "B" inserted into the 4th position left to the coma. (in my w2k regional settings I have the decimal dot separator set to "." and digit group separater set to nothing. In Access the number are shown with "." as decimal separator, but for some reason ASP used "," instead)
Say, 3000,00 is shown as 3B 000,00 Why and how do I sort this out?

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Inserted Records Cant Be Display Immediately

i have a problem with my asp code...when i run a query, i insert the results on a temporary table...everything works fine except when i try to load the result page, it doesnt not display the recordset...

i need to press F5 always so that the page will be refreshed to show all records in the table.. how can I retrieved all inserted records in the temporary table without reloading the page?? below is my result page... Code:

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1 Value 2 Fields Inserted On Form Update

Without writing a bible on what I'm trying to do I'll see if someone
can answer a quick question.

I have a form that the user writes a value in a test field. I need to
put a hidden value that will take the same number the user inputs and
insert it in a form.

Basically, I need ...

<input name="hdndkqty" type="hidden" id="hdndkqty" value = ??? />

the value of the hidden field to = <input name="num" type="text"
id="num2" />

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Do Not Allow Space

i have a form where a user will enter their information.... i know how to check if the user didn't enter a value so that they are not redirected to the next page but how to check if the user pressed space and not allow that space character to be a valid character?

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Add Space

I have a webpage with some hyperlink within a button. The problem is that some of my hyperlink is shorter that others and therefore the user must navigate to the hyperlink to click on the link

The thing I want is to make the button more user-friendly user can click anywhere on the button and not only on the hyperlink within the button

Here is my code ....

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URL With A Space

In an ASP Page is there a way to have a link that calls another page whose name includes a space? For example, I'd like to be able to call "My Page.asp" by building a href type link the user can click on. The equivalent of:

<a href="My Page.asp"> Open </a> the page

I've tried URLEncode but that didn't work.

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I’m reading a list of values from a database table a creating a dropdown list on a web page. These are used as search criteria to search on a second table. The user selects and item from a list and then clicks a button to submit the search. All of that works.

Most search words in the list are a single word with no spaces. Some are two words. When that is passed, anything passed second space gets lopped off. Here is the line of code that creates the dropdown box

sDataSet = rs1("Dataset")
response.write "<OPTION selected value=" & sDataSet & ">" & sDataSet

I tried this, but it didn’t work
response.write "<OPTION selected value=" & Replace(sDataSet, “ “, “%20”) & ">" & sDataSet

It replaced the space with %20, and the entire search phrase was passed, but the search failed because the %20 was not converted to a space on the other end. So now I doing the conversion myself after I do the Request.Form. Is there a better way though, to deal with spaces.

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Replace <br> With Space

My form gets populated from an access database. Now in the database there are fields containg <br>. While in a normal page everything works as it's supposed to, in my listbox the <br> shows as it is. What I would like to do is replace it with a space so I've used this:

<option value="<%=(rsProducts.Fields.Item("CatNum").Value)%>"><%=replace(rsProducts.Fi elds.Item("NotesR").Value),"<BR>"," "%></option>

but it doesn't seem to work.
What exactly am I doing wrong here?

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Space In Variables

i need to combine 2 vriables that are retrieved from a form. idate and
itime.i want to put these into the t_date field in my sql db. but for it to work
properly, there needs to be a space between the idate and itime.
how do i do this?
i know i should know this, and i have used it before. but it has been so
long, that i can't remember for the life of me.

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Space In Querystring

1. dopage.asp?<% =SessionID=value_here%> is different tha
2. dopage.asp?<%=SessionID=value_here%> ??

Please note that there is a space between the asp tags and the = sign in the first item. I thought ASP will treat #1 and #2 as the same. However it seems that is not the case.

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Space In SQL Statement?

can anyone fix the space problem in my sql statement? I am getting this error message:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD)
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

This is my sql statement:
sql = "SELECT * FROM " & tblname & " WHERE " &Col& " = N'" &Var& "' AND [Show]=1 ORDER BY [Code] ASC"

And I am passing the parameters to the url something like this:

Problem is that most of my data contain a space (eg. Hong Kong).

I don't have this error when my data is single word (eg. Sydney)

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Drive Space

I want to check the disk drive space on a small intranet. Like 30 computers. All have been partitioned and have a D: drive that is shared and is the drive I'm trying to check. This is basically what I have tried:

Dim fs, pcdrive, cdrive, n

Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set pcdrive = fs.GetDrive("xx.xx.xx.xxshare01-d")

Response.Write("Share01 Free Drive Space is:&nbsp;" & pcdrive & "<br>")

set pcdrive = nothing
set fs = nothing

Is there something wrong with the code or would it possibly have to do with permissions? When this script runs,I get a page cannot be displayed.

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