Leading Zero Is Removed Upon Insert

How do I go about inserting a number into a varchar column without it being stripped of the leading zero? IE. I'm trying to insert 012345 into a varchar column, but what gets inserted is 12345.

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Leading 0 Being Removed

I am inserting a telephone number into an Access db. The field is set to a number, with no input mask or formatting. Whenever I insert a number beginning with a 0 as most telephone numbers do, it removes the leading 0.

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Leading Zero

I need to display the leading zero on dates and times for all dates and times e.g 02/02 for February 2. I only get 2/2 or 08:00 for 8 o'clock in the morning.The code I'm using Code:


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Leading Zeros

I need to display the time in military form. I came up with the following:Code:

<%= (hour(now)) & ":" & Minute(now()) & ":" & Second(now()) %>

And this works pretty well, except I get things like this:

8:5:2 for 08:05:02
14:2:17 for 14:02:17 (2:02:17 PM)

How do I get the leading zeros before the number if it is less than 10?

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Trim Leading

I have a textarea, that when you insert your cursor into it anywhere except for in the very first line, the cursor falls into the second line. When the form is submitted there is a carriage return at the beginning of the text that I'm having trouble getting rid of.

I tried to Trim() the string both before inserting it into the database and when writing it to the page, but apparently that doesn't strip off carriage returns (even though I've read it does.)

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Leading Zeros Being Chopped

im inserting some data into a number field but when i have something like 0000006 it chops it to 6 in the database. and not always are the same number of zeros present. why im not sure just what i have to work with.

I understand that i could make the db value varchar and just validate it by doing something like Isnumeric. But is there a way to keep my zeros but leave it a number field.

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Leading Space Being Inserted Into Db Field?

I'm UPDATING a value into an Access text field from a page but I can't get it to do the UPDATE without adding a leading space to the value??

This is a problem because I have another page where a user can search the entries, but when they do a search by this particular criteria, it returns no entries (ie. Search good_bad by "Positive" returns no results, but Search good_bad by " Positive" will return the proper results).

The value is coming from a option select box. It seems to only be a problem doing an UPDATE using a value from a select box as I'm using the EXACT same code to do an INSERT where the value comes from an INPUT box and it inserts with no leading space?? Code:

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ASP Statement Drops Leading Zero In Int Field

I have a form that pulls a zip code and insterts it into a access database via ADO/ASP. When the data is inserted with a 0 in the front (ex: 03490) the leading zero is dropped.

Anyone know a quick solution for this problem, without having to add validation to the database (zerofill, etc) ie; some ASP function...

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ASP Access Stored Procedure Doesn't Accept Leading Zero

I'm pasing a zip code as a prameter to an Access stored procedure. In
Access the parameter is a text data type. It works for non-leading zero
zip codes but, apparently access (or ASP) is converting it to a value
first (dropping the zero) then sending that to my SP.

Even if I use cStr() to be sure the parameter is sent a string it still seems to drop
the leading zero. Any thoughts? Note: It needs to be a string for canadian zip

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How To Prevent Duplicate Values When Using BULK INSERT To Insert CSV To SQL Server?

How to prevent duplicate values when using BULK INSERT to insert CSV to SQL Server? Code:

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Insert Into A Db...

Our graphic designer has just finished redeveloping our website. On the
site, we use SSL to secure the area where a user enters their personal
information to order items from us. (we do not do many transactions - maybe
1 per day...) We are a log home mfg company so they would only order plan
books, maybe a video etc...

When the user clicks "Submit Order", we want to encrypt each data item
(because of new legislation governing customer personal info etc...) and
write a record to an access db. From here it will be imported into our
Customer DB leads database...

I do not use ASP but program in VB 6 and Access 2000. ASP looks similiar in
many ways...

Does someone have a good ASP script for encrypting data? And, if so, is it
fairly strong encryption?

Also, is there any trick to writing an "insert" SQL script in ASP or is it
exactly the same as I would do in VB or Access? Maybe someone has an
"insert" script handy they could pass along including the command to
actually execute it?

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Insert In SQL ASP

i have got a data base which contain more than one tables
one for student one for teacher and one for books

i make a fourm to read the input from the user Code:

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Insert All At Once

mySQL="INSERT INTO products (sku, youtube, description, details) VALUES ('" &pSku& "','" &pYoutube& "','" &pDescription& "','" & pDetails& "')"
call updateDatabase(mySQL, rstemp, "insert1")

that's shortly the way i'm inserting new records.
using mysql and asp functions.

The prob is that inserting only one record every time.
if i got data for 3 records how can i make it at once
to add 3 new records in some given order into the db

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ADO Insert

What is the best way to see if a record has inserted correctly into the datase in ASP?
Also, how to tell the user what the error is.
I am inserting like this with the ADO command object:
Dim sInsert, objCmd
set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
sInsert = "sp_ADS_Insert_Driver_General_Data "
on error resume next
With objCmd
.ActiveConnection = oConnEnergy
.CommandText = sInsert
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords

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DB Insert

Application X has three screens. The user captures information on screen one and then clicks a navigation button to go onto screen two.He does the same on screen three. At the bottom of screen three is a submit button. When this button is clicked the system does some calculations with the information that is supplied and then uploads all the info that was captured on the screens to the database.

Should the data be uploaded to the database all on one go when the user clicks the submit button or should it be uploaded after each screen - ie when the user clicks the button on Screen 1 the data is uploaded to the database and then screen two is displayed.

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SQL Insert Into

When the following code runs it produces no errors but doesn't give proper results:

sql = "INSERT INTO TableName (Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4) VALUES ('" & lines(0) & "', '" & lines(1) & "', '" & lines(2) & "', '" & lines(3) & "')"
SET RS = Conn.Execute(sql)

lines() contains nothing but strings and is never empty.

The Response.Write(sql) shows the proper values going into the proper locations.

However, only Lines(0) actually populates the table. Line2, Line3, and Line4 never receive any values despite the SQL showing the proper syntax.

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i have this insert statement that is giving me trouble, the problem is with expiration_date field the error i'm getting is:

Syntax error in date in query expression '##'.Code:

SQL_Insert = "Insert INTO TableName(ColumnX, ColumnY, ColumnZ, ColumnZZ, ColumnXX, ColunmYY, Expiration_Date) values ('" & _
ColumnX& "', '" & ColumnY & "', '" & ColumnZ & "', '" & ColumnZZ & "', '" & ColumnXX& "', '" & ColunmYY & "', #" & Expiration_Date & "#)"

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Odd Insert Into MS SQL

I have a column call UserDate and it's properties are this : varchar(50) . I have a function which updates the column with todays date. for some reason, if I manualy give the value to be inserted a value of '10/10/2006' or use date() it inserts a value of 0 if I give a value of 4 to be inserted it works?

I have been working on a project for 2 days and this is the last piece to get it to work, can anyone point out where I'm going wrong. P.S I have tried giving the colum a date format but unfotunately the format is american and I need it in english to compare with something else I'm working on.

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Get Last Insert?

How can i get the last inserted record in an ASP ACCESS combination? Code:

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Insert In DB

I'm looking for tutorials on how to upload a file (.doc or .pdf),insert in database and retreive from database. i'm using pure asp and sql 2000.

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I'm getting a syntax error when I try to run this SQL Insert statement, can anyone tell me what might be wrong? Before I was getting a data type mismatch error then I removed the ' quotes around the intPhone variable. The error occurs on the line after the SQL statement.

strSQL = "INSERT INTO candidates (Name, Grade, CivilService, Branch, Department, Sector, Town, EmailAddress, PhoneNumber, LunchReq, SpecialReq) VALUES ('" & strName & "','" & strGrade & "', '" & strCivilService & "', '" & strBranch & "', '" & strDepartment & "', '" & strSector & "', '" & strTown & "', '" & strEmail & "', " & intPhone & ", '" & strLunchReq & "', '" & strSpecialReq & "')"

Set rs = cn.Execute(strSQL)

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Insert Value Problems

I have a 2 asp pages for a registration form. The first one is where the user types the data, and the second one has a form that requests the data from the 1st one and then sends it to the database. Both are sending the data correctly (I've seen it on the error page) but it's not feeding the DB.

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Insert An Image

I have a website I am working on that I did not create. It is ASP and SQL based. There is a content management system created using ASP and saving in the SQL server database. A user can enter a news article into a big text box/area, and choose to add an image. The text and image are stored in the database via ASP and pulled out to the website via ASP.

The image shows up in the website to the top left of the article. I need to make it so the user can enter an image where their cursor is in the paragraph (like a word document) and have it also show up there on the website. Any ideas?

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Insert ASP Code In JS

I have a problem. I have ASP code and Javascript code. Now, I want to access ASP code inside javascript code. Here is the ASP code:

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Insert Values In DB

I have a form which the user fills and submits.i have insert statement there.
When i submit the form to itself ,the values get submitted and inserted in DB easily.

<form method="post" action="Infoviewagentver212.asp" name="form">

Now when i want the user to hit submit and go to other page i change the above to:
<form method="post" action="newpage.asp" name="form">

but here what happens is my values are not getting inserted in the DB??
How do i do this?

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This is on my HTML page

<td align=center>
<textarea cols="85" rows="7" name=""Problem"></textarea>

User" enters information into this box.

If they use either a quote or double quote, but SQL statement bombs. Is
there a way quick way to fix this beforehand?
Conn.execute ("INSERT INTO PROBLEMS (Problem) VALUES ('" & Problem & "')")

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How To Insert Field By SQL

How to insert fields in a table by using SQL?

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ASP Insert Process

Just like to know if I am correct and no problems in this scenario:

I have page where the user clicks a button to save some information >>

gets directed to page 2 where a value gets returned from a recordset and the form is inserted automatically upon loading with the value (sequential for the database table) >>

the user then gets redirected to page 3 upon insertion into the database, if I use 'Select Top 1 ......' as a query to retrieve some information on this page am I sure that this is the correct record just inserted even if 2 or more people are saving at the same time?

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Using Multiple INSERT In An If Then End If

This is my code, for some reason, when I use this exact code it doesn't update my database, but if I use the next section of code it does. Anybody knows why that when I use two different "Insert" in If Then End If, it doesn't work? Oh and I did try the "If PID = 105 OR 151 Then" alone and it works well. Code:

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Insert Data In My Db

I've been choosing to insert data ni my db using a recordset with methods AddNew and Update. I would like some advices to make my coding opractice better. For example: am I doing it right? Is there a better to do what I'm doing and so on...:

set rsExample = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rsExample.Open "example", MyConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

rsExample("firstName") = firstName
rsExample("lastName") = firstName
rsExample("subject") = subject
rsExample("message") = message
rsExample("new") = 1
rsExample("date") = now

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Insert Into All Fields

is there a way to write a insert statment with out typing out all of my field names? i want to do an insert in every field but i don't want to have to write them all out.

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INSERT INTO Not Inserting

I'm using ASP + MS SQL. I wrote a simple insert into command but nothing is happening... it gave no error and no information is stored in the db. When I response.write my SQL, I got the following:

INSERT INTO [blog_entries](title,user,entry,date) VALUES('test','admin','test','Tuesday, December 25, 2007')

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Join Insert

How can i insert a data using a join statement

insert into partmaster.p, execmaster.e(e.execno, e.model, e.battqty, p.partno, p.parttype, p.itemtype, p.stacklength, p.line, p.execno)
values('1234567890', 'GBM', '2', '9876543210', 'AR', 'M', '29V', '2', '1234567890')

i have a few input box for the user to enter. but as u can see that both tables has execno. it's for both tables to connect. that's why i want to check on how i can key in one input box insert into execno in two different tables

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