Limit Str To 100 Letters

I want to limit a teaser-text to 100 letters and don't want to cut in the middle of a word. it should look like:

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy....

and not:
the quick brown fox jumps over the la...

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Capital Letters

i have a variable which holds a name like this

strname="john jones"

I want to change it to

strname="John Jones"

I want to make the first letter captital

here is my code

strname = (UCase(Left(strname,1)) + UCase(Right(strname,LEN(strname) - 1)))

it makes the whole string as capital

any idea what i am doing wrong.

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First Letters Of Variable

is there any command to get first X letters from a variable ? For example if variable is SOMEWORD and i want to get first three letters of this varible the command will return SOM ...

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Taking The Four Last Letters

how do i take the four last letters of any given form input? for example hello.asp
i want a function that will give me .asp

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Norwegian Letters

We need to integrate an RSS feed in a webpage using ASP.

I've been testing out the great script at ByteScout:

It worked very well, but I couldn't make it work with feeds using Norwegian characters (æ, ø, å), e.g. Aftenposten:

The script simply crashed.

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Random Numbers And Letters

I have a code to create a random string of letters. The number of them can be whatever I desire.

what i would like to do, is have it both letters and integers. how would inmodify this code to allow that ....

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Capital Letters Only In Field

Not sure if this is an ASP or HTML question, but is it possible to force a field within a form to only allow CAPITAL Letters? If so, would anyone be able to provide the generic code. I've checked elsewhere but have been unable to find.

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Numeric Output Instead Of Letters

How do I change this output to give me numbers instead of letters: Code:

Dim intCounter, intDecimal, strTicket

For intCounter = 1 To 6
intDecimal = Int((26 * Rnd) + 1) + 64

strTicket = strTicket & Chr(intDecimal)...

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Export Data To Letters

I have a DB containing many records of customers' info. How can I pull these data to the MS Word mail merge letters containing the header (name, address, etc) and contents (description 1, 2, 3,...) page by page per record?

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Confirm Textbox With Letters In Image

how-to do a confirm textbox to match letters in an image in ASP. Code:

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Save Bold Letters In Access

i am using an online html editor to retrieve value from the database. i then make a few letters as bold and few in red colors. i now want to know can i save such words saved in different colors go into the database ms access??? can it be achieved. has anyone faced such issue before?

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Separate Numbers And Letters With A Space

How can I correct an address if the user forgets a space between the number and street name? For example, "1600Main Street" would be corrected to "1600 Main Street".

Is there a way to go step by step from the left and enter a space if I hit a letter or stop if I hit a space?

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Input A Randomly Alpha (letters) In A Specific Field

what i want to do is to put 2 fields in my table , username and password

what iwant to do is to create a page that ask you to unter your username only ,and when u click submit the other page will add new record for the username u enter and will input a randomly alpha(letters and numbers) to yr password field , so how can do this random thing throw the asp"!?!

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Detecting And Converting Letters To Digits In Input Form

I need a function for blocking or converting letters inserted into a Form to digits, since the Data will be used in mathematical functions.

Is there a specific seach-function for letters, or:

If Input1(not a digit) then...
Else... Input1 * 5...


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Need To Perform Form Validation For Negative Numbers And Letters In Textboxes

I have two URLs. Static.htm and dynamic.asp

Contains a form with two text boxes, called text_1 and text_2 and some other info that is irrelevant for my question.

Need some code to check that the text boxes only contain values greater than 0 and only numbers. Thus if any of the textboxes for example contain -3 or the letter m I want to cancel the form submission and display some kind of error message.

How can I achieve that?

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ASP: MS Access Limit 50?

I got a access file with about. 90+ "posts" or what they are named. But my asp site only list the 50 last.. Any1 know why? Code:

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Limit User

How can i limit the number of users on my .ASP page, i want only one user to
be using the page at a time,

The query i have on my page is big and takes a lot of my system resources.

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ASP String Limit

I have an HTML form with a textarea. When passing large
amount of data in the textarea, the Processing asp pages
catch an error message as follows:

Error Type:
Exception occurred.

The error is generated once the trim or length or replace
function is called on the field when long text is passed
in the textarea.

Is there a max limit on the string length that these
functions can process? What else can be done to done to fix this problem?

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I am trying to figure out how to create a
registration form that can limit that amount of people who are signing
up for an event.

The form has to take in consideration the number of
guests the attendee is bringing table seating location. How can
interact with the database in order to do this. I know how to create a
form and send that information to a database.

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Anyone used LIMIT in their queries before?? I've been reading up on it, but all of the examples I tried don't seem to work. Here is what I have:Code:

Set rs = CatalogCS2.Execute("SELECT * FROM products p " & _
" INNER JOIN applications a ON p.prodcode = a.prodcode " & _
" INNER JOIN inventory i ON p.prodcode = i.prodcode " & _
" WHERE DATEDIFF(d, a.app_launchdate, getdate()) <= '30' " & _
" ORDER BY a.app_launchdate DESC LIMIT 0,10 ")

Seems pretty straight forward, but I can't really find any good articles on it.

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DB Connection Limit

I have a web application that query and insert record into a remote DB2 database. It has an ODBC setup pointing to a remote UNIX DB2 database server. The problem that I ran into today is that IIS created too many DB session which max out my limit at the DB2 side. I see a lot of "mtx.exe" when I check the db applications of the db server.

Even thought I close my db connection after each query, it seems to stay around and occupying a session on the DB server. So I ended up with a lot of people with failed insert or login because there are no more available session on the db server.

So my question is how can I set a limit on the DB connection? How can I make sure "mtx.exe" disappear after a query? What other option do I have?

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Limit The Amount

How would I limit the amount of Characters that show in the display:

<% =objRS("Title")%>

Like a Left Trim I only want 12 to 20 characters to show.

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ASP Page Limit

I've made an ASP page that use a VB6 ActiveX EXE with a CreateObject.
Initially, this page work fine.
The object’s reference created with the CreateObject are saved on a session variable for reuse it on many page.
When many users call this page and many instance of the ActiveX EXE Object are created, the CreateObject command fails with a 429 error (ActiveX component can't create object).
The class (in ActiveX EXE) are MultiUse, then only a single EXE are running.
Terminating the EXE with Task Manager then the CreateObject will get to work again.

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Limit The # Of Characters

I'm pulling product descriptions from the database and would like to limit the number of charcters that is displayed. Also, I'd like to add ... at the end.

Something like:
This long text is boring blah blah blah

would dispaly as:
This long text is bor

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Limit Clause

I'm starting in asp and I'm trying to do a simple sql query to display a number of records on a page using the limit clause. I keep getting a syntax error in my from clause. Here's what I'm doing:Code:

rstProd.Source = "SELECT * from TBL_PRODUITS LIMIT 0,10"

I have no problem using this clause with PHP so I was wondering if there's some restrictions with it in ASP??

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Limit Problem

I've got a small problem with my ODBC query that I'm unable to resolve by searching google. I need to limit my query so that it only returns a certain ammount of rows, for example 10.

I have tried the MySQL type query and that failed to work. Then I found an example on the internet in what looked like a weblog which said use "select top 10 * from tblname". Although this fails to work it does limit it when it feels like it. Often I'll get 11 or more results, but if I decrease the 10 to 4 for eample it still returns the same 11 or more rows.

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Refresh Limit?

This code refreshes correctly:

<% Response.AddHeader "Refresh", "5;URL=page.asp" %>

This code does not refresh:

<% Response.AddHeader "Refresh", "1140;URL=page.asp" %>

Is there a limit on how many seconds I can use?

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Limit The Input

I limit the quantity of characters in an input box. I need to limit the input to 10 for example.

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255 Character Limit

its there anyway via asp i can get around the 255 character limit for url strings.. its for use in a cms/eshot system. on a mailto: link i want to create a string of email address for the client and then send from there own inbox.

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ASP Upload Limit

I am having a problem uploading large files through ASP.We have several sites in IIS on 1 application pool.I was able to use MetaBase Explorer and increase the AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed value in /LM/W3SVC, and for at least 1 of our sites, it worked. Unfortunately, on our Intranet site, the error persist. Does anyone have any idea why? We do have ASP.Net installed on this server, but the error is explicitly ASP.

Searching for answers I found that another value, MaxRequestEntityAllowed, could also be responsible. Unfortunately, this value is not anywhere in our metabase.xml file, and I am hesitant to simply create it.

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URL Length Limit

I think an url variable could be limited, maybe someone know the maximum length I can use ? (I try to send an html code with the get method, maybe some symbols could not be accepted in url).Is this length limited for a variable or for the url string ?

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Limit Access

We're running Windows 2003 Enterprise Edn.with IIS 6.We'd like to limit the access to two of our ASP apps to those who are on the domain--without using the integrated domain authentication popup.

In other words,we don't want users on the domain to have to log in every time (or even once);those not on the domain would not see the site at all. Is this possible?How?

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Limit Off 255 Characters

I have a Visual FoxPro table with Memos fields, and when i insert into the table a value that cames from a TEXTAREA field on a form, give me an error. Why? if the table field is MEMO?

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