List Of Logged In Users

I have an asp website which allows registered users to login in, I want to create a page which shows the names of all logged in users. Can i do this in asp, and if possible can some one tell me how can i let the logged in users communicate with each other.

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See The Users Logged In

How do we have a track of users who have logged in? I want to have a table of record with usernames and the status(logged in or logged out).

Whenever the user logs in, the status shud indicate he is logged in and when he logs out the status shud change accordingly. Does anybody know how to do this???

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Currently Logged Users

I want to create a page in ASP language which gives me information about
currently logged users. I thought to do it by this way: when somebody
will log in to page, there will be a value of this user id stored in the
table among the other fields in the form which are filling in. After
clicking on the button "Log off" the value of the user id will be
deleted from the MS SQL Server 2000 database. I would do it, but I don`t
know how to solve the problem when somebody will close the Internet
Explorer window by clicking "x". Then the procedure of deleting a value
of user id will not call, and this value will be still stored in the
database, so I will not have actual state of currently logged users.Maybe there is another possiblity to do it?

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How To Keep Track Of Logged In Users?

I would like to know how to let users log in to my page and keep track of them until they log out? Will i be using cookies or what?

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Application Object :: How Many Users Logged In?

My asp application allows a number of users to log into it. Each user has a different type of access level (General User, Manager or Administrator). I want the administrator to be able to see how many other users are logged into the application at a particular time. How can I do this? Would the use of an application object work for this?

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Get List Of Users On A Machine

I need to get list of users on a machine (can be from exchange or a domain controller). I'm not even sure where to begin. I need this so I can populate a dropdown list of all users of our network for a helpdesk system.

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Displaying A List Of Current Users Online

my website requires users to login with username and password on the homepage before they can access the content on the site.

I want to be able to display a list of users who are currently online. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what is the best way to go about this.

I know I can create a session variable for each user when they log on to hold the users name but how can I display all the users together in a list? Also how do I refresh this list (say every minute)?

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Logging Users :: Transactions My Users Perform

I want to be able to log in a database any transactions my users perform. For example logging in, requesting a page, downloading a resource, logging out etc.

What is the most practical way to code this? I was thinking of trying to use an include file which would have a function to add a log in the database for each page on the site or when a particular action is performed.

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Logged In

When a User has Loged In to my site, I would like to display Logged In as:
and then a link to log them out of the site Code:

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Logged In Right Now Code

I have a website where about 300 to 500 are logged in all the times. I am trying to find a way to see who's logged in right now.I learned that session variables can produce such an outcome. Every member, who is logging in, is recognized by saving that member's unique user ID in a session variable.

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Logged In Script

i have the following script in one of my logged in pages.

Active Users: <%=Application("CurrentNumberOfUsers")%>

Is there any code that I can add to this which also hows who is logged in to the website?

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Logged In As: Username

i set up a login page and when the user logs in he/she is directed to the main site. What I wish to know is how can I show the user name that is logged in the main site:

For example:
Logged in as:

tell me the code as i am new to ASP .

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Logged In User

I need some asp code that can give me the user that is logged on to the PC.

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Getting Logged In User

it was possible to query the logged in windows user from a remote machine. I'm thinking of designing a website that will tell you what users are logged in where. This isn't really necessary but I thought it might be nice to know and keep track of users.

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Knowing Who Is Logged Into Any Particular Workstation?

I'm developing an intranet site that will require knowing who is accessing the site. Since all of my users are using a WIndows domain, I figured I could cut the necessity to log into the intanet site if I could identify each user based on who is logged into the workstation being used to access it. So I figured I would need some Microsoft-specific tech to get this done.

Is something like this even possible? I figure ASP .NET would be my best hope, but seeing that I've never programmed for a Microsoft environment, I would need some coaching. Here's how I thought this could be accomplished (I may need some help filling in the details):determine the IP of the machine accessing the sitedetermine which machine on the network currently has that IPask Active Directory who is currently logged into that machineI don't know that this is possible in this manner, though. Anyone accomplish something like this before? I would think so as it seems like something a lot of developers would want for web applications.

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below is an insert statement on an asp page that stores the date and time
that a driver logged on, what I need is to check that they are now already
logged on fields are SQL Server 2000

ID int
ON_DATE datetime
OFF_DATE datetime
ON_NOW nvarchar

The ON_NOW column reads on or off depending whether the driver logged out or
not, if they havent we need to close the previous logon session and mark it
with 'off' and enter a date time into OFF_DATE column. Code:

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SelectParameter With Currently Logged In User?

I am trying to build an sqldatasource using a parameter which I want set to the currently logged in user's username. Any idea how to declare the parameter in the <SelectParameter> tag? I am using .net 2.0...

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Logged In - Session Timeout

I use a database to authenticate users. Thier logon info is stored in a session.When the session times out it redirects the user back to the login page,which, when logged in sends them to the secured homepage.How can I return them to the page they were on when the session timed out,rather than starting over on the homepage?

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Oracle Not-logged On Error

I have the Oracle not-logged on error that keeps popping up intermitently. When I restart the web server the problem is solved and everything is fine. I am unable to figure out what the problem is?

I do not have this problem with other websites running on the same web server. Can any one advise about what I need to do to solve this or atleast what direction I need to look?

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Display The Name Of A LOGGED IN User

I have a LOGIN.asp page which will ask the user to input their username and password. The text box name for this two text field is txtUsername and txtPassword. What i want to do is to display the value of "txtUsername" in my main page after the user has logged in! That means what ever that the user enter in the username text field, it will be display in the next page. how to code this in ASP session variable?

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Capturing Logged In User

how i can pull the logged in user name from a computer for a web form? this is what i did to pull from the cookie when user log into my site but now i want to get request from non site users but capture non logged in users ids too.

~ <input type="text" name="EmailID" maxlength="10" size="10"

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Redirect To A Web Page If Logged On

This is the code for my default asp page.

'Check if user is logged in
if Session("name") = "" then
'If not, go to login page
'If, build page
Response.Write("<title>ASP Page</title>")

end if
%><body leftmargin="100" text="#004080" bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><p><font size="6">

I want users that have been logged on successfully to be redirected to a website address that I specify.

Any Ideas?

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Response.Write "<b>You Are Not Logged On

I last posted to this group about 6 months ago and was very pleased by the
excellent response I got and the great help offered to me. I am back this
time with another request for your expert help on a bit of ASP code I use on
my windows server 2003 with IIS6 machine.

I would like the code below to display in different colours depending on the
status of the page. I am looking to make the not logged in code appear red
and the logged in code green.

The code:

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Windows Current Logged User

How to get the Windows current logged user name using Classic ASP. If no direct way are there any work arounds.

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How Do I Get The User Logged In To Novell Network

How can I get the user ID (Novell 5, IIS5 on Windows 2000 Server) using ASP?
I did find an example using JavaScript however it uses an ActiveX control
and then all my users would have to click OK to allow the control to run.
Or I could change the security setting, but we are talking over 1,500

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Grab Logged In User's Email Address

I have this asp page (see code below). It grabs the values from the previous page and populates the email which gets sent to the recipient from the person bidding on his product. I need to grab the bidder's email address (he is logged in when sending this email) from the database.

I can't seem to figure out the code for grabbing a logged in visitor's information from the database to display in the "From" field. Can anyone help? I need the code that grabs his email address, and the code that goes in the "mailer.from" variable to populate that field. Here's the code:

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How Can I List All The Email Address From Hotmal Contact List?

How can i list out all the email address into my website from the hotmail caontact list? i am successful log in into the yahoo contact list by using serverxmlhttp and list out all the email address from the page source, but i could not access to hotmail by using the serverxmlhttp. Is any other methos can list out the email address from hotmail contact list?

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How Many Users Per Pub?

I have 3 tables

members, pubs, favepubs

favepubs contains

favepubID, UserID (from members), PubID (from Pubs)

I'd like to join all 3 and maybe count the users?!

basically i want to show in my list of pubs how many users like that pub


The Red Lion (4 members - click for more details)
The Royal Oak (2 members - Click for more details)


The Red Lion (Jarv, Test, Admin, Shelly)

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No Of Users

I'm hosting a couple of ASP applications on my server. How can I tell the number of users currently logged on, and can I get any details about them ?

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Odd "Logged In" Method

Is it possible to use the FileSystemObject, in a page, on a remote server that checks to see if a LOCAL file on the viewer's computer system is present? Just the FSO.FileExists method.

I was wondering, would it be simple to just give someone a file, tell them to place it somewhere SPECIFICALLY onto their computer, and if the FSO.FileExists at that location (and that file name), it grants the user access to the page (if not, it redirects them away)

Does this sound feasible?

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Multiple Users

I am using asp codes to connect to my access database. But i have a query in mind. Will my database still work if more than 1 user is logon to edit the database records?

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Users Are Prompted

is this a permissions issue that happened at the server side
When I go to one of the .asp pages it brings up the "malicious code" prompt,asking whether I should open or save the file.
How do I make it so it just executes the file?

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Users Dbo. And Viss.

My database tables uses two users, namely dbo. and viss.
so in sql server 2005, every table has the following name structure:


In source code, sql queries are used without adding usernames. Like,

UPDATE customers

Now I get sql erros as 'invalid tablename members' to solve this I add username to query, like dbo.members. That would solve the problem, but is there an easier way to solve this? Because I'm working with a complicated application and it has allot of files, adjusting each query is an option but any other solution? Code:

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