Listing Images From A Folder.

where i can find a guild for this? Iv been looking around but cant find it. Im going to list some pictures in thumbnail form from a folder.

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Folder Listing

I've managed to get file listings, do textstreams, move around in the file system a bit, just wondering how I get folder listings as I would file listings...
Here's what I've tried, but it's not quite working:


Set objFile=objFSO.GetFile(strPhysicalPath)
Set objFolder=objFile.ParentFolder
Set objFolderFolders=objFolder.Folders

For Each objFolderItem in objFolderFolders
mess=mess & "<tr><td><a href=""" & objFileItem.Name & """>" & objFolderItem.Name & "</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"

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File And Folder Listing.

I am creating something for our intranet and i want to list the files and folders of a directory, i found some code to do this.The only problem is that it lists the asp file used to for example if i go to:"http://myserver/listing.asp" In the file listing will be "listing.asp" amongst a lot of marketing documents.Is there a way to block/stop this one file from being listed?

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Folder And File Listing

a website that tells how to do this Folder and File listing? I know I need to use the filesystemobject but other than that I'm lost.

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Displaying Images From Outside Of Web Folder

Have two folders on my web server, data and public. Public is the www root and is read only, data has my database and is read/write.

I've got an asp upload script sending image files to data/images which works fine. I've also got a file listbox which picks out the file names on an asp script to add the names of the files to a database table.

However...I'm having real problem pulling the images out on the gallery page, I reference them with a virtual path '../data/images/imagename.jpg' etc, but they will not show.

Anybody know a way round this? Sorry if you need more info just say.

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Check Folder For Images

I dunno if this is possible or not being an ASP novice but... I have a db of products each of which has a code and is categorised by a range name. I've displayed all of the ranges and when you click on one you get the relevant images.

As I haven't finished all of the image work I need to do and it's holding up the site going live, I was wondering is there any way I could only display the range only if there are images in the relevant range folder? Is there some sort of script that can check for the presence of a jpeg first and if present write out the range name, if not don't bother?

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Displaying Images From A Folder

Everything works but the image that is called from the database does not dispay? no error messages are displayed, have double and tripple check paths and image name to no success, thought it could be the code:

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Height From Images In Folder

how can ASP automatically find out the width & height of an image? I want to create a Web page which automatically shows images from a folder and I want it to have a fixed size for the <IMG> tags, as well as listing the width & height below each image. Does it make any difference if I have both JPEG and GIF images?

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Folder Full Of Images Write Link To Table

I'm trying to figure out if this is possible before i have someone start scanning a bunch of images.

If i scan a bunch of images and give them specific names can i then look at that dir and read the name of the file and write a link in a field of a table?

TABLE record example
epn =123254
name = Bob
Picture = 123254.jpg

i want the name of the file to be written if there's one in the folder for that epn.

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Listing By

I am displaying a list of data from a sql database. I have hyperlinked each field as i want the user to be able to click on this link, the page refreshes and all entries that are the same as the user clicked on are at the top of the list. I am using a query string as the link.

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Events Listing

I'm listing events held on an Access database displaying the forthcoming events using a For Next loop (is there any easier way?).

Some of the events are considered important and to be listed if they have a value of "y" against them in a field called "important".

How would I list say the forthcoming 4 events plus ALL of those where important = "y"?

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Alphabet Listing

I'll get right to the point. I'm displaying an alphabetical listing of names from a recordset in the following manner:

Presently, I'm using a statement to cycle through the alphabet, and displaying the matching names for each letter via a loop. Here is the code:

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Listing Of Files

display just a listing of files in this manner.For example.If i select D: drive it should give me all files in root directory and sub folders and sub sub folders.

The operation is like a dos command
dir /s/o/b

I am using this for sitmap for one of my client, who has more than 100 folders and 50 sub folder and 10 sub sub folders
that he has more than 7000 html pages

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Listing Courses

I am tring to build a registration online form that participants will be
able to choose from about 75 diferent courses divided into various sessions
and choosing a course per session.The problem I have is that I cant figure out the best way to do this:
1. either to make them static pages and then submit the values the
participant chooses into a database and use the values for billing etc. Like
this i will be able to validate / control what the users chooses e.g they
dont choose overlapping courses.
2 my second option is to list them in a database and then list them on my
page , which is easier but how do I validate what the participant chooses
and how do I move the values to the next page and making sure the right
course goes to the right session.

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Listing Directorys

Is it possible to list directories of different computers in a network?

For instance, I have the script on "server 1", "server 2" is another computer in its network places under the same domain. I want to have a asp or script list the contents of "server 2" from "server 1".

Is this possible? all the asp scripts Ive seen so far can only list files from the computer/server its on.

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Listing Records A-Z

I want to display a list of businesses from a database but break on each new letter eg


Andrews Carpets


Browns Bakery

etc etc

I haven't a clue how to do this, can anyone help please?

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Listing Records

If I'm displaying records from a db as a comma seperated list with a full stop at the end what do I need to do?

Example: item1, item2, item3, lastitem.

I have a do until rs.eof loop which which displays each record like so:

<% do until rs.eof %>
<li><%= rs("item") %>,</li>
<% rs.movenext %>
<% loop %>

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Listing Values

I have been searching google and other search engines and have not come up with anything for this question of mine. Maybe I'm not typing in the right stuff.
I am writing a couple of scripts that require me to display a list of information from a database from one catagory. I have never needed to do this before and am trying to find out how I should go about doing it

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Listing Numbers

I have 2 textboxes - "from" & "to".

Assume I enter number 1 in "from" and 10 in "to" - I want the ASP to return:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and insert this into an Access database over 10 rows
into the 'number' field.

Anyone got any ideas how to do this?

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Directory Listing

At work I was asked to add a link to a directory listing page. This page is with the link is located behind a secure page requiring a username and password. When I added the link I also went to iis and checked to make this directory have directory browsing listing checked.

Everything is fine however now this directory is open if you just post the complete link to it in the URL bypassing the login page. Is this a nornal behavoir and is their anything that can be done to make it prevent it to be opened?

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Listing Files

I'm trying to list the contents of a directory but only showing file types of .txt and .mdb

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Logic Of Listing

as i enter text in the textbox i want to narrow down there result in the box below that has all the listing of the products. i.e as i enter 'a' in textbox it will filter all products starting with 'a' then if i enter 'b' as second character it will show onlythose products that are starting with 'ab'... so how could i do that.

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Featured Listing App

anyone know of a good ASP Application that will allow me to do featured listings/ or sponsored listings on a page? These need to be text based links - like google style probably.

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RecordSet Listing

<code>E-Mail: <a href="mailto:<%= cn_shr("EMail") %>" class="fontLinksDark"><%= cn_shr("EMail") %></a></code>

What the above code is supposed to do, obviously, is write a person's e-mail address out, and at the same time include that address in a hyperlink so that someone could e-mail that person. The problem is that it doesn't show up. There is no error code or anything- the output just does not show up.

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Listing All Files

I would like to list all files and folders on a password protected directory (basick auth). I know how to list all files and folders in a normal directory but i don't know how to do so for a password protected one, due to the fact that i couldn't find any article/book that explains how to do so and also the fact that to the best of my knowledge there is no way to pass a username and a password to the File object in order to authenticate to the webserver as an other user, all i could think of was to pass the user/pass to this directory in the header (with response.AddHeader ) but that doesn't seem to work (even though i am not sure i used the correct syntax for the header).

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Listing Records

I have an access db with 5 fields, ID, Category, BusinessName, Address and Phone. I want to list the records like so but can't think how my loop and check to see if the category has been changed should look. Can anyone help?

<li>business name</li>
<li>busines name</li>

<li>business name</li>
<li>busines name</li>

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Alphabetical Listing

I have an Access Database with only one table (tblBooks) with 5 fields: id, TestNumber, Book, Author, ReadingLevel, PointValue. I would like to have alphabetical listing of the records displayed by hyperlinks on the top of the page like:

<Previous All | A | B | C | ....| Y | Z | Others Next>

Also would like to have only 25 records per page and bottom page numbering. I know this is a newbie question but I haven't being able to figure it out.

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Listing Folders In C: Drive

I want to be able to list all my files in a folder on the hard drive... this will be listed on our local intranet site at work.

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DB-Listing With Grouping & Count

I have a Table (Table-name:Problem_List) and Column (Column-name:Title). There are many records in this table with the same (or similar) titles. What i'm trying to achieve, is a list of this column, but instead of 2000 rows, I need the similar names counted list like this...

Blocker : (100)
Serious : (34)
Warning : (430)

Running: SQL 2000 on IIS6, using ASP

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Yahoo Directory Listing

How do i make my website appear in the Yahoo search engines when user do a search on certain keywords? I've tried meta keyword, but it doesn't work!

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How To Seperate The Listing In 2 Columns

I am working on a page which listing all product in one page, by should be in 2 column rather than just one.

PS: I can do show up all products in 1 column by do while not loo,...

can anyone reply with some simple asp code, just the code for seperate the listing in 2 column...

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Directory Content Listing

I remember some code in VBScript that would list the contents of a directory.The difference was that it was nicely set out,each filetype ahd their associated document and if the folder contained another folder,cliking on the folder icon would take you to that page fodler where it would list the contents of that folder.can someone please point me to a nice pre-written script.

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Listing And Linking Files

i need to know how to show and link files from a database .

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