Load Different Code Depending On Number Of URL Variables

Currently, when I'm building dynamic pages I build a page (for example, default.asp?ID=2) to process one variable within the dynamic URL (ID), and find myself having to create a seperate page if I want to process 2 variables for the same content (i.e default.asp?ID=2&Dt=3).

Surely there's a way of loading different content on the page depending if the URL you to the page has either one or more URL variables - is there a way of doing this? I've been thinking about it, and would it be simplest just writing an IF statement (e.g : if the URL contains only one URL variable, load this content, if it contains 2 URL variables, load this other content.

Would someone please be able to give me an example of how this IF statement would be written?, as I've never had the need to write an IF statement before. If you are able to give me an example of the IF statement I'm after, would you be kind enough to comment it aswell so I can understand the methodology behind it?

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Import To CSV... And Load Into Variables

My Goal I want to load from a CSV File into variables so I can use the values in a procedure I've developed. But I'm stuck on how to access values from a csv file. If everything were to be in a Database everything would be just easier but sometimes you don't have the options of having a database.

Now what I'm wanting to do is load the output into asp variables so i can use them in a procedure I've created. Code:

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Variables First Page Load

how can i clear the session variables on page load (the first time)

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Load ASP Code From Another File

I am writing a small CMS type system for our intranet at work and I am trying to have a main "index.asp" that does all the work in a template folder and every time I add a new section instead of making a new copy of this file I would like to have some generic "index.asp" file that is nearly empty that just calls the "template/index.asp" file and let's it do the work.

The way each page in the intranet works is by using the same asp file but by having a few configuration files in their directory that point it to different menus, titles etc.

Is there a way to load an asp file from another one? I tried creating an index.asp containing just <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="templates/index.asp"--> but it doesn't seem to do it.

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Session Variables And Load Balancing

i need session variables to persist regardless of load balancing.
My hoster says save them in files, yuk. Are there any other thoughts

The problem is that the session variables are lost when the load is switched
to another server. Also, i am locked out, because there is now a cookie on
my PC that will not expire until the timeout has expired?

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Getrows(), Load Column Into Variables

if there is anyone knows if its possible to put a database columns' value such as ( Title, Name, IP, Phone, Address, etc... ) into array then retrieve them to be displayed on page via Access in ASP using getrows but utilize something similar to rs("Title"), rs("Name"), rs("IP"), etc., or create temperay new variables such as rs(vTitle), rs(vName), rs(vIP), instead of using the rs( row, column ).

The reason I am asking is that when a table has many fields, its gets hard to track down the right array number instead of simply using its column or field name.I have written paging scripts based on ADO method of getting rs("FIELDNAME") to display datas, and I am trying to convert it to utilize getrows() method, but having trouble with the array column sequence.

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Checks The Variables Number Amount

how can I make an if condition where the condition checks has the user inputted atleast 3 numbers in the text field. Code:

if variable1 < 3Numbers then
response.redirect "error.asp"
execute something

I have fought with this problem all day long and I can not get this work.

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Using Asp Variables Straight In HTML Code

I have a page which has a header finding out some variables from request.querystring and other places. Later on in the page in what is normal HTML code I want to use the variable but am having to do this:

response.write "<A Href='" & shopurl & "' target='_blank'>Shop</A>"

is there any way i can just have the line with the variable being interpreted without having to go into a code protect and write the line out with code. Something like this:

<A Href=%shopurl% target="_blank">Shop</A>

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HTML Or XML Depending On Client.

Suppose I have a widget A that I would like to embed in several websites B,
C, and D.

Sites B and C are happy with the widget the way I've styled it but site D
isn't and wants to restyle it themselves.

What would be the best way of doing this in ASP? My thoughts are that I
have an ASP page that determines in a query string has been provided (issued
to site D) and returns XML otherwise returns my formatted HTML.

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Run Commands Depending On Origin

Is there a way to tell an asp file which set of commands to run depending on what file they just came from?

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Sending An Email Depending On CheckBox Value

I have an ASP page with ten checkboxes and depending on which checkbox is selected I need to send an email to a specific recipient.

Thus far, I am able to send the values from page one to page two, but using CDONTS email functionality isn't really working. Actually, I can't imagine where to begin.

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Different Messages Displayed Depending On Stock Level

I want to display a different message deppending on the amount of stock left. For example if there is no stock i would like to display "out of stock", if the item is in stock display "in stock". Code:

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Changing Cell Color Depending On Content

Is there a way of having a cells bg color change depending on its content? And what would be the best way of doing it?

I am wanting to use a traffic light style system for coloring number content cells. 0-33 Red, 34-66 Amber, 67> Green

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Change The Text Color In Input Box Depending On The Value Of It

I want to change the text color of the input box depending on the value entered by user.

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JavaScript - Display Text, Depending On Input

I want to have a user input a value (1 through 10) in a form. Then click submit. and right under that have text appear depending on what they input. This is what I have, but it doesn't work. I'm not understanding the flow of the script getting called. Code:

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How To Set Form Fieds Depending On Selected Item In Drop Down List

I am having a drop down list and other text boxes in a form. I need to retrive and fill text boxes from database depending on the selected item in drop down list. I am using javascript as scripting language. Can any body give solution.

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Session Retrieve Of Username Depending On Which User Logs Into The System?

I have my system set-up, where by when a user accesses the cms, a time stamp is added to the database. So we can keep check of when people accessed the system.

The added benefit of my addition, is that a session timeout is usable based on the inputted timestamp the user logged in. I added this functionaility because the system could be idle for some time and if so set the session to equal nothing or similar.

However what would be a nice feature of the cms is the display of the current user.

Below is code I have inputted to give some idea of what I am doing

Session("ADID") = objRS("adminID")
objConn.Execute("UPDATE tblAdmin SET adminLastLogged=now() WHERE adminID=" & Session("ADID"))

Session.Timeout = 30 ' 30 = Minutes

SO does anyone know how I can retireve the adminUsername based on the session used when loggin into the system.

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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Systematic Updating Of Records Depending On Amount Of Records In Another Table

The problem concerns 2 tables, cart_products and cart_shoppingcart.

Cart_products contains all the product data (eg, prices, product's key name, etc), but most importantly, it contains the quantity of stock (prod_quantity) for each item.

cart_shoppingcart contains all of the user's items in their shoppingcart, including those that are part of an (customer) order; these have the order_number to differentiate from those that aren't in any order (their Order_number is 'no_order', the others have the order number).

Now, what I want to do is this:

For every item in the order (ie, every entry in cart_shoppingcart that matches the username and order number), take the quantity (x) the customer is ordering, then take the quantity of stock remaining (y), then subtract x from y to create the new stock level (z) and update the appropriate record in cart_products with z (all this with SQl preferably).

I was thinking of using a Do while loop, but realised that it wouldn't work as I'd have to use several SQL statements and then I'd run into a problem the minute ASP reads "objrec.movenext".

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Generating A Combo Box Depending On The Field Selected In A Former Combo Box

I 'm trying to display a combo box (which datas are coming from a database) depending on the select of another combo box in the same form. I think I should use the property onChange of JavaScript but don't know what to give in parameters.

In fact, I have an ASP function which generate a table containing the Strings obtained thanks to a request in a database. Then I'd like to put the Strings contained in the table, to a combo box. The combo box should refresh each time the user select another field in the former list. It must be developped dynamically.

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Sequential Number After Batch Number

here is the scenerio

in master batch table i have various master batch like

Now each master batch can have multiple final mixed batch like


and this record is inserted in to fmix table.

so i have a form in which i have a dropdown menu in which all the master batch is listed,
i select 200701-0001 and that value is passed to next page where i will enter other fields data and insertion to my fmix_no will be done automatic like 200701-0001-01, 200701-0001-02 and so on,

how to achieve this

so in short each master batch will have more than one final mixed batch.

pls help, also if u have any online contact in yahoo or msn pls send me, i am so confused and badly struck deadline is just couple of hours away. my yahoo id is(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) you can PM me i am online right now.

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Retrieve The Error Number In VB With Err.Number

I want To handel the error messages by myself in one part in my script. I know that in VB I can Use the statment - On error resume next And I also know that I can retrive the Error Number In VB with Err.Number.

How can I handel the errors by myself in ASP? I heard about the ASPErr Object, Is it the same thing like the err object in VB?

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Load A DLL

Is it possible to load a DLL in an ASP page? I know that we can create instances of COM/ActiveX objects using Server.CreateObject, but what about a normal DLL stored on the system. Is there a way to load such a DLL and call its functions?

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Difference Between Environment Variables And Server Variables

can anyone tell me difference between environment variables and server variables.

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ASP Pages Will Not Load

I cannot display asp pages on my local pc but can display php pages and asp.net pages.

I get the following errors

1 -2147467259 (0x80004005) - when I have IE not show friendly error messages
2. Server Not Found - when I have IE show friendly error messages
3 Resources in use - sometimes - when I have IE not show friendly error messages
4. Sometimes I get the microsoft error report popup stating there was a problem with COM Surrogate

I am running Win XP Pro SP2 with IIS 5.1, and latest .NET framework (release not beta)

I have tried the following to solve this problem:

1. Set intranet security to as low as possible in internet options.
2 Set internet options to allow active content to run
3. Set security to low in IIS for the web site
4. Use http://localhost/webaddress.asp not C:filename.asp to open the asp page
5. Turned off script blocking in Norton Anti Virus
6. Have tried a simple "Hello World" page to ensure that there was no problem with the code itself
7. Checked that the asp.dll is where it should be
8. Have IIS set to allow anonomous logon
9. Have IIS control password
10. Have IIS allow windows integrated logon

I cannot think of anything else that would prevent the asp pages from displaying. I have searched the web and seen similar questions to this but no answers that seem to help resolve the issue.

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Down Load File

i have one text file when user click on link of this txt file ..than this file be downloaded to client machin...

<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">


<a href="download.asp">dd.txt</a>


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Page Won't Load

I'm using IIS on my localhost and also in some free Brinkster webspace.
The problem I have is that when ever I try to use a script that includes the File System Object (as I want to read/write/copy files etc), the page won't load, the progress bar in the browser just very slowly increases, but never gets anywhere, and nothing ever loads.So I'm thinking it's a set up problem? I've tried the same scripts in my Brinkster webspace, and they don't work there (but I know they do work!) but Brinkster may have some restrictions.
Is an FSO problem like this common? Can I alter some settings on my localhost set up to solve it?

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Load Database

I never used global.asa. I am thinking of load some data in
application_onstart which is read only from database(I mean the data will
never be changed in any asp pages of the applcation) and so any session for
this application doesn't need to reload data from database again, reduce
database connection and procedure call.
Am I right? just doesn't see that kind of comments on-line.
I want to make sure this is the right concept before I am heading too far.

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ASP Pages Don't Load

ASP Pages don't load in IIS 5.1 for XP, continuously wait.
I have this very same website running same version of SQL server but on two different OS's. The website with the very same configuration, but running on Win2k with IIS 5.0 is working perfect. But the system running with IIS 5.1 on XP continuously loads and never displays ASP pages. After a few moments, if i refresh, it says that there is too much traffic to display the page. I am not worried about the second error, because I can simply fix that by disabling 'HTTP keep alive'. I searched for people that had similar problems, and what I found is that the problem seems to have originated from a Critical Update and users are either switching to Win2K or went with Apache rather than IIS.

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Load A Drop-down Box

I am creating a asp page containing a employee time-sheet table in it. there are two columns in the table, one is time-in one is time-out, and the table total have 20 lines.
In both time-in and time-out columns I want they show up as drop-down box say as: 9:00 am, 9:15 am, 9:30 am etc, , but I don't want the page load each drop-down box in total 20 lines, I only want the drop-down box loaded when the employee click the field.
I know maybe I shoud use JavaScript onClick funtion, but I am not sure about it, and I don't know the detail coding.

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Load An Image

i have an asp script to load an image. baiscally if there is an image reference in the database i want it to load that image but if there is not ref in the database i want it to load a default image.the code i wrote is

<% if Image = ""
<img src="catalogueimages/default.gif">
<% else %>
<img src=<%=Image%>>
<% end if %>

have also tried null instead of "" but that didnt work either.

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Can't Load ASP Site

I have IIS installed on Windows2000. When I create a .asp webPage with DreamWeaver, the browser (IE6) can't open it. No error messages, it just hangs there.

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Load ASP File

I have downloaded an ASP WYSIWYG editor but I cant fingure out how to load an asp file into the editor. I think what I need to do is to load the file into the variable and then the editor loads the variable and formats the code accordingly. But I just don't know how to load the asp file into the variable. Here's my code so far:

Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f=fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("Test/7610.asp"), 1)

Dim DataTransfer
DataTransfer = f.ReadAll

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