LoadFromFile Method: Trying To Access Remote URL

I'm trying to use the Stream ADO object, and I need to access a file that is on a remote server.

I tried using the FileSystemObject object, but I need to save a CSV file that contains some funky characters.

The documentation I have access to does not tell me that I can or cannot enter in a remote location...(e.g. "")

I receive this error:
ADODB.Stream error '800a0bba'

File could not be opened


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Remote Scripting Method

I would like to use the Remote Scripting method. Where can I find the latest
scripts ie (RS>htm, RS.asp & RSProxy.class) for this operation?

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Access Remote Access Database From ASP

I have an ASP page needs to access a remote MS Access2000 database, I got error "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'F:Collect.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. ".

The 'F:' is a mapped drive from remote machine where the access database loactes. If I copy the database back to local box, no problem.

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ADODB.Stream LoadFromFile Failes In ASP Application

When trying to load a file using ADODB.Stream, LoadFromFile method I get the following error:

Safety Settings on this computer prohibit accessing a data source on another computer

I'm running windows server 2003. I have the site security set to "Local Intranet"
Any Suggestions?

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Remote DB Access

If I have the line adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("produkten.mdb") to access an Access Database local to the site, is it possible to have something like adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=http://www.somesite.com/somedb.mdb" To allow the site to connect to a db on another site/server which also belong to me?

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Remote MS Access DB?

How do I connect to a remote Access DB from my desktop? I have a MS Access DB online adn wish to hook up to it from my desktop absed DB?

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Remote DB Access

I have a access database on my server which my users can download it from my website. I have update.asp file which will update the database on the client. So say if there are 2 users each will download a copy of the database on to their machines.

When they run the update.asp file, the information will go to their respectively database(the one's on their machine). The architecture of the DB's remains the same but each client will have his only data. Is this possible? IF yes then, why do I get this error...

Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80004005'Could not find file C:Test.mdb.

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Why I Can Not Access Remote Database

I have asp page needs to access remote database, I got error"The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'Unknown'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. "

Could anyone show me the steps to configure permission (I tried creating IUSER_DBMACHINE local account on the database box, give this account full permission on the database folder, doesn't work.

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FSO Remote Server Access

Wish I'd found the thread yesterday before spending half the day fighting
the same battle and finding a workaround. But at least it explains why my
final approach worked.I set the remote folder as a virtual folder on the webserver, assigned web rights to a domain user and used fso.copyfile(server.mappath) to copy a
file created locally.I'm not thrilled that access to the remote location can't be controlled at the user level this way but at least access to the calling script can.
Strange though, the problem showed up during a migration. Server A had been
hosting this asp page and connecting to server B sucessfully. I was moving
the application to server C when I ran into the problem. All three machines
are W2K, same service pack, same domain, same users, same access
rights/method configuration. Go figure.

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Remote Access Database

I am connecting to remote access database through my asp script. The Access database is on a different domain and my webserver(where asp scripts reside) is on a different domain.When i ran the script i got this scary error message:Code:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x3a8 Thread 0x7c4 DBC 0x2770ff4 Jet'.

i think this is related to some permissions issue, but not sure how to correct it.

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Remote Access To SQL Server

I was given the following by my host:

Database name: asdfafasf
Server: asfafaf
Username: afafdadaf
Password: adfadf

Every program I use (excluding Enterprise Manager - I don't have it) to connect is unsuccessful. Access Projects for example, when I try to establish a connection, it doesn't ask for IP/Host.

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ADSI Remote Access

I'm trying to access the ADSI data on a remote machine in my network usng ASP and the GetObject("IIS://...") call, but I keep getting an "Access Denied" message. It works perfectly on the localhost. Did anyone pass by this problem?

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Access Remote Server

I have admin privileges on a remote server and would like to use a web interface (asp) to manipulate various files. It seems that when I access the remote web pages I only have IWAP and IWAM privileges. Is there a way to automatically send my admin username and password via the asp pages so I will have admin privilages?

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Access A Method In Another Server Using Xmlhttp

Shown below is ASP Code sample that tries to access a method,CreateUser in the server called,

"http://smallbutsmart.basis.com.au" using the protocol,XMLHTTP. Can you explain to me why this

Code does not work and showing the correct Code Sample?

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Connec To Remote Access Database

What I am trying to achieve here is a connection to an access database on another server on our network. Every method that I try I get SQLerrors or DNS errors nothing seems to work. Does anybody know a solid method I can try to gain the connection i require?

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Remote Editing Of A MS Access Database

I'm new to programming databases with MS Access. I'd like to know how I get user input for a database, in a form, read from it and do "if" statements. Does anyone know how to do this? I've tried ASP approaches (with the FSO function and .txt files) but none are as effiecient and organized as databases appear to be.

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Cannot Access Remote File From Mapped Drive

I want to access files from a remote server so I mapped it in my
server under z: for myserverwebmysiteimages

I added this UNC path to my IIS virtual directory and name it as
"upload" but I still cannot use any FSO to read it. Here is my code:

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Linked 'tables' (access) Local - To -remote

Is it actually possible for a local access 2000 database to link to a remote database online via linked tables. I just wanted to know how feasible a LINKED TABLE scenario would be.

If this was possible it would solve so many administration problems and save development time when it comes to building asp-admin pages to manage the backend.

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Access A Remote Database On A Local Harddrive

i want to run a website on a server with an sql database ( that in itself is no problem, i've done this before) but with a possibility to update the sql database with data stored on a local harddrive in an acess database, can ianyone give me some hints or websites with
related info ?

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ASP Method

I have downloaded the DiscIDCalc program from CDDB. I've used it a lot because I've written my own application for my CD collections (keeping track of the track information of each CD, track duration etc). I've already got all my CDs into the application, I'm now just going through each of the disc again just to add in the DiscID information. I do it by running the DiscIDCalc program, generating the DiscID, and then then copying and pasting this DiscID into my application and then save it.
if anyone has successfully generated the DiscID within an asp page?
Now I have to have my browser up and this DiscIDCalc program up. Just want to know if there's a way to incorporate the two together (even if it means I'm not using the DiscIDCalc anymore.). This DiscIDCalc has a documentation for its DiscIDCalcDLL.dll but it's not something that I can CreateObject with, so I'm quite clueless... I don't want to use VB to write APIs for that

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Using Get Method

I use query string to search for records by using GET method. This method will generate querystring automatically by using the form name. Using search field together with drop down is fine but the problem is when i didn't enter any keyword or left the search field blank it won't display any result.

Unless I put "%" in the search field. How do I make the querystring change to "%" whenever the field is blank so that all records will be displayed.

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Remote ASP

I have an application i am creating that will require the ability for a remote site to access some of the abilities of the program.

For example: Program will have a product manager and the webmaster will need to be able to place the product information on his/her remote site.

another funtion: the remote site will need to pass variable data back and forth between the application hosting server and webmasters site.

I have thought about using cookies or XML but cookies are kinda limited in respect to what i need and XML requires an XML enabled browser like IE 5+.

Am I missing something? any ideas on how i can accomplish this

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Remote Name

I was wondering if it's possible to get "the name" istead of ip from a user that runs a asp page?

cust10354-344.someisp.com istead of 231.13.434.23

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i am trying top update a field in my sql database but it wont let me??? does anyone know if my syntax is correct?? I have a field called userId in the database and want to replace it with my form request. Code:

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Method Not Allowed

Method Not Allowed
The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /Database/processForm.asp.

Apache/1.3.33 Server at antonyx.freestarthost.com Port 80

i just got this error, however, i have managed to post data into my database on this server b4, why is this error comin up now, could there be a prob with my asp file??

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GetString Method

When using ActiveX Combo Boxes, can you use the GetString method to populate the control? I currently am using AddItem, however, it is taking a long time to process. I know that GetString works well to improve the performance. Here is my code while using AddItem:

while not rsClient.EOF
Response.Write chr(9) & "MenuForm.lstClient.additem " & chr(34) & replace(rsClient.Fields("Client Name").value,chr(34),"'") & " [" & trim(rsClient.Fields("Client Number").Value) & "]" & chr(34) & chr(13)

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POST Method

Now this is a weird one. I'm having a problem with a system in development. When I post data from a form in IE 5.01 it works fine, but in IE 5.5 it refuses to post the data to the server and in IE 6 it's scatty -- works sometimes but not others. Anyone seen this before?
By the way -- this is normal VBS/ASP running on IIS 5 on an NT server

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Redirect Method

can values of variables be transfered through response.redirect onto the next page

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Post Method

I have a form that ignores my form validation code. My code works if I use the post method of <%=Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>.

But, If I post the form to another .asp page, which I prefer, the code doesn't work. Do anyone have any suggestions? Here's my code.

I have a form that ignores my form validation code. My code works if I use the post method of <%=Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>. But, If I post the form to another .asp page, which I prefer, the code doesn't work. Do anyone have any suggestions? Code:

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I have a service provider that's sends sms messages from clients mobile
phones to my asp page, problem is I don't know how to show the data and they
are not being helpful.
The process is simple as outlined below (instructions from service provider

Example: If you provide this: http://www.yourdomain.com/sms/sms.asp then we
will do a post via a standard HTTP GET as follow:

How do I receive the url with the parameters in the address bar?

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Email Method

I would like to know which method is best in ASP when using/coding for email via a form.

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Best Method To Hide

What's the best method to hide, or not show a certain record when doing a pull from a database, as in I am pulling a list with a dozen category's and I don't what to show one of them.

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ASP POST Method Bug

I have a demo.asp page, that can't pass hidden value "mr progrramer" to
itself using POST method. Only "mr" is passed.

I created a second asp file demo1.asp and passed "mr programmer" and whole
string (include space b/w mr and programmer was passed successfully).

The code for demo.asp is:

name = request.Form("name")
response.Write "hello " & request.Form("name")

' if name is empty then store some string with space in it
' problem is the word before space 'mr' is passed, but 'programer' is not
if len(name)=0 then
name = "mr programmer"
end if


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