Loading Images To Server

Is it possible to load images to a folder in my hosting server?

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Loading Images From Database

how to load pictures from database... I know the part how to store the URLs of the images in the database... I've done that before with other technologies.

what should I use for image palceholder (is just regular HTML witn the <%...> for the URL
written out) and how I get the separate indexes from the DataSet object returened from the database for loading imgaes into placeholders?

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Images Missing When Loading ASP Page

I first noticed this in my own app. Images would show up missing [red X] randomly on IE 6.0.2800.1106 on Windows 2000 server.

I then was able to repro this problem on Microsoft's website!!! The page I used was
After pressing [F5] to refresh the page six times, I noticed missing images on the page.

This problem seems to be very reproducible. I coded a sample ASP page which references the same images 10 times on the same page. Loaded in IE. Upon pressing [F5] several times, the images will be identified as missing [red X]. Refresh the page again, it's fine.....etc.

I'm up-todate with all latest MS patches. Has anyone else seen this problem?

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ASP Wait Some Time And Redirect Without Loading Server

Do you know any way to load a page, wait for 5 seconds IN SERVER PROCESS, and then redirect in the server side, - not using javascript?

What I pretend is to show a page that loads a .GIF file that appears to be loading something, and after 5 seconds redirect to results page, so users apparently think that a backend proccess has occoured.

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Images Saved On Server Instead Of DB

My content managed site allows users to add images to their account. Oringinally I was gonna store these in Access. However I have got a script which will let my users upload their images to the server.

The problem is how do I make sure images being uploaded don't affect others i.e. two users upload an image called photo.jpg, only one can exist in the same folder, right?

Do I then need to consider having a script which creates a folder based on the username?

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How Can I Store Images Using ASP & SQL Server!!

i m creating a site using asp in which i will collect user details, means their names, address, other information along with their pictures, so please can any one help me by telling how can i strore pictures in sql sever using asp. in very long detail. and how can i retrieve snaps from data base to display on the pages.

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How Can Web Server Affect Images?

I have an application (VB.Net2) which takes an image (JPEG) file and resizes it.

I have tested this application by putting it into a local version of my website (which also contains local copy of my image library) hosted on my PC. The images shown on the web pages are crisp and clear.

But when I put this same version of the website (including image library) onto my remote webserver, the images shown on the served web pages are markedly pixallated (even in areas that are normally flat colour). I have downloaed the images from the image library to check them on my PC and they are fine.

Why should the website produce crsip/clear images when hosted locally yet grainy/pixallated images when hosted on a remote web server?

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Uploading Images To Server

how to upload images to the server.

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Uploading Images/Files To Server

Other than creating a custom component or purchasing one, isn't there
any other way by which users can upload images/files from their local
machines/hard disks to a remote server? Doesn't ASP have any in-built
component to do so?

If that's indeed the case, can someone suggest any free components
(not trial ones) which can be used to upload images/files from users'
local machines/hard disks to a server?

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Problem W/ Certain Images Being Retrieved From Web Server

I'm having problems retrieving certain images from my web server, such as, Dozier SrB9057.

The problem I'm having is w/, Jr., Sr., II, and III get the drift. How can I get rid of the space in between the last name and Sr?

Now, the Sr is included in the field along with last name.

Here's my code:

strSQL = "Select * from vw_licenseholder_PrimAddr where L_ID = 5940"
Set rs1 = objConn.Execute(strSQL)

ImagePath = "w:" ....

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Displaying Images Uploaded Onto Server

With the website i'm developing, the user can upload images and the filename is saved to a mysql db, the problem is displaying these images. If i use the servers local path i.e. "C:InetpubwwwrootIMGimage.jpg" then the page just displays the little box with a square, circle and triangle in it, that usually displays while an image is loading. If i use "http://localhost/IMG/image.jpg" then when i load the page i get the "connect to the server:type name & password" box popping up...

I've set the permissions so that an Internet guest has read & write permissions to the IMG folder so I don't understand why it's not just displaying the images.

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Resize Uploaded Images Without Server Component

My host offers the 'Persists ASP-Upload' component, but not the 'ASP-Jpeg' component. I can therefore allow users to upload images which can then be saved on the server.

What I need to do however, is resize their images before they are saved, so that their pixel dimensions are correct. Is there a way to do this without having the ASP-Jpeg (or similar) component installed on the server?

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Storing Images In SQL Server Storage And Retrieve

1) I need to build an admin page that allows me to browse to the file that I
want stored in SQL Server 2000 in an image field, have it uploaded to the
server, and then stored in the db. I see this done all the time, so I don't
think this part is too hard, but I'm not sure how to get the image into the

2) I want to display the image within a web page, so I would want to pull
the image out of the db, place it on my web server in a certain location,
and then reference the file in the HTML. How do I do that?

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How To Display Images Using Files Form Web Server?

I am trying to build a simple image gallery,that displays image form the files on web server and displays it on webpage.

I tried,but it gives an error:

Quote: Error Type:

Active Server Pages, ASP 0113 (0x80004005)

The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.

Here is the code:

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How To Resize All Images Sizes And Coordinates Of The Images On Resize Browser

My page have background image,on that image have more images and text. My problem is whenever resize browser that images are not resized and also not moved correct place .(i.e look not like before alignment).I want to do everything in dyanamic....

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Not Loading Asp

We have a web server running IIS 5.0 that will not load
any file with an .asp file extension. The server
loads .html just fine, but all links to an .asp file end
up timing out.

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Loading Bar

Is it possible to create a loading bar with ASP? I am thinking of displaying the loading bar while my customers' requests are being processed (databse update).

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Loading .txt

I have a an ASP page on which i wish to load dynamic text by way of a dot text file.
It would be great if something like.-

<txt scr = "MyTextFile.txt">

existed but life aint that simple, or is it?

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Loading Id From DB

i want to load an id from a table in the db how do i do that?I am scripting in asp?
i tried this but it wont work.

SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=Request("id")"

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before displaying any page i want to show message pls wait page is loading. its written on browser. i think meta tag will do this?

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Page Loading

I have an asp page which takes approx 1 min to load over the network due to how much data it has to deal with.
If someone was to press stop on the browser i assume it doesnt close the connection to the database is there anyway to ensure it does?

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Loading Frames

I've got an asp page that is set up in with two frames. The problem in question pertains to the main frame which contains a simple 'response.redirect' line that redirects the visitor to a different location. Other than this line, everything else are tags and no asp-oriented code.

I've tested this on a couple of computers, and it works fine. However, there are a few other computers in my office where the redirect just hangs and doesn't load the redirected page (i.e. the status bar states 'Open http://someurl.com' and stays like that)

Is this a problem with using the asp line, or is it a computer setting/browser setting I'm overlooking?

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Loading Time

I have an ASP file that eastablishes two connections to a SQL Server and produces two Record Set objects. I am using IIS to develop and the SQL Server database is on the same computer.What I am developing is a message board, so there is a form on which information is submitted. The first connection and recordset puts information from the form into the database table, and the second connection and recordset pulls out 10 records from that same table and should write out some information from the recordset.
The problem is when the form is submitted, it takes forever for the next page to load. I am not even sure how long it takes, because the longest I waited was about 5-10 minutes for it to load, and it still would not load so I closed the browser.
Are the two connections or two recordsets too much for the server to handle, or am I doing something else wrong?

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Loading Pages Into A Div

is there a way of loading pages into a div i have created a review server where people can upload folders of work the create a start file, ie an index page on a microsite..

i then want to show this page within my page.,,, i dont want to use frames or i frames, can this be done by loading the page into a div?

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Loading A File

im not sure if this is possible, but how do you load a file in asp? Basically i want the user to choose a .mdb file from their file system and then set that file as the "master databse" to be used in the website!

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ASP Script Loading

Is there a way of while the ASP script runs some text is in its place saying Script Loading

user click
Script Loading
Message Shown
Script done
Message Dissappear
Script Appear

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Loading An ActiveX DLL

Why would the following code execute in VB6 but hang indefinately when
exectuted in an ASP 3.0 page?

Set VLReceive = CreateObject("VLCTI.VLReceive")

This line is invoked in the following context:
Dim VLReceive
Set VLReceive = CreateObject("VLCTI.VLReceive")
Set VLReceive = Nothing

Is it the setup of the virtual directory or something?

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Loading Page

did anyone know how to do the loading page when the page are not load complete?

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Loading Times

I have a asp page which pulls alot of data back from a SQL database, is thier any way to show the page while its loading.

I did some diging and found this:


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Loading Too Slow

in what condition will lead the the ASP page run too slowing.

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Loading Page

Would like a loading page to appear for asp searchs/form submitions similar to the sheddev search, whilst the results are being returned you go to a different page saying "please wait whilst page is loading" and when the results are returned you are directed back.

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Page Not Loading

I have put together a logon page and successfully tested it on localhost, but once uploaded, it ceases to behave normally. Instead of displaying the page, Internet Explorer puts up a download file box, asking if I want to Open or Save it. If you'd like to this in action, go to www.bpfe.org.uk/mtdlogon.asp. I'm sure I've seen this before but I can't remember what causes it.

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Self Loading Page

What I would like to do is having a page on the server that automaticaly load itself every X hours. Is there anyway of doing this? I need this in order to update my database and execute some asp code.

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