Lock Pages

I have a site that I need to distribute to various locations around the country. Each of these sites has they're own developers so I want to lock the code to prevent them from seeing it. Is there anything I can do?

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Lock A Database

what I need to do is the following:-

1) Open a table to insert a new record
2) Lock this table so there is no new entries in it
3) get the maximum call number and add 1 to it
4) insert the new record
5) Unlock the table again.

How can i do it? I know how to insert the record and get the maximum call number. What i do not know is how to lock and unlock the table.

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Lock Website

I have a web site that I need to distribute to different sites around the country. Problem is each site has its own developers and I dont want to allow them access to the code, is there anything I can do to lock them out?

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I am working on a redesign of an old site and have come across a situation where I will need to use Application variables. Recently I have heard that using Application.Lock() and Application.Unlock() on a Windows 2000 server offers no real benefit.Here's my question: Is what I just said true? If so, is there a performance hit when using the Lock and Unlock methods on a Windows 2000 server?

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Lock Table

How to lock table while inserting a new record in table? My site has multiple users. Every user can insert new value in table. But when a user inserts a new value he should be able to see previous max value from the table. So I want to lock table while inserting new value. How to do that? Will table locking work or have to do something else?

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Lock Database

what I need to do is the following:-

1) Open a table to insert a new record
2) Lock this table so there is no new entries in it
3) get the maximum call number and add 1 to it
4) insert the new record
5) Unlock the table again.

How can i do it? I know how to insert the record and get the maximum call number. What i do not know is how to lock and unlock the table.

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Use Lock And Unlock, Or Not

I have a single asp page that interacts with the client via the post method. Four arrays are created and passed back to the client when the form is submitted.

Question, when the form is being processed server side, should I be locking and unlocking aplication variables and arrays? or can I declare ordinary variables and arrays because its a single page? will ordinary variables get changed by multiple clients on a single page? Im confused what has to be locked down! and what does not.

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File Lock In ASP

Is there any way to get a file lock in ASP so that no one else can write to file at that particular time and when I call releaseLock, the lock will be released? I would appreciate any help in this regard.

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Lock Or Cursor Problem

i m developing client server application but facing problem is that which lock and cursor i use if person in site A enter or updating record. That can person at site B cannot use record until lock or cursor is released.

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How Can I Lock A Textbox Value In A Form !?

How can i lock a textbox in a form !?

so no body can change its value

<input type="text" name="adddate" size="20" value=<%response.write(date())%>>

<input type="text" name="name" size="20" value=Killerpm>

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Lock Down A Text Field

how to lock down a text field so that data displayed within it cannot be altered?

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Server.Execute() And Application.Lock

I am using Application.lock to protect a reference to a COM+ object while calling Server.Execute() to another ASP page. I am doing this to pass the object's reference to the other page, and I CAN'T rely on the session object.

Is this a safe way to protect the object reference? i.e. does the Application object remain locked when calling Server.Execute()? .....

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Cursor And Lock Type Problem

i m developing client server application but facing problem is that which lock and cursor i use if person in site A enter or updating record .That can person at site B cannot use record until lock or cursor is released.

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Auto-lock Out Module After 3-5 Unsuccessful Logins

I would like to create an auto-lock out module where users are unable to continue login attempt after 3-5 unsuccessful logins. In addition, the user account are automatically suspended after stipulated unsuccessful logins. Is there any sample coding in ASP or Javascript for me to refer to??

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How To Lock Account Once Password Tries Exceed 3 Times?

1. How do I create my asp in a way where it does not allow the user to key in wrong password for more than 3 time. It will lock the account once three times has exceeded.

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How To Ensure Signature Part Is Lock Together In 1 Page?

I have signature part in my page (which include signature,name and date). This signature part should be lock together. Let say if the information in the page is about 2 pages, automatically the signature part will be in the 2nd page.

But the problem is, the signature on the 1st page while the name and date on the 2nd page. Is there a way to move the signature to the 2nd page? I've tried make it as a footer and include in the end of the page but doesn't work. Any idea?

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Multiple Calls With Inet Object Causes Site To Lock Up

I developed a website that posts data to another url via the Inet object.

I should mention that the posting code is wrapped in a VB 6 dll, and that
dll is called from ASP. Code:

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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Old Pages / Cached Pages

I am always getting cached pages even contents of the page changed on the server but I am getting old page (data).How to solve this.

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Creat Pages Using Other Pages

is it possible to create pages using other pages. Here is an example... Can I make a page that has a menu on it, but the menu is actually a seperate page that I call with ASP?

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ASP Pages

We run a website with pages that are created using ASP. The website is
used by different people from different networks. For some people, the
pages are stuck. It looks like the were able to open the page, but it
is not displayed on their browser. We think that it might be something
to do with their proxy. Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

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IIS 6.0 404 Pages

I had a 404 page set up in IIS 5.0 that would the the URL of the requested page from the query string. i recently upgraded to IIS 6.0 but it doesn't seem to put the requested URL in the query string as it did in IIS 5.0 and 3.0. Does anyone know how i can get the requested url property in IIS 6?

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I have a bout 5 different pages of which each will contain a form requiring users to complete. These forms are all related as one project. It is necessary that if the user was to only complete the first form they could theoretically quit, come back later (time not dependant) and complete the remaining pages. Therefore I think the best way to do this is to write the values to the database upon each click of the next button. The only other issue with this is that the user will also be receiving a pdf file at the end of the full form submission with all their information inserted into this pdf and finalized. Now. I am aware of pdflib in which I need php but my choice was to do this in asp. What are my options here? Should I combine them, should I draw all the info from the db at the very end with php and then create the pdf, should I use sessions during the entire process

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ASP.net Pages With AS.net

When asp.net pages are made in vs.net, loading on the
local host displays the labels all in the top left corner
of the screen. Also, all textboxes and image buttons are
not even displayed at all. If pages are made on a remote
server, they load perfetly fine, it is just the local host
displaying them incorrectly. Is this a common problem?? I
have iis 5.0 installed with windows 2000. i use the full
version of vs.net to make asp.net pages.

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ASP 3.0 Pages

I have a web site I've recently moved to a new provider.It has
worked for years.On the new provider's servers ( Win2k Server .NET 1.1 )
my asp 3.0 pages often don't completely execute.
Here is what happens: Most of the page starts displaying in the browser,
then you see some HTML, then nothing.
If you refresh a few times, the page finally completely loads. There is
never an error reported during any of this.

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Cannot Run ASP Pages

I have installed IIS 5 on Windows 2000 Server and have applied all the neccessary updates and patches. I am unable to run any ASP pages on the local server. I am able to view the HTML pages though. I have checked everything but cannot seem to figure it out. I end up getting HTTP 500 for all the web pages.

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I am trying to setup a demo server for an asp.net web site that is working on my real website. The demo is Win2K and I have installed .net framework and IIS, both successfully,I think.
The problem is that when I try to access the demo site, the pages are not being served correctly - only lables are displayed, and not as configured. HTML pages display correclty. I tried to run aspnet_regiss, but get an unkown function error.

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How To Do ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) Pages

i can make a database, add entries to database, delete from database, but the only thing i want is "How to divide entries in Pages" like we can see in the guest-book etc Scripts.
This is an Example: Quote:

Entries: 500 Pages: 1|2|3|4|5

how to divide the entries in pages, like 10 entries per page..?

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Same URL Different Pages

I've got a site that's been up and running for a couple of years.I've added some new stuff and it looks fine on my computer. However other people are seeing the old stuff.

I've tried a manual refresh of both my browser and theirs but nothing, the URL's are identical . This is a real problem as i'm away for a month as of Friday and the site is needed for a project.

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Htm Pages To Asp Pages

Our website is in html format. I want to change it to asp. I have already created my index page and have it on the server as index.asp. When I load the website it brings it up with no problem. On this index page I have links to all the pages on the website which are basically articles of varying lengths.

I want to use the query string (i.e. page.asp?pageid= or authorid=) ect. to load that article. Do I need to develop a database to store these articles in? If so can I include the formating code in the database field for the article itself. My fields in the database (ms access) would have for example article_id, author_id, article_txt, ect. How much can I place in a particular field (txt wise)?

I understand that the information passed in the query string after the ? searches the database for a match. Once it finds a match how do I display the article and have my formatting included, ect.? I hope this makes some sense.

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IIS(5.0) Asp Pages

We have moved a web site from a development server running Windows 2000 and IIS 5 to a Windows 2003 server running IIS 6.0 Now the asp pages do not work correctly. For example, request.form() no longer returns data from the calling form.

I have turned web services extensions on to allow active server pages. The pages do work to some extent, I can even setup a connection to a database and retrieve stored procedure parameters, but some elements do not work. What else do I have to do to make an IIS 6.0 server run asp from a previous version of IIS?

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401.2 On Pages

I have IIS running and can get it to display htm pages, but not ASP. I get 401.2, invalid config on server. I've run authdiag, but can't glean the answer from its results.

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404 Pages & SEO

According to my last post (Error Handling) when I create an ASP (check.asp) page to handle 404 error (Page Not found) and I display data in this page according to the URL, this way I can make a site with infinite number of pages where those pages are not availble in reality. and I can create my own links in those to send to any URL in my domain.

Example: to display information about USA, I will make a link to a page called (USA.asp) and according to the name USA I can display data about it, and the URL will look great.

are dose links detectable by search engines?Will google index page http://www.site.com/usa.asp?surely USA.asp is not availble, but the link will display data

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