Lock Or Cursor Problem

i m developing client server application but facing problem is that which lock and cursor i use if person in site A enter or updating record. That can person at site B cannot use record until lock or cursor is released.

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Cursor And Lock Type Problem

i m developing client server application but facing problem is that which lock and cursor i use if person in site A enter or updating record .That can person at site B cannot use record until lock or cursor is released.

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Lock Pages

I have a site that I need to distribute to various locations around the country. Each of these sites has they're own developers so I want to lock the code to prevent them from seeing it. Is there anything I can do?

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Lock A Database

what I need to do is the following:-

1) Open a table to insert a new record
2) Lock this table so there is no new entries in it
3) get the maximum call number and add 1 to it
4) insert the new record
5) Unlock the table again.

How can i do it? I know how to insert the record and get the maximum call number. What i do not know is how to lock and unlock the table.

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Lock Website

I have a web site that I need to distribute to different sites around the country. Problem is each site has its own developers and I dont want to allow them access to the code, is there anything I can do to lock them out?

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I am working on a redesign of an old site and have come across a situation where I will need to use Application variables. Recently I have heard that using Application.Lock() and Application.Unlock() on a Windows 2000 server offers no real benefit.Here's my question: Is what I just said true? If so, is there a performance hit when using the Lock and Unlock methods on a Windows 2000 server?

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Lock Table

How to lock table while inserting a new record in table? My site has multiple users. Every user can insert new value in table. But when a user inserts a new value he should be able to see previous max value from the table. So I want to lock table while inserting new value. How to do that? Will table locking work or have to do something else?

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Lock Database

what I need to do is the following:-

1) Open a table to insert a new record
2) Lock this table so there is no new entries in it
3) get the maximum call number and add 1 to it
4) insert the new record
5) Unlock the table again.

How can i do it? I know how to insert the record and get the maximum call number. What i do not know is how to lock and unlock the table.

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Use Lock And Unlock, Or Not

I have a single asp page that interacts with the client via the post method. Four arrays are created and passed back to the client when the form is submitted.

Question, when the form is being processed server side, should I be locking and unlocking aplication variables and arrays? or can I declare ordinary variables and arrays because its a single page? will ordinary variables get changed by multiple clients on a single page? Im confused what has to be locked down! and what does not.

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File Lock In ASP

Is there any way to get a file lock in ASP so that no one else can write to file at that particular time and when I call releaseLock, the lock will be released? I would appreciate any help in this regard.

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How Can I Lock A Textbox Value In A Form !?

How can i lock a textbox in a form !?

so no body can change its value

<input type="text" name="adddate" size="20" value=<%response.write(date())%>>

<input type="text" name="name" size="20" value=Killerpm>

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Lock Down A Text Field

how to lock down a text field so that data displayed within it cannot be altered?

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I have an error with Cursortype this is the error again
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CB3)
Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.
/titans/Private/Edit_update.asp, line 20

Now after researching this error it says that access does not support cursortype = 3 is this statment true and if so, how do I go around this.

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Server.Execute() And Application.Lock

I am using Application.lock to protect a reference to a COM+ object while calling Server.Execute() to another ASP page. I am doing this to pass the object's reference to the other page, and I CAN'T rely on the session object.

Is this a safe way to protect the object reference? i.e. does the Application object remain locked when calling Server.Execute()? .....

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Cursor Error

I have just uploaded my site and now when i connect i get this error:

"ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'

Current Recordset does not support bookmarks. This may be a limitation of the provider or of the selected cursortype. "

any ideas as to how i can fix this - surely i thought that my hosting company wouldn't habe a problem with the cursor i am using - i emailed them yesterday and they are - "working on it"

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Persistent Cursor

I have a logon field. When data is entered, the user is taken to a protected page.
The problem/question is: Whe you click the back button and return to the logon page,the user data is still in the field. I want it cleared when the user returns to the logon page.How should I approach this problem. Java?

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Text Cursor

How would i have the first text area on a form have the text cursor alreay set in it, so that if a user is unable to see where the first box is or is only using their keyboard they are still able to fill the form in. I have the tabindex already set up, and i know you can set the cursor in a box when the page loads as i have seen it on loads of form pages and find it useful my self.

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Cursor In Position

When a page is opened is there a way to set focus of the cursor to a named input. I want the cursor to be in the input box when the page is opened.

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Cursor On First Control

I want to set the focus to an special Textbox when the website is selected.how can I do this.I am useing C# - ASP.NET

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Cursor Types

the cursor types and lock types while opening the recordset.

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Input Box Cursor

I have an ASP page that acts as a log-in page. THe user is instructed to input a password. I was wondering if anyone knows how to default the cursor to that input box. This way the user does not have to move the mouse and place the cursor in the input box, they can just start typing a password.

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Cursor In The Text Box

how to put a cursor into the necessary text box. I mean when you open a login page a cursor should be in the Login Name entering box.

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Cursor In First Text Box

Two further problems:

1. How do I set initial focus on a specific textbox? I dont want to tab to it.
2. How do I make a sepcific button the default that is submitted when I press enter? I dont want to click or tab to the button.

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Auto-lock Out Module After 3-5 Unsuccessful Logins

I would like to create an auto-lock out module where users are unable to continue login attempt after 3-5 unsuccessful logins. In addition, the user account are automatically suspended after stipulated unsuccessful logins. Is there any sample coding in ASP or Javascript for me to refer to??

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How To Lock Account Once Password Tries Exceed 3 Times?

1. How do I create my asp in a way where it does not allow the user to key in wrong password for more than 3 time. It will lock the account once three times has exceeded.

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How To Ensure Signature Part Is Lock Together In 1 Page?

I have signature part in my page (which include signature,name and date). This signature part should be lock together. Let say if the information in the page is about 2 pages, automatically the signature part will be in the 2nd page.

But the problem is, the signature on the 1st page while the name and date on the 2nd page. Is there a way to move the signature to the 2nd page? I've tried make it as a footer and include in the end of the page but doesn't work. Any idea?

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ADO - SQL Server Recordset Cursor Changes

I have one of the most perplexing problems that I've ever seen! I have an application that simply wants to add a record to a recordset. My setup for this is as follows: (using MDAC 2.8)

set rsu=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
rsu.CursorType = 3
rsu.open SQLString, cn, 1, 3

Here's the scoop - when this code is executed - the CursorType turns back to 0. I use this code for all of my hookups and have never had any problems. It is currently running fine against a different SQL database. So that is how I have funnelled this problem down to the differences in databases and permissions. However, I see no differences between the two.

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Image Tracking A Cursor

I am just starting in asp and would like to get an image to follow the cursor (ie if the cursor was at x=100,y=100 then the image would be x=10,y=10) and would move as if locked to the cursor.

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How Can We Write A Cursor In An ASP File.?

How can we write a cursor in an ASP file.? Like how we write in oracle.

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Placing Cursor In Input

i am getting a error in asp page ... i pasted below script in head section

<script language="JavaScript">
function setFocus()

<form name="form" method="post">
<body onload="setFocus();">
<input type="text" name="empid" value=""></td></tr>

my page is not showing the cursor in empid field.

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Cursor Location Issue

I have a recordset connection in asp that I am using to search records.If I use the client side cursorlocation (rs.cursorlocation=3) then it takes really long to return back the records due to which a timeout occurs.If I change the cursorlocation to adUseNone(1) or adUseServer(2) then the search is faster and without any problems. But the sort on records cannot be done if I use adUseClient(3).

I need to have sort on these records. I am using dynamic server side cursor.Also my result set is not huge ..just 80 records.One more thing that is wierd is that the result set comes back instantly for the first search,but takes forever when searched again for the same criteria. Eveytime I logout and login and do the search for the 1st time the search is quick and takes forever for consequnt searches.

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Multiple Calls With Inet Object Causes Site To Lock Up

I developed a website that posts data to another url via the Inet object.

I should mention that the posting code is wrapped in a VB 6 dll, and that
dll is called from ASP. Code:

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ASP Write Method - How To Position The Cursor

I'm building a text file from a database table using the ASP
Write Method and would like to position the cursor in a specific
column position before writing the fields. As I loop through and write
the fields into strings of rows, I want to be able to put field1 in
row1/column position1, field2 in row1/column position10,.....etc.

I've included the basic code to write a string of text. I understand
the process of how to write the fields and loop, etc. If you would be
kind enough to just show me in there the syntax for positioning the
cursor before the write I will then apply it to my code:

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