Looking For Socket Chat In Asp And Javascript

I am looking for a script or help in asp and javascript socket chat program.

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Is there a ASP-way to do the same thing as the PHP-socket_raw_connect. To connect to another program/server from a ASP-script and send some data.

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ASP (not .Net) And Socket

Is network communication available on ASP (not .Net)? My code is on two ASP servers on which I cannot install any components.My need is quite basic:

The Client (browser) POST/GET a HTTP request to Server1
Server1 POST/GET a HTTP request Server2
Server2 respond with a Comma Separated Values file
Server1 compose page with data from Server2
Server1 sends back the result to Client1

I know there are other solutions like XML-RPC, but it needs to install something on the server.

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Secure Socket Layer

I wish to learn about ssl (secure socket layer's ) as I'm trying to build my own cart, I looking to take card details using this ssl and manually make the payments off line,

new to ssl, do I simply store the form pages that request the customers card details within the ssl and that will encrypt anything sent from that page to my database

hope someone knows a little more than me, or knows any good links on info about using ssl when making a cart.

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Close Socket Problem

I am using JAVA to write a program that will open a socket and print
something to server side.

then I have close the socket in the JAVA already

If I just running the .class file in command mode, it can be close the

but if I using set objJAVA = getObjcet("java:classFile") in ASP
it since cannot close the socket, since the socket status is TIME_WAIT when
I type "netstat -a" after running the ASP.

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Slow Opening Socket On ASP With Multihomed Machine

This is a cross-post from the .NET group since it looks like it may not be

New information since the original post is that is the wireless network is
enabled and connected the socket connect time is 4x longer! Disable wireless
and it is back down to just very slow. Code:

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ASP & Chat

For a college site, we have Win 2000 and IIS5 running with ASP support with MSSQL backend.

We have to implement a chat system where a student can chat with a professor.

Any suggestions on how we go about this? Since the server setup is in our hands, I have very little restrictions on how I go about this.

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Asp Chat

does anyone know any free asp chat software ,where 2 or 3 people from a company can login and answer questions from different customers.

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I guess everyone heard about Livsrv but they are chargeable. We are looking for same kind of thing but free One.

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Chat Script

im trying to find a free chat script but with adminestration rules
also i found some chat rooms i must pay 4 it every year or 6 month like digichat
and could n't find some explain 4 that.so can any body tell me about a good free chat and why must i pay 4 digichat every year ?

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Chat Program In ASP

I would like a free Live Support script for my site...writtent in ASP. I found some, but they refresh the page to update the contents...I would like it to use a better, more-efficient way. Some features that would be nice, but not needed would be visitor monitoring and operator initiated chats, and the ability to push the user to pages. If there is any such script...could someone please tell me where I can find it?

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Chat Component

Please recommend an chat component ( customer support purpose)
for .net applications with oracle back end.
Loof forward for any information in this regard.

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ASP-Flash Chat

i am looking for asp-flash based chat source codes please send me link if you find any one. Code:

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Chat Room ?

I need help for making a chat room.

From past six month i am trying to make a chat room .

so far i have tried text chat, session / application chat, database chat, xml chat e.t.c

but all these chat are not fast ..
The message sending and receiving time is around 4 sec. and some time it is more than 7 sec.

I want to make a chat room in asp which will be very fast , can any one guide me ...

i am planning for socket chat in asp but still not able to find any thing in that.

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Chat Application

I have made a chat application and used Application("") global objects to send the messages Now, I want to add the private messaging feature to it Let us say there are 10 users at one time so that one user can click on 9 users and private chat with them.

How can I maintain or separate this private messaging?

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Live Chat

Can anyone point me in the right direction for a script that allows user to chat on the web in ASP. However I need a one to one chat room.

I came accross this site and source code ...

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Basic Chat

How to create a basic chat?

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Chat Server

I plan to develop a dll which will be registered on a server and accessed by asp. The dll is a chatserver control (using winsock). the client end will be in vb. what are the guidelines to follow?

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ASP/ASP.Net Chat Software

I am looking for a customizable chat software that is not in Java. It needs to be in ASp or ASP.net. It also needs to be able to intergrate with a SQL 2000 DB. I need this for a very big project I am involved in if any one can help i would truley apprecaite it.

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Permission Denied. Address 'zzz.zzz.z.zzz' Is Not An Allowable Remote Socket Address.

Permission denied. Address 'zzz.zzz.z.zzz' is not an allowable remote socket address.

What is the significance of this error, and what should be looked into to fix the problem?

(if this is of relevance: My sandbox is localhost.. so zzz.zzz.z.zzz is internal ip)

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Chat Window To Client After Few Second

I had problem, one of our client web site with 650 pages and nearly 4500 visitior per day from our country. He need chat program that when visitor watches his pages for more than 25 second then he must called to Service Chat.

That owner must view� IP address [country and city]

� Time's counting of each visitor
� then call the visitor for Service chat.

Problem in here is:

How to send popup window to client browser for Particular IP address only and not for all after few minutes. Is it possiable or not.

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Online Chat Application

i need code for online chat application development for an matrimonial chat application development.

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Live Chat With Customers

I am looking for free live chat support system in asp for download not for rent. Do you know any available on the internet ?

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Design A Chat Room

I would like to create a chat room but I don't know where to start. for example:
Should I create a database for the user input and output. I never done this before.

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Build Chat System

i want to build simple chat system for fun. but i dont know where should i start. i know asp and little JS , AJAX .

i think these are enough for that kind of target. actually most important question is where should i store messages? and how can i send incoming messages to users "AT THE SAME MOMENT" . i mean how can i make continuous connection or is it possible?

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Chat Room Using Mysql Database

I am working on developing a chat room using mysql database. the chat room has two frames one for the display text and the second frame for submit text from the user.

the two frames are:

what I need help with is when the user send a message how can I update the data with the new entry. Code:

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Easy To Setup Web Chat For Windows?

i'm looking for a easy to setup web chat script that i can install on IIS? if someone can point me in the right direction it woudl be great, i download a couple cgi scripts but couldn't get them to load.

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Internet Chat And Instant Messaging

help with designing a chat system for my website? I have been looking for good tutorials in the net but so far, I have not found any.

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I have a dll coded in vb that has a method X with the follwing signature

function X(a as string, optional b as string, optional c as string)

now i need to call this method from asp using javascript.

var dl = Server.CreateObject("dll");

I need to pass only 2 parameters 'a' and 'c'. Had it been vbscript I could have done dl.X(a,,c) but javascript doesn't accept that.

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JavaScript Value

I'm having a customer submit an order. When they submit it, it posts to a
page that processes the order and inserts into our database, while
displaying a summary of their order. I have a javascript function that will
cause a "confirm" box to show up if an order seems like it might be a
duplicate. However, I can't seem to get the code to "wait" for the response
from that box, which I guess makes some sense. Am I stuck with having an
interim page or doing something with posts or is there an easy way to get
the record to not insert until the user responds to the confirm box?

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Is There Any ASP Or JavaScript Out There That Will Take Out S P A C E S!!!

Im sure it exists but i am having some difficulty finding it. I need come code to take out any SPACES in a textbox when text is entered OR submitted. Example

i have a text box where people can enter there car registration.

To keep consistency thoughout my site, i want L736 VAF to be entered into the database as L736VAF.

so that when it is recalled via a search form, L736VAF wont be returned as "no record found" because some one has put a space init!

So i basically need code to eliminate any space!

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I need to detect the users browser resolution (done with javascript)
var height= (screen.height)
var width= (screen.width)

Now I need to use these javascript variables to set the values of hidden html forms. How would I go about doing this.

<input name="width" type="hidden" value= Javascript Variable Here ?????>

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ASP And Javascript

update some long commOn first page I display all the records from database (working well). Then first column has href which opens a popup (i am passing rownum from database to popup). I was hoping to run ASP code on load of the page so the comments which is already there for that row in the databse automatically comes in a textarea. And then you can edit and hit update. And this will update the database.
Also I was thinking of using session variables for the rownum. But bcos I have href which opens a popup, I am not sure how i can set the session variable.
I dont want to pass the "comments" itself to the next page bcos it can be really long comment and QueryString has some limitations.

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