I'm trying to give the variable sStart a new name on each loo
sStart1 = value1
sStart2 = value
however the following piece of code doesn't work
set oNodes=xml.selectNodes("/Project/Tasks/Task/Start"
for each oNode in oNode
for i=0 to 10
I have a recordset that I loop through all of the data within a table, within the same loop, I am trying to add another loops that pulls information from the first recordset to base the second recordset off of: Code:
select case code case "01" ups_desc = "OPTION1." case "02" ups_desc = "OPTION2." case "03" ups_desc = "OPTION3" case "07" ups_desc = "OPTION4" case "08" ups_desc = "OPTION5 " case "11" ups_desc = "OPTION6" case "12" ups_desc = "OPTION7" end select
I then have table called "users" which has the following id UserID Code
now the trick
I want to loop through the recordset of the user tables and populate a drop down where the code from the case and the user table are the same.
Something like
do while rs("code") = code <option> This then is populated based upon the loop(I have this code)</option> loop
i have 2 tables (A & B) with date records now i loop table A and then table B, the output will be table A in the front and table B in the back.how can i make the output show by date in both tables altogether? do i need to combine tables before but the number of records is over 100K which may spend a lot of processing power?
on my classifieds site i would like to create a simple ads system. i currently have the ads site made but need some advice.
on my classifieds site i would like to display the ads down the left hand side.
however i dont want to over display ads.
if there is not many items listed i only want a small amount of adverts shown on the left hand side. however if there is lots listed i would like quite a few adverts listed.
otherwise i would have a big list of adverts and only a small number of items listed making a big blank space on my page.
i am guessing this would have to be a loop or something.
the code i am using to show the text links is <%=adurl%>
I am using a for loop in one of my asp page. Could someone let me know if I can do the for loop as follow:
[code]<% for i = 1 to 5 %> my html code my html code my html code <% Next i %> instead of [code]<% for i = 1 to 5 Response.Write "<input name = 'id'"&i&" type='text' value = "&id& ">" Next i %>
im writing some script to add records to my db. but if a value thats about to be added exists, then dont add that record.for example: if i want to add 7 records to my db with the values 1 - 7, but the db already has 3, 5 and 7, then it should only add 4 new records (1, 2, 4 and 6).
i have a record returning all records form my db, and an array with the values i want to add. i want to loop through my recordset of all existing entries, then for each loop, start another loop to see if the value exists, and if it doesnt , then add a new record.
How to use the for loop or do while loop to create the age range from 10 -100 to let the user to select from the form object - list/menu by using asp? The coding below is just a concept. For example
Response.Write("<select name=""select"">")
for (a=0; a<101; a++) ( Response.Write("<option value=""" & age & """>" & age & "</option>") )
I'm trying to create a page where images are displayed based on an id in a sql table (basically its an unlit candle until a value in the id field exists). I'm not getting an error with my code below - but its not working right either. Code:
<% If rs("my_id")="2" Then Response.Write "<img src=""images/07.jpg"" width=""56"" height=""97"" alt="lit candle">"Else Response.Write "<img src=""images/UNLIT_07.jpg"" width=""56"" height=""97"" alt=""unlit candle"">" End If %> ...
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Numeric value out of range (null) /database/data_entry.asp, line 90
Line 90 is shown below...
// count the total records by iterating through the recordset for (rsProducts_total=0; !rsProducts.EOF; rsProducts.MoveNext()) { <---- Line 90 rsProducts_total++; }
This is an access database, connected to via a DSN. Any help will be muchly appreciated! I'm stuck on this one.
I'm using three loops on a page and would like to set the loops individually to start at either 0 or -1 based on a condition. As an example, I would want the loop to start at either -1 as shown or 0.
I've been coding now for around 3 years. A year ago, I inherited a forum from a friend who didn't have the time to run it anymore. It's an old, very old, version of the WebWiz template, much modified. So modified in fact that upgrading to a newer version is impracticle, the best I can do is add features that you'd expect a forum to have these days. Code:
Here's my problem (aside from the fact that I'm a newbie.) I'm using ASP to call an Access database with four separate tables. The first three are working perfectly. The fourth is a little more tricky. I'm pulling the information based on a registration number (entered via a form). In the fourth table, each registration number is listed multiple times with production information for each year and quarter. For example:
I want to use a Do While...Loop (print the information while the registration # is equal to the one entered) to print out the information for each entry. Code:
I have a form with a select object ("Select") that will allow me to select multiple values. I put the following code in my asp file to display the values:
for each Item in request.form("Select") vValue = request.form("Select(Item)") response.write(vValue & "<br />") next
The above code produces only multiple blank lines for the selections.
I'm trying to perform a loop to display the contents of my DB, the only issue is that I would only like to display 10 results maximum this is relatively easy but what happens if there are less than 10 results in the DB. If I was going to do a :
Do Until objRS.EOF
Then it would display the full records, likewise if i put a counter on the loop then it will run into errors if I have less records than the count.
Im trying to sort out what should be a very easy task, but I'm having a blank spot. Im pulling a distinct letter out of a DB and i want to be able to sort it A-Z inclusive using next and/or loop. then use them as a navigation aid.
I am trying to do a loop based apon the number input into the form. Each "Section" should output some HTML code (in echo'd format).
If you select 0 sections, the header and footer are generated, but no section, if you select 4 sections, the header and footer are generated, with 4 sections. Here's the code:
I am doing a scheduling system. The concept i have but i am weak in my programming, therefore i hope that u all can help me on this.
i have a capacity (uph x shift x 7.17) and orderperday (total orderqty per month / total shift per month)
the thing that i am not sure in is, i want to do a comparison it is becoz there is a capacity limit per day. i cannot afford 2 produce overlimit. so if the orderperday > capacity then orderperday - capacity = balance. balance will be bring forward to the next day to produce. then the comparison will be done again. i am not certain on how to do the looping in this context.
I am running a for loop but i dont know how many time i will need it to loop and the data may vary, is it VITAL that the syntax is For x = 0 to 5 or is there a way of stating to complete the action until the end of the table. I was thinking of using the EOF function but i am using a variable x to group the data together in the table so it doesnt go all muddled up.
I am some what new to asp and programing. I have put together this code, so I can send out a mailing list to some users. The code looks and seams to run fine. But I dont receive any test messages during when I execute it. it's like the SMTP sever is not sending the emails....
I am facing a problem in For each loop. I am getting values of the selected records from a form and trying to add it the database.
for each CustomerId in Request.form("CustomerId")
SqlStr="Update Customer set CardStatus= '"& CardSt & "' where Customer_id= "& CustomerId & " "
cn.Execute SqlStr next ------------------------
For example I am trying to update 5 records out of 20.
The customerIds are selected as check boxes from previous page. The cardstatus are drop down menus. So if i select 5 customerId check boxes out of 20 records, there will be 5 customerIds coming to this page and all the cartstatus values. The cardstatus values has no reference to the CustomerIds.
I am trying to display records from a recordset after sql statement:
<% sqlstr ="SELECT horsename FROM tblhorseentry WHERE trackname = '" & request.querystring("trackname") & "' and racedate = '" & request.querystring("racedate");"
Set rs1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs1.Open sqlstr,pConn,3
do until rs1.eof
response.write left(rs1("horsename"),14)
rno = rno + 1 rtg = rtg + 1
rs1.Close set rs1 = nothing loop %>
...but when I test the querystring link going into the page with the asp scripting, I do not see my horsename(s) display; it just echoes a blank webpage.
I am trying to get an asp working which will loop every 30 minutes. Then take a copy of one file from one server and place the date/time now() in front of the file before writing it to another.I tried it on my laptop at work just by checking if the file exsits but seem to have trouble encoding with unc paths. [code] <% Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (fs.FileExists("viper3 vdatainfosystv2502vinfotv32.exe"))=true Then Response.Write("The system is offline for essential data load") Else Response.Write("File exists.") End If
Is there a way to count the number of times a while/wend loop executes. I'm using a while loop to display database records on a page, and I need to get a count of exactly how many loops occurred in a variable for use in a function.