Loosing Session Values From Script To Script

The onclick action associated to my formīs radio buttons call to a
vbscript were the session values are changed, this happens correctly
but with the onclick action associated to my continue button always
shows the value =1 instead the values selected under my radio buttons
(Values= 4,3 or 1) Code:

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Loosing Session Variables

I have a website with several input forms over a number of pages. The
information that the user gives is following through the pages as session
variables. It has been working good for two years.

Now I am redoing the whole site and have all the different pages put into an
Iframe on the first page. The form pages are the same as before, but now I
seem to loose some of the session variables.

But the strange thing is that if I first go through the the process with the
old website and then switch to the new in the same browser, it all works.

Do you guys have any suggestions where to look for the fault?

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Loosing Data

I am using ASP as frontend ans MySQL as backend, mine is an intranet portal basically a calltracking system, the server is on NT 4.0 and client side is Windows XP. I am storing atleast 1000 records a day. but i dont know why but i m loosing some data means the data is not getting stored properly.

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Post Loosing The Data

We have a create ASP page where the user fills in the fields and clickssubmit to post the data to a save page. Recently it looks like the data is being lost at some point. We use Request.Form.Item to get the data from the create page but its just bringing back a blank field.Has anyone else had a problem like this or have an idea why it might be

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Loosing Page Breaks

When I collect the text from a form's text box, I am loosing the page breaks. When using C# in the past, I used this:

Code: ( text )

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Passing Form Variables And Loosing Data

I am trying to pass some data through a form to a mailing script.

The form entry is ...

<input name="width1" type="hidden" value=<% = rsMoreDetails("width1")%>>
and is picked up in the mailing.asp as

and the mailing script uses...

body_text = body_text & "Option 2 - "& width1 & vbcrlf
The problem is that when the mail is sent and the value is say "14 inches" I seem to loose everything after the first space so it only sends "14"

Am I doing something wrong or this the way it is and if so is there a work around please?

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Passing JavaScript Values In A Session

I wanna store a javaScript value in a session variable. so i wanna do something like

<%session("test123")=%> GetE('txtTargetPage').value

I know that is wrong, but how do i do it? I am using hidden for fields in other places

The reason I want to place this one in a session is that what the code is doing is creating a form for the user and if it creates a hidden field it creates it outside the form. so i therefore have to use a session variable. Is this possible?

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Session Variables Store Array Of Values?

I know that cookies can store an array of values, which can be accessed like this:

tempid = Request("cookiename")(i)

Is it possible to use session variables in the same way? Store a array of values in the same session variable and access them on another page by indexing?

I've looked around alot and I've not found anything suggesting that this is possible.

Right now I'm using a single set of cookies to store info on a series of purchaces of the same type of item. I'm hoping to use session variables to replace the cookies.

Does anyone know for certain if this is not possible?

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Session Variables Retain Values Even After The .Abandon

I am developing a membership based website for car auctions. It uses the session object on many pages, most importantly on user personal pages. When the user session ends, i.e., on logout, I use the Session.Abandon to destroy a session object associated with a particular user, and also turn a boolean variable session("Valid_User")=False (which was turned ON at the time of successful login and used on user personal pages for authentication).

But, when I go BACK and browse the previous pages, they still appear with the specific user's data, who logged in last time on the same browser. Why is it so? When I refresh the pages, only then the session variables' values are erased.

Secondly, my site doesn't allow me to login as a different user, even after logout, because I have put a check on the login page so that it doesn't allow a user to login again during his current session, which again means that the logout process doesn't destroy his session.

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Saving Querystring Values Into Session Variables

In a earlier post I made to find a solution a member suggested I save my querystring values into session variables. Code:

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Window.open Destroys My Parent Session Values

When a open an asp page from a modal window through window.open, my session values of parent(the screen that invoked the modal window) are lost.

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Why I Need To Click Refresh Button In Order To See Session Values

in our asp, in order to prevent data disppearing problem in form fields,we
use session variable to display the field values if a customer click "back"
button on the page2.asp in the browser,(the session variables
Session(aQuoteName(iPerson)&"TripCost") is set up in the page2.asp) i.e.
then in the page1.asp, we use:

<input name="<%=aQuoteName(iPerson)& "TripCost" %>" type="text" size="6"

to display the tripcost. This works very well in the past all the time. But
today, when I do the similar programming, whenever I click "back" button on
page2.asp, the data on the page1.asp all disappeared and I have to click
"refresh" button on page1.asp in order to display all the session variables.

What's going on, does this have to have something to do with window security
patches, I didn't have anything changed in the program or IIS configuration.
I also test the production version, same thing happened which it never
happend before???

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Form Values With A File - Passing Values

I want to call a recordset so you can edit the details and then obviously pass the parameters onwards into the db. However, the user guide just says this:

To process other fields in the form, use the Form collection of the upload object the same way you would use the Form collection of the Request object. For example, if your form had a text element named UserName, your processing code would include: Code:

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How To Convert Escape Values In To Actual Values

i need to convert the escape values which are by mistake updated in DB.

this is a sample text string
is updated in DB as

here %20 is the space.

like wise there are many entries for :,'

is there way that i can update all this in a update statement?
or use asp to to update the records?

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How To Extract Indiviual Values From A Set Of Values

I have a variable SET which has the value Of 1, 2, 3, .., N.

SET=val1, val2, val3, val4, ..., valN

What is the commend or procedure to extract individual values, val1, val2, ...

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How To Find The Session Expired Or Not Without Using Any Session Varaibles

how to find the session expired or not without using any session varaibles?

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Accessing ASP Session From ASP.NET Via Session Cookie

I have a site that I'm trying to migrate to ASP.NET from ASP, and the
foremost stumbling block I'm hitting is session state between the ASP
and ASP.NET applications. In order to access this information, I'm
doing a HttpWebRequest from the ASP.NET side into an .asp page,
passing the session name on the get in order to request it from the
ASP side and write it back to the response stream, giving ASP.NET
access to it. Of course I change sessions each time I make the call
from the ASP.NET side.

Soooooo, I'm thinking to myself, "Self, shouldn't you be able to fake
out the server by getting the session cookie from the initial usage of
the asp, pass that data to the ASP.NET, and use that to send a request
back the ASP side under the appropriate session?"

From a real high level, I enter the site via a .asp page. This page
in turn calls .aspx page from within a frame ......

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Tracking Session Variables From Outside The Session

I want to create an administration page which lists all the current users who are on the site at the moment.

I know coldfusion has this feature built in using the SessionTracker class... does ASP have something similar? If not... is there any way I can just iterate through all the session files on the server...?

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Session.session Not Maintained

I have a site developed using ASP, but each page I enter has a different session id when accessing the site using the domain name of the site. When accessing the site from my network and using the internal IP address, it is OK. Any ideas?

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Comparison Between "session.abandon" & "Session.Contents.Remove"

I want the suggestion what is better for use between:


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Get Values

I have to get values from table using arrays can anyone tell me how this can be done here is my code


For i = LBound(arrCart, 2) to UBound(arrCart, 2)

Set rssubcat = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strprod="select Member_Price from Products_Price where Products_Price.Product_Id= '" & arrCart(cartProduct_Id,i)"'"
rssubcat.Open strsubcat, Conn

total=rssubcat("Member_Price") * int(arrCart(cartQty, i))
subtotal=subtotal+ total


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Cannot Get The Values

I have a main data entry form which has a link to a detailed data entry form. The value of the link in the main form is the sum total of all the line items in the detailed form. The detailed form has fields to capture the individual line items like contracted service expense, travel expense etc. I am capturing the total of individual line items using session variables so that when the values of the main form is saved these total of line item values get saved. However, if one gets to the mainform via login and tries to resave the values (which is already saved), the above session variables (from the detailed form that contains the sum of line items) get null values. However, just navigating to the detailed form through the link and coming back to the main form sets the value in the session variables.My question is how to get the session variable values without having to go to the detailed form and come back to the main

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if it is possable in ASP i could store a value in one ASP page and look at it on anouther ASP page. for example:

On a login page i want that page to store a value called rights that is a number. when it goes to any of the other pages EG add user, Delete users if the user does not have the needed rights to takes it back to the main screen.

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Get And Set Values

I wish to get and set values on child controls on a formview.For example. Changing the text in textbox. Hiding or unhiding child controls based on user. Replacing a blank with a default or calculated value that will need to be generated at runtime.It seems as though this should be thoroughly documented, but I'm not finding much.

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Add 3 Values

i need to know if i have a loop that outputs values for each month how do i get it to add the values and only display them every 3 months,(every quarter)?

first Q
789<---------how do i do this?
second Q
So on..

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Two Different Values

Is this possible. I have a drop down menu.

<select name="dd1" onChange="somefunction(this)">
<option value="<%=rs("Image")%>" > <%=rs("Iname")%> </option>

I need to use the value=rs("image") in a javascript function, but i need the selected value of rs("iname") in an ASP array. Request.form("dd1") will always give me the value of rs("image"). Is there any way around this?

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Get All The Values

How can I get all the values of the previous form without having to hardcode the the names of the all the form elements? Something like:

Form Element Name: Form Element Value.

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URL Values

I want to pass the value of a variable through a form to another page URL

<form name="form" method="post" action="AgentReceipt.asp?date=" & strDateStamp>

<p>Date Stamp: <input type="text" name="datestamp" value="<% =strDateStamp %>"

I do not get the value of strDateStamp on the URL of the other page.

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Values From SQL

Using a query statement, I am trying to add values into the textbox of an ASP page to enable users to edit it. But it only displays the first word of the record. The rest of it gets chopped off. Code:

<P>Company Name:<INPUT NAME ="CompanyName" style="WIDTH: 371px; HEIGHT: 22px" size=47 Value=<%=objRec.Fields("company_name")%>></P>

The value in the textbox only shows R1 when the value in the SQL database is R1 International Pte Ltd. The datatype in SQL is char if it makes any diff.

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Same Values

i have a ASP search page, and when i go to submit the search and the page refreshes, id like the search box to still have the same value.

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Passing Values

Is there a code, or something that scrambles the value being passed fromone asp page to another??

what I mean is this:

if i want to pass a value from a database (record id #721) from my page records.asp to recordview.asp

it might appear like this in the browser window, or when u highlight the link on records.asp:


I don't want users to see exactly what record number is being access... so I'd like it to show some garbage in the browser like


you get my drift...

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Getting Values From Array

for i = 2 to NOD
newdate = DateAdd("d", 1, newdate)
strdate = strdate & newdate & ", "
MyArray = split(strdate, ", ")

I have the above code written in one of my asp pages, the date array is splitted, but how do I get the first and last date assign to a variable.....

int min = MyArray(MyArray.Length-1)
int max = MyArray(0)

I got this code from the web, however it gives me an error:


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: 'MyArray'

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Getting Javascript Values Into ASP?

1) User selects something from an ASP generated list

2) Javascript then populates a nearby div with the text from this list


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