Losing Data On Submit

I am using dropdowns and they are populating correctly. I am having problems when I submit to the Dbase. I am losing the rest of the entry. This is a Ascess Dbase and they are text fields. An example of the error:

Dropdown Selections: from table OsmcSystemsImpacted
VGS Data Center
Legacy Platform

What ends up in my Dbase: going to table OsmcLogEntry

I am not getting anything after the first "Space" So what is happening to the rest of my data?

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Submit Data

I have been go through a lot of different websites to find out the problem but still cannot find a solution for it. I have an HTML email form which use post method to post the form data to an ASP page. It works fine in Outlook 2000 with IE6 or IE7. However, I updated my Outlook to the version 2003. The HTML email form does not work at all. Once the form is submitted, there are blank values in the ASP page. Just only when I refresh the page which a post back, the value is there.

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Submit Data

I am making a Website for my Clan in the Website I have added couple of form to JoinUs and leave feedback all the stuff is working fine but the Button to Submit the Data is not.

How can I link Submit Button or Activate it so that when someone fill out the JoinUs or comment form and Submit it, It come to me or the link which I will put in?

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Submit Data Without Clicking

I was wondering if there is any way to submit data without having to click the submit button -- I have done numerous Google searches, however all of the relevant results were writen in Javascript. Unfortunately, one of the criteria of my assignment is that it needs to be in VBScript. Code:

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Submit Form Data

The following will both post the form data using HTTP POST method to theserver2, and then open page2.asp, right? It is not posting form data to server1. The only difference is that #1 will just replace page1.asp with page2.asp. But in #2, it will open a new window for page2.asp, and page1.asp also there.

So that means post the form data and open a new page is not necessary
replace the existing page, case 2 is a good example. That's my confusions.

1. In page1.asp in server1, it has <form action="http://server2/page2.asp"
2. In page1.asp in server1, it has <form action="http://server2/page2.asp"
method="post" target="_blank">

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Submit Form Data Concept

When people say submit the form data, does it mean the form data are submitted to web browser using either HTTP GET or POST method, and then it will redirect to another page.

For example, this is page1.aspx

<form action="page2.aspx" method="post">

means it will submit the page1.aspx form data to the web server, and then redirect from page1.aspxto page2.aspx?

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Retaining Data After Submit For Next Page

I have a form where users enter informaiton including a zip code. I was hoping that after they submit their info I could retain that zip code for the next page. The end result would be to have a page with a link that says "Click here for directions to our event!" and have the link go to mapquest directions from their zip code to mine.

Looking at Mapquest's URLs it seems they come in a very standard format that one could easily plug two zip codes into the url and have directions from place to place.The users do not have to log in to enter data into the form (my Google-ing has turned up stuff on session variables, but that seems to require log-ins).

I am gonna play around with this for a while, but if anyone has any pointers or links that could get me going in the right direction.

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Submit Form Data To 2 Different Places

I'm not very familiar with classic ASP, but I need to modify an existing form on an ASP site to make the form data get posted to 2 different locations. Any suggestions on options to accomplish this?

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Form To Submit Data To Email Address

I'm really new to this and want to submit the data entered in a form to my email address. My problem is that I get the email but none of the data is being "grabbed" so although I get the headers I don't actually receive any of the information I really need.

What am I dong wrong? - this is my code:.....

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Looping Through Table Data On Form.submit

I have this form..which has a table (created from stored procedure
values)..once the table is populated..i have some radio buttons (for
each row of the table) and a main submit button.

On clicking submit..i want to loop through the table..pick up the
first <TDbeing the user ID and the value of the radio button clicked
(currently I have my radio button ID set as UserID_0, UserID_1 ..
etc). And pass those into a stored procedure..

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How Do I Submit Form Data And Change To A Different Page?

I have a classic ASP page with a number of text boxes which are updatable.

For convenience I want to add 'tabs' at the top of the page (like a card
index) as the data to be displayed is split into specific groups (client,
company, preferences, events).

How do I update any changes to the data and switch to a different page - at
the same time? i.e. the user doesn't have to click 'update' (submit button)
before changing pages Code:

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Form Submit Data Into Access Database With Date()

I have an ASP form that has a field that automatically places the current date into it. It uses the function Date().

The problem I am having is when the form is submitted into my Access database the date is coming out wrong in the Access field. The datatype for the field is Date/Time but it still is not coming out right.

Example: the date in the ASP form shows as 12/19/2006 and the entry in the Access form shows 12:00:27 AM. If I change the format of the Date/Time field to Short Date, the result is: 12/30/1899.

Does anyone know how I can get the data that is posted to the Access database to come out the same as the ASP form?

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Im Losing Authentication

i have setup authentication on my website by setting session variables and it works but every once in a while the variables are lost and my users are logged out of the site

can someone tell me why this happens and how to fix it?

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Losing Variables...

i have page1.asp that has a form and two text fields that user can enter and submit...

ok now i am sending these form variables to page2.asp..no problem here...

now page2.asp has a include file called page3.asp....in page2.asp we call some functions that are available in page3.asp...one of the funtions calls back the page2.asp...

at this point of time i am losing the form variables on page2.asp that i had from page1.asp since page2.asp is being called from the function in a include file(page3.asp) and not from page1.asp

how can i overcome this situation and still retain my form values on page2.asp

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Losing Session

I have created an asp page with a submit button in it. On the onclick event I have written a java script to open a new pop up window that does the file upload. Unfortunately, whenever I click on the submit button to pop up the new window,I lose session. Any clues on how to persist my session value.

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Losing Session Variables?

I recently upgraded my web server and SQL server to Windows Server 2003. I am running MS SQL 7.0 on the SQL Server. I had been running my application on Windows NT and experienced no issues for about 3 years. Now on the new servers I am getting multiple errors and I think I might be losing my session variables.

The errors I am getting are similar to errors I would get in NT when I was logged in to the app but inactive for a long period of time and attempted to resume work. Code:

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Losing Value When Passing As QueryString

I am passing
a value held in a session variable on a url. It works fine locally
testing but when I put it on the main web server the value disappears.
Nothing fancy here, real simple...what I am missing ?

<a href="http://ServerName/ReportServer?/SomeRpts/rpt1&urid=<%=
Session("txtURID") %>"
target="blank">Contracts - Client Listing</a>

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Textfield Losing Focus

I have a bunch of text fields that the user tabs through. How would I go about calling a function when a specific textbox loses focus so that when they tab out I can make a pop up and allow them to select some info

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Losing Session Variables

I have been trying to solve this for some time now. I am setting a session variable to a value and calling response.redirect(). In the redirected page i am reading the session variable and it is blank. I printed the sessionid on both the pages to make sure that i have not lost the session itself.

The ids are the same on both the pages. It is just that all the session variable have becoce blank. I even looped through the session variables and all the session variables i created in the first page are present in the second page also, but without
their assigned values.

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Losing Formatting Spacing

I am working with an .asp page that creates an email using CDONTS. I need to be able to capture a text screenshot out of a mainframe session and send it in the email. When the email is sent, I am losing the spaces that align the screenshot. Ex.




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Losing A Session Variable?

Currently there is a web user that always gets an error on our application due to a missing session variable. All other session variables are still in tact, but this one seems to disappear and hence the user can no longer access everything on the site.

Any ideas as to where this value goes? I've checked my ASP code and saw nothing that would re-set this variable's value. Moreover, only a couple of users experience this problem.

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Submit, Date Changes Format Without Any Adjustment, And Changes Again On Submit!!!

I am having a problem with an update date query ( there is something wrong with my query both locally and live.

So it has to be the query as my system settings are UK format.

Basically when I go to amend a record without actually doing any changes whatsoever. an click submit, when I see the amend the date switches format, regardless of entering any information.

If I go back and amend the article without doing any changes the date format again is switched back to normal. This is causing big issues, that really need correcting but I cannot figure what I have done wrong. I did previosuly post a message, but this appears to be something diffirent other than local settings. Code:

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Vars Passing From One Page Losing There Value?

I guess this is a continuation of my erlier problem which I thought I had solved.
I have several inputs being passed from one page where they are inputed in, to a preview page so the user can chek there info, then it will be passed to a page to submit the info to a data base.

I have a input that is the item description var name of �prodesc�. It pass from the input page to the preview page just fine. Then I use the same method to pass it to the next page to save it to a data base, but when it gets to the submit page the var �prodesc� only has the first word of the description that was shown on the previous page? Any one know why its acting like its been trimmed? Code:

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Session Variables Losing Information With IIS 4.0 And I.E. 5.0

How can I resolve the issue of session variables losing information with IIS 4.0 and I.E. 5.0? I changed the regsitry setting Microsoft suggests but that did not work.

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Reason Of Losing Session Variables

what might be the reason for losing session variables, i was working on a page where i had to stroe a array in a session(trust me that was the only 'way' i could imagine doing it), and i am losing the session variable, its just returning empty values.

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Losing Session Variables Frequently.

My ASP (VBScript) application is losing sessions after only moments of being logged in.

Sesssion.Auth is set at login - 'session("auth") = true' - and checked as each page loads with an if statement containing - 'AND not session("auth")'.

It is running on Windows Server 2003. The problem occurs only on the live site....the test site is on IIS 5.1.

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Losing Session Variables On Test Not Production

The production system is running on NT. I have two test systems, one on 2000 server and one on XP Pro. All run IIS, server version depending on OS. All the pages check to make sure that the user logged on by checking the variable Session.Contents("LoggedIn").

One page changes directories: from https://<domain>/<virtual directory 1>/<virtual directory 2>/page.asp to https://<domain>/<virtual directory 1>/<virtual directory 3>/nextpage.asp.

It works fine in production. In both test systems the value of Session.Contents("LoggedIn") is lost and so the user is redirected to the login screen.

This has happened since I copied the production site to my test sites. Any ideas?

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Losing Records When Using Response.ContentType Msword.

I have a problem in that i have a page that works fine and shows all records/Output until i add Response.ContentType=msword

And then i only show every other record.

I probably should have coded the page differently. But for context - it's a school report system and i have setup a Subroutine which queries a database and builds a summary report for a girl. I wanted to print out a class list of these. I.e one for each girl in a class and so i loop around the results of one recordset and within each loop make a new query and create the report. This is probably not the best way to do it.

Anyhow, in the browser it woorks fine. As soon as i add the code to output it to word (or excel ) i lose evry other report.

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Losing Line Breaks When Writing To MySQL Db

i have a MySQL database and i am using ASP

for one of my forms, i have a textarea form element that is...substantially large (500x300px) users are instructed to hit enter/return on their keyboard to separate paragraphs but i have encountered a problem.

in the textarea, everything is wonderful. line breaks are clearly seen...its awesome. when i submit the form and when it writes to the database (the field is set as 'text'), everything is crammed together...there is just one space between where one paragraph ends and another begins.

has anyone encountered this problem before? does anyone know a solution?

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Submit Form Data And Refresh Form

I have a series a forms that submit data to different tables in a database. As it stands, when a user completes FORM 1 and clicks the SUBMIT button, the FORM 1 data is submitted (action = form2.asp, method = post) to ASP code at the top of FORM 2 (request.form("form1 field name") etc...), and submitted to the database with SQL code, also at the top of FORM 2(INSERT into...). Hence the submit button on FORM 1 directs the user to FORM 2, and submits the data which is exaclty what I wanted. However, I now need the users to submit multiple sets of data with FORM 1, and direct them to FORM 2 once they have finished using FORM 1. Most importantly, I need to pass a few parameters from FORM 1 to FORM 2, and have these parameters submitted to the database.

My main problem is getting a fresh form1 after submiting the same form1, in preparation for anoter set of data using the same form. Basically, the database has 'one to many' relationship tables. Form1 and form2 are both populating the 'many' tables, so that each form needs to be filled-in several times while retaining the key field of the 'one' table. At the moment submiting form1 takes me to form2. Is is possible to submit the data to the database, get form1 back again to submit more data, as many times as required, then click another button to load form2 when the user is finished with form1?

Can anyone please give me some pointers? or at least explain the concept of what I need to do. I am a novice and it's taking me a while to get to this stage. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Is it possible to post FORM1 to itself and insert the data (i.e. place the request.form at the top of FORM 1) If so, how do I direct users to FORM 2 while retaining my parameters?

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Submit Drop Down Without A Submit Button

i'm trying to get a drop down menu to submit automatically when an option is clicked. i've tried various javascripts and they don't seem to work correctly with asp. does anybody know of anything that will work properly?

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i hv wrote the code for auto generate id and its work. but the problem is, when i click on the submit button, the id number will remain the same value that is the last id number in database. let says before i click on the "New" button(which is use to increment id by 1) the id number is C1234.

once i click on "New" button then the id will increment by 1 as C1235 and that time user need to fill up the other field. but once i press on Submit button, the id number suppose to be C1235. but what i get is that C1234 means that i will display the previous id.

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ASP Submit

I have 2 buttons on my ASP page:


When i click on the Insert button it does a form sumbit and calls a page "page1.asp" when i click on the button Search i want it to do a sumbit to another page "page2.asp"

I tried putting 2 form sections in my asp page but it doesn't work..

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