Losing Line Breaks When Writing To MySQL Db

i have a MySQL database and i am using ASP

for one of my forms, i have a textarea form element that is...substantially large (500x300px) users are instructed to hit enter/return on their keyboard to separate paragraphs but i have encountered a problem.

in the textarea, everything is wonderful. line breaks are clearly seen...its awesome. when i submit the form and when it writes to the database (the field is set as 'text'), everything is crammed together...there is just one space between where one paragraph ends and another begins.

has anyone encountered this problem before? does anyone know a solution?

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Line Breaks

Im developing a site for an organisation im a member of. Im trying to make updating the site a simple as possible for the organistions staff, some of which are not the computer literate. So i have made a kind of template site where the content of all the pages held in a access db. I have then made an admin backend where organisation staff can login and update the contents of pages simply by editing text in a text box and clicking the update button.

However, i've come across a problem. When users leave a line break in the text box the output page doesnt display the gap. I am using a simple response write to display the contents of the attribute on the page. Currently the only way im managing to get line breaks is to enter a '<br>' into the text box on the admin page.

How could i make it so when a line is left blank on the text box the database records this and displays it on the output page?

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Line Breaks

I'm trying to save to a message field with the field type, memo.
Say I save the message:
"Test 1
Test 2
Test 3"

When I response.write it, it will turn out like " Test 1 Test 2 Test 3"
losing all the line breaks and such
If I response.write it within <textarea> </textarea> tags it comes back

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Line Breaks

I created a form mail script. I am receiving an HTML email from the user input. However, If the user enters a line break in the comments field I am receiveing a single block of text in my email.

Is there a way to get the line breaks to show up in the email. I tried Wrap=physical in the input but its still the same.

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Line Breaks

searched the forum many people posted the same thing many times about text areas displaying line breaks when data is retrived, i know this is the right code

<%=Replace(data, VBCrLf, "<br />")%>

but where abouts do i put this in my asp page.

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ASP Line Breaks Not Working?

response.write("Hi" & vbclrf)

There's no line break, it just displays it as Hithere.

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Storing Line Breaks

I'm storing information in a database that will later be displayed on the website and I have a questions about line breaks. My users will type in paragraphs into the text area. Then that information will be saved in an Access Database. Later it will be displayed on the website.

The only problem is that the line breaks that the user makes aren't stored in the DB, so when the information is displayed on the website it doesn't have that formatting (line breaks). I don't want to have to tell the user to type in <br> after each paragraph. What can I do to keep that formatting?

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Preserve Line Breaks

I've got the following code which should write the contents of a textarea to a '.txt' file:


set objFileSystem = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objFilePlainText = objFileSystem.CreateTextFile(server.mappath("templates/my-text-file.txt"),true)


If I response.write this data before inserting to the txt file, it preserves the line breaks, but when it writes to the txt file it seems to lose all of the line breaks.
Does anyone know how to get this to preserve the formatting of the text being inserted?

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Line Breaks In An E-mail Form

Is it possible to create line breaks in a form? All of my informations appears as follows:

This mail message was sent from the www.ccbwebdesigns.com Online Form Email: First Name: John Last Name: Doe Business Type: Anonymous Business Name: In the Dark Phone: 555-GHOSTLY Mail: casper@haunted.com

I would like a line break after each individual text field.

Here is my ASP code....

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Line Breaks In HTML Code

How is it you should format your ASP code to that when viewing the resulting
HTML text from the browsers "view code" it looks nice with line breaks?

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Removing Line Breaks From A String

If I have a string and it contrins the following:

Hello world

how are you today?

What script will change it so the string contains?..

Hello world <br> how are you today?

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Inserts HTML Line Breaks

If i'am writing a post in a "textarea" and i use the ENTER (newline) on my keyboard it comes as a line break <br> in my post on the forum.PHP uses "nl2br", but what is the ASP solution for this?

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Inserts HTML Line Breaks

I have some text in my database with paragraphs in it.When I display that info from the database on my website using asp, it shows with out the paragraphs.Is there a function that will Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string?

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Problem With Line Breaks In Email

I'm using an ASP script to email a form using CDONTS. I'm trying to format the text in the email and for some reason the bottom line either shows up on the same line with the text or two lines down, instead of the line right below the text. What do I have to do to get it down to the next line? Code:

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Writing From Same Line In FSO

I'm using the folowing code to search through a text file using FSO and only response.write the lines that start with "Flow": Code:

Do While f.AtEndOfStream = False
If left(f.Readline,4) = "Flow" Then
response.write f.ReadLine
End if

after I evaluate a line with the If statement it moves to the next line so I'm always writing the line after the one I want. How do I get away from this?

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ASP: Writing A Line Break?

Am using ASP to email the contents of a form to myself and the customer. However, I've had an email from a customer saying that all the text in the email they received did not have any line breaks and all the lines ran into each other. I thought using the code "Chr(13)" would act as a line-break but it doesnt seem to. Code:

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Writing In File Add Extra Line

I am writing one line and for a reason I ignore it adds a line which is screwing up a few things.

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim sLine sArchivo="switch.txt"
path = Server.MapPath("../Flash")
sFile = path & "" & sArchivo

if fso.FileExists(sFile) then
end if
Set a = fso.CreateTextFile(sFile, True)
if request("radiobutton") = 1 then
sLine = "&ver=si"
sLine = "&ver=no"
end if

a.WriteLine (sLine)

sRedirect="admin_NoticiasListado.asp?sRadio=" & request("radiobutton")

How come does the extra line come ? I seems I have done already a fews times and it never ocurred before.

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Line Numbering On Writing Or Retrieving

I have two little programs, one which writes the name of a file into a log file when it is accessed by a visitor and the other to read the log file at any stage in its building. At either step, it would be useful to increment each line and see the number.

It would probably be easiest when reading the log file. I'm using: Set Txt = Sys.OpenTextFile( myCounterFile, 1 ) and then:
mytext=replace(Txt.ReadAll,vbcrlf,"<br>"). I'm guessing an incremented number goes in between but haven't been able to figure out the syntax or the modification. Also not sure if that "vbcrlf,"<br>" isn't redundant.

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Line Graph From Mysql Database

I have a very simple database called "Tests" with a table called "Results" and the followint fields

ID = Auto
Test_Date = Date
Test = Text
Results = Int(11)

I would like to have three line graphs based on the type of test. Line graph one where test = abc, the next graph would be where test = lmn and the third graph where test = xyz. The graph would show the past 12 months data.

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Read Cell Data Line By Line From Excel

I had created a macro to read data from an excel sheet and write the values to a text file. I had used "ActiveSheet.Range("GB" & k).Value" command to read the values from the excel.some cells in the excel sheet is having two lines value and four lines data, the text file is generating that value in a single line. (Ex. the cell value in address column is in four lines and should display in four lines in the text file generated from the macro)

Can i do something in the excel sheet or in vb script to read the address value line by line and write line by line in text file?

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Im Losing Authentication

i have setup authentication on my website by setting session variables and it works but every once in a while the variables are lost and my users are logged out of the site

can someone tell me why this happens and how to fix it?

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Losing Variables...

i have page1.asp that has a form and two text fields that user can enter and submit...

ok now i am sending these form variables to page2.asp..no problem here...

now page2.asp has a include file called page3.asp....in page2.asp we call some functions that are available in page3.asp...one of the funtions calls back the page2.asp...

at this point of time i am losing the form variables on page2.asp that i had from page1.asp since page2.asp is being called from the function in a include file(page3.asp) and not from page1.asp

how can i overcome this situation and still retain my form values on page2.asp

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Losing Session

I have created an asp page with a submit button in it. On the onclick event I have written a java script to open a new pop up window that does the file upload. Unfortunately, whenever I click on the submit button to pop up the new window,I lose session. Any clues on how to persist my session value.

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Losing Session Variables?

I recently upgraded my web server and SQL server to Windows Server 2003. I am running MS SQL 7.0 on the SQL Server. I had been running my application on Windows NT and experienced no issues for about 3 years. Now on the new servers I am getting multiple errors and I think I might be losing my session variables.

The errors I am getting are similar to errors I would get in NT when I was logged in to the app but inactive for a long period of time and attempted to resume work. Code:

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Losing Value When Passing As QueryString

I am passing
a value held in a session variable on a url. It works fine locally
testing but when I put it on the main web server the value disappears.
Nothing fancy here, real simple...what I am missing ?

<a href="http://ServerName/ReportServer?/SomeRpts/rpt1&urid=<%=
Session("txtURID") %>"
target="blank">Contracts - Client Listing</a>

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Textfield Losing Focus

I have a bunch of text fields that the user tabs through. How would I go about calling a function when a specific textbox loses focus so that when they tab out I can make a pop up and allow them to select some info

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Losing Session Variables

I have been trying to solve this for some time now. I am setting a session variable to a value and calling response.redirect(). In the redirected page i am reading the session variable and it is blank. I printed the sessionid on both the pages to make sure that i have not lost the session itself.

The ids are the same on both the pages. It is just that all the session variable have becoce blank. I even looped through the session variables and all the session variables i created in the first page are present in the second page also, but without
their assigned values.

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Losing Formatting Spacing

I am working with an .asp page that creates an email using CDONTS. I need to be able to capture a text screenshot out of a mainframe session and send it in the email. When the email is sent, I am losing the spaces that align the screenshot. Ex.




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Losing Data On Submit

I am using dropdowns and they are populating correctly. I am having problems when I submit to the Dbase. I am losing the rest of the entry. This is a Ascess Dbase and they are text fields. An example of the error:

Dropdown Selections: from table OsmcSystemsImpacted
VGS Data Center
Legacy Platform

What ends up in my Dbase: going to table OsmcLogEntry

I am not getting anything after the first "Space" So what is happening to the rest of my data?

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Losing A Session Variable?

Currently there is a web user that always gets an error on our application due to a missing session variable. All other session variables are still in tact, but this one seems to disappear and hence the user can no longer access everything on the site.

Any ideas as to where this value goes? I've checked my ASP code and saw nothing that would re-set this variable's value. Moreover, only a couple of users experience this problem.

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Read Txt File Line By Line

I have an encrypted .txt file created by asp. Its formatted with lines etc. Title followed by description underneath. I need to read this into ASP now, and parse it line by line. On each line read, run the function to unencrpt and add line to a new file.

Its the line by line Im having trouble with. If i do the full textstream no formatting takes place coz im adding the fulltextstream all in one addline call. How can I loop through lines ?

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Vars Passing From One Page Losing There Value?

I guess this is a continuation of my erlier problem which I thought I had solved.
I have several inputs being passed from one page where they are inputed in, to a preview page so the user can chek there info, then it will be passed to a page to submit the info to a data base.

I have a input that is the item description var name of �prodesc�. It pass from the input page to the preview page just fine. Then I use the same method to pass it to the next page to save it to a data base, but when it gets to the submit page the var �prodesc� only has the first word of the description that was shown on the previous page? Any one know why its acting like its been trimmed? Code:

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Session Variables Losing Information With IIS 4.0 And I.E. 5.0

How can I resolve the issue of session variables losing information with IIS 4.0 and I.E. 5.0? I changed the regsitry setting Microsoft suggests but that did not work.

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