Lost Data If Using Server.Transfer Method Only In IE, Not In Firef

Our asp programs seem to have different behaviors when users use IE and firefox. One of most annoying things is the data disappearing problem in IE but not in firefox.(Note: Sometimes a search program can run much faster in Firefox than in IE, don't know why)
For example, I have an internal user interface which they can do different product data
entry, the program will use Server.Transfer to different asp program for data entry.

Select Case Request("Product")
Case "Sel"
Server.transfer("/Virtualdir1/test1.asp ")


Case "Bear"

Case "IMED"

Case "AC"

Case Else

End Select

When user finished data entry on test1.asp(second page, the web address will still show UserInterface.asp page as you know), click continue, on the third page if they found something typed wrong, if they click back button in the broswer, all data on the second page is gone. This only occurrs in IE, Firefox is fine.

It's very annoying, how can I fix it, if not, is there any other way?

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Server.Transfer Method...

Got a quick query in relation to the Server.Transfer method available in IIS
5+/ASP. I've got an issue where I want to take a portion of an online app and
extract this out into a web site on its own, so I will end up having two web
sites. This planned to aid problems we've been having with performance, as if
the portion (which is an app in its own right) has problems we then have to
restart the whole site and so bring everything down just because of the
portion of the app which we're having issues with. Taking the portion of the
site will allow us to run it in isolated mode in ISS and so just restrat that
if needed, while not affecting the rest of IIS.

Anyways, I'm in the process of writing a jump page to facilitate the process
of moving from the first site to the new second site, but as we need to reuse
session info created in site 1 I need a way of passing this over to the
second site.

I've been aware of the Server.Transfer but never really used it so I'm not
too sure how I can actually use this. I was planning to write an ASP page
that takes the required info out of session is site 1, calling
Server.Transfere to send it over to the second site. I don't want to do a
Response.Redirect, not wanting the client to do this and not allowing it to
know what info I'm using in the session.

And so, I thought the Server.Transfer would facilitate this, but after
reading some of the documentation on MSDN I'm not sure I can, ie: redirect to
another ASP page in this way and tack on a QueryString holding all the
session info I need, as MSDN says that I'll get an 'ASP 0173 error, "Invalid
Path Character"' error if I have a question-mark '?' in the path, or any
other of a list of invalid chars. But then I need this '?' char to build my
QString ie: XXX.asp?sas=123&jdy=0689...

So what I'm after is some clarification that I can use Server.Transfere in
this way or not, ie to redirect to an ASP page and tack on a QueryString, of
if it just allows for an ASP page without s QString. So then if I want to do
this I might need to use the Response.Redirect method, or some other way!!

MSDN also says: "When you use the Transfer method, the state information for
all the built-in objects are included in the transfer. This means that any
variables or objects that have been assigned a value in session or
application scope are maintained"

....So will I have the session info from site 1 available in site 2 after the
redirect or does this only apply for a Server.Transfer within the same web
(which I think is what it means!).

I don't have an environment up that I can test this on yet so I'm kinda
feeling may wat in the dark here, hence my lengthly post.

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Passing Data Through A Server.Transfer

Any ideas on how I can set some data in 1.asp, then have 1.asp do a server.transfer (or .execute, come to that) to 2.asp, and have 2.asp access the original data?

I'm aware that the Session object fits the bill but want to avoid using this if I can. Having said that, the nature of the data is very much per-user so things like the application object are definitely inappropriate.

Another way I can do this is redirect/querystring, but the additional roundtrip here is not attractive.

Any other (sensible) methods anyone can think of?

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006~ASP 0230~Server.Transfer Error~The Call To Server.Transfer Failed While Load

Any idea what is causing this error? 006~ASP
0230~Server.Transfer Error~The call to Server.Transfer
failed while loading the page.

Just read about benefits of Server.Transfer over
Response.Redirect, replaced, and getting the error.

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Transfer Method Without Returning Asp Page

The Execute method allows you to call another ASP page from inside an ASP page. When the called ASP page completes its tasks, you are then returned to the calling ASP page. The overall effect is very similar to a function or subroutine call. Any text or output from the called ASP page will be displayed on the calling ASP page. The Execute method is a more useful alternative to using server-side includes.

In contrast, the Transfer method allows you to transfer from one ASP page to another without returning to the calling ASP page.

There is one mandatory argument.

Fair enough does what I need it to. However, I've run into a glitch. I understand the point about it being like calling a sub which means anything set within the executed page will be considered local and so anything set within it won't work in the calling page. What I don't understand is why the executed page can't read objects which have been set in the calling page before the execute???

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How Could I Use POST Method To Transfer Parameters With XMLHTTP?

How could I use POST method to transfer parameters with XMLHTTP?

With GET all works correct, but with POST I get a problem.

client.asp with GET - all works .....

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Form Data Being Lost

1. A Form which is a drop down menu, posts selected value to the same page.
2. This page connects to a database and depending on the selection from the form. the results are displayed for that selection.
3. This page needs to refresh to pull updated data from the data base.
Heres the problem..
I have the form and page pulling the correct information and displaying it on the page, but when the page does a refresh the value selected from the form is lost and then no results will show.

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Lost Session Variables On Server

I have built a site that works/worked absolutely fine on my test server. When I transferred it to a remote web host (the intended permanent home of the site) something very worrying keeps happening to my site.

I use, as is the norm, session variables to store login information. At the top of each page I do a check that Session("isLoggedIn") = "True", and if not then the system logs them back out.

The serious problem is that once you have logged into the site, the next page you try to open it fails the above check and logs you out! Obviously Session("isLoggedIn") is not equal to "True" so it assumes you aren't logged in. So basically the session variables are getting lost/cleared. This makes my site unusable, and is a disaster for it unless I can get a solution.

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Real quick, please refresh my memory which one of the following preserves the information that was posted from a form?




I need to have a page execute if an error occurs while processing a page that a form was submitted to and have the data preserved.

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Error Server.Transfer / Server.Execute ()

Any one has Idea, How to use Server.Transfer and Server.Execute, When I tried to use these methods I got an eror:

Server object error 'ASP 0230 : 80004005'
Server.Transfer Error
/SISWeb/portal_logon.asp, line 40
The call to Server.Transfer failed while loading the page.

anybody is there who can respond to this problem. Do I need to change any setting at IIS?

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Lost Session Variables Gets Lost

I have a website that has a asp secured members only aria that keeps session variables to check if someone is logged in or not (if session variables are not there then redirect to logon screen) but I also have non members aria and I need a way of asking the user if they want to move away from the members only area or go back to it. I have used an asp to find out if the page is a non member page and if there is a session variable there.

If there is a session variable and is a non member page then I use JavaScript to bring up a confirm box that if the cancel button is pressed then it goes back a page. The problem is that when you go back a page the session variable gets lost. Dose anyone know how to solve this problem or a better way of doing this?

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Transfer SQL Data

I need to make a table's data available to users. The table is about 150,000 rows x 20 columns. So Excel is out of the question. I think the next common file types would be MDB or DBF. Using ASP, what are the steps to converting this data to one of those file types, then ZIPPING the files for download?

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Data Transfer.

I am creating a database and it has to be up dated from all over the county.But Unfortunately there are some users who have only telophone connection not internet connection. Is ther any way that I can allow them to up-date my database using telephone line i/o interne.

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How To Transfer Data From 1 Asp Page Another?

I would like the value of the textfield from text1 from Select_License.asp to be transfered to swname from License_add.asp when i click on the Next button from Select_License.asp

<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
Software: <INPUT name=text1 >
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Find">
on error goto 0

If Request.Form("Submit") = "Find" Then
description = Request.Form("text1") .....

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Transfer Of Data Between Two Databases

Can you pleaseeee let me know if what I am attempting to do is possible? ....and how. I have a Access database at backend of my ASP site. Is there a way in which I can design a page which will pick up only the records modified/added today in one database and add those to another database?

Is transfer of data between two databases possible?

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Know Data Transfer RATE

How i can know the data tranfer rate for particulat directory on server using ASP?

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I would like to use Server.Transfer to redirect users to a given page,
while maintaining the state of form fields. This works fine on a single
However, this will be deployed in a load balanced environment. I know
that Session variables and load balanced environments don't mix. Do I
have a cause for concern with Server.Transfer as well?

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Server.Transfer To A DLL - Is There A Way?

The Transfer method allows you to transfer from inside one ASP page to another ASP page

Is there a similar thing - The Transfer method taht allows you to transfer from inside one ASP page to a DLL.

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About Server.transfer

I m using ASP(not .net) ,I want to use server.transfer from a.asp to a.asp (the same page), but i want to remove all the querystring before transferring the page.........although response.redirect can do, it cannot fulfil some response.write b4 the redirection.

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I am using the following statement in my asp page , it doesnt work


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How would i embed the Server.Transfer() into the button onClick() event.
I did try this:Code:

<td><input type="button" name="edit" value="Edit" onClick="<%Server.Transfer("edit.asp")%>"/></td>
but this will display the edit.asp page without the need to click on the Edit button.

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Transfer Data From Page To Excel

I have an asp page that collects data from a database and then displays it in a table on the page. I also want to be able to put this information into excel. I know how to get the page to load up in excel and then display the data using the following command -:

response.contentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"

however I want it so that there is an Extra button on the page that the user can press to transfer the data accross. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Transfer Files From One Web Server To Another Web Server

How can i transfer files from one web server to another web server. Is it possible?

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Server.Transfer Vs. Server.Execute

i'm using a model, view, control architecture for a group of .asp pages.

i can't decide whether to use Server.Transfer or Server.Execute to pass posted data from my control to my model. are there security implications for using Server.Execute?

just wanting some advice on pros/cons to each of these since this is the first time i'm attempting to use these methods.

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To Transfer The Data From Database To The Text Boxes In ASP

I need some ideas in this if you can please help me.The folllowing is the scenerio:

I have a form which is the normal html with some validations and scripting done in javascript and i have a text box by name ticket no when the user enters a ticket no which exists in my database I need to update all my other form textboxes and textboxes with the data in the database else I need to show a alert that this doent exist in the database.

usually the event handling is done in javascript but now i have to call server side connection I have no clue how to do this.

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Server.Transfer Between 2 Different Web Apps

I have 2 seperate web applications A and B. During the execution of A, I want to do a Server.Transfer to a page in application B. This works fine if A has a reference to B, but without the reference, I get the following error:

Parser Error


An error occurred during the parsing of a resource
required to service this request. Please review the
following specific parse error details and modify your
source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message:

Could not load type 'B.WebForm1'.

Source Error:

Line 1: <%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="B.aspx.cs"
AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="B.WebForm1" %>
Line 2: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
Line 3: <HTML>

Source File: c:inetpubwwwrootBB.aspx Line: 1
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032;
ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032

It seems to be looking for B.dll in the path for application A, and can't find it. Because of the specifics of this project I am unable to set a reference, or even include a <codeBase> element in the config file. Is there any way to force the runtime to look in the path of the target application instead of the launching app?

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Server.transfer Url W/ Parameter Help

This works:


This does not


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IIS Logs And Server.transfer

I am thinking of creating a custom 404 page which does a server.transfer to a variety of different pages. My question is what shows up in the log, which the web statistics are based on?

1. The non existent page, which is requested?
2. The custom 404 page?
3. The page it gets transfered to?

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Problem With Server.Transfer

I am trying to open a jpg file using server.transfer which is giving me this error

I have about 10 images out of which 7 are working and for three images i am getting an error message.

I have listed the error message

Active Server Pageserror 'ASP 0116'
Missing close of script delimiter
/rtp/trt.jpg, line 11
The Script block lacks the close of script tag (%>). error '8000d001'
/ttt.asp, line 7

Please send me a solution as i have been trying this from the last three days and could not find a solution.

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Server.transfer Second Parameter

I read somewhere that server.transfer had a 2nd parameter so control and input values were 'passed' to the transferred to page, but it's giving me an error of wrong number of parameters. I have IIS5, is that the problem? or is it that it's an ASP page (not ASPX)

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Server.Transfer Error

when i try to redirect a page using the server.transfer i get this error:

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0116'

Missing close of script delimiter

/database/mydatabase.mdb, line 7832

The Script block lacks the close of script tag (%>). error '8000d001'

/admin/pages/DatabaseMan1Re.asp, line 15

Line 15 is:


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Server.Transfer Into A Frame

I'm trying to pass 2 simple values (an integer and a string) from a start page (start.aspx) to an aspx contained within a frameset (say destpage.aspx).

I can server.transfer the values directly to destpage.aspx but I'm struggling to work out how pass the form values to destpage.aspx when it is contained in a frameset.

Is there an easier way? Is it possible to pass the values to an aspx that defines the frameset then pass to destpage.aspx?

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Server.Transfer Question

If I redirect a page using Server.Transfer() will I get a HTTP_REFERER from the original page?

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