MS Access DB Read-only

how to modify this script to make the connection to the MS Access database read only, so that writing to the database directory is no more necessary (currently, I have to give IUSR write permissions so that the .LDB file can be created... but I don't need that because I want the database to be read only, and I don't want to grant write permission to IUSR).Code:
cst = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" &_
"Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("/database/riviste.mdb")
set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Mode = 1 cst
strSQL="SELECT * FROM riviste ORDER BY Titolo"
set rs=conn.execute(strSQL)

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Read Ms Access Database

I need to be able to find a record by a unique code from a ms access database,take the value of the price field in that record,then store the value in a JavaScript variable.
These variables are being used for calculations.

So can I change the hard coded JavaScript code
var price1=(229); // 229 being $229 the price for item1

var price1=(item1); // item1 = 229 - value read from database and stored in variable price1.

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Binary Access Read/Write In ASP

Im writing a web interface for a CRM product which has the ability to store files within a database... Now, the problem is, these files are binary files, and VBScript doesn't have support for binary files (as far as i know...)...

To overcome this i wrote a component (ActiveX DLL) in VB6. This component works fine, but as soon as i use it in ASP, my computer beeps and then sits there looking like it's doing something forever...

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Read Excel File With Asp And Stored It In Access Db

Anyone know how to read excel file with ASP and stored it in database?

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Error: Access Database Or Object Is Read Only

I have an asp app that connects to an Access database. It works properly at my work on XP with IIS5.1 running.

I zipped up the asp pages and the Access database and emailed it to my home, which is XP and runs IIS5.1. When I recreate my work environmnet at home and try to update the database I get the following error when the code hits my AddNew method.

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.

I've tried going into Access/Security/Tools/User and Group Permissions and setting all the tables to be able to update. I've even created new ODBC drivers, but neither has worked. The database is not set to read-only.

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-o

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.

I keep getting this error message when im adding a new record to my database.

Here is my code: ....

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Read Only DB

I,ve uploaded an MS Access DB to a web host and find that although I have set the DB permissions to Read and Write the actual tranfer changes these permissions and when I try to write to the DB there is an error to the effect that the DB is read only.

I have downloaded the DB I uploaded with full read/write permissions and find that the DB is read only.

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Read From .tsv

Is it possible to use asp to read from a .tsv file?? If so how do you create the connection??

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Read PDF

Is it possible to read PDF File using ASP.

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Read More

when I retrieve data from the my database if I got the name and description. I want only display the first 20/30 letters of the description but I don't know how to do.

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Read XML From Url

I have an ASP web site that I can read an XML file and process it fine. However, now I am asked to read XML data via (I think) a web service url. I looked at the ADO Stream and it looks like it may be a way to do this, but I'm not sure. I need to read 2 different streams, one with data and one with returned images.

I need to process the data like a recordset and load it (and other) information into a web page and return to the browser. Can anyone point me in a direction to read more about how to do this and/or some samples?

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Read A SQL Db

I need to use ASP to read a SQL db for dates. If the date falls within "this (current) month", I need to auto-populate a word document with the corresponding information from the tables... Is this possible.

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Read Current Url

Is there a way that I can read the current url.

I have an asp page currently such as default.asp?x=1&y=2&z=3

Now I want to keep the existing parameters and attach another parameter
to it and resend to default.asp

As the original parameters are dynamic, and may or may not be
generated, the only way is to read the current url and to simply add my
new parameter such as h=5 to the url.

I don't know how to read the current url.

I tried Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") but that didn't include
the parameters. i.e. it just returned the default.asp

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Read Email With ASP?

Is there a way to read email messages with ASP without installing components?
And will it work with any email server, or just windows IIS?

Something that will work almost like Webmail. But I just need to read the From, Subject and Body of the email.

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How To Read Data From Mdb

I got a database with user and email in it. Now I want when a user logs into my page that it automaticly fills in the email into a email form. How can I do that in Asp.

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Read Images

anyone here got an idea on what codes am i going to use? I got a folder full of images (jpg) and I want my asp page to display those images.

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Read-only Error

why do I get this error?? Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.

/asp/formHandler2.asp, line 68

here's my code:

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ASP To Read The IIS Log Files

I am wanting to use ASP to read the IIS log files on our web server. Can anyone help?

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Read Xml Node Value

i am trying to read a nodes ( i dont know if i am right by
calling it node. see sample) value with asp.
xml page is very simple :

<?xml version="1.0" ?<response success="true" </response>

my code is this

Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "GET",
""&token&"&u="&userid&"", False
Set xmlhttp=Nothing

how can i add xmldom and parse the result page so i can assign response's
value to a variable?

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Unable To Read

I am using file system object to read an xls file in the webserver ,
the file is located in the webserver I: ( which is map drive of the webserver ) , when i have tested the script in my local pc , where i kept the file in D: ( local drive in my pc ) it wokred fine , but when i tried in webserver it says path not found ( the web server is Windwos NT based )

this is the path which i am using in a script
"I:" & "" & 123456 & "my folder"

what i found that if i use only I:123456 it is able to reach to that folder , but after that its unable but if i rename "my folder" to "myfolder" it reaches that means not able to read the spaces in folder name

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Read ASP Cookies

I want to read and write key'ed cookies from both javascript and ASP.
I can't find any javascript that reads and writes cookies with keys,
so that it is compatible with ASP like the following:


If anyone has the javascript code that can read and write such ASP

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Read Rtf String

I am trying to read string from a .rtf document using asp and then
displaying it in IE. I am getting all the rtf tags along with the
string that I am trying to read.
Please shed light on how to read the rtf string into the IE without
losing the string formatting.

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ASP, Read Registry Key

Is it possible to read a registry key in ASP, and use the value in an application via a session variable. I'm using II6 on windows server 2003.

I'd like to create a key in the registry (under HKLM) and store a value (connection string for example).

In the ASP application, read the value and store it in a session variable with global.asa.

How do that and which right to access the regitry (IIS_IUSR) ?

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Read Error

Provider error '80004005'

Unspecified error

/falconwood/properties.asp, line 72

adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("properties.mdb")

on this line.. it seemed to be workin just a minute ago.whats up with it?

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Link Read

My hidden field is

<input type=hidden name="action" value="login">
<input type=hidden name="ret_page" value="<% =request("ret_page") %>">

and my link is
<A href='register.asp?ret_page=<% =request("ret_page") %>

But the ret_page appears as /vfolder/Content.asp?ContentID=700.
How would I get rid of the /vfolder/ and just have the content.asp?contentID=700 alone.

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Read Only Error

I'm getting read only error while executing an asp script which updates ms-access db. I have given all the read & write permissions to the db & yet it is giving me that error. Here it is :

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/secr/tender/tlogin.asp, line 160

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Read Only Fields

How can I make all the fields on my form read only based on a users logon account? I have field in my Microsoft Access table that is yes/no for read only access. Now how do I read from that field and code my ASP file.

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Read Only Database

i recently just uploaded an access database only to find that it has read only persmission, so any adding, updating, deleting etc.. doesn't work anymore. the file became read only when i uploaded it. How do i change the read/write access to this file online?

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Read Keyfield Value

I have form which displays a customer record and a datagrid of that
customer's orders. I want to read the value of the OrderID (which is the
keyfield), write it to a session variable, redirect to another form where I
read the session variable and display the order detail.
How do I read the OrderID value when the user clicks on a select button in a
particular row of the datagrid?

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Want To Read A Value From SQL Database

Im just not sure how to go about it because im new to asp. I want to write an ASP script that will read a money amount from an SQL database and when money is taken through a payment it will change the value in the database.

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Read Mail

I need to access my pop mail account and download my e-mail to a database
file which is on the my localmechine.

is any one of you try to read mails with asp?

in case you might think so;
I know how to send mails with asp code.
I know how to send mails with outlook or any other client
I also know how to use webmail system
and I don't want to have to export mails from outlook.

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Read Asp File

I have an asp application in which, a page generates reports depending upon the id passed to it. For eg. printpage.asp?id=52 . Now I have a Print button on this page on clicking of which the contents of the page should be read and passed to the activex dll which I have prepared for printing the page.( I had to do this because the printer is installed on the server where the application resides and it should print on the server printer).

Now my question is how to read the asp file (say printpage.asp?id=52) contents in such a way that the fonts and formatting should remain the same, as that content will be printed on the server printer using Active X dll.

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Read Receipt

Anyone know if it's possible to add a read receipt to emails sent via CDONTS or CDOSYS

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