MS Transaction Server

I have builded a web site that performs db queries and insert records, and I'm getting a overwhelmed amount of hits. Which was good but it created a big problem. I ran out of db connection licenses, because the way I did it, it opens/close a new db connection for every db action.

I read something about opening the db connection at the application level but most people think that's a bad idea.So I tried looking into MS Transaction Server but I don't know where to begin. I need to know how I could use it and how I could set the # of db connection allow.

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ASP Transaction()

I am trying to find out if Access is capable of utilizing the transaction function of ASP. I have seen differing points of view online and am looking for clarification
I have 2 inserts that run. If the second fails (for whatever the reason), the first should be rolled back.I have to use Access - is this the way to go or is there another option?

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I am using 2 stored procedure in my asp application. in my asp page i execute 2 stored .. their works depend on each other. i want to apply a transaction on these. must i apply it in stored procedure or in asp page.. any example or any link. can u help me about transactions.

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Transaction DDL Values

I'm trying to determine if I can use transactions in my ASP applciation against one of our Oracle 9i databases. My WROX manual says I can do this if the Transaction DDL property of my connection object is equal to 8. I've checked my connection properties with the following script and determined that my Transaction DDL property is 2

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection" Session("PROVIDER")

For Each Item In Conn.Propertie
response.write Item.Name & " = " & Item & "<br>

But what is 2? MSDN ( says there are a number of possible vaues for Transaction DDL such as


But which one relates to value 2

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Transaction OR Locks

I have problem i need to carry out a transaction on a ASP page... the page goes like this:


Conn.execute (Sql) ' Where the Sql Gets the Set_Number froom Table1

Conn1.execute(Sql1) ' here the Sql1 inserts the Value (Set_Number + 1 ) 'into the Table2.


This page should be Executed as a transaction or else please help me out how to lock tables so that no other person can execute the same page with same data simultaniously...

I dont use any components in this now how to go about with this...????

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Atomic Transaction

In, there is an object sqltransaction we can use to garantee the
data will be written to database either completely or none will be written
into database.

I am not sure if there is a similar thing I can use in classical asp.
Can you provide some info

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ASP Access Transaction Log

I have an access database for a hotel room list which includes how many rooms I have available for each hotel. This list is updated via a form that updates the database, either adding or removing rooms. The database is on the server and is accessible by four employees, each of whom can update the hotel room number as they sell them.

The hotel rooms are in a table and this table is updated and records who updated it last by overwriting the previous update entry. I want to create a log file that records ALL updates each time the form is submitted, so I can track all transactions. I have not found any info on how this is done. Do I need to create a secondary table that only records when the form is submitted and database is updated?

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1 Transaction At A Time

I have a Bill table (tblBill) and there is a running bill number being stored for each transaction (1001,1002,1003...). This running number is not from mssql identities.Currently i am using "SELECT MAX (billnumber) FROM tblBill" and + 1 to get the following running number and store the next transaction.

This method works well if each transaction execute one at a time. Now i am having problem when there is more user executing the transaction concurrently. Sometime i will have 2 different transaction with the same bill number.How do i control so that a transaction will only execute at a time or using my method above is just rubbish? I am hopping this to be solve in ASP rather than in MSSQL.

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MySQL Transaction

I looked everywhere, but I can't seem to find an example of a transaction in MySQL using asp. I need an example of the following:

1. Add a record to a table
2. retreive the last inserted id
3.add to a second table

these steps have to be in a transaction. so I would need to check for errors too.

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Transaction DDL Properties

According to Access my ADO connection has a value of 16 for the Transaction DDL property. Does anyone know what this equates to? I've found this page -

But it doesn't tell me which constant this relates too, and I haven't been able to find an answer at Google either.

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if it is possible to do recurring billing to using ASP Classic. I have no problem doing one time transactions.

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Transaction, Commits And Rollbacks - HOW TO

how can I apply transaction, commits and rollbacks to a lot of inserts in one script?

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Build Secure Money Transaction

I want to know,

. Operation Behind the Online Money Transaction.
. If Once The client paid the money,
. How is it validated..( Credit Card)
. Also how Can the Admin of the Site will get the Money from the User.

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Transaction Aborts On Alternate Identical Attempts

I have a page that uploads an xml file and reads it into a SQL database. The
page is transactional and aborts if there are any anomalies in the xml.

My problem is that the if I repeat an identical import the transaction
succeeds the first time and then fails the next time. This pattern continues
with subsequent repeats. I have removed all of the ObjectContext.setAbort()
calls but still the onTransactionAbort() sub is called.

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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]"The SQL Server Does Not Exist Or There Is No Permission

I have sql server express at my PC-windows xp professional, I try to connect to a table via asp (queryString :"Driver={SQL Server};" &"Server=localhost;" & _
"Database=local;" & "Uid=nikos;" & "Pwd=nikos;" but there is an error
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]"The SQL server does not exist or there is no permission.

I can login with EMS lite both with sql server Auth. and windows auth.What is fault?

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Server Object Error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject Failed

I'm trying to install a simple e-mail form to my webpage; which takes some info from user (like name, phone, e-mail,etc...) and when user pushes submit button e-mails them to me immediately. I've tried to do so with ASP Formmail but I couldn't succeed. . it gives me: Server object error " 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject Failed " error. Can anyone please help me to install my form? Because I need to install it immediately;

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Server Object Error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject Failed

I'm getting the error,

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/pdf_project/form1.asp, line 19
Invalid class string

I'm trying to submit the data in my pdf form to the web server.I've written the .asp code for it but it has been giving me this error.

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How To Read An SQL Server Into A ASP Page And Then Change, Add, Delete And Write It Back To SQL Server

I need to read a SQL Server table into a Web Page and within the Web
Page to permit my users to make changes to the records, delete or add
new records and then save the entire contents back to the SQL Server
table back.

The functionality I am looking is almost the same as In the SQL
Enterprise Manager whereby I can choose a table open the table and
then return all rows and I can maintain the same and save it back to
the SQL Server table. I want almost a similar web interface to such a

Even if not a generic functionality as the SQL Enterprise Manager
table maintenance appreciate if somebody can share the code with a
sample how I can do it in ASP pages + T-SQL if need be.

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Server.CreateObject Error: Server Object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3), Invalid Class String

What do I need to do to enable CDONTS om my macine to make it working

I'm testing the code:

Dim objCDO
Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objCDO.To = ""
objCDO.From = ""
Set objCDO = Nothing

It gives me an error after Set objCDO =
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string

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Sending Email By Using Corporate Exchange Server Instead Of Local Server

I have created a form that sends email thru my local server. What I want to do is send the email thru our corporate Exchange server. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this task? Please advise. Thanks.

P.S. I’m using Dreamweaver MX2004.

The code that sends email is shown below ....

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Real quick, please refresh my memory which one of the following preserves the information that was posted from a form?




I need to have a page execute if an error occurs while processing a page that a form was submitted to and have the data preserved.

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HTTP 500 Internal Server Error Online Server

I have made a site in ASP and I can navigate the site fine locally. However once I get to the product page I get:

"HTTP 500 - Internal server error Internet Explorer"

Does anyone have any idea as to why this may be? ....

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Server.Mappath() To Include Files For Other Domains On Same Server?

If I have multiple websites on the same server,can I use the #include directive to reference include files elsewhere on the server? I tried this -

<!--#include file="C:InetpubvhostsATRAMEMBER.COMhttpdocsheader.asp" -->

But no dice...

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Combining Index Server And SQL Server Search Results

I'm just about to start a project that needs to combine the results of a SQL
Server query with the results of an Index Server query. The basic idea is
that the user enters/selects a bunch of search criteria on a form.

Most of
the criteria selected by the user will be used to select records from the
database - standard WHERE clause stuff - but the user can also enter
free-text that should be searched for in associated uploaded documents.

documents are sitting in the file-system with file-name pointers only stored
in the database (not the document). Only records where the associated
free-text is found in the documents should be returned. I'm new to Index
Server and am wondering how is this done. Any good references/tutes?

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External Server Pull Files From Internal Server

I have an application that needs to pull files from an internal server. This
is the setup. The web server is external facing, meaning exposed to the
internet. I then have a file server that sits inside our domain. I created a
COM object that can impersonate a user to retrieve files from that server.
However, I cannot get the application to pull files from the internal server.

I first tried a domain account that could reach both servers. This did not
work. I then had the network team create the same account on both machines.
This is not working either. I can impersonate the user (I am able to get the
user/users authenticated), but the script keeps coming back with and access
denied. Code:

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Problem With Special Characters In Server-to-server Communications

I'm stumped by one single thing when using Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0. I'm sending an XML-formatted text string to a foreign server and getting a response back (using Windows 2000 Server and IIS). The problem is, when they send any special characters in the response string, my application chokes. Code:

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Getting HTML Content From One Server And Saving It On Another Server

I'm incharge of updating the stats on a chl hockey teams Web Site. I
would like to know if there is a way to be able to save
the content of the CHL Statistics WebPage on our Server and using it
to update our Microsoft Access 2000 database.

If it possible, then I would take the content of that page. Execute
some code that will take this information an place it in our
database on our server. By doing this, our Team WebSite would be
update automaticaly at a time that I specify on our server.

At this time, I have to open the CHL Statistics WebPage. Then Save the
HTML page as a txt file, upload it on our server via FTP, then execute
my my code that places it in our database.

Could you send your suggestions to Join Bytes!?

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Copy Or Upload File From Server To Ftp Server

I want to copy or upload a file from server say some lanserver to ftp server through ftp. Is it possible.

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Server Not Serving ASP To Some Clients? Including Server Itself!

I have a server that we installed a Web Application (ASP) and It works with
a few clients that we tested, IE 5.5, and it does not work on the server
machine itself. So we've tested a few thing.

Created a simple file with the contents of <html> <body> Hello World </body>
</html> Made one with .HTM extension and one with .ASP.

I can see the HTM file from all machines. I can only see the .ASP file on the machine running IE 5.5 The server itself cannot see the .ASP page. We places the files in the root of the server web and in the Application folder with the same results.

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Error Server.Transfer / Server.Execute ()

Any one has Idea, How to use Server.Transfer and Server.Execute, When I tried to use these methods I got an eror:

Server object error 'ASP 0230 : 80004005'
Server.Transfer Error
/SISWeb/portal_logon.asp, line 40
The call to Server.Transfer failed while loading the page.

anybody is there who can respond to this problem. Do I need to change any setting at IIS?

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HOWTO: Server.MapPath To A Different Server Computer

How do you use server.mappath to update a access database on a completely different computer? One of my websites needs to update a database on a completely different website. Code:

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Server.createobject On Shared Win2003 Server

I've recently uploaded a site to a new ISP, which is on a Win2003 platform. I've had a problem in that the existing ASP scripts handling email form submissions all experience the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046' Permission denied

From what I can gather this is due to moving from Win2000 to Win2003, and specifically the problem lies in this line of code: ....

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Index Server & Site Server + PDFs

I fire the following code on Index Server (different obj) and it returns a PDFs no problem, but when I change the object to use the MSSearch for Site Server I don't get any PDFs. Anything in the code that would cause this? I can see the PDFs getting crawled in Site Server, but when I try and search I don't get any pdfs .....

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