MS Word Headers And Footers.

I need to put headers and footers in my word doc from asp and cannt get it to work. Found this code on the net Cannt get word to open the external file. Any ideas Code:

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Adding Footers To Static Html

I'm running a Windows 2000 server with IIS. I have ASP execute access on the server. My users publish their pages onto our webserver by copying their files onto their respective directories in the server.

I intend to have each author append <meta> tags which describe information such as: author name, authorEmailAddress, authorPhoneNumber, etc..

When a user browses a particular page on the server, the web server will need to read this information (the meta tags) from the requested HTML file, and append an "Author block" at the bottom which contains some of the meta-information, as well as determining the Created Date and Last Edited date from the HTML file itself (from the filesystem).

I'd also need to include some kind of conditionals such as making the author block red if the last update date was more than 30 days ago (todaysDate-FileSystem[currentHTMLfile]).

How can I do this? I'm truly puzzled. I don't want make my authors use .ASP files because this gives my authors too much power (not to mention most are computer illiterate). I'd like for them to write static content, while the server appends content that is generated dynamically.

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Just like to know benefits of adding headers. Why we add them.

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HTTP Headers

If I want to have a username/password dialog in my page, how can I add
http header in ASP for username/password dialog? I want to hardcode
the username/password in my page and check the authentication.

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HTTP Headers

I am getting the following error on one of my asp pages.The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.I think I understand what the problem is, but what I am curious about
is I only get this problem when the page resides on my web server (Windows 2K3).

However when it resides on my development machine (Windows XP with IIS 5.1) I do not have this problem. The browser is the same in both instances. Is there a setting somewhere in IIS that is responsible for this different behavior?

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IIS Sending Headers

If I have an ASP file that sends less than 110 I believe its 110 characters IIS will, at the top of the document, add some header info about the server and page. This
happens in every web directory I have. If I take out the <HEAD></HEAD> section of the page, this information is not added.

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HTTP Headers - Status

When I catch HTTP headers with the Live HTTP Headers plugin in Firefox I get some information that I'd like to catch with ASP: Code:

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Response.Headers And URLs

Is there a way to add a header to a page that will change what text the
browser displays in the address field?

For example, say I point my browser to

I would like IIS to send back the content generated by the page
request.asp, but would like the address is in the browser to read

Is there any possible way to do this? It seems like this should be possible.

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Removing Ole Object Headers

I'm having trouble showing images stored in a SQl server database in asp3.0. The images are inserted into SQL server using a access front-end. Access adds ole headers to the image field. These headers prevent images to show in asp. Is there a way to remove these headers using asp?

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Freeze Table Headers.

There is what i would like to do, I have a page that pulls all the
hours for our staff over a given period calculated them and reports
back on 15 different colums and is aproximatly 500 individual rows of
data for a table. Now as you could imagine that is a night mare to look
at for anyone, i have done a few things to make remeber which columns
are which however a simple Solution would be to the top row, or rows i
define stay constantly at the top as your scroll down.

This is classic ASP and not ASP.NET, I can find alot of resources for
ASP.NET but nothing for ASP.

I have considered Frames, but who really wants to mess around with that
ad there are alot of controls at the top of the page that manipulate
the data.

Also i have heard of using JavaScript or CSS, Has anyone achieved this

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Headers And Items From Two Different Tables

I have one table that has a course's ID number and the titles of the units for that course, with an ID for a set of units.

Then I have another table that has the units for all courses within it, this table also has the CourseID they belong to and the ID of the Unit header that they belong to. My problem is trying to get the header displayed first then all the units that belong to that header, so it looks like this: Code:

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How To Simulate HTTP POST Using Headers?

This is the scenario: I am making a wizard composed of several steps, each
step being a form with the post method. The first steps may be completed
whether the user is logged on to the website or not. But from a certain step
on the user must be logged on to complete the wizard. What I do is post the
data gathered so far to the logon page; the logon page is essentially an ASP
page with an HTML logon form that posts to itself. Once the user logs on he
is taken again to the wizard, to the step where he left off.

Right now I am using the HTML form / approach on the
logon page: after the user is authenticated, the asp page builds a form with
the "saved" data, pointing to the next step of the wizard, and uses the
onLoad event of the body tag to submit the form. And this does what I

But I believe there must be a more elegant way to do this, and I suspect it
involves setting headers directly using Response.AddHeader but I don't know
how to do it. Am I right? If so, how to do it?

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HTTP Headers ? How To Pipe An ASP File Through ?

My WebApp has to do some database work in page1.ASP Because this may
take a few second, before Page1 connects to the database, it doeas a
"Response.Buffer=false", and pumps out a bit of javascript which
displays a progress bar. Code:

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Redirct Error: Headers Already Written

I'm getting an error:" http headers already written", when I redirect back the page I came from.

I writing an on-line store app. The page 1 lists products, desc, price in a table. Click on a product, it adds it to an XML shopping bag and , thru a link, jumps to page2 that prints everyhing in the bag so far. At the bottom of page2 is a TYPE SUBMIT button that takes you back to page 1 for more shopping. The form for the button uses Code:

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Need To Send Headers To 3rd Party Portal

I need to send headers to login to 3rd party portal from ASP is there an example available. I also would like to have a ASP script that reads all headers and displays them.

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How To Get/set And Send The HTTP Headers(user-defined)

How to get/set and send the HTTP Headers(user-defined) coming from another domain/site]

In one SMS gateway project i need a great and urgent help from u all. There,the Service Providers sending the data thru "HTTP Headers" (For ex.sms-Id,sms-source [user defined]).

So i need to get and parse the name value pairs, and need to respond/send the same way as coining the "HTTP Headers" (For ex. sms-Id,sms-destination,sms-msg [user defined]).

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Functions Can Get The HTTP Request And Response Headers?

Any ASP functions can get the HTTP request and response headers?

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WHat Is "http Headers"?

The redirect page is giving error.

UPDATE insertanswer SET passages = "God created" WHERE [id] = 1;
UPDATE insertanswer SET passages = "there be ligh" WHERE [id] = 3;

Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005'

Header Error

/wheelofgod/pageing4.asp, line 76

The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.

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ASP, Word And IE 5.5

I use asp to create a report, using content type I push it out as a word document. On my build this works fine, on my co workers it does not. The only difference between the two builds is I am on IE 5.5 sp2 and the other is 5.5 no sps. Unfortunatly I am in no position to get the machine and others like it onto sp 2 and the User agent variable is only returning 5.5.

The problem with the output on the no sps machine is that it opens in word with all the HTML tags visible Does anybody no a solution?

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ASP + Word ???

I am trying to create a word document via asp.

I keep getting this error:

Server object, ASP 0178 (0x80070005)
The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is
denied to this object.

I am running window 2000 professional with IIS 5.0 installed.
I know it is a ntfs permissions error and that IUSR_ComputerName needs
permission to interface with word, i am just not sure which file needs to be
the recipient of these permissions. I have located 'word.exe' in program
files, set appropriate permission but no joy.

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ASP To Word

I have a system that Im about to start building it is in planning stage at the moment and if I was going to a database and keeping everything in HTML I would be right and not posting here at this stage.My client is after a system that they can register a new document enter in the basic information and on save, Create a Word document based on a Word Template prefilled with some of the data from the HTML form.
Can any one point me in the direction of some? tutorials/code/tips/prebuilt systems that I can donate or buy from the developer/

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Asp To Ms Word

is it possible to produce a report of asp to ms word?

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Ms Word

What is the best way to generate a word-document with wbscript code?

I have a text string I would like to save as a word document on the server.

Any tutorials? or code examples?

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ASP + MS Word

I am creating a word document using asp.I have this on top of my asp page.


everything works fine.I am displaying some data in the table format.on some machines.may be old machines.the asp page opens up word document fine but the table tags are not rendered properly.

i get all the data fine but not displayed in the table format.instead i see <td> and other works on my machine(Windows XP) but it does this weird thing on windows 98 machine.what do i need to do to make sure it works fine on all the machines.

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MS Word To XML

how to set a variable to contain the xml data from a file, including the xml tags too.
So if I have an xml file like:

I want the variable to contain:

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Whole Word Only

I cant seem to figure out how to ensure that a whole word is replaced within a string. For example, if I have an array with two items, "mpeg" and "mpeg4" and the text to look for is "blah blah mpeg4 blah blah"

the text to match with is the array, which is in a loop. how can i prevent "mpeg" from matching with part of "mpeg4"? i only want the whole word to match. do i have to use regexp here? vbscript functions seem inadequate.

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MS Word Document

I want to do a Ms Word document in a ASP page. I can do it, With the code lines:

Response.ContentType = "application/msword"
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "inline; filename=OrderFax.doc"
With these lines all document content show like a Word document.

But i can not change the MARGINS of this Word document.And Default
left/right margins are very bigs.

I try it, change the <body> attributes and with styles, but this don't work,
the margins are always the same.

How can i modify the margins of word document? I should do this with another method?
Can I modify PC client settings to change the defaults margins of word document create througt the web?

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String With More Than One Word

My problem, i got a string that may can contain more than one word, it can contain upto ten, now my problem is i gotta replace some of the words, but with Replace, you can only do one word at a time?
so how do i go about running thruogh the string and replacing all the relevant words, and putting them back into a string?

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Word Object

The following code hangs or gives me a "can not fire event" message

The code works from a windows app.
Fails in ASP.NET on the call

I have done the following:

How to configure Office applications to run under a specific user account;en-us;Q288367

Before doing the above the cod use to get an access denied on the
new word.application();

oWordApplic = new Word.Application();
object fileName = "filename.doc";
object readOnly = false;
object isVisible = true;
object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

// hangs here or returns cant fire event msg
oDoc = oWordApplic.Documents.Open(ref fileName, ref missing,ref readOnly,
ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,
ref missing, ref missing, ref isVisible,ref missing,ref missing,ref missing,
ref missing);

Any ideas?

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Finding Word

i want to make a program to find out and highlight a particular word on the browser using ASP and javascript.

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Word Document

I'm currently working on an application that has to open word documents (word forms) and read and write data from/to it. But, unfortunately, the web server hasn't Word installed (my ISP...). Is there any other way to do that?
I'm currently investigating about working with rtf documents, but the syntax is turning me crazy!!! Any idea/dll/other way to do that?

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Seach For Whole Word

Is there a way to get records containing a whole word? I've heard regular
expressions can do it, but I can't make one work in an ASP / MS Access SQL

sSQL="SELECT PageTitle FROM Pages WHERE PageTitle LIKE '%cat%' " etc

returns scatty, catatonic etc.

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Occurrence Of A Certain Word

I am maintaining quite a few asp applications. In one of those, I have to
change the response.redirect to a particular page. This application has more
than fifty asp pages. Instead of going through manually through each page to
find the response.redirect phrase, is there any tool that will find and
report all occurences of response.redirect (in the present scenario) among
all those fifty asp pages? If there is one I would like to know.

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