Consider the following simple function to get the contents of a remote URL:
Function GetURL(str_URL)
Set obj_XMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject ("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
obj_XMLHTTP.Open "GET", str_URL, False, "", ""
GetURL = obj_XMLHTTP.ResponseText
Set obj_XMLHTTP = Nothing
End Function
Is there anyway that I can use a remote proxy server to make the request?
I am trying to access a webservice to post some values via MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp The OS used is win2003 on both machines.
When I access the local machine (A) which has the same service the call works great. When I access the other machine (B) that is on the same subnet, I get a Status of 500. Code:
this code works with msxml4, but found out the server it ultimately will sit on only has ver 3 and they won't update. so, this code fails on the bold line and i can't figure out why.
Code: Set httpReq = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" ) Set myXmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument" ) httpReq.Open "post", webServiceUrl, False httpReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml" httpReq.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", "soapserver/soap:CreatePreview#CreateGraphics" httpReq.Send soapEnv 'fails here returnSoapEnv = httpReq.responseText
I have been using the following code to access a remote url, which works fine, but if the remote "geturl" does a redirect (as the page in this code does), I have know idea what the redirected url is. Page still displays, (including the html source code), but I cannot determine what the base href is (that is, I don't know the url of the page being displayed, since is is a redirected page).
I've used MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP in ASP to write a link checker. It checks a list of URLs stored in a db and flags any websites/webpages that are down. Since I am only interested in whether the page is up or not and not in the actual HTML, I use HEAD instead or GET.
Set getPage = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") getPage.Open "HEAD", URL, false where getPage is my object, URL is the URL to check and I can also do
which checks the URL using the username and password supplied. Everything works as expected but my problem lies in the fact that the password is in plaintext in the ASP page. It is not good security practice to have an ASP page contain a username/password combo in plaintext. This means that if someone had file access to the ASP page (intranet) then they could see the username/password pair which we want to try and avoid.
Does the HTTP standard only allow for username/passwords to be sent in plaintext?
I'm trying to integrate portions of a page on one domain into another domain. The goal is to use a rate calculator on the remote site to produce quotes on the main site. I have permission to do this. I'm using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP and it's working quite well except that I am unable to set a session cookie that seems to be required to generate a PDF on the remote site.
I've tried passing the session cookie thru MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP, but that doesn't work. I've tried setting a cookie using ASP but it seems that PDF generation on the remote site requires the session cookie from the remote domain. I've tried setting a cookie with the domain property set to the remote site but the cookie is never written. I think this is a security feature in the Http Session State.
Is it possible to set a session cookie in MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP with a remote host/domain? Can ASP be used to set a cookie with a domain other than the requesting domain? There seems to be a property to do this but I haven't been able to get it to work. Any other suggestions?
The following shows when I call it locally. If you look at the URL that has http://localhost, this is the one I use when I call the ASP page from the same local server (self contained).
When I want to call the remote server (the one that fails) I use the other URL has http://remote.
I hope this helps..
Because the webservice is the same on both machines and I'm calling both machines the same, what would cause the remote machine to return that the Request form not recognized?
That's better than internal server error. This is what came back, which is confusing because when its called locally it comes back fine. Am I missing something? ....
I work in a corporate environment where they have been restricting (preventing) more and more of what we can view on the internet.I think they restrict that through the proxy server... in Internet Explorer, in Internet Options under LAN Settings, we use an automatic configuration script.
Any way... to make a long story short and to be as truthful as possible, I still want to view my fantasy football web sites. My question is, is there a way I could code something to get around this? For example, I do have space on a server that runs ASP, so could I code something that would allow me to get around this?
I am making a web-based proxy server, and I need to make it so that it can download a webpage, and modify all of the links inside it (so that it can proxyfy all of the links, rather than the browser downloading the files from the original website).
So far the first bit is fine, but I still need to make my script modify all of the links inside the given HTML file. I know I can do it, but it wouldn’t be the most effective way of doing it. Does anyone have any suggestions on how they would search through an HTML script, and locate links?
So far what I am doing is searching for anything that one of these at the beginning of it: href= src= background=
And I am changing the text that comes afterwards (thus modifying the link). But for many reasons, this is a really bad way of doing it.
My computer is at intranet,I want to use following code to realizing function of sending mail.But this program only can send mail between intranet.If I send mail in internet,I need to through proxy server,the proxy method is HTTP(proxy,port:8080,username/password),I want to use this program to send from intranet to internet through proxy server.I want to know how to realize this function.My code is follows:
I need to display the contents of an external XML/RSS feed in an ASP page. I have found a couple of scripts that seem to do the trick at:
(URL address blocked: See forum rules) (URL address blocked: See forum rules)/ow.asp?ASP_Based_RSS_Reader
(any good alternatives will be much welcome)
However, my problem is that the ASP page is part of an Intranet site, so it can only access the Internet (in order to fetch the RSS) via a proxy server.
Can somebody tell me how can I modify the above scripts (or any other that does the same) so the IP/port/login/password parameters can be passed along with the feed URL?
We encountered a very strange problem. We host a web site: www.[our_site].com and a large number of our users belong to an organization group with central network control and they can only access our web site through two headquarter proxy servers: x.x.a.7 and x.x.b.8, which was set in security dept of the group headquarter. The web site was working fine till recently when those user accessing via x.x.a.7 all have problem suddently while those accessing via x.x.b.8 have no problem. The users accessing via x.x.a.7 are directed to wrong page, very slow response, hang on some page or encounter errors, etc. If they access the same site via another alias, like www2.[our_site].com which points to the same web server, they will not have any problem. They do not have problem to access any other web sites we tried, including our other web sites hosting in the same site, even the same server. If the users change their ie setting to use other public proxy server, they will have no problem to access our site. Strict security policy are applied to the user site, so we cannot ping, tracert or do any other network testing from user machine. Since user has no problem to access any other web site, the headquarter security department wont handle our case and simply think it is our problem.
any one know how can we bypass the proxy with asp code ? you may know that ther is some bypass proxy codes with Perl and PHP but I've never see any in asp . Example of Perl proxy bypass is and I want to write such proxy bypass cod with asp
Our website works correctly for 99.9% of customers, however we have one set of customers who access our website from what appears to be a proxy server of some kind. i.e. The IP address is always the same no matter where the location of the computer is.
My site is a framed site, and the specific problem is that a list of links in one frame will not load a page on another frame. I don't believe this is a browser compatibily problem. (I wont rule it out though). But there are no problems as far as I can tell on other peoples computers.
My question is....Is there anything special that needs to be done to make sure a site works through proxy servers, or is this likly to be some other problem such as an SSL problem (the whole site is under ssl), browser incompatibility problem, or just downright dodgy programing on my behalf?
We have this portal that accesses content from various places on the web. The portal is SSL secured, so any content that is outside the portal and nonsecure is going to cause an nonsecure error prompt in every page within the portal site.
So, we obviously want to get away from these annoying messages. To do it, we've considered a reverse proxy, and even a tool like WGET... but, WGET can't fetch a complex URL... and reverse proxys seem like they might be a serious pain to set up along side our tomcat server
I wasnt really sure where to put this thread so I have put it in both ASP and DNS forums - i hope this is ok. My problem feels incredibly complicated so Im hoping that someone on one of the forums might know a few things .
Im interested in getting remote data off of a URL using ASP. There is an article about it at the URL below: Code:
I have a proxy on the intranet, I try to send an xml to an external url, in classic asp, using WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1, but I get access denied from proxy for sending the xml and also The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. Code:
I use "Msxml2.XMLHTTP" in a asp page, to save changes of database in a html file. All worked well until I installed a new email server (ipswitch imail). Now this object don't work remotly, fire the error:
/////////////////////////////// msxml3.dll error '80072efd' A connection with the server could not be established //////////////////////////////
I check the page in a local session in the server and works well, but not in remote pc. What is happening?
I use MSXML2.XMLHTTP to receive some HHTP responces from remote server, unfortunatedly, it uses cookie-based auth., so I am unable to pass it, due to inability to store cookies. How can I retrieve cookies from the headers of HTTP response, and how can I add them to my request at the next step?
I need to use MSXML2.DOMDocument in my ASP page. The following is my code:
xml.asp: ===== <% dim sx sx="<root><a>text1</a><b>text2</b></root>" dim xd set xd=Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") xd.loadXML(sx) Response.write xd.hasChildNodes %>
Somehow, xd.hasChildNodes return False, i.e. there is nothing in the xd. I guess the error was caused by missing the path of the MSXML2 library file. It seems like the code doesn't know where the MSXML2.DOMDocument is. But the code didn't generate any error.
I am almost certain that I could use HTTP Post/Get to submit XML Web Service call (over SSL as well, if using Version 3 of MSXML2) from an ASP Application?
However, would I only be able to call web-service in a an asynchronous mode (with a callback function)? If so, how?
Uploading from browser to server using Msxml2.XMLHTTP takes a long time about 15 minutes for a 1.5MB file at 37.2Kbps, although it does get there. Is there anyway to speed things up?
Am using MSXML4.0 serverXMLHTTP for communicating with a remote server. Using POST method of serverXMLHTTP to post a xml string but after calling send method its give "HTTP 1.1 405 method not allowed" in response status text.
When strLocalComputer contains the local computer name, we get the requested page. But if we use the IP address of the local computer we get the error :
msxml4.dll (0x80072EE7) The server name or address could not be resolved.
We manage to run the URL with the IP address from a browser on the server but not from a browser on the local computer. Any ideas ?
I've two Win2000 Advanced Server (ServerA and ServerB) both part of an Active Directory. The Active Directory Server is named ServerC.
On ServerA I've published an asp page PageA.asp inside a virtual directory VirtuaA. On ServerB I've published an asp page PageB.asp inside a virtual directory VirtuaB.
Inside both server I've installed Microsoft XML Parser 4.0 sp2
Both virtual directories have setted Windows Integrated Authentication.
PageA.asp has to get PageB.asp using ServerXmlHttp object and to show its contents.
When I try to get PageA.asp from any client part of the same active directory I obtain an error: I'm not authorized to get PageB.asp.
I've tried to use every solution founded on previous posts:
- proxycfg -d -p " " "*" on ServerA
- flag "trust for delegation" on Active Directory Control Panel of ServerC
- ASP instruction .setProxy 2, " ", "*" inside PageA.asp
I've been experimenting with both ServerObjects' AspHTTP and Microsoft's ServerXMLHTTP to access IMail. They both work fine, except for one weird thing.
To log in to IMail via login.cgi, it takes ServerXMLHTTP about 30 seconds. It takes AspHTTP about 1 second. Accessing any other IMail page, the two are virtually identical. But the login page is unacceptably long for ServerXMLHTTP.
I have been reading these posts and I thought I may be able to use serverXMLhttp for my current problem.
My company requires all of their divisions to use the same template for intranet sites. They (corp IT) changes this template often. I can use serverXMLhttp to read the their site and dsplay everything. My problem is the .js and .css include files they use. How can I get this info into the correct format in my page and change their relative image links so that I can use their images.
I will have a few minor edits for links and one image change. I assume that can be done through Replace()