MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0 Error :: The System Cannot Locate The Resource Specified

I am running the following code and I get an error:

Set xmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
xmlHttp.Open "Get", URLToRSS, false
RSSXML = xmlHttp.ResponseText

The error is:

msxml3.dll error '800c0005'
The system cannot locate the resource specified.

It points to the "xmlHttp.Send" statement.

This code runs perfectly on my old ISP's server but not on my GoDaddy server.

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The System Cannot Locate

Hi iam using proxy in my system and when i tried to access the remote url thorugh xml object in asp iam getting the following error. the error is: the system cannot locate the resource specified. the same code is working when i remove the proxy.

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I use MSXML2.XMLHTTP to receive some HHTP responces from
remote server, unfortunatedly, it uses cookie-based auth.,
so I am unable to pass it, due to inability to store
cookies. How can I retrieve cookies from the headers of
HTTP response, and how can I add them to my request at the
next step?

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Msxml2.XMLHTTP Takes Too Long To Upload File

Uploading from browser to server using Msxml2.XMLHTTP takes a long time about 15 minutes for a 1.5MB file at 37.2Kbps, although it does get there. Is there anyway to speed things up?

Here's the code ...

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System Resource Exceeded...

Issue : "System Resource Exceeded..."

I always wonder why this error usually happens to my site. I never know what's the cause of this system error. Is it with the host or my pages itself? When this scenario occurs, this certain error is always returned... Code:

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System Resource Exceeded

Basically the problem relates to how ASP fundamentally works - even though you open a DB connection, it uses it only for the first SQL query. For subsequent queries on the same open connection then ASP spawns its own connection but doesn't properly release it, thus leading ultimately to server memory leaks which can only be resolved by rebooting the server.

It seems that the only way to prevent this happening is to use the following methodology in your ASP code.

For Each SQL Query
¤ Open DB connection
¤ Make recordset
¤ Use the data
¤ Close and kill the recordset
¤ Close and kill the connection

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System Resource Exceeded

I am receiving and error that says, System resource exceeded. I have done a bit of research on this and I have read that it is because the recordsets/connections are not closed properly. Now I must admit this might be the source of the problem, however, it was working on Friday when I left, and is not working this morning. Could it be because the server might of went down this weekend? Any suggestions as to what I can do to resolve this issue or to as why I am reveiving this?

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System Resource Exceeded.

one of our servers (win2k adv server, IIS5, MDAC 2.8, full patched), once a day in the afternoon starts giving this error on every site that uses asp:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

the memory used goes from 800Kb to 1,5Gb (1Gb of physical ram available), and even though the cpu used isn't 100% we need to reboot because everything dramatically slows down.

There are many sites hosted on this server and we never had this problem before... The culprit must be one of the new sites then. Is there a practical way to find out which site is the culprit?

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System Resource Exceeded

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'
System resource exceeded.
/webutils/include_webstats_weeklycount.asp, line 23

Anyone know what this means and how to fix it.

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System Resource Exceeded.

i m trying to coneect to a access database Using DSN , but when i try to connect i get an error

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

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Requested Resource In Use Error

I recently installed project server onto a new server (the server is
an all in one box that hosts the database (MSDE) and Sharepoint as well as
project server). When I attempt to load the project server web access
screen I get the error "The requested resource is in use." I've tried
researching this issue, but haven't been able to find any usable
information. At this point, I'm totally stuck. Has anyone else encountered
this problem?

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The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

I am getting an error message - The requested resource is in use on Windows
Server 2003.

I have tried check and uncheck the Cache ISAPI extensions. The web server can serve up HTML pages and images. The problem is with the ASP/ ASPX pages.

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I have a machine running W2K Server with the .NET Framework 1.1.

Yesterday, I was able to browse through my .NET web pages OK.

Then, I installed Visual Studio 6.0 and Visual Studio .NET 2003.

Now, when my .NET web pages attempt to perform an XMLHTTP.Send(), I get a status of 500 (i.e. "Server Error). Calling the XMLHTTP.statusText(), I get a response string of "Server Error".

I have checked my IE settings and they have not been changed.

Does anyone have a clue as to why XMLHTTP quit working after I did the installs yesterday

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XMLHTTP :: Invalid Class String Error

I am trying to utilise xmlhttp for my website. I have been told that it is on the server (don't have access to the actual server so far as installing components etc.).

But I keep getting an 'Invalid Class String' error.

Is there a way to list out the valid class strings or list the components on a server from a normal asp page (so I can see what is/isn't available).

What are the different alternatives to the line...

[VBS] Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")[/VBS]
that may be substituted depending on the version of it? Or is there another alternative to xmlhttp that will provide me with the source of a page on another server that may already be installed...?

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Cannot Locate Files In Web Directory

I have been given a asp legacy application, on each code file they have included some files which are located in the web directory they are,

<!-- #include virtual="/dss/includes/"-->
<!-- #include virtual="/dss/includes/classes/"-->
<!-- #include virtual="/dss/includes/classes/"-->

But i tried to find these files in the directory and couldn't locate them (tried searching them too, no result). My application runs perfectly fine,

Any idea how this thing works and where the files actually located.

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Locate Printer In Server

I try to use ASP call to call a batch file and print report to the server's printer. But error message displayed to point out that ASP cannot locate printer in Server.How to do?

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Could Not Locate The Security Tab To Add IUSR Account In A Xp Lapt

I have copied a web based application to a new laptop having windows xp professional. Now in one of the folders where the database is physically located, I want to give IUSR_Computermachine rights so that the applcation allows to update and insert records.

However, when I am right clicking to find the security tab, it is missing. OTher tabl like general, sharing, web sharing and customize are all there.

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System Error 127

just started a couple of days ago and the only thing I have done with this computer is I installed some software for the AT&T Web Meeting Service. After that when I try to access any of my web applications written with asp when they try to connect to a database threw odbc using this connect string:

Connect.Open Session("Link"), Session("UName"), Session("PWord")

I get this error message "Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 127 ".

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Error At Map Path System.Mappath()

Error at Map Path System.Mappath()

Please tell me a walk around for system.mappath("../database/data.mdb")

my files are already configured with this path

now windows 2003 server IIS6.0 is not allowing this.

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File System Object Error

i am looking into using the File System object on an intranet through ASP so as the user can move files from there local drive onto the server drive.

i have got the code working moving files from one local drive to another but a problem arrises when i transfer from a local drive to a mapped network drive (the server).

the errror is: Permission Denied

the mapped network drive has full read and write access.

any ideas as to why this is happening, or is there a better way?

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Error Of Connection In System Of Banner

I am having a problem with a system of banner, it walks presenting in all the pages this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x1b98 Thread 0x2444 DBC 0x8499024 Jet'.

/banner/include/admentordb.asp, line 42

They see what it exists written in line 42, where it accuses the error Code:

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Specified Driver Could Not Be Loaded Due To System Error 1114

what happened was that I have installed oracle in my window 2k server and when I try to get a ASP program to access some data on the oracle db this error keeps on bugging me... I have search the web in vain for solution n would be really grateful if any one can help me with this bug


Microsoft Ole DB provider for oDBC drivers (0x80004005)
Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 1114

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Adding E-mail System (for Web Based Tracking System)

I am currently developing a final year project which is a web based
tracking system tracking exam questions. I am using IIS as the
server, MS access for the database, and ASP with VBScript for the
scripting side of things.

One of the things I want to do would be to e-mail a user/moderator
whenever a exam question is edited/completed/updated. does anyone have
any previous expierence in this? i don't even know where to start.

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What Is The Asp Code Variable For System Date And System Time?

What is the asp code variable for System Date and System Time? Are they built-in system variables, or is there some code involved to return the values?

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I use "Msxml2.XMLHTTP" in a asp page, to save changes of database in a html
file. All worked well until I installed a new email server (ipswitch imail). Now this object don't work remotly, fire the error:

msxml3.dll error '80072efd'
A connection with the server could not be established

I check the page in a local session in the server and works well, but not in remote pc.
What is happening?

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How To Use MSXML2.DOMDocument In ASP?

I need to use MSXML2.DOMDocument in my ASP page. The following is my code:

dim sx
dim xd
set xd=Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
Response.write xd.hasChildNodes

Somehow, xd.hasChildNodes return False, i.e. there is nothing in the xd. I
guess the error was caused by missing the path of the MSXML2 library file. It seems
like the code doesn't know where the MSXML2.DOMDocument is. But the code didn't
generate any error.

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I am almost certain that I could use HTTP Post/Get to submit XML Web Service call (over SSL as well, if using Version 3 of MSXML2) from an ASP Application?

However, would I only be able to call web-service in a an asynchronous mode (with a callback function)? If so, how?

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this code works with msxml4, but found out the server it ultimately will sit on only has ver 3 and they won't update. so, this code fails on the bold line and i can't figure out why.

Set httpReq = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" )
Set myXmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument" )
httpReq.Open "post", webServiceUrl, False
httpReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
httpReq.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", "soapserver/soap:CreatePreview#CreateGraphics"
httpReq.Send soapEnv 'fails here
returnSoapEnv = httpReq.responseText

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XML In ASP Wtih Msxml2.DOMDocument

Anyone having trouble 'Load'ing xml files with 'Msxml2.DOMDocument' in ASP?
The Server is IIS 5.1 and client is PocketPC2002 (Pocket IE). Code:

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MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Not Giving Url

I have been using the following code to access a remote url, which works fine, but if the remote "geturl" does a redirect (as the page in this code does), I have know idea what the redirected url is. Page still displays, (including the html source code), but I cannot determine what the base href is (that is, I don't know the url of the page being displayed, since is is a redirected page).

geturl =""

dim objXML,displayText

Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", geturl, False

displayText = objXML.responSetext
<pre><%= Server.HTMLEncode(displayText) %></pre>

<%= displayText%>

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MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Question

I've used MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP in ASP to write a link checker. It checks a list of URLs stored in a db and flags any websites/webpages that are down. Since I am only interested in whether the page is up or not and not in the actual HTML, I use HEAD instead or GET.


Set getPage = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
getPage.Open "HEAD", URL, false
where getPage is my object, URL is the URL to check
and I can also do

Set getPage = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
getPage.Open "HEAD", URL, false , username , password

which checks the URL using the username and password supplied. Everything works as expected but my problem lies in the fact that the password is in plaintext in the ASP page. It is not good security practice to have an ASP page contain a username/password combo in plaintext. This means that if someone had file access to the ASP page (intranet) then they could see the username/password pair which we want to try
and avoid.

Does the HTTP standard only allow for username/passwords to be sent in plaintext?

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MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP And Sessions

I'm trying to integrate portions of a page on one domain into another domain. The goal is to use a rate calculator on the remote site to produce quotes on the main site. I have permission to do this. I'm using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP and it's working quite well except that I am unable to set a session cookie that seems to be required to generate a PDF on the remote site.

I've tried passing the session cookie thru MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP, but that doesn't work. I've tried setting a cookie using ASP but it seems that PDF generation on the remote site requires the session cookie from the remote domain. I've tried setting a cookie with the domain property set to the remote site but the cookie is never written. I think this is a security feature in the Http Session State.

Is it possible to set a session cookie in MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP with a remote host/domain? Can ASP be used to set a cookie with a domain other than the requesting domain? There seems to be a property to do this but I haven't been able to get it to work. Any other suggestions?

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Resource Files

Does classic ASP have some notion of resource files, similar to JSP,
for use in internationalization/localization?
It should also support variable substitution too.

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